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synced 2025-02-26 08:22:34 +00:00
753 lines
30 KiB
Protocol Buffer
753 lines
30 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto2";
package pywidevine_license_protocol;
// need this if we are using libprotobuf-cpp-2.3.0-lite
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "com.rlaphoenix.pywidevine.protos";
enum LicenseType {
// License type decision is left to provider.
enum PlatformVerificationStatus {
// The platform is not verified.
// Tampering detected on the platform.
// The platform has been verified by means of software.
// The platform has been verified by means of hardware (e.g. secure boot).
// Platform verification was not performed.
// Platform and secure storage capability have been verified by means of
// software.
// LicenseIdentification is propagated from LicenseRequest to License,
// incrementing version with each iteration.
message LicenseIdentification {
optional bytes request_id = 1;
optional bytes session_id = 2;
optional bytes purchase_id = 3;
optional LicenseType type = 4;
optional int32 version = 5;
optional bytes provider_session_token = 6;
message License {
message Policy {
// Indicates that playback of the content is allowed.
optional bool can_play = 1 [default = false];
// Indicates that the license may be persisted to non-volatile
// storage for offline use.
optional bool can_persist = 2 [default = false];
// Indicates that renewal of this license is allowed.
optional bool can_renew = 3 [default = false];
// For the |*duration*| fields, playback must halt when
// license_start_time (seconds since the epoch (UTC)) +
// license_duration_seconds is exceeded. A value of 0
// indicates that there is no limit to the duration.
// Indicates the rental window.
optional int64 rental_duration_seconds = 4 [default = 0];
// Indicates the viewing window, once playback has begun.
optional int64 playback_duration_seconds = 5 [default = 0];
// Indicates the time window for this specific license.
optional int64 license_duration_seconds = 6 [default = 0];
// The |renewal*| fields only apply if |can_renew| is true.
// The window of time, in which playback is allowed to continue while
// renewal is attempted, yet unsuccessful due to backend problems with
// the license server.
optional int64 renewal_recovery_duration_seconds = 7 [default = 0];
// All renewal requests for this license shall be directed to the
// specified URL.
optional string renewal_server_url = 8;
// How many seconds after license_start_time, before renewal is first
// attempted.
optional int64 renewal_delay_seconds = 9 [default = 0];
// Specifies the delay in seconds between subsequent license
// renewal requests, in case of failure.
optional int64 renewal_retry_interval_seconds = 10 [default = 0];
// Indicates that the license shall be sent for renewal when usage is
// started.
optional bool renew_with_usage = 11 [default = false];
// Indicates to client that license renewal and release requests ought to
// include ClientIdentification (client_id).
optional bool always_include_client_id = 12 [default = false];
// Duration of grace period before playback_duration_seconds (short window)
// goes into effect. Optional.
optional int64 play_start_grace_period_seconds = 13 [default = 0];
// Enables "soft enforcement" of playback_duration_seconds, letting the user
// finish playback even if short window expires. Optional.
optional bool soft_enforce_playback_duration = 14 [default = false];
// Enables "soft enforcement" of rental_duration_seconds. Initial playback
// must always start before rental duration expires. In order to allow
// subsequent playbacks to start after the rental duration expires,
// soft_enforce_playback_duration must be true. Otherwise, subsequent
// playbacks will not be allowed once rental duration expires. Optional.
optional bool soft_enforce_rental_duration = 15 [default = true];
message KeyContainer {
enum KeyType {
SIGNING = 1; // Exactly one key of this type must appear.
CONTENT = 2; // Content key.
KEY_CONTROL = 3; // Key control block for license renewals. No key.
OPERATOR_SESSION = 4; // wrapped keys for auxiliary crypto operations.
ENTITLEMENT = 5; // Entitlement keys.
OEM_CONTENT = 6; // Partner-specific content key.
// The SecurityLevel enumeration allows the server to communicate the level
// of robustness required by the client, in order to use the key.
enum SecurityLevel {
// Software-based whitebox crypto is required.
// Software crypto and an obfuscated decoder is required.
// The key material and crypto operations must be performed within a
// hardware backed trusted execution environment.
// The crypto and decoding of content must be performed within a hardware
// backed trusted execution environment.
// The crypto, decoding and all handling of the media (compressed and
// uncompressed) must be handled within a hardware backed trusted
// execution environment.
message KeyControl {
// |key_control| is documented in:
// Widevine Modular DRM Security Integration Guide for CENC
// If present, the key control must be communicated to the secure
// environment prior to any usage. This message is automatically generated
// by the Widevine License Server SDK.
optional bytes key_control_block = 1;
optional bytes iv = 2;
message OutputProtection {
// Indicates whether HDCP is required on digital outputs, and which
// version should be used.
enum HDCP {
HDCP_V1 = 1;
HDCP_V2 = 2;
HDCP_V2_1 = 3;
HDCP_V2_2 = 4;
HDCP_V2_3 = 5;
optional HDCP hdcp = 1 [default = HDCP_NONE];
// Indicate the CGMS setting to be inserted on analog output.
enum CGMS {
optional CGMS cgms_flags = 2 [default = CGMS_NONE];
enum HdcpSrmRule {
// In 'required_protection', this means most current SRM is required.
// Update the SRM on the device. If update cannot happen,
// do not allow the key.
// In 'requested_protection', this means most current SRM is requested.
// Update the SRM on the device. If update cannot happen,
// allow use of the key anyway.
optional HdcpSrmRule hdcp_srm_rule = 3 [default = HDCP_SRM_RULE_NONE];
// Optional requirement to indicate analog output is not allowed.
optional bool disable_analog_output = 4 [default = false];
// Optional requirement to indicate digital output is not allowed.
optional bool disable_digital_output = 5 [default = false];
message VideoResolutionConstraint {
// Minimum and maximum video resolutions in the range (height x width).
optional uint32 min_resolution_pixels = 1;
optional uint32 max_resolution_pixels = 2;
// Optional output protection requirements for this range. If not
// specified, the OutputProtection in the KeyContainer applies.
optional OutputProtection required_protection = 3;
message OperatorSessionKeyPermissions {
// Permissions/key usage flags for operator service keys
optional bool allow_encrypt = 1 [default = false];
optional bool allow_decrypt = 2 [default = false];
optional bool allow_sign = 3 [default = false];
optional bool allow_signature_verify = 4 [default = false];
optional bytes id = 1;
optional bytes iv = 2;
optional bytes key = 3;
optional KeyType type = 4;
optional SecurityLevel level = 5 [default = SW_SECURE_CRYPTO];
optional OutputProtection required_protection = 6;
// NOTE: Use of requested_protection is not recommended as it is only
// supported on a small number of platforms.
optional OutputProtection requested_protection = 7;
optional KeyControl key_control = 8;
optional OperatorSessionKeyPermissions operator_session_key_permissions = 9;
// Optional video resolution constraints. If the video resolution of the
// content being decrypted/decoded falls within one of the specified ranges,
// the optional required_protections may be applied. Otherwise an error will
// be reported.
// NOTE: Use of this feature is not recommended, as it is only supported on
// a small number of platforms.
repeated VideoResolutionConstraint video_resolution_constraints = 10;
// Optional flag to indicate the key must only be used if the client
// supports anti rollback of the user table. Content provider can query the
// client capabilities to determine if the client support this feature.
optional bool anti_rollback_usage_table = 11 [default = false];
// Optional not limited to commonly known track types such as SD, HD.
// It can be some provider defined label to identify the track.
optional string track_label = 12;
optional LicenseIdentification id = 1;
optional Policy policy = 2;
repeated KeyContainer key = 3;
// Time of the request in seconds (UTC) as set in
// LicenseRequest.request_time. If this time is not set in the request,
// the local time at the license service is used in this field.
optional int64 license_start_time = 4;
optional bool remote_attestation_verified = 5 [default = false];
// Client token generated by the content provider. Optional.
optional bytes provider_client_token = 6;
// 4cc code specifying the CENC protection scheme as defined in the CENC 3.0
// specification. Propagated from Widevine PSSH box. Optional.
optional uint32 protection_scheme = 7;
// 8 byte verification field "HDCPDATA" followed by unsigned 32 bit minimum
// HDCP SRM version (whether the version is for HDCP1 SRM or HDCP2 SRM
// depends on client max_hdcp_version).
// Additional details can be found in Widevine Modular DRM Security
// Integration Guide for CENC.
optional bytes srm_requirement = 8;
// If present this contains a signed SRM file (either HDCP1 SRM or HDCP2 SRM
// depending on client max_hdcp_version) that should be installed on the
// client device.
optional bytes srm_update = 9;
// Indicates the status of any type of platform verification performed by the
// server.
optional PlatformVerificationStatus platform_verification_status = 10
// IDs of the groups for which keys are delivered in this license, if any.
repeated bytes group_ids = 11;
enum ProtocolVersion {
VERSION_2_0 = 20;
VERSION_2_1 = 21;
VERSION_2_2 = 22;
message LicenseRequest {
message ContentIdentification {
message WidevinePsshData {
repeated bytes pssh_data = 1;
optional LicenseType license_type = 2;
optional bytes request_id = 3; // Opaque, client-specified.
message WebmKeyId {
optional bytes header = 1;
optional LicenseType license_type = 2;
optional bytes request_id = 3; // Opaque, client-specified.
message ExistingLicense {
optional LicenseIdentification license_id = 1;
optional int64 seconds_since_started = 2;
optional int64 seconds_since_last_played = 3;
optional bytes session_usage_table_entry = 4;
message InitData {
enum InitDataType {
CENC = 1;
WEBM = 2;
optional InitDataType init_data_type = 1 [default = CENC];
optional bytes init_data = 2;
optional LicenseType license_type = 3;
optional bytes request_id = 4;
oneof content_id_variant {
// Exactly one of these must be present.
WidevinePsshData widevine_pssh_data = 1;
WebmKeyId webm_key_id = 2;
ExistingLicense existing_license = 3;
InitData init_data = 4;
enum RequestType {
NEW = 1;
// The client_id provides information authenticating the calling device. It
// contains the Widevine keybox token that was installed on the device at the
// factory. This field or encrypted_client_id below is required for a valid
// license request, but both should never be present in the same request.
optional ClientIdentification client_id = 1;
optional ContentIdentification content_id = 2;
optional RequestType type = 3;
// Time of the request in seconds (UTC) as set by the client.
optional int64 request_time = 4;
// Old-style decimal-encoded string key control nonce.
optional bytes key_control_nonce_deprecated = 5;
optional ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 6 [default = VERSION_2_0];
// New-style uint32 key control nonce, please use instead of
// key_control_nonce_deprecated.
optional uint32 key_control_nonce = 7;
// Encrypted ClientIdentification message, used for privacy purposes.
optional EncryptedClientIdentification encrypted_client_id = 8;
message MetricData {
enum MetricType {
// The time spent in the 'stage', specified in microseconds.
// The UNIX epoch timestamp at which the 'stage' was first accessed in
// microseconds.
message TypeValue {
optional MetricType type = 1;
// The value associated with 'type'. For example if type == LATENCY, the
// value would be the time in microseconds spent in this 'stage'.
optional int64 value = 2 [default = 0];
// 'stage' that is currently processing the SignedMessage. Required.
optional string stage_name = 1;
// metric and associated value.
repeated TypeValue metric_data = 2;
message VersionInfo {
// License SDK version reported by the Widevine License SDK. This field
// is populated automatically by the SDK.
optional string license_sdk_version = 1;
// Version of the service hosting the license SDK. This field is optional.
// It may be provided by the hosting service.
optional string license_service_version = 2;
message SignedMessage {
enum MessageType {
enum SessionKeyType {
optional MessageType type = 1;
optional bytes msg = 2;
// Required field that contains the signature of the bytes of msg.
// For license requests, the signing algorithm is determined by the
// certificate contained in the request.
// For license responses, the signing algorithm is HMAC with signing key based
// on |session_key|.
optional bytes signature = 3;
// If populated, the contents of this field will be signaled by the
// |session_key_type| type. If the |session_key_type| is WRAPPED_AES_KEY the
// key is the bytes of an encrypted AES key. If the |session_key_type| is
// EPHERMERAL_ECC_PUBLIC_KEY the field contains the bytes of an RFC5208 ASN1
// serialized ECC public key.
optional bytes session_key = 4;
// Remote attestation data which will be present in the initial license
// request for ChromeOS client devices operating in verified mode. Remote
// attestation challenge data is |msg| field above. Optional.
optional bytes remote_attestation = 5;
repeated MetricData metric_data = 6;
// Version information from the SDK and license service. This information is
// provided in the license response.
optional VersionInfo service_version_info = 7;
// Optional field that contains the algorithm type used to generate the
// session_key and signature in a LICENSE message.
optional SessionKeyType session_key_type = 8 [default = WRAPPED_AES_KEY];
// The core message is the simple serialization of fields used by OEMCrypto.
// This field was introduced in OEMCrypto API v16.
optional bytes oemcrypto_core_message = 9;
enum HashAlgorithmProto {
// Unspecified hash algorithm: SHA_256 shall be used for ECC based algorithms
// and SHA_1 shall be used otherwise.
// ClientIdentification message used to authenticate the client device.
message ClientIdentification {
enum TokenType {
message NameValue {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
// Capabilities which not all clients may support. Used for the license
// exchange protocol only.
message ClientCapabilities {
enum HdcpVersion {
HDCP_V1 = 1;
HDCP_V2 = 2;
HDCP_V2_1 = 3;
HDCP_V2_2 = 4;
HDCP_V2_3 = 5;
enum CertificateKeyType {
RSA_2048 = 0;
RSA_3072 = 1;
ECC_SECP256R1 = 2;
ECC_SECP384R1 = 3;
ECC_SECP521R1 = 4;
enum AnalogOutputCapabilities {
optional bool client_token = 1 [default = false];
optional bool session_token = 2 [default = false];
optional bool video_resolution_constraints = 3 [default = false];
optional HdcpVersion max_hdcp_version = 4 [default = HDCP_NONE];
optional uint32 oem_crypto_api_version = 5;
// Client has hardware support for protecting the usage table, such as
// storing the generation number in secure memory. For Details, see:
// Widevine Modular DRM Security Integration Guide for CENC
optional bool anti_rollback_usage_table = 6 [default = false];
// The client shall report |srm_version| if available.
optional uint32 srm_version = 7;
// A device may have SRM data, and report a version, but may not be capable
// of updating SRM data.
optional bool can_update_srm = 8 [default = false];
repeated CertificateKeyType supported_certificate_key_type = 9;
optional AnalogOutputCapabilities analog_output_capabilities = 10
optional bool can_disable_analog_output = 11 [default = false];
// Clients can indicate a performance level supported by OEMCrypto.
// This will allow applications and providers to choose an appropriate
// quality of content to serve. Currently defined tiers are
// 1 (low), 2 (medium) and 3 (high). Any other value indicates that
// the resource rating is unavailable or reporting erroneous values
// for that device. For details see,
// Widevine Modular DRM Security Integration Guide for CENC
optional uint32 resource_rating_tier = 12 [default = 0];
message ClientCredentials {
optional TokenType type = 1 [default = KEYBOX];
optional bytes token = 2;
// Type of factory-provisioned device root of trust. Optional.
optional TokenType type = 1 [default = KEYBOX];
// Factory-provisioned device root of trust. Required.
optional bytes token = 2;
// Optional client information name/value pairs.
repeated NameValue client_info = 3;
// Client token generated by the content provider. Optional.
optional bytes provider_client_token = 4;
// Number of licenses received by the client to which the token above belongs.
// Only present if client_token is specified.
optional uint32 license_counter = 5;
// List of non-baseline client capabilities.
optional ClientCapabilities client_capabilities = 6;
// Serialized VmpData message. Optional.
optional bytes vmp_data = 7;
// Optional field that may contain additional provisioning credentials.
repeated ClientCredentials device_credentials = 8;
// EncryptedClientIdentification message used to hold ClientIdentification
// messages encrypted for privacy purposes.
message EncryptedClientIdentification {
// Provider ID for which the ClientIdentifcation is encrypted (owner of
// service certificate).
optional string provider_id = 1;
// Serial number for the service certificate for which ClientIdentification is
// encrypted.
optional bytes service_certificate_serial_number = 2;
// Serialized ClientIdentification message, encrypted with the privacy key
// using AES-128-CBC with PKCS#5 padding.
optional bytes encrypted_client_id = 3;
// Initialization vector needed to decrypt encrypted_client_id.
optional bytes encrypted_client_id_iv = 4;
// AES-128 privacy key, encrypted with the service public key using RSA-OAEP.
optional bytes encrypted_privacy_key = 5;
// DRM certificate definition for user devices, intermediate, service, and root
// certificates.
message DrmCertificate {
enum Type {
ROOT = 0; // ProtoBestPractices: ignore.
enum ServiceType {
enum Algorithm {
RSA = 1;
ECC_SECP256R1 = 2;
ECC_SECP384R1 = 3;
ECC_SECP521R1 = 4;
message EncryptionKey {
// Device public key. PKCS#1 ASN.1 DER-encoded. Required.
optional bytes public_key = 1;
// Required. The algorithm field contains the curve used to create the
// |public_key| if algorithm is one of the ECC types.
// The |algorithm| is used for both to determine the if the certificate is
// ECC or RSA. The |algorithm| also specifies the parameters that were used
// to create |public_key| and are used to create an ephemeral session key.
optional Algorithm algorithm = 2 [default = RSA];
// Type of certificate. Required.
optional Type type = 1;
// 128-bit globally unique serial number of certificate.
// Value is 0 for root certificate. Required.
optional bytes serial_number = 2;
// POSIX time, in seconds, when the certificate was created. Required.
optional uint32 creation_time_seconds = 3;
// POSIX time, in seconds, when the certificate should expire. Value of zero
// denotes indefinite expiry time. For more information on limited lifespan
// DRM certificates see (go/limited-lifespan-drm-certificates).
optional uint32 expiration_time_seconds = 12;
// Device public key. PKCS#1 ASN.1 DER-encoded. Required.
optional bytes public_key = 4;
// Widevine system ID for the device. Required for intermediate and
// user device certificates.
optional uint32 system_id = 5;
// Deprecated field, which used to indicate whether the device was a test
// (non-production) device. The test_device field in ProvisionedDeviceInfo
// below should be observed instead.
optional bool test_device_deprecated = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Service identifier (web origin) for the provider which owns the
// certificate. Required for service and provisioner certificates.
optional string provider_id = 7;
// This field is used only when type = SERVICE to specify which SDK uses
// service certificate. This repeated field is treated as a set. A certificate
// may be used for the specified service SDK if the appropriate ServiceType
// is specified in this field.
repeated ServiceType service_types = 8;
// Required. The algorithm field contains the curve used to create the
// |public_key| if algorithm is one of the ECC types.
// The |algorithm| is used for both to determine the if the certificate is ECC
// or RSA. The |algorithm| also specifies the parameters that were used to
// create |public_key| and are used to create an ephemeral session key.
optional Algorithm algorithm = 9 [default = RSA];
// Optional. May be present in DEVICE certificate types. This is the root
// of trust identifier that holds an encrypted value that identifies the
// keybox or other root of trust that was used to provision a DEVICE drm
// certificate.
optional bytes rot_id = 10;
// Optional. May be present in devices that explicitly support dual keys. When
// present the |public_key| is used for verification of received license
// request messages.
optional EncryptionKey encryption_key = 11;
// DrmCertificate signed by a higher (CA) DRM certificate.
message SignedDrmCertificate {
// Serialized certificate. Required.
optional bytes drm_certificate = 1;
// Signature of certificate. Signed with root or intermediate
// certificate specified below. Required.
optional bytes signature = 2;
// SignedDrmCertificate used to sign this certificate.
optional SignedDrmCertificate signer = 3;
// Optional field that indicates the hash algorithm used in signature scheme.
optional HashAlgorithmProto hash_algorithm = 4;
message WidevinePsshData {
enum Type {
SINGLE = 0; // Single PSSH to be used to retrieve content keys.
ENTITLEMENT = 1; // Primary PSSH used to retrieve entitlement keys.
ENTITLED_KEY = 2; // Secondary PSSH containing entitled key(s).
message EntitledKey {
// ID of entitlement key used for wrapping |key|.
optional bytes entitlement_key_id = 1;
// ID of the entitled key.
optional bytes key_id = 2;
// Wrapped key. Required.
optional bytes key = 3;
// IV used for wrapping |key|. Required.
optional bytes iv = 4;
// Size of entitlement key used for wrapping |key|.
optional uint32 entitlement_key_size_bytes = 5 [default = 32];
// Entitlement or content key IDs. Can onnly present in SINGLE or ENTITLEMENT
// PSSHs. May be repeated to facilitate delivery of multiple keys in a
// single license. Cannot be used in conjunction with content_id or
// group_ids, which are the preferred mechanism.
repeated bytes key_ids = 2;
// Content identifier which may map to multiple entitlement or content key
// IDs to facilitate the delivery of multiple keys in a single license.
// Cannot be present in conjunction with key_ids, but if used must be in all
// PSSHs.
optional bytes content_id = 4;
// Crypto period index, for media using key rotation. Always corresponds to
// The content key period. This means that if using entitlement licensing
// the ENTITLED_KEY PSSHs will have sequential crypto_period_index's, whereas
// the ENTITELEMENT PSSHs will have gaps in the sequence. Required if doing
// key rotation.
optional uint32 crypto_period_index = 7;
// Protection scheme identifying the encryption algorithm. The protection
// scheme is represented as a uint32 value. The uint32 contains 4 bytes each
// representing a single ascii character in one of the 4CC protection scheme
// values. To be deprecated in favor of signaling from content.
// 'cenc' (AES-CTR) protection_scheme = 0x63656E63,
// 'cbc1' (AES-CBC) protection_scheme = 0x63626331,
// 'cens' (AES-CTR pattern encryption) protection_scheme = 0x63656E73,
// 'cbcs' (AES-CBC pattern encryption) protection_scheme = 0x63626373.
optional uint32 protection_scheme = 9;
// Optional. For media using key rotation, this represents the duration
// of each crypto period in seconds.
optional uint32 crypto_period_seconds = 10;
// Type of PSSH. Required if not SINGLE.
optional Type type = 11 [default = SINGLE];
// Key sequence for Widevine-managed keys. Optional.
optional uint32 key_sequence = 12;
// Group identifiers for all groups to which the content belongs. This can
// be used to deliver licenses to unlock multiple titles / channels.
// Optional, and may only be present in ENTITLEMENT and ENTITLED_KEY PSSHs, and
// not in conjunction with key_ids.
repeated bytes group_ids = 13;
// Copy/copies of the content key used to decrypt the media stream in which
// the PSSH box is embedded, each wrapped with a different entitlement key.
// May also contain sub-licenses to support devices with OEMCrypto 13 or
// older. May be repeated if using group entitlement keys. Present only in
// PSSHs of type ENTITLED_KEY.
repeated EntitledKey entitled_keys = 14;
// Video feature identifier, which is used in conjunction with |content_id|
// to determine the set of keys to be returned in the license. Cannot be
// present in conjunction with |key_ids|.
// Current values are "HDR".
optional string video_feature = 15;
//////////////////////////// Deprecated Fields ////////////////////////////
enum Algorithm {
optional Algorithm algorithm = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Content provider name.
optional string provider = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Track type. Acceptable values are SD, HD and AUDIO. Used to
// differentiate content keys used by an asset.
optional string track_type = 5 [deprecated = true];
// The name of a registered policy to be used for this asset.
optional string policy = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Optional protected context for group content. The grouped_license is a
// serialized SignedMessage.
optional bytes grouped_license = 8 [deprecated = true];
// File Hashes for Verified Media Path (VMP) support.
message FileHashes {
message Signature {
optional string filename = 1;
optional bool test_signing = 2; //0 - release, 1 - testing
optional bytes SHA512Hash = 3;
optional bool main_exe = 4; //0 for dlls, 1 for exe, this is field 3 in file
optional bytes signature = 5;
optional bytes signer = 1;
repeated Signature signatures = 2;