Enable libssh2 and sftp

Closes GH-468
This commit is contained in:
Nils Maier 2016-03-03 05:26:29 +01:00
parent 7d88ef6606
commit c1dbd9f6a5

View File

@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ export CXX
# Set up compiler/linker flags.
CFLAGS ?= -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 $(OPTFLAGS)
CFLAGS ?= -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 $(OPTFLAGS)
export CFLAGS
CXXFLAGS ?= -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 $(OPTFLAGS)
CXXFLAGS ?= -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 $(OPTFLAGS)
LDFLAGS ?= -Wl,-dead_strip
export LDFLAGS
@ -135,13 +135,31 @@ gmp_url = https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-$(gmp_version).tar.bz2
gmp_confflags = --disable-cxx --enable-assembly --with-pic
gmp_confflags_x86_64 = --enable-fat
libgpgerror_version = 1.21
libgpgerror_hash = ef1dfb2f8761f019091180596e9e638d8cc37513
libgpgerror_url = https://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/libgpg-error/libgpg-error-$(libgpgerror_version).tar.bz2
libgpgerror_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libgpgerror_confflags = --with-pic --disable-languages --disable-doc --disable-nls
libgcrypt_version = 1.6.5
libgcrypt_hash = c3a5a13e717f7b3e3895650afc1b6e0d3fe9c726
libgcrypt_url = https://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/libgcrypt/libgcrypt-$(libgcrypt_version).tar.bz2
libssh2_version = 1.7.0
libssh2_hash = 02fef9bdafce3da466b36581a4ff53d519637aca
libssh2_url = https://www.libssh2.org/download/libssh2-$(libssh2_version).tar.gz
libssh2_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libssh2_confflags = --with-pic
cppunit_version = 1.12.1
cppunit_hash = f1ab8986af7a1ffa6760f4bacf5622924639bf4a
cppunit_url = http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppunit/files/cppunit/$(cppunit_version)/cppunit-$(cppunit_version).tar.gz
# ARCHLIBS that can be template build
ARCHLIBS = expat cares sqlite gmp cppunit
ARCHLIBS = expat cares sqlite gmp libgpgerror libgcrypt libssh2 cppunit
# NONARCHLIBS that cannot be template build
@ -167,11 +185,12 @@ ARIA2_CONFFLAGS = \
--with-libz \
--with-libexpat \
--with-libcares \
--with-libgcrypt \
--with-libssh2 \
--without-libuv \
--without-gnutls \
--without-openssl \
--without-libnettle \
--without-libgcrypt \
--without-libxml2 \
ARIA2_DOCDIR = $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/share/doc/aria2
@ -263,10 +282,16 @@ deps::
.PRECIOUS: cares.stamp
cares.stamp: cares.tar.gz cares.check
tar xzf $<
tar xf $<
mv c-ares-$($(basename $@)_version) $(basename $@)
touch $@
.PRECIOUS: libgpgerror.stamp
libgpgerror.stamp: libgpgerror.tar.gz libgpgerror.check
tar xf $<
mv libgpg-error-$($(basename $@)_version) $(basename $@)
touch $@
# Using (NON)ARCH_template kinda stinks, but real multi-target pattern rules
# only exist in feverish dreams.
define NONARCH_template
@ -302,14 +327,14 @@ $(1).%.build: $(1).stamp
$$(eval ARCH := $$(subst .,,$$(suffix $$(DEST))))
mkdir -p $$(DEST)
( cd $$(DEST) && ../$(1)/configure \
--host=$$(ARCH)-apple-darwin11.4.2 \
--build=$$(ARCH)-apple-darwin11.4.2 \
--enable-static --disable-shared \
--prefix=$$(PWD)/$$(ARCH) \
--with-gpg-error-prefix=$$(PWD)/$$(ARCH) \
$$($(1)_confflags) $$($(1)_confflags_$$(ARCH)) \
CFLAGS="$$(CFLAGS) $$($(1)_cflags) -arch $$(ARCH)" \
CXXFLAGS="$$(CXXFLAGS) $$($(1)_cxxflags) -arch $$(ARCH) -std=c++11" \
LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_ldflags)" \
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(PWD)/$$(ARCH)lib/pkgconfig \
$$(MAKE) -C $$(DEST) -sj$(CPUS)
$$(MAKE) -C $$(DEST) -sj$(CPUS) check
@ -328,7 +353,7 @@ endef
$(foreach lib,$(ARCHLIBS),$(eval $(call ARCH_template,$(lib))))
.PRECIOUS: aria2.%.build
aria2.%.build: zlib.%.build expat.%.build gmp.%.build cares.%.build sqlite.%.build cppunit.%.build
aria2.%.build: zlib.%.build expat.%.build gmp.%.build cares.%.build sqlite.%.build libgpgerror.%.build libgcrypt.%.build libssh2.%.build cppunit.%.build
$(eval DEST := $$(basename $$@))
$(eval ARCH := $$(subst .,,$$(suffix $$(DEST))))
mkdir -p $(DEST)