mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 08:22:11 +00:00
To add Metalink support(http/ftp only): * src/AbstractCommand.h (tryReserved): New function. * src/AbstractCommand.cc (execute): Call tryReserved(). (tryReserved): New function. * src/Request.h (Requests): New type definition. * src/SegmentMan.h (reserved): New variable. * src/Util.h (fileChecksum): New function. (toUpper): New function. (toLower): New function. * src/Util.cc (messageDigest.h): Included. (trim): Trim \r\n\t. (fileChecksum): New function. (toUpper): New function. (toLower): New function. * src/main.cc (normalDownload): New function. (main): Added 2 command-line options: metalink-file, metalink-connection. Their usage has not been written yet. * src/MetalinkProcessor.h: New class. * src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.h: New class. * src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.cc: New class. * src/MetalinkEntry.h: New class. * src/MetalinkEntry.cc: New class. * src/MetalinkResource.h: New class. * src/MetalinkResource.cc: New class. To add md5 message digest checking: * src/messageDigest.h: Rewritten. * src/MultiDiskWriter.cc: Updated according to the changes in messageDigest.h. * src/ShaVisitor.cc: Updated according to the changes in messageDigest.h. * src/Util.cc: Updated according to the changes in messageDigest.h. * src/AbstractDiskWriter.cc: Updated according to the changes in messageDigest.h. To fix a bug that causes segfault when the payload length in peer message is less than 0: * src/PeerConnection.cc: (receiveMessage): Fixed the bug. * src/PeerMessageUtil.cc (checkLength): Throw an exception if length is less than or equals to 0. To add new interfaces to Base64 encoding/decoding: * src/Base64.h (part_encode): Changed the method signature. (encode): New function(overload). (decode): New function(overload). * src/Base64.cc (part_encode): Rewritten. (encode): Rewritten. (encode): New function(overload). To prevent a peer to download same piece if there is an error in checksum: * src/PieceMessage.cc (receivedAction): Call peerInteraction->abortPiece().
251 lines
7.1 KiB
251 lines
7.1 KiB
#include "Util.h"
#include <string>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
using namespace std;
class UtilTest:public CppUnit::TestFixture {
// may be moved to other helper class in the future.
void setUp() {
void testTrim();
void testSplit();
void testSlice();
void testEndsWith();
void testReplace();
void testStartsWith();
void testComputeFastSet();
// may be moved to other helper class in the future.
void testGetContentDispositionFilename();
void testRandomAlpha();
void testFileChecksum();
void testToUpper();
void testToLower();
void UtilTest::testTrim() {
string str1 = "aria2";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str1, Util::trim("aria2"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str1, Util::trim(" aria2"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str1, Util::trim(" aria2 "));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str1, Util::trim(" aria2 "));
string str2 = "aria2 debut";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str2, Util::trim("aria2 debut"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str2, Util::trim(" aria2 debut "));
string str3 = "";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str3, Util::trim(""));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str3, Util::trim(" "));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str3, Util::trim(" "));
string str4 = "A";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str4, Util::trim("A"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str4, Util::trim(" A "));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(str4, Util::trim(" A "));
void UtilTest::testSplit() {
pair<string, string> p1;
Util::split(p1, "name=value", '=');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name"), p1.first);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("value"), p1.second);
Util::split(p1, " name = value ", '=');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name"), p1.first);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("value"), p1.second);
Util::split(p1, "=value", '=');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), p1.first);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("value"), p1.second);
Util::split(p1, "name=", '=');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name"), p1.first);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), p1.second);
Util::split(p1, "name", '=');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name"), p1.first);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), p1.second);
void UtilTest::testSlice() {
Strings v1;
Util::slice(v1, "name1=value1; name2=value2; name3=value3;", ';');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, (int)v1.size());
Util::slice(v1, "name1=value1; name2=value2; name3=value3", ';');
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, (int)v1.size());
Strings::iterator itr = v1.begin();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name1=value1"), *itr++);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name2=value2"), *itr++);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("name3=value3"), *itr++);
void UtilTest::testEndsWith() {
string target = "abcdefg";
string part = "fg";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "abdefg";
part = "g";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "abdefg";
part = "eg";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "g";
part = "eg";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "g";
part = "g";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "g";
part = "";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "";
part = "";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::endsWith(target, part));
target = "";
part = "g";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Util::endsWith(target, part));
void UtilTest::testReplace() {
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("abc\n"), Util::replace("abc\r\n", "\r", ""));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("abc"), Util::replace("abc\r\n", "\r\n", ""));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), Util::replace("", "\r\n", ""));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("abc"), Util::replace("abc", "", "a"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("xbc"), Util::replace("abc", "a", "x"));
void UtilTest::testStartsWith() {
string target;
string part;
target = "abcdefg";
part = "abc";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::startsWith(target, part));
target = "abcdefg";
part = "abx";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Util::startsWith(target, part));
target = "abcdefg";
part = "bcd";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Util::startsWith(target, part));
target = "";
part = "a";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Util::startsWith(target, part));
target = "";
part = "";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::startsWith(target, part));
target = "a";
part = "";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::startsWith(target, part));
target = "a";
part = "a";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Util::startsWith(target, part));
void UtilTest::testGetContentDispositionFilename() {
string h1 = "attachment; filename=\"aria2.tar.bz2\"";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("aria2.tar.bz2"), Util::getContentDispositionFilename(h1));
string h2 = "attachment; filename=\"\"";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), Util::getContentDispositionFilename(h2));
string h3 = "attachment; filename=\"";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), Util::getContentDispositionFilename(h3));
string h4 = "attachment;";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), Util::getContentDispositionFilename(h4));
class Printer {
template<class T>
void operator()(T t) {
cerr << t << ", ";
void UtilTest::testComputeFastSet() {
string ipaddr = "";
unsigned char infoHash[20];
memset(infoHash, 0, sizeof(infoHash));
infoHash[0] = 0xff;
int pieces = 1000;
int fastSetSize = 10;
Integers fastSet = Util::computeFastSet(ipaddr, infoHash, pieces, fastSetSize);
//for_each(fastSet.begin(), fastSet.end(), Printer());
//cerr << endl;
int ans1[] = { 686, 459, 278, 200, 404, 834, 64, 203, 760, 950 };
Integers ansSet1(&ans1[0], &ans1[10]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(equal(fastSet.begin(), fastSet.end(), ansSet1.begin()));
ipaddr = "";
fastSet = Util::computeFastSet(ipaddr, infoHash, pieces, fastSetSize);
int ans2[] = { 568, 188, 466, 452, 550, 662, 109, 226, 398, 11 };
Integers ansSet2(&ans2[0], &ans2[10]);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(equal(fastSet.begin(), fastSet.end(), ansSet2.begin()));
void UtilTest::testRandomAlpha() {
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("rUopvKRn"), Util::randomAlpha(8));
void UtilTest::testFileChecksum() {
unsigned char buf[20];
string filename = "4096chunk.txt";
Util::fileChecksum(filename, buf, MessageDigestContext::ALGO_SHA1);
string sha1 = Util::toHex(buf, 20);
Util::fileChecksum(filename, buf, MessageDigestContext::ALGO_MD5);
string md5 = Util::toHex(buf, 16);
void UtilTest::testToUpper() {
string src = "608cabc0f2fa18c260cafd974516865c772363d5";
string upp = "608CABC0F2FA18C260CAFD974516865C772363D5";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(upp, Util::toUpper(src));
void UtilTest::testToLower() {
string src = "608CABC0F2FA18C260CAFD974516865C772363D5";
string upp = "608cabc0f2fa18c260cafd974516865c772363d5";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(upp, Util::toLower(src));