Subtitles which are burned into the video (or hard subbed) can be extracted using the -hardsubx flag.
The system works by processing video frames and extracting only the subtitles from them, followed
by an OCR recognition using Tesseract.

Tesseract (OCR library by Google)
Leptonica (C Image processing library)
FFMpeg (Video Processing Library)



Make sure Tesseract, Leptonica and FFMPeg are installed, and that their libraries can be found using pkg-config.
Refer to OCR.txt for installation details.

To install FFmpeg (libav), follow the steps at:-
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu - For Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Generic - For generic Linux compilation

To validate your FFMpeg installation, make sure you can run the following commands on your terminal:-
pkg-config --cflags libavcodec
pkg-config --cflags libavformat
pkg-config --cflags libavutil
pkg-config --cflags libswscale
pkg-config --libs libavcodec
pkg-config --libs libavformat
pkg-config --libs libavutil
pkg-config --libs libswscale

On success, you should see the correct include directory path and the linker flags.

To build the program with hardsubx support, from the linux directory run:-


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