Also match "mkvmerge v4.4.0" in the version parser

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Bunkus 2010-12-23 21:07:09 +01:00
parent fb2e9a8c27
commit 628f4dc125

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@ -48,17 +48,20 @@ version_number_t::version_number_t(const std::string &s)
// 4.4.0
// build 123
// 4.4.0-build20101201-123
// mkvmerge v4.4.0
// * Optional prefix "mkvmerge v"
// * At least three digits separated by dots
// * Optional fourth digit separated by a dot
// * Optional build number that can have two forms:
// - " build nnn"
// - "-buildYYYYMMDD-nnn" (date is ignored)
static boost::regex s_version_number_re("^(\\d+) \\. (\\d+) \\. (\\d+)" // Three digitss separated by dots; $1 - $3
"(?: \\. (\\d+) )?" // Optional fourth digit separated by a dot; $4
"(?:" // Optional build number including its prefix
" (?: \\s* build \\s*" // Build number prefix: either " build " or...
" | - build \\d{8} - )" // ... "-buildYYYYMMDD-"
" (\\d+)" // The build number itself; $5
static boost::regex s_version_number_re("^ (?: mkv[a-z]+ \\s+ v)?" // Optional prefix mkv... v
"(\\d+) \\. (\\d+) \\. (\\d+)" // Three digitss separated by dots; $1 - $3
"(?: \\. (\\d+) )?" // Optional fourth digit separated by a dot; $4
"(?:" // Optional build number including its prefix
" (?: \\s* build \\s*" // Build number prefix: either " build " or...
" | - build \\d{8} - )" // ... "-buildYYYYMMDD-"
" (\\d+)" // The build number itself; $5
boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::mod_x);
@ -72,6 +75,9 @@ version_number_t::version_number_t(const std::string &s)
parse_uint(matches[idx].str(), parts[idx - 1]);
valid = true;
if (debugging_requested("version_check"))
mxinfo(boost::format("version check: parse OK; result: %1%\n") % to_string());
version_number_t::version_number_t(const version_number_t &v) {