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synced 2025-02-26 08:22:31 +00:00
Use Boost based regular expressions for the simple chapter parser and extended it to handle more than 100 chapters. Fix for bug 320.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
2008-12-17 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: The parser for the simple chapter
format (CHAPTERxx=...) can now handle more than 100 chapters. Fix
for bug 320.
* mmg: bug fix: The commands "Save command line" and "Create
option file" did not save mmg's current state but the state it was
in when the command "Show command line" was last used or when mmg
@ -449,7 +449,8 @@ mkvmerge_LDADD = -lmtxinput -lmtxoutput \
mkvinfo_SOURCES = src/info/mkvinfo.cpp src/info/console_ui.cpp
mkvinfo_LDADD = -lmtxcommon $(MAGIC_LIBS) -lmatroska -lebml
mkvinfo_LDADD = -lmtxcommon $(MAGIC_LIBS) -lmatroska -lebml \
ifeq (yes,$(USE_QT))
mkvinfo_SOURCES += src/info/qt_ui.cpp src/info/qt_ui.moc.cpp \
@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ mmg_OBJECTS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(mmg_SOURCES)) \
mmg_LDADD = -lmtxcommon $(MAGIC_LIBS) -lmatroska -lebml -lexpat $(ICONV_LIBS) \
mkvmerge: src/mkvmerge@EXEEXT@
@ -13,11 +13,14 @@
\author Written by Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>.
#include "os.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <matroska/KaxChapters.h>
@ -33,36 +36,9 @@ string default_chapter_language;
/** The default country for all chapter entries that don't have their own. */
string default_chapter_country;
/** Is the current char an equal sign? */
#define isequal(s) (*(s) == '=')
/** Is the current char a colon, comman or a dot? */
#define isseparator(s) ((':' == *(s)) || (',' == *(s)) || ('.' == *(s)))
/** Do we have two consecutive digits? */
#define istwodigits(s) (isdigit(*(s)) && isdigit(*(s + 1)))
/** Do we have three consecutive digits? */
#define isthreedigits(s) (istwodigits(s) && isdigit(*(s + 2)))
/** Does \c s point to the string "CHAPTER"? */
#define ischapter(s) (!strncmp("CHAPTER", (s), 7))
/** Does \c s point to the string "NAME"? */
#define isname(s) (!strncmp("NAME", (s), 4))
/** Does \c s point to a valid OGM style chapter timecode entry? */
#define ischapterline(s) ((strlen(s) == 22) && \
ischapter(s) && \
istwodigits(s + 7) && \
isequal(s + 9) && \
istwodigits(s + 10) && \
isseparator(s + 12) && \
istwodigits(s + 13) && \
isseparator(s + 15) && \
istwodigits(s + 16) && \
isseparator(s + 18) && \
isthreedigits(s + 19))
/** Does \c s point to a valid OGM style chapter name entry? */
#define ischapternameline(s) ((strlen(s) >= 14) && \
ischapter(s) && \
istwodigits(s + 7) && \
isname(s + 9) && \
isequal(s + 13))
#define SIMCHAP_RE_TIMECODE_LINE "^\\s*CHAPTER\\d+\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)\\s*[\\.,]\\s*(\\d+)"
#define SIMCHAP_RE_TIMECODE "^\\s*CHAPTER\\d+\\s*=(.*)"
#define SIMCHAP_RE_NAME_LINE "^\\s*CHAPTER\\d+NAME\\s*=(.*)"
/** \brief Throw a special chapter parser exception.
@ -93,6 +69,10 @@ chapter_error(const boost::format &format) {
probe_simple_chapters(mm_text_io_c *in) {
boost::regex timecode_line_re(SIMCHAP_RE_TIMECODE_LINE, boost::regex::perl);
boost::regex name_line_re( SIMCHAP_RE_NAME_LINE, boost::regex::perl);
boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> matches;
string line;
assert(in != NULL);
@ -100,21 +80,18 @@ probe_simple_chapters(mm_text_io_c *in) {
while (in->getline2(line)) {
if (line.length() == 0)
if (line.empty())
if (!ischapterline(line.c_str()))
if (!boost::regex_search(line, timecode_line_re))
return false;
while (in->getline2(line)) {
if (line.length() == 0)
if (line.empty())
if (!ischapternameline(line.c_str()))
return false;
return true;
return boost::regex_search(line, name_line_re);
return false;
@ -206,6 +183,11 @@ parse_simple_chapters(mm_text_io_c *in,
} else
use_language = language;
boost::regex timecode_line_re(SIMCHAP_RE_TIMECODE_LINE, boost::regex::perl);
boost::regex timecode_re( SIMCHAP_RE_TIMECODE, boost::regex::perl);
boost::regex name_line_re( SIMCHAP_RE_NAME_LINE, boost::regex::perl);
boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> matches;
try {
while (in->getline2(line)) {
@ -213,12 +195,12 @@ parse_simple_chapters(mm_text_io_c *in,
if (mode == 0) {
if (!ischapterline(line.c_str()))
if (!boost::regex_match(line, matches, timecode_line_re))
chapter_error(boost::format(Y("'%1%' is not a CHAPTERxx=... line.")) % line);
parse_int(line.substr(10, 2), hour);
parse_int(line.substr(13, 2), minute);
parse_int(line.substr(16, 2), second);
parse_int(line.substr(19, 3), msecs);
parse_int(matches[1].str(), hour);
parse_int(matches[2].str(), minute);
parse_int(matches[3].str(), second);
parse_int(matches[4].str(), msecs);
if (minute > 59)
chapter_error(boost::format(Y("Invalid minute: %1%")) % minute);
if (second > 59)
@ -226,13 +208,16 @@ parse_simple_chapters(mm_text_io_c *in,
start = msecs + second * 1000 + minute * 1000 * 60 +
hour * 1000 * 60 * 60;
mode = 1;
s_timecode = line.substr(10);
if (!boost::regex_match(line, matches, timecode_re))
chapter_error(boost::format(Y("'%1%' is not a CHAPTERxx=... line.")) % line);
s_timecode = matches[1].str();
} else {
if (!ischapternameline(line.c_str()))
if (!boost::regex_match(line, matches, name_line_re))
chapter_error(boost::format(Y("'%1%' is not a CHAPTERxxNAME=... line.")) % line);
name = line.substr(14);
if (name == "")
name = matches[1].str();
if (name.empty())
name = s_timecode;
mode = 0;
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