DTS: Add function for finding consecutive DTS packets

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Bunkus 2011-10-16 22:40:44 +02:00
parent de804f8385
commit 96f83f2cd9
2 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -294,6 +294,69 @@ find_dts_header(const unsigned char *buf,
find_consecutive_dts_headers(const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned int size,
unsigned int num) {
dts_header_s dts_header, new_header;
int base = 0;
int pos = find_dts_header(&buf[base], size - base, &dts_header, false);
if (0 > pos)
return -1;
if (1 == num)
return pos;
base += pos;
do {
mxverb(4, boost::format("find_cons_dts_h: starting with base at %1%\n") % base);
int offset = dts_header.frame_byte_size;
int i;
for (i = 0; (num - 1) > i; ++i) {
if ((size - base - offset) < 2)
pos = find_dts_header(&buf[base + offset], size - base - offset, &new_header, false);
if (0 == pos) {
if (new_header == dts_header) {
mxverb(4, boost::format("find_cons_dts_h: found good header %1%\n") % i);
offset += new_header.frame_byte_size;
} else
} else
if (i == (num - 1))
return base;
offset = 0;
pos = find_dts_header(&buf[base], size - base, &dts_header, false);
if (-1 == pos)
return -1;
base += pos;
} while (base < (size - 5));
return -1;
operator ==(const dts_header_s &h1,
const dts_header_s &h2) {
return (h1.core_sampling_frequency == h2.core_sampling_frequency)
&& (h1.lfe_type == h2.lfe_type)
&& (h1.audio_channels == h2.audio_channels)
&& (get_dts_packet_length_in_nanoseconds(&h1) == get_dts_packet_length_in_nanoseconds(&h2))
// ============================================================================

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@ -154,8 +154,11 @@ typedef struct dts_header_s {
int MTX_DLL_API find_dts_sync_word(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size);
int MTX_DLL_API find_dts_header(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size, struct dts_header_s *dts_header, bool allow_no_hd_search = false);
int MTX_DLL_API find_consecutive_dts_headers(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size, unsigned int num);
void MTX_DLL_API print_dts_header(const struct dts_header_s *dts_header);
bool MTX_DLL_API operator ==(const dts_header_s &h1, const dts_header_s &h2);
inline int get_dts_packet_length_in_core_samples(const struct dts_header_s
*dts_header) {
// computes the length (in time, not size) of the packet in "samples".