The prior method was to generate one line of
`g_container.emplace_back(…)` per entry in the list & letting the
compiler chew on that. Each string argument in that call was done was
`u8"Some Name"s`, meaning as a std::string instance.
• takes the compiler ages to compile, even forcing me to drop all
optimizations for the ISO-639 language list file
• even smaller files such as the IANA language subtag registry lists
take more than 30s to compile
• due to no optimizations initialization is actually not as fast as
could be
The new method uses a plain C-style array of structs with `char
const *` entries for the initial list. The initialization method then
copies the entries from that list to the actual container, again using
This yields sub-1s compilation times even with the longest file, the
ISO-639 language list, and the runtime initialization is actually