def create_iso639_language_list_file content ="", "iso-639-2.html"). force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if %r{]+charset="?([a-z0-9-]+)}im.match(content) content = content.force_encoding($1).encode("UTF-8") else content = content.force_encoding("UTF-8") end content = content. gsub(%r{}, ''). # remove comments gsub(%r{>[ \t\r\n]+<}, '><'). # completely remove whitespace between tags gsub(%r{[ \t\r\n]+}, ' '). # compress consecutive white space gsub(%r{^.*?]+>.*?]+>}im, ''). # keep second table gsub(%r{.*}i, ''). # drop stuff after second table gsub(%r{^}i, ''). # drop the table heading gsub(%r{]*>}i, ''). # convert consecutive table row end+start to line separators to split on later gsub(%r{]*>}i, ''). # convert consecutive table column end+start to column separators to split on later gsub(%r{]*>}i, ''). # remove remaining table row/data tags gsub(%r{ }i, ''). # ignore non-blanking spaces split(%r{}). # split rows map { |row| row.split(%r{}) } # split each row into columns entries_by_alpha_3 = {} content.each do |row| if %r{^([a-z]{3}) *\(([bt])\)<.*?>([a-z]{3})}.match(row[0].downcase) alpha_3_b = $2 == 'b' ? $1 : $3 alpha_3_t = $2 == 'b' ? $3 : $1 else alpha_3_b = row[0] alpha_3_t = row[0] end entries_by_alpha_3[alpha_3_b] = { "name" => row[2], "bibliographic" => alpha_3_b == alpha_3_t ? nil : alpha_3_b, "alpha_2" => row[1], "alpha_3" => alpha_3_t, "alpha_3_to_use" => alpha_3_b, "has_639_2" => true, } end lines =""). split(%r{\n+}). map(&:chomp) headers = Hash[ * lines. shift. split(%r{\t}). map(&:downcase). each_with_index. map { |name, index| [ index, name ] }. flatten ] lines. map do |line| parts = line.split(%r{\t}) entry = Hash[ * ( map { |idx| [ headers[idx], !parts[idx] || parts[idx].empty? ? nil : parts[idx] ] }. flatten ] entry end. reject { |entry| !%r{^[CLS]$}.match(entry["language_type"]) }. # Constructed, Living & Special each do |entry| alpha_3_to_use = entry["part2b"] || entry["id"] entry_639_2 = entries_by_alpha_3[alpha_3_to_use] entries_by_alpha_3[alpha_3_to_use] = { "name" => entry["ref_name"], "bibliographic" => entry["part2b"] && (entry["part2b"] != entry["part2t"]) ? entry["part2b"] : nil, "alpha_2" => entry["part1"], "alpha_3" => entry["part2t"] || entry["id"], "alpha_3_to_use" => alpha_3_to_use, "has_639_2" => !!entry_639_2, } end rows = entries_by_alpha_3. values. map do |entry| [ entry["name"].to_u8_cpp_string, entry["alpha_3_to_use"].to_cpp_string, (entry["alpha_2"] || '').to_cpp_string, entry["bibliographic"] ? entry["alpha_3"].to_cpp_string : '""s', entry["has_639_2"].to_s, ] end rows += ("a".."d").map do |letter| [ %Q{u8"Reserved for local use: qa#{letter}"s}, %Q{u8"qa#{letter}"s}, '""s', '""s', 'true ', ] end header = <. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: this file is auto-generated by the "dev:iso639_list" rake target. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "common/iso639_types.h" using namespace std::string_literals; namespace mtx::iso639 { std::vector g_languages; void init() { g_languages.reserve(#{rows.size}); EOT footer = < ',', :row_prefix => " g_languages.emplace_back(", :row_suffix => ");").join("\n") + "\n" + footer cpp_file_name = "src/common/iso639_language_list.cpp" runq("write", cpp_file_name) { IO.write("#{$source_dir}/#{cpp_file_name}", content); 0 } end