.TH MMG "1" "May 2009" "mmg v2.8.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME mmg \- a GUI for mkvmerge including a chapter editor .SH SYNOPSIS .B mmg [\fIpreferences.mmg\fR|\fIinput_file.ext\fR] .br .B mmg \-\-edit\-headers <\fIfile.mkv\fR> .br .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fBmmg\fR is a wxWindows based GUI for \fBmkvmerge\fR. It offers easy access to all of \fBmkvmerge\fR's options. All settings (e.g. source files, track options etc) can be saved and restored. Included is a chapter editor that can read OGM style and XML style chapter files, write XML style chapter files and even read chapters from Matroska files and write chapters directly to Matroska files. .LP \fBmmg\fR knows few options. The first possibility is to start it with a single file name. If that file name's extenion is '\fI.mmg\fR' then it will be treated as a preferences file and \fBmmg\fR will load its setting when it starts. Otherwise the name is interpreted as being the name of an input file which will be added. .LP The second operation mode is invoked with the option '\-\-edit\-headers' and a file name. This lets \fBmmg\fR run its header editor and load the file. .LP The full documentation is available in HTML form (doc/mkvmerge-gui.html). .SH AUTHOR .I mmg was written by Moritz Bunkus . .SH SEE ALSO .BR mkvmerge (1), .BR mkvinfo (1), .BR mkvextract (1) .SH WWW The newest version can always be found at .UR http://www.bunkus.org/\:videotools/\:mkvtoolnix/ .UE