/* ogmmerge -- utility for splicing together ogg bitstreams from component media subtypes r_vobsub.cpp VobSub text subtitle reader module Written by Moritz Bunkus Based on Xiph.org's 'oggmerge' found in their CVS repository See http://www.xiph.org Distributed under the GPL see the file COPYING for details or visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ogmmerge.h" #include "ogmstreams.h" #include "queue.h" #include "r_vobsub.h" #include "subtitles.h" #ifdef DMALLOC #include #endif #define istimestampstr(s) (!strncmp(s, "timestamp: ", 11)) #define iscommafileposstr(s) (!strncmp(s, ", filepos: ", 11)) #define iscolon(s) (*(s) == ':') #define istwodigits(s) (isdigit(*(s)) && isdigit(*(s + 1))) #define isthreedigits(s) (isdigit(*(s)) && isdigit(*(s + 1)) && \ isdigit(*(s + 2))) #define istwodigitscolon(s) (istwodigits(s) && iscolon(s + 2)) #define istimestamp(s) (istwodigitscolon(s) && \ istwodigitscolon(s + 3) && \ istwodigitscolon(s + 6) && \ isthreedigits(s + 9)) #define ishexdigit(s) (isdigit(s) || \ (strchr("abcdefABCDEF", s) != NULL)) #define isfilepos(s) (ishexdigit(*(s)) && ishexdigit(*(s + 1)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 2)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 3)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 4)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 5)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 6)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 7)) && \ ishexdigit(*(s + 8))) #define isvobsubline(s) (istimestampstr(s) && istimestamp(s + 11) && \ iscommafileposstr(s + 23) && \ isfilepos(s + 34)) int vobsub_reader_c::probe_file(FILE *file, int64_t size) { char chunk[2048]; if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return 0; if (fgets(chunk, 2047, file) == NULL) return 0; if (strncmp(chunk, "# VobSub index file, v7", strlen("# VobSub index file, v7"))) return 0; if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return 0; return 1; } vobsub_reader_c::vobsub_reader_c(char *fname, audio_sync_t *nasync) throw (error_c) { char *name; if ((file = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) throw error_c("vobsub_reader: Could not open source file."); if (!vobsub_reader_c::probe_file(file, 0)) throw error_c("vobsub_reader: Source is not a valid VobSub index file."); name = strdup(fname); if (name == NULL) die("strdup"); if ((strlen(name) > 4) && (name[strlen(name) - 4] == '.')) name[strlen(name) - 4] = 0; else { name = (char *)realloc(name, strlen(name) + 5); if (name == NULL) die("realloc"); } strcat(name, ".sub"); if ((subfile = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) throw error_c("vobsub_reader: Could not open the sub file."); vobsub_packetizer = NULL; all_packetizers = NULL; num_packetizers = 0; if (verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Using VobSub subtitle reader for %s/%s.\n+-> Using " \ "VobSub subtitle output module for subtitles.\n", fname, name); free(name); memcpy(&async, nasync, sizeof(audio_sync_t)); if (ncomments == NULL) comments = ncomments; else comments = dup_comments(ncomments); } vobsub_reader_c::~vobsub_reader_c() { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_packetizers; i++) if (all_packetizers[i] != NULL) delete all_packetizers[i]; if (comments != NULL) free_comments(comments); } void vobsub_reader_c::add_vobsub_packetizer(int width, int height, char *palette, int langidx, char *id, int index) { all_packetizers = (vobsub_packetizer_c **)realloc(all_packetizers, (num_packetizers + 1) * sizeof(void *)); if (all_packetizers == NULL) die("realloc"); try { vobsub_packetizer = new vobsub_packetizer_c(width, height, palette, langidx, id, index, &async); } catch (error_c error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: vobsub_reader: Could not create a new " "vobsub_packetizer: %s\n", error.get_error()); exit(1); } all_packetizers[num_packetizers] = vobsub_packetizer; num_packetizers++; } int vobsub_reader_c::read() { ogg_int64_t start, filepos, last_start, last_filepos; char *s, *s2; int width = -1, height = -1; char *palette = NULL; int langidx = -1; char *id = NULL; int index = -1; int lineno; chunk[2047] = 0; lineno = 0; last_start = -1; last_filepos = -1; while (1) { if (fgets(chunk, 2047, file) == NULL) break; lineno++; if ((*chunk == 0) || (strchr("#\n\r", *chunk) != NULL)) continue; if (!strncmp(chunk, "size: ", 6)) { if (sscanf(&chunk[6], "%dx%d", &width, &height) != 2) { width = -1; height = -1; fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Incorrect \"size:\" entry " "on line %d. Ignored.\n", lineno); } } else if (!strncmp(chunk, "palette: ", 9)) { if (strlen(chunk) < 10) fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Incorrect \"palette:\" entry " "on line %d. Ignored.\n", lineno); else { palette = strdup(&chunk[9]); if (palette == NULL) die("strdup"); } } else if (!strncmp(chunk, "langidx: ", 9)) { langidx = strtol(&chunk[9], NULL, 10); if ((langidx < 0) || (errno != 0)) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Incorrect \"langidx:\" entry " "on line %d. Ignored.\n", lineno); langidx = -1; } } else if (!strncmp(chunk, "id:", 3)) { s = &chunk[3]; while (isspace(*s)) s++; s2 = strchr(s, ','); if (s2 == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Incorrect \"id:\" entry " "on line %d. Ignored.\n", lineno); continue; } *s2 = 0; id = strdup(s); if (id == NULL) die("strdup"); s = s2 + 1; while (isspace(*s)) s++; if (strncmp(s, "index:", 6)) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Incorrect \"id:\" entry " "on line %d. Ignored.\n", lineno); continue; } s += 6; while (isspace(*s)) s++; index = strtol(s, NULL, 10); if ((index < 0) || (errno != 0)) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Incorrect \"id:\" entry " "on line %d. Ignored.\n", lineno); continue; } } else if (!isvobsubline(chunk)) fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: Warning: Unknown line format on line " "%d. Ignored.\n", lineno); else if (vobsub_packetizer == NULL) { if ((width == -1) || (height == -1)) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: No \"size:\" entry found. File seems " "to be defect. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } if (palette == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: No \"palette:\" entry found. File " "seems to be defect. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } if (langidx == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: No \"langidx:\" entry found. File " "seems to be defect. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } if ((id == NULL) || (index == -1)) { fprintf(stdout, "vobsub_reader: No \"id:\" entry found. File " "seems to be defect. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } add_vobsub_packetizer(width, height, palette, langidx, id, index); width = -1; height = -1; if (palette != NULL) { free(palette); palette = NULL; } langidx = -1; if (id != NULL) { free(id); id = NULL; } index = -1; } else { // timestamp: 00:00:03:440, filepos: 000000000 // 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 // 1 2 3 4 chunk[13] = 0; chunk[16] = 0; chunk[19] = 0; chunk[23] = 0; start = atol(&chunk[11]) * 3600000 + atol(&chunk[14]) * 60000 + atol(&chunk[17]) * 1000 + atol(&chunk[20]); filepos = strtoll(&chunk[34], NULL, 16); if ((last_start != -1) && (last_filepos != -1)) { if (fseek(subfile, last_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: Could not seek to position " "%lld. Ignoring this entry.\n", last_filepos); else if (last_filepos == filepos) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: This entry and the last " "entry start at the same position in the file. Ignored.\n"); else { s = (char *)malloc(filepos - last_filepos); if (s == NULL) die("malloc"); if (fread(s, 1, filepos - last_filepos, subfile) != (filepos - last_filepos)) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: Could not read entry " "from the sub file. Ignored.\n"); else vobsub_packetizer->process(last_start, start - last_start, s, filepos - last_filepos, 0); free(s); } } last_start = start; last_filepos = filepos; fprintf(stdout, "line %d, start %lld, filepos %lld\n", lineno, start, filepos); } } if ((last_start != -1) && (last_filepos != -1) && (vobsub_packetizer != NULL)) { if (fseek(subfile, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: Could not seek to end of " "the sub file. Ignoring last entry.\n"); vobsub_packetizer->produce_eos_packet(); return 0; } filepos = ftell(subfile); if (fseek(subfile, last_filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: Could not seek to position " "%lld. Ignoring this entry.\n", last_filepos); else if (last_filepos == filepos) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: This entry and the last " "entry start at the same position in the file. Ignored.\n"); else { s = (char *)malloc(filepos - last_filepos); if (s == NULL) die("malloc"); if (fread(s, 1, filepos - last_filepos, subfile) != (filepos - last_filepos)) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vobsub_reader: Could not read entry " "from the sub file. Ignored.\n"); else vobsub_packetizer->process(last_start, start - last_start, s, filepos - last_filepos, 1); free(s); } } return 0; } int vobsub_reader_c::serial_in_use(int serial) { // return vobsubpacketizer->serial_in_use(serial); return 0; } ogmmerge_page_t *vobsub_reader_c::get_header_page(int header_type) { // return vobsubpacketizer->get_header_page(header_type); return NULL; } ogmmerge_page_t *vobsub_reader_c::get_page() { // return vobsubpacketizer->get_page(); return NULL; } int vobsub_reader_c::display_priority() { return DISPLAYPRIORITY_LOW; } void vobsub_reader_c::reset() { // if (vobsubpacketizer != NULL) // vobsubpacketizer->reset(); } static char wchar[] = "-\\|/-\\|/-"; void vobsub_reader_c::display_progress() { fprintf(stdout, "working... %c\r", wchar[act_wchar]); act_wchar++; if (act_wchar == strlen(wchar)) act_wchar = 0; fflush(stdout); }