; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard. ; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines !define PRODUCT_NAME "MKVtoolnix" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "2.0.2" !define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "Moritz Bunkus" !define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/" !define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AppMainExe.exe" !define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}" !define PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY "HKLM" !define PRODUCT_STARTMENU_REGVAL "NSIS:StartMenuDir" !define MTX_REGKEY "Software\mkvmergeGUI" SetCompressor /SOLID lzma ; MUI 1.67 compatible ------ !include "MUI.nsh" ; MUI Settings !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install.ico" !define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-uninstall.ico" ; Language Selection Dialog Settings !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT "${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY}" !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "NSIS:Language" ; Welcome page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME ; License page ; !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\..\..\pfad\zur\lizenz\IhreLizenz.txt" ; Directory page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Start menu page var ICONS_GROUP !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_NODISABLE !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_DEFAULTFOLDER "MKVtoolnix" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT "${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY}" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "${PRODUCT_STARTMENU_REGVAL}" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $ICONS_GROUP ; Instfiles page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES ; Finish page !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\mmg.exe" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH ; Uninstaller pages !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES ; Language files !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; Reserve files !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS ; MUI end ------ Name "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" OutFile "mkvtoolnix-unicode-${PRODUCT_VERSION}-setup.exe" InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\MKVtoolnix" InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" ShowInstDetails show ShowUnInstDetails show ; Add something to the PATH environment variable. ; From http://nsis.sourceforge.net/archive/viewpage.php?pageid=91 !verbose 3 !include "WinMessages.NSH" !verbose 4 ; AddToPath - Adds the given dir to the search path. ; Input - head of the stack ; Note - Win9x systems requires reboot Function AddToPath Exch $0 Push $1 Push $2 Push $3 # don't add if the path doesn't exist IfFileExists $0 "" AddToPath_done ReadEnvStr $1 PATH Push "$1;" Push "$0;" Call StrStr Pop $2 StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done Push "$1;" Push "$0\;" Call StrStr Pop $2 StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done GetFullPathName /SHORT $3 $0 Push "$1;" Push "$3;" Call StrStr Pop $2 StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done Push "$1;" Push "$3\;" Call StrStr Pop $2 StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done Call IsNT Pop $1 StrCmp $1 1 AddToPath_NT ; Not on NT StrCpy $1 $WINDIR 2 FileOpen $1 "$1\autoexec.bat" a FileSeek $1 -1 END FileReadByte $1 $2 IntCmp $2 26 0 +2 +2 # DOS EOF FileSeek $1 -1 END # write over EOF FileWrite $1 "$\r$\nSET PATH=%PATH%;$3$\r$\n" FileClose $1 SetRebootFlag true Goto AddToPath_done AddToPath_NT: ReadRegStr $1 HKCU "Environment" "PATH" StrCpy $2 $1 1 -1 # copy last char StrCmp $2 ";" 0 +2 # if last char == ; StrCpy $1 $1 -1 # remove last char StrCmp $1 "" AddToPath_NTdoIt StrCpy $0 "$1;$0" AddToPath_NTdoIt: WriteRegExpandStr HKCU "Environment" "PATH" $0 SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000 AddToPath_done: Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd ; RemoveFromPath - Remove a given dir from the path ; Input: head of the stack Function un.RemoveFromPath Exch $0 Push $1 Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 IntFmt $6 "%c" 26 # DOS EOF Call un.IsNT Pop $1 StrCmp $1 1 unRemoveFromPath_NT ; Not on NT StrCpy $1 $WINDIR 2 FileOpen $1 "$1\autoexec.bat" r GetTempFileName $4 FileOpen $2 $4 w GetFullPathName /SHORT $0 $0 StrCpy $0 "SET PATH=%PATH%;$0" Goto unRemoveFromPath_dosLoop unRemoveFromPath_dosLoop: FileRead $1 $3 StrCpy $5 $3 1 -1 # read last char StrCmp $5 $6 0 +2 # if DOS EOF StrCpy $3 $3 -1 # remove DOS EOF so we can compare StrCmp $3 "$0$\r$\n" unRemoveFromPath_dosLoopRemoveLine StrCmp $3 "$0$\n" unRemoveFromPath_dosLoopRemoveLine StrCmp $3 "$0" unRemoveFromPath_dosLoopRemoveLine StrCmp $3 "" unRemoveFromPath_dosLoopEnd FileWrite $2 $3 Goto unRemoveFromPath_dosLoop unRemoveFromPath_dosLoopRemoveLine: SetRebootFlag true Goto unRemoveFromPath_dosLoop unRemoveFromPath_dosLoopEnd: FileClose $2 FileClose $1 StrCpy $1 $WINDIR 2 Delete "$1\autoexec.bat" CopyFiles /SILENT $4 "$1\autoexec.bat" Delete $4 Goto unRemoveFromPath_done unRemoveFromPath_NT: ReadRegStr $1 HKCU "Environment" "PATH" StrCpy $5 $1 1 -1 # copy last char StrCmp $5 ";" +2 # if last char != ; StrCpy $1 "$1;" # append ; Push $1 Push "$0;" Call un.StrStr ; Find `$0;` in $1 Pop $2 ; pos of our dir StrCmp $2 "" unRemoveFromPath_done ; else, it is in path # $0 - path to add # $1 - path var StrLen $3 "$0;" StrLen $4 $2 StrCpy $5 $1 -$4 # $5 is now the part before the path to remove StrCpy $6 $2 "" $3 # $6 is now the part after the path to remove StrCpy $3 $5$6 StrCpy $5 $3 1 -1 # copy last char StrCmp $5 ";" 0 +2 # if last char == ; StrCpy $3 $3 -1 # remove last char WriteRegExpandStr HKCU "Environment" "PATH" $3 SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000 unRemoveFromPath_done: Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd ########################################### # Utility Functions # ########################################### ; IsNT ; no input ; output, top of the stack = 1 if NT or 0 if not ; ; Usage: ; Call IsNT ; Pop $R0 ; ($R0 at this point is 1 or 0) !macro IsNT un Function ${un}IsNT Push $0 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion StrCmp $0 "" 0 IsNT_yes ; we are not NT. Pop $0 Push 0 Return IsNT_yes: ; NT!!! Pop $0 Push 1 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro IsNT "" !insertmacro IsNT "un." ; StrStr ; input, top of stack = string to search for ; top of stack-1 = string to search in ; output, top of stack (replaces with the portion of the string remaining) ; modifies no other variables. ; ; Usage: ; Push "this is a long ass string" ; Push "ass" ; Call StrStr ; Pop $R0 ; ($R0 at this point is "ass string") !macro StrStr un Function ${un}StrStr Exch $R1 ; st=haystack,old$R1, $R1=needle Exch ; st=old$R1,haystack Exch $R2 ; st=old$R1,old$R2, $R2=haystack Push $R3 Push $R4 Push $R5 StrLen $R3 $R1 StrCpy $R4 0 ; $R1=needle ; $R2=haystack ; $R3=len(needle) ; $R4=cnt ; $R5=tmp loop: StrCpy $R5 $R2 $R3 $R4 StrCmp $R5 $R1 done StrCmp $R5 "" done IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 Goto loop done: StrCpy $R1 $R2 "" $R4 Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Exch $R1 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro StrStr "" !insertmacro StrStr "un." Function .onInit ; Check if we're running on a Unicode capable Windows. ; If not, abort. Call IsNT Pop $1 StrCmp $1 1 DontBailOut ; Don't install on 95, 98, ME MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "You are trying to install the Unicode enabled version of MKVToolNix on a Windows version that does not support Unicode (95, 98 or ME). Please download the MKVToolNix version for Windows 95, 98 and ME from http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/" Abort DontBailOut: FunctionEnd Section "Program files" SEC01 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" SetOverwrite ifnewer File "mkvmerge.exe" File "mkvinfo.exe" File "mkvextract.exe" File "mmg.exe" File "base64tool.exe" File "*.dll" File "*.ico" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc" File "doc\*.html" File "doc\ChangeLog.txt" File "doc\COPYING.txt" File "doc\README*" File "doc\*.hh*" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc\images" File "doc\images\*.gif" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\examples" File "examples\*.cue" File "examples\*.dtd" File "examples\*.xml" File "examples\example-*.txt" ; Shortcuts !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\mkvmerge GUI.lnk" "$INSTDIR\mmg.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\matroskalogo_big.ico" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\mkvinfo GUI.lnk" "$INSTDIR\mkvinfo.exe" "-g" "$INSTDIR\matroskalogo_big.ico" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\mkvmerge GUI guide.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvmerge-gui.html" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\mkvmerge CLI reference.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvmerge.html" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\mkvinfo CLI reference.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvinfo.html" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\mkvextract CLI reference.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvextract.html" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\base64tool CLI reference.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\base64tool.html" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation\ChangeLog - What is new.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\ChangeLog.txt" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation\README.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\README.txt" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation\The GNU GPL.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\Copying.txt" CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\mkvmerge GUI.lnk" "$INSTDIR\mmg.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\matroskalogo_big.ico" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END SectionEnd Section -AdditionalIcons !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END SectionEnd Section -Post WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" "$INSTDIR\AppMainExe.exe" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\AppMainExe.exe" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}" WriteRegStr HKCU "${MTX_REGKEY}\GUI" "installation_path" "$INSTDIR" Push $INSTDIR Call AddToPath SectionEnd var unRemoveJobs Function un.onUninstSuccess HideWindow MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(^Name) was successfully uninstalled." FunctionEnd Function un.onInit !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Do you really want to remove $(^Name) and all of its components?" IDYES +2 Abort StrCpy $unRemoveJobs "No" IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\jobs\*.*" +2 Return MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Should job files created by the GUI be deleted as well?" IDYES +2 Return StrCpy $unRemoveJobs "Yes" FunctionEnd Section Uninstall !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "Application" $ICONS_GROUP Delete "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" Delete "$INSTDIR\*.exe" Delete "$INSTDIR\*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\*.ico" Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.html" Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.txt" Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvmerge-gui.hhc" Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvmerge-gui.hhk" Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\mkvmerge-gui.hhp" Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\images\*.gif" Delete "$INSTDIR\examples\*" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Uninstall.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk" Delete "$DESKTOP\mkvmerge GUI.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\mkvmerge GUI.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\mkvinfo GUI.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\mkvmerge GUI guide.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\mkvmerge CLI reference.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\mkvinfo CLI reference.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\mkvextract CLI reference.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference\base64tool CLI reference.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation\ChangeLog - What is new.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation\README.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation\The GNU GPL.lnk" Delete "$DESKTOP\mkvmerge GUI.lnk" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Other documentation" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation\Command line reference" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Documentation" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP" RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc\images" RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc" RMDir "$INSTDIR\examples" StrCmp $unRemoveJobs "Yes" 0 +3 Delete "$INSTDIR\jobs\*.mmg" RMDir "$INSTDIR\jobs" RMDir "$INSTDIR" DeleteRegKey ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" DeleteRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" DeleteRegKey HKCU "${MTX_REGKEY}" Push $INSTDIR Call un.RemoveFromPath SetAutoClose true SectionEnd