mkvmerge1"> mkvinfo1"> mkvextract1"> mkvpropedit1"> mmg1"> Matroska"> OggVorbis"> XML"> ]> &product; &date; Developer Moritz Bunkus &product; 1 &version; &date; MkvToolNix User Commands &product; Print information about elements in &matroska; files Synopsis mkvinfo options source-filename Description This program lists all elements contained in a &matroska;. The output can be limited to a list of tracks in the file including information about the codecs used. , Start the GUI. This option is only available if mkvinfo was compiled with GUI support. , Calculates and display the Adler32 checksum for each frame. Useful for debugging only. , Only show a terse summary of what &mkvinfo; finds and not each element. , Show statistics for each track in verbose mode. Also sets verbosity to 1 if it was at level 0 before. , Show the first 16 bytes of each frame as a hex dump. , Show all bytes of each frame as a hex dump. , Show the size of each element including its header. character-set Sets the character set to convert strings given on the command line from. It defaults to the character set given by system's current locale. character-set Sets the character set to which strings are converted that are to be output. It defaults to the character set given by system's current locale. , file-name Writes all messages to the file file-name instead of to the console. While this can be done easily with output redirection there are cases in which this option is needed: when the terminal reinterprets the output before writing it to a file. The character set set with is honored. code Forces the translations for the language code to be used (e.g. 'de_DE' for the German translations). It is preferable to use the environment variables LANG, LC_MESSAGES and LC_ALL though. Entering 'list' as the code will cause &mkvinfo; to output a list of available translations. , Be more verbose. See the section about verbosity levels for a description which information will be output at which level. , Show usage information and exit. , Show version information and exit. Checks online for new releases by downloading the URL Four lines will be output in key=value style: the URL from where the information was retrieved (key version_check_url), the currently running version (key running_version), the latest release's version (key available_version) and the download URL (key download_url). Afterwards the program exists with an exit code of 0 if no newer release is available, with 1 if a newer release is available and with 2 if an error occured (e.g. if the update information could not be retrieved). This option is only available if the program was built with support for libcurl. options-file Reads additional command line arguments from the file options-file. Lines whose first non-whitespace character is a hash mark ('#') are treated as comments and ignored. White spaces at the start and end of a line will be stripped. Each line must contain exactly one option. Several chars can be escaped, e.g. if you need to start a non-comment line with '#'. The rules are described in the section about escaping text. The command line 'mkvinfo -v -v input.mkv --redirect-output info.txt' could be converted into the following option file: # Be more verbose -v -v # Parse input.mkv input.mkv # and write the output to info.txt --redirect-output info.txt Verbosity levels The option can be used to increase &mkvinfo;'s verbosity level and print more information about the current file. At level 0 &mkvinfo; will print only the track headers it finds and their types. &mkvinfo; will exit as soon as the headers are parsed completely (more technical: as soon as the first cluster is encountered). In this level the seek head entries and the cues will not be displayed -- even if they're located in front of the track information. At level 1 &mkvinfo; will also print all &matroska; elements encountered for the complete file but the seek head entries and the cue entries. If the summary mode is enabled then &mkvinfo; will output the frame position as well. At level 2 &mkvinfo; will also print the seek head entries, the cue entries and the file position at which each &matroska; element can be found at. At level 3 and above &mkvinfo; will print some information that is not directly connected to a &matroska; element. All other elements only print stuff about the elements that were just found. Level 3 adds meta information to ease debugging (read: it's intended for developers only). All lines written by level 3 are enclosed in square brackets to make filtering them out easy. Exit codes &mkvinfo; exits with one of three exit codes: 0 -- This exit codes means that the run has completed successfully. 1 -- In this case &mkvinfo; has output at least one warning, but the run did continue. A warning is prefixed with the text 'Warning:'. 2 -- This exit code is used after an error occurred. &mkvinfo; aborts right after outputting the error message. Error messages range from wrong command line arguments over read/write errors to broken files. Escaping special chars in text There are a few places in which special characters in text must or should be escaped. The rules for escaping are simple: each character that needs escaping is replaced with a backslash followed by another character. The rules are: ' ' (a space) becomes '\s', '"' (double quotes) becomes '\2', ':' becomes '\c', '#' becomes '\h' and '\' (a single backslash) itself becomes '\\'. See also &mkvmerge;, &mkvextract;, &mkvpropedit;, &mmg; WWW The latest version can always be found at the MKVToolNix homepage.