#!/usr/bin/env ruby version = RUBY_VERSION.gsub(/[^0-9\.]+/, "").split(/\./).collect(&:to_i) version << 0 while version.size < 3 if (version[0] < 2) && (version[1] < 9) fail "Ruby 1.9.x or newer is required for building" end # Change to base directory before doing anything if FileUtils.pwd != File.dirname(__FILE__) new_dir = File.absolute_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) puts "Entering directory `#{new_dir}'" Dir.chdir new_dir end # Set number of threads to use if it is unset and we're running with # drake if Rake.application.options.respond_to?(:threads) && [nil, 0, 1].include?(Rake.application.options.threads) && !ENV['DRAKETHREADS'].nil? Rake.application.options.threads = ENV['DRAKETHREADS'].to_i end require "pp" require_relative "rake.d/extensions" require_relative "rake.d/config" read_config $build_system_modules = {} $have_gtest = (c(:GTEST_TYPE) == "system") || (c(:GTEST_TYPE) == "internal") $gtest_apps = [] require_relative "rake.d/helpers" require_relative "rake.d/target" require_relative "rake.d/application" require_relative "rake.d/library" require_relative "rake.d/format_string_verifier" require_relative "rake.d/tarball" require_relative 'rake.d/gtest' if $have_gtest def setup_globals $build_mkvtoolnix_gui ||= c?(:USE_QT) && c?(:BUILD_MKVTOOLNIX_GUI) $programs = %w{mkvmerge mkvinfo mkvextract mkvpropedit} $programs << "mmg" if c?(:USE_WXWIDGETS) $programs << "mkvtoolnix-gui" if $build_mkvtoolnix_gui $tools = %w{ac3parser base64tool checksum diracparser ebml_validator mpls_dump vc1parser} $mmg_bin = c(:MMG_BIN) $mmg_bin = "mmg" if $mmg_bin.empty? $application_subdirs = { "mmg" => "mmg/", "mkvtoolnix-gui" => "mkvtoolnix-gui/" } $applications = $programs.collect { |name| "src/#{$application_subdirs[name]}#{name}" + c(:EXEEXT) } $manpages = $programs.collect { |name| "doc/man/#{name}.1" } $manpages << "doc/man/mkvtoolnix-gui.1" if !$build_mkvtoolnix_gui $system_includes = "-I. -Ilib -Ilib/avilib-0.6.10 -Ilib/utf8-cpp/source -Isrc" $system_libdirs = "-Llib/avilib-0.6.10 -Llib/librmff -Lsrc/common" if c?(:PUGIXML_INTERNAL) $system_includes += " -Ilib/pugixml/src" $system_libdirs += " -Llib/pugixml/src" end $source_directories = %w{lib/avilib-0.6.10 lib/librmff src src/input src/output src/common src/common/chapters src/common/compression src/common/strings src/common/tags src/common/xml src/mmg src/mmg/header_editor src/mmg/options src/mmg/tabs src/extract src/propedit src/merge src/info src/mpegparser} $all_sources = $source_directories.collect { |dir| FileList[ "#{dir}/*.c", "#{dir}/*.cpp" ].to_a }.flatten.sort $all_headers = $source_directories.collect { |dir| FileList[ "#{dir}/*.h", ].to_a }.flatten.sort $all_objects = $all_sources.collect { |file| file.ext('o') } $top_srcdir = c(:top_srcdir) $dependency_dir = "#{$top_srcdir}/rake.d/dependency.d" $dependency_tmp_dir = "#{$dependency_dir}/tmp" $languages = { :applications => c(:TRANSLATIONS).split(/\s+/), :manpages => c(:MANPAGES_TRANSLATIONS).split(/\s+/), :guides => c(:GUIDE_TRANSLATIONS).split(/\s+/), } $translations = { :applications => $languages[:applications].collect { |language| "po/#{language}.mo" }, :guides => $languages[:guides].collect { |language| "doc/guide/#{language}/mkvmerge-gui.hhk" }, :manpages => !c?(:PO4A_WORKS) ? [] : $languages[:manpages].collect { |language| $manpages.collect { |manpage| manpage.gsub(/man\//, "man/#{language}/") } }.flatten, } $available_languages = { :applications => FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir }/po/*.po" ].collect { |name| File.basename name, '.po' }, :manpages => FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir }/doc/man/po4a/po/*.po" ].collect { |name| File.basename name, '.po' }, :guides => FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir }/doc/guide/*/mkvmerge-gui.html" ].collect { |name| File.basename File.dirname(name) }, } $unwrapped_po = %{ca es eu it nl uk pl sr tr} $po_multiple_sources = %{sv} cflags_common = "-Wall -Wno-comment -Wfatal-errors #{c(:WLOGICAL_OP)} #{c(:WNO_MISMATCHED_TAGS)} #{c(:WNO_SELF_ASSIGN)} #{c(:QUNUSED_ARGUMENTS)}" cflags_common += " #{c(:OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS)} -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 #{c(:MATROSKA_CFLAGS)} #{c(:EBML_CFLAGS)} #{c(:EXTRA_CFLAGS)} #{c(:DEBUG_CFLAGS)} #{c(:PROFILING_CFLAGS)} #{c(:USER_CPPFLAGS)}" cflags_common += " -DMTX_LOCALE_DIR=\\\"#{c(:localedir)}\\\" -DMTX_PKG_DATA_DIR=\\\"#{c(:pkgdatadir)}\\\" -DMTX_DOC_DIR=\\\"#{c(:docdir)}\\\"" cflags_common += " -mno-ms-bitfields -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 " if c?(:MINGW) cflags_common += " -fPIC " if c?(:USE_QT) && !c?(:MINGW) cflags_common += " -DQT_STATICPLUGIN" if c?(:USE_QT) && c?(:MINGW) ldflags_extra = c?(:MINGW) ? '' : "-Wl,--enable-auto-import" $flags = { :cflags => "#{cflags_common} #{c(:USER_CFLAGS)}", :cxxflags => "#{cflags_common} #{c(:STD_CXX11)} -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers #{c(:WXWIDGETS_CFLAGS)} #{c(:QT_CFLAGS)} #{c(:BOOST_CPPFLAGS)} #{c(:CURL_CFLAGS)} #{c(:USER_CXXFLAGS)}", :cppflags => "#{c(:USER_CPPFLAGS)}", :ldflags => "#{c(:EXTRA_LDFLAGS)} #{c(:PROFILING_LIBS)} #{c(:USER_LDFLAGS)} #{c(:LDFLAGS_RPATHS)} #{c(:BOOST_LDFLAGS)}", :windres => (c(:MINGW_PROCESSOR_ARCH) == 'amd64' ? '-DMINGW_PROCESSOR_ARCH_AMD64=1 ' : '') + (c?(:USE_WXWIDGETS) ? c(:WXWIDGETS_INCLUDES) : '-DNOWXWIDGETS'), } $build_system_modules.values.each { |bsm| bsm[:setup].call if bsm[:setup] } end def setup_overrides [ :applications, :manpages, :guides ].each do |type| value = c("AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_#{type.to_s.upcase}") $available_languages[type] = value.split(/\s+/) unless value.empty? end end def define_default_task desc "Build everything" # The applications themselves targets = $applications.clone targets << "apps:tools" # Build the unit tests only if requested targets << ($run_unit_tests ? 'tests:run_unit' : 'tests:unit') if $have_gtest # The tags file -- but only if it exists already if File.exists?("TAGS") targets << "TAGS" if !c(:ETAGS).empty? targets << "BROWSE" if !c(:EBROWSE).empty? end # Build developer documentation? targets << "doc/development.html" if !c(:PANDOC).empty? # Build man pages and translations? targets += [ "manpages", "translations:manpages" ] if c?(:XSLTPROC_WORKS) # Build translations for the programs targets << "translations:applications" # The GUI help targets << "translations:guides" if c?(:USE_WXWIDGETS) task :default => targets do puts "Done. Enjoy :)" end end # main setup_globals setup_overrides import_dependencies # Default task define_default_task desc "Build all applications" task :apps => $applications desc "Build all command line applications" namespace :apps do task :cli => %w{apps:mkvmerge apps:mkvinfo apps:mkvextract apps:mkvpropedit} desc "Strip all apps" task :strip => $applications do runq " STRIP", "#{c(:STRIP)} #{$applications.join(' ')}" end end # Store compiler block for re-use cxx_compiler = lambda do |t| create_dependency_dirs # t.sources is empty for a 'file' task (common_pch.h.o). sources = t.sources.empty? ? [ t.prerequisites.first ] : t.sources dep = dependency_output_name_for t.name runq " CXX #{sources.first}", "#{c(:CXX)} #{$flags[:cxxflags]} #{$system_includes} -c -MMD -MF #{dep} -o #{t.name} -x c++ #{sources.join(" ")}", :allow_failure => true handle_deps t.name, last_exit_code, true end # Precompiled headers if c?(:USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS) $all_objects.each { |name| file name => "src/common/common_pch.h.gch" } file "src/common/common_pch.h.gch" => "src/common/common_pch.h", &cxx_compiler end # Pattern rules rule '.o' => '.cpp', &cxx_compiler rule '.o' => '.cc', &cxx_compiler rule '.o' => '.c' do |t| create_dependency_dirs dep = dependency_output_name_for t.name runq " CC #{t.source}", "#{c(:CC)} #{$flags[:cflags]} #{$system_includes} -c -MMD -MF #{dep} -o #{t.name} #{t.sources.join(" ")}", :allow_failure => true handle_deps t.name, last_exit_code end rule '.o' => '.rc' do |t| runq " WINDRES #{t.source}", "#{c(:WINDRES)} #{$flags[:windres]} -Isrc/mmg -o #{t.name} #{t.sources.join(" ")}" end rule '.h' => '.png' do |t| puts " BIN2H #{t.source}" if !ENV['V'].to_bool bin2h t.source, t.name end # Resources depend on the manifest.xml file for Windows builds. if c?(:MINGW) $programs.each do |program| path = program.gsub(/^mkv/, '') icon = program == 'mkvinfo' ? 'share/icons/windows/mkvinfo.ico' : 'share/icons/windows/mkvmergeGUI.ico' file "src/#{path}/resources.o" => [ "src/#{path}/manifest-#{c(:MINGW_PROCESSOR_ARCH)}.xml", "src/#{path}/resources.rc", icon ] end end rule '.mo' => '.po' do |t| runq " MSGFMT #{t.source}", "msgfmt -c -o #{t.name} #{t.sources.join(" ")}" end # HTML help book stuff rule '.hhk' => '.hhc' do |t| runq " GREP #{t.source}", "#{c(:GREP)} -v 'name=\"ID\"' #{t.sources.join(" ")} > #{t.name}" end # man pages from DocBook XML if c?(:XSLTPROC_WORKS) rule '.1' => '.xml' do |t| filter = lambda do |code, lines| puts lines.join('') if (0 == code) && lines.any? { |line| /^error/i.match(line) } File.unlink(t.name) if File.exists?(t.name) 1 else 0 end end runq "XSLTPROC #{t.source}", "#{c(:XSLTPROC)} #{c(:XSLTPROC_FLAGS)} -o #{t.name} #{c(:DOCBOOK_MANPAGES_STYLESHEET)} #{t.sources.join(" ")}", :filter_output => filter end $manpages.each do |manpage| file manpage => manpage.ext('xml') $available_languages[:manpages].each do |language| localized_manpage = manpage.gsub(/.*\//, "doc/man/#{language}/") file localized_manpage => localized_manpage.ext('xml') end end end # Qt files rule '.h' => '.ui' do |t| runq " UIC #{t.source}", "#{c(:UIC)} #{t.sources.join(" ")} > #{t.name}" end rule '.cpp' => '.qrc' do |t| runq " RCC #{t.source}", "#{c(:RCC)} #{t.sources.join(" ")} > #{t.name}" end rule '.moc' => '.h' do |t| runq " MOC #{t.prerequisites.first}", "#{c(:MOC)} #{c(:QT_CFLAGS)} -nw #{t.prerequisites.join(" ")} > #{t.name}" end rule '.moco' => '.moc' do |t| cxx_compiler.call t end # Tag files desc "Create tags file for Emacs" task :tags => "TAGS" desc "Create browse file for Emacs" task :browse => "BROWSE" file "TAGS" => $all_sources do |t| runq ' ETAGS', "#{c(:ETAGS)} -o #{t.name} #{t.prerequisites.join(" ")}" end file "BROWSE" => ($all_sources + $all_headers) do |t| runq ' EBROWSE', "#{c(:EBROWSE)} -o #{t.name} #{t.prerequisites.join(" ")}" end file "doc/development.html" => [ "doc/development.md", "doc/pandoc-template.html" ] do |t| runq " PANDOC #{t.prerequisites.first}", "#{c(:PANDOC)} -o #{t.name} --standalone --from markdown_strict --to html --number-sections --table-of-contents " + "--css=pandoc.css --template=doc/pandoc-template.html doc/development.md" end file "po/mkvtoolnix.pot" => $all_sources + $all_headers + %w{Rakefile} do |t| sources = t.prerequisites.dup - %w{Rakefile} runq "XGETTEXT #{t.name}", <<-COMMAND xgettext --keyword=YT --keyword=Y --keyword=Z --keyword=TIP --keyword=NY:1,2 --keyword=NZ:1,2 --default-domain=mkvtoolnix --from-code=UTF-8 -s --omit-header --boost -o #{t.name} #{sources.join(" ")} COMMAND end task :manpages => $manpages # Translations for the programs namespace :translations do desc "Create a template for translating the programs" task :pot => "po/mkvtoolnix.pot" desc "Create a new .po file with an empty template" task "new-po" => "po/mkvtoolnix.pot" do %w{LANGUAGE EMAIL}.each { |e| fail "Variable '#{e}' is not set" if ENV[e].blank? } require 'rexml/document' iso639_file = "/usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639.xml" node = REXML::XPath.first REXML::Document.new(File.new(iso639_file)), "//iso_639_entry[@name='#{ENV['LANGUAGE']}']" locale = node ? node.attributes['iso_639_1_code'] : nil if locale.blank? if /^ [a-z]{2} (?: _ [A-Z]{2} )? $/x.match(ENV['LANGUAGE']) locale = ENV['LANGUAGE'] else fail "Unknown language/ISO-639-1 code not found in #{iso639_file}" end end puts " CREATE po/#{locale}.po" File.open "po/#{locale}.po", "w" do |out| now = Time.now out.puts <\\n" "POT-Creation-Date: #{now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z')}\\n" "PO-Revision-Date: #{now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z')}\\n" "Last-Translator: YOUR NAME <#{ENV['EMAIL']}>\\n" "Language-Team: #{ENV['LANGUAGE']} \\n" "Language: #{locale}\\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n" EOT out.puts IO.readlines("po/mkvtoolnix.pot") end end desc "Verify format strings in translations" task "verify-format-strings" do is_ok = true languages = (ENV['LANGUAGES'] || '').split(/ +/) languages = $available_languages[:applications] if languages.empty? languages. collect { |language| "po/#{language}.po" }. sort. each do |file_name| puts "VERIFY #{file_name}" is_ok &&= FormatStringVerifier.new.verify file_name end exit 1 if !is_ok end [ :applications, :manpages, :guides ].each { |type| task type => $translations[type] } $available_languages[:manpages].each do |language| $manpages.each do |manpage| name = manpage.gsub(/man\//, "man/#{language}/") file name => [ name.ext('xml'), "doc/man/po4a/po/#{language}.po" ] file name.ext('xml') => [ manpage.ext('.xml'), "doc/man/po4a/po/#{language}.po" ] do |t| runq " PO4A #{manpage.ext('.xml')} (#{language})", "#{c(:PO4A_TRANSLATE)} #{c(:PO4A_TRANSLATE_FLAGS)} -m #{manpage.ext('.xml')} -p doc/man/po4a/po/#{language}.po -l #{t.name}" end end end desc "Update all translation files" task :update => [ "translations:update:applications", "translations:update:manpages" ] namespace :update do desc "Update the program's translation files" task :applications => [ "po/mkvtoolnix.pot", ] + $available_languages[:applications].collect { |language| "translations:update:applications:#{language}" } namespace :applications do $available_languages[:applications].each do |language| task language => "po/mkvtoolnix.pot" do |t| po = "po/#{language}.po" tmp_file = "#{po}.new" no_wrap = $unwrapped_po.include?(language) ? "" : "--no-wrap" runq "MSGMERGE #{po}", "msgmerge -q -s #{no_wrap} #{po} po/mkvtoolnix.pot > #{tmp_file}", :allow_failure => true exit_code = last_exit_code if 0 != exit_code File.unlink tmp_file exit exit_code end adjust_to_poedit_style tmp_file, po, language end end end desc "Update the man pages' translation files" task :manpages do runq " PO4A doc/man/po4a/po4a.cfg", "#{c(:PO4A)} #{c(:PO4A_FLAGS)} --msgmerge-opt=--no-wrap doc/man/po4a/po4a.cfg" %w{nl uk zh_CN}.each do |language| name = "doc/man/po4a/po/#{language}.po" FileUtils.cp name, "#{name}.tmp" adjust_to_poedit_style "#{name}.tmp", name, language end end end [ :stats, :statistics ].each_with_index do |name, idx| desc "Generate statistics about translation coverage" if 0 == idx task name do FileList["po/*.po", "doc/man/po4a/po/*.po"].each do |name| command = "msgfmt --statistics -o /dev/null #{name} 2>&1" if ENV["V"].to_bool runq " MSGFMT #{name}", command, :allow_failure => true else puts "#{name} : " + `#{command}`.split(/\n/).first end end end end end # HTML generation for the man pages targets = ([ 'en' ] + $languages[:manpages]).collect do |language| dir = language == 'en' ? '' : "/#{language}" FileList[ "doc/man#{dir}/*.xml" ].collect { |name| "man2html:#{language}:#{File.basename(name, '.xml')}" } end.flatten %w{manpages-html man2html}.each_with_index do |task_name, idx| desc "Create HTML files for the man pages" if 0 == idx task task_name => targets end namespace :man2html do ([ 'en' ] + $languages[:manpages]).collect do |language| namespace language do dir = language == 'en' ? '' : "/#{language}" FileList[ "doc/man#{dir}/*.xml" ].each do |name| file name.ext('html') => %w{manpages translations:manpages} do runq "SAXON-HE #{name}", "java -classpath lib/saxon-he/saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -o:#{name.ext('html')} -xsl:doc/stylesheets/docbook-to-html.xsl #{name}" end task File.basename(name, '.xml') => name.ext('html') end end end end # Developer helper tasks namespace :dev do if $build_mkvtoolnix_gui desc "Update Qt resource files" task "update-qt-resources" do require 'rexml/document' qrc = "src/mkvtoolnix-gui/qt_resources.qrc" doc = REXML::Document.new File.new(qrc) existing = Hash.new doc.elements.to_a("/RCC/qresource/file").each do |node| if File.exists? "src/mkvtoolnix-gui/#{node.text}" existing[node.text] = true else puts "Removing for non-existing #{node.text}" node.remove end end parent = doc.elements.to_a("/RCC/qresource")[0] FileList["share/icons/*/*.png"].select { |file| !existing["../../#{file}"] }.each do |file| puts "Adding for #{file}" node = REXML::Element.new "file" node.attributes["alias"] = file.gsub(/share\//, '') node.text = "../../#{file}" parent << node end formatter = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new 1 formatter.compact = true formatter.width = 9999999 formatter.write doc, File.open(qrc, "w") end end desc "Create source code tarball from current version in .." task :tarball do create_source_tarball end desc "Create source code tarball from current version in .. with git revision in name" task "tarball-rev" do revision = `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.chomp create_source_tarball "-#{revision}" end end # Installation tasks desc "Install all applications and support files" targets = [ "install:programs", "install:manpages", "install:translations:manpages", "install:translations:applications" ] targets += [ "install:translations:guides", "install:shared" ] if c?(:USE_WXWIDGETS) task :install => targets namespace :install do application_name_mapper = lambda do |name| base = File.basename name base == "mmg" ? $mmg_bin : base end task :programs => $applications do install_dir :bindir $applications.each { |application| install_program "#{c(:bindir)}/#{application_name_mapper[application]}", application } end task :shared do install_dir :desktopdir, :mimepackagesdir install_data :desktopdir, FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir}/share/desktop/*.desktop" ] install_data :mimepackagesdir, FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir}/share/mime/*.xml" ] wanted_apps = %w{mkvmerge mkvmergeGUI mkvinfo mkvextract mkvpropedit}.collect { |e| "#{e}.png" }.to_hash_by wanted_dirs = %w{16x16 24x24 32x32 48x48 64x64 96x96 128x128 256x256}.to_hash_by dirs_to_install = FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir}/share/icons/*" ].select { |dir| wanted_dirs[ dir.gsub(/.*icons\//, '').gsub(/\/.*/, '') ] }.sort.uniq dirs_to_install.each do |dir| dest_dir = "#{c(:icondir)}/#{dir.gsub(/.*icons\//, '')}/apps" install_dir dest_dir install_data "#{dest_dir}/", FileList[ "#{dir}/*" ].to_a.select { |file| wanted_apps[ file.gsub(/.*\//, '') ] } end end man_page_name_mapper = lambda do |name| base = File.basename name base == "mmg.1" ? "#{$mmg_bin}.1" : base end task :manpages => $manpages do install_dir :man1dir $manpages.each { |manpage| install_data "#{c(:man1dir)}/#{man_page_name_mapper[manpage]}", manpage } end namespace :translations do task :applications do install_dir $languages[:applications].collect { |language| "#{c(:localedir)}/#{language}/LC_MESSAGES" } $languages[:applications].each do |language| install_data "#{c(:localedir)}/#{language}/LC_MESSAGES/mkvtoolnix.mo", "po/#{language}.mo" end end task :manpages do install_dir $languages[:manpages].collect { |language| "#{c(:mandir)}/#{language}/man1" } $languages[:manpages].each do |language| $manpages.each { |manpage| install_data "#{c(:mandir)}/#{language}/man1/#{man_page_name_mapper[manpage]}", manpage.sub(/man\//, "man/#{language}/") } end end task :guides do install_dir :docdir, $languages[:guides].collect { |language| "#{c(:docdir)}/guide/#{language}/images" } $languages[:guides].each do |language| install_data "#{c(:docdir)}/guide/#{language}/", FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir}/doc/guide/#{language}/mkvmerge-gui.*" ] install_data "#{c(:docdir)}/guide/#{language}/images/", FileList[ "#{$top_srcdir}/doc/guide/#{language}/images/*.{gif,png}" ] end end end end # Cleaning tasks desc "Remove all compiled files" task :clean do puts " CLEAN" patterns = %w{ src/**/*.o lib/**/*.o src/**/*.a lib/**/*.a src/**/*.gch src/**/*.exe src/**/*.dll src/**/*.dll.a share/icons/*x*/*.h src/info/ui/*.h src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/*.h src/**/*.moc src/**/*.moco src/mkvtoolnix-gui/qt_resources.cpp tests/unit/**/*.o tests/unit/**/*.a tests/unit/all po/*.mo doc/guide/**/*.hhk } patterns += $applications + $tools.collect { |name| "src/tools/#{name}" } remove_files_by_patters patterns if Dir.exists? $dependency_dir puts " rm -rf #{$dependency_dir}" if verbose FileUtils.rm_rf $dependency_dir end end namespace :clean do desc "Remove all compiled and generated files ('tarball' clean)" task :dist => :clean do run "rm -f config.h config.log config.cache build-config Makefile */Makefile */*/Makefile TAGS", :allow_failure => true end desc "Remove all compiled and generated files ('git' clean)" task :maintainer => "clean:dist" do run "rm -f configure config.h.in", :allow_failure => true end desc "Remove all compiled libraries" task :libs do run "rm -f */lib*.a */*/lib*.a */*/*.dll */*/*.dll.a", :allow_failure => true end [:apps, :applications, :exe].each_with_index do |name, idx| desc "Remove all compiled applications" if 0 == idx task name do run "rm -f #{$applications.join(" ")} */*.exe */*/*.exe", :allow_failure => true end end %w{manpages-html man2html}.each do |name| task name do run "rm -f doc/man/*.html doc/man/*/*.html" end end desc "Remove compiled objects and programs in the unit test suite" task :unittests do patterns = %w{tests/unit/*.o tests/unit/*/*.o tests/unit/*.a tests/unit/*/*.a} patterns += $gtest_apps.collect { |app| "tests/unit/#{app}/#{app}" } remove_files_by_patters patterns end end # Tests desc "Run all tests" task :tests => [ 'tests:products' ] namespace :tests do desc "Run prodct tests from 'tests' sub-directory (requires data files to be present)" task :products do run "cd tests && ./run.rb" end end # # avilib-0.6.10 # librmff # spyder's MPEG parser # src/common # src/input # src/output # [ { :name => 'avi', :dir => 'lib/avilib-0.6.10' }, { :name => 'rmff', :dir => 'lib/librmff' }, { :name => 'pugixml', :dir => 'lib/pugixml/src' }, { :name => 'mpegparser', :dir => 'src/mpegparser' }, { :name => 'mtxcommon', :dir => [ 'src/common' ] + %w{chapters checksums compression strings tags xml}.collect { |e| "src/common/#{e}" } }, { :name => 'mtxinput', :dir => 'src/input' }, { :name => 'mtxoutput', :dir => 'src/output' }, { :name => 'mtxmerge', :dir => 'src/merge', :except => [ 'mkvmerge.cpp' ], }, { :name => 'mtxinfo', :dir => 'src/info', :except => %w{qt_ui.cpp wxwidgets_ui.cpp mkvinfo.cpp }, }, { :name => 'mtxextract', :dir => 'src/extract', :except => [ 'mkvextract.cpp' ], }, { :name => 'mtxpropedit', :dir => 'src/propedit', :except => [ 'mkvpropedit.cpp' ], }, { :name => 'ebml', :dir => 'lib/libebml/src' }, { :name => 'matroska', :dir => 'lib/libmatroska/src' }, ].each do |lib| Library. new("#{[ lib[:dir] ].flatten.first}/lib#{lib[:name]}"). sources([ lib[:dir] ].flatten, :type => :dir, :except => lib[:except]). build_dll(lib[:name] == 'mtxcommon'). libraries(:iconv, :z, :matroska, :ebml, :rpcrt4). create end # libraries required for all programs via mtxcommon $common_libs = [ :mtxcommon, :magic, :matroska, :ebml, :z, :pugixml, :iconv, :intl, :curl, :boost_regex, :boost_filesystem, :boost_system, ] # custom libraries $custom_libs = [ :static, ] # # mkvmerge # Application.new("src/mkvmerge"). description("Build the mkvmerge executable"). aliases(:mkvmerge). sources("src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp"). sources("src/merge/resources.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). libraries(:mtxmerge, :mtxinput, :mtxoutput, :mtxmerge, $common_libs, :avi, :rmff, :mpegparser, :flac, :vorbis, :ogg, $custom_libs). create # # mkvinfo # $mkvinfo_ui_files = FileList["src/info/ui/*.ui"].to_a file "src/info/qt_ui.o" => $mkvinfo_ui_files.collect { |file| file.ext('h') } Application.new("src/mkvinfo"). description("Build the mkvinfo executable"). aliases(:mkvinfo). sources("src/info/mkvinfo.cpp"). sources("src/info/resources.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). libraries(:mtxinfo, $common_libs). only_if(c?(:USE_QT)). sources("src/info/sys_windows.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). sources("src/info/qt_ui.cpp", "src/info/qt_ui.moc", "src/info/rightclick_tree_widget.moc", $mkvinfo_ui_files). libraries(:qt). end_if. only_if(!c?(:USE_QT) && c?(:USE_WXWIDGETS)). sources("src/info/wxwidgets_ui.cpp"). png_icon("share/icons/64x64/mkvinfo.png", "src/info/wxwidgets_ui.cpp"). libraries(:wxwidgets). end_if. libraries($custom_libs). create # # mkvextract # Application.new("src/mkvextract"). description("Build the mkvextract executable"). aliases(:mkvextract). sources("src/extract/mkvextract.cpp"). sources("src/extract/resources.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). libraries(:mtxextract, $common_libs, :avi, :rmff, :vorbis, :ogg, $custom_libs). create # # mkvpropedit # Application.new("src/mkvpropedit"). description("Build the mkvpropedit executable"). aliases(:mkvpropedit). sources("src/propedit/propedit.cpp"). sources("src/propedit/resources.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). libraries(:mtxpropedit, $common_libs, $custom_libs). create # # mmg # if c?(:USE_WXWIDGETS) Application.new("src/mmg/mmg"). description("Build the mmg executable"). aliases(:mmg). sources("src/mmg", "src/mmg/header_editor", "src/mmg/options", "src/mmg/tabs", :type => :dir). sources("src/mmg/resources.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). png_icon("share/icons/64x64/mkvmergeGUI.png", "src/mmg/mmg_dialog.cpp", "src/mmg/header_editor/frame.cpp"). png_icon("share/icons/16x16/sort_ascending.png", "src/mmg/tabs/select_scanned_file_dlg.cpp"). png_icon("share/icons/16x16/sort_descending.png", "src/mmg/tabs/select_scanned_file_dlg.cpp"). libraries($common_libs, :wxwidgets). libraries(:ole32, :shell32, "-mwindows", :if => c?(:MINGW)). create end # # mkvtoolnix-gui # if $build_mkvtoolnix_gui ui_files = FileList["src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/**/*.ui"].to_a ui_h_files = ui_files.collect { |ui| ui.ext 'h' } cpp_files = FileList['src/mkvtoolnix-gui/**/*.cpp'].to_a h_files = FileList['src/mkvtoolnix-gui/**/*.h'].to_a - ui_h_files cpp_content = read_files cpp_files h_content = read_files h_files qobject_h_files = h_files.select { |h| h_content[h].any? { |line| /\bQ_OBJECT\b/.match line } } ui_h_res = ui_h_files.collect do |ui_h| ui_h_include = Regexp.escape ui_h.gsub(/src\//, '') [ ui_h, /\#\s*include \s+ \"#{ui_h_include}/x ] end cpp_files.each do |cpp| ui_h_res. select { |ui_h_re| cpp_content[cpp].any? { |line| ui_h_re[1].match line } }. collect(&:first). each { |ui_h| file cpp.gsub(/cpp$/, 'o') => ui_h } end Application.new("src/mkvtoolnix-gui/mkvtoolnix-gui"). description("Build the mkvtoolnix-gui executable"). aliases("mkvtoolnix-gui"). sources(qobject_h_files.collect { |h| h.ext 'moc' }). sources(cpp_files, ui_files, 'src/mkvtoolnix-gui/qt_resources.cpp'). sources("src/mkvtoolnix-gui/resources.o", :if => c?(:MINGW)). libraries($common_libs, :qt). libraries("-mwindows", :if => c?(:MINGW)). png_icon("share/icons/64x64/mkvmergeGUI.png"). libraries($custom_libs). create end # # Applications in src/tools # namespace :apps do task :tools => $tools.collect { |name| "apps:tools:#{name}" } end # # tools: ac3parser # Application.new("src/tools/ac3parser"). description("Build the ac3parser executable"). aliases("tools:ac3parser"). sources("src/tools/ac3parser.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create # # tools: base64tool # Application.new("src/tools/base64tool"). description("Build the base64tool executable"). aliases("tools:base64tool"). sources("src/tools/base64tool.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create # # tools: checksum # Application.new("src/tools/checksum"). description("Build the checksum executable"). aliases("tools:checksum"). sources("src/tools/checksum.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create # # tools: diracparser # Application.new("src/tools/diracparser"). description("Build the diracparser executable"). aliases("tools:diracparser"). sources("src/tools/diracparser.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create # # tools: ebml_validator # Application.new("src/tools/ebml_validator"). description("Build the ebml_validator executable"). aliases("tools:ebml_validator"). sources("src/tools/ebml_validator.cpp", "src/tools/element_info.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create # # tools: mpls_dump # Application.new("src/tools/mpls_dump"). description("Build the mpls_dump executable"). aliases("tools:mpls_dump"). sources("src/tools/mpls_dump.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create # # tools: vc1parser # Application.new("src/tools/vc1parser"). description("Build the vc1parser executable"). aliases("tools:vc1parser"). sources("src/tools/vc1parser.cpp"). libraries($common_libs). create $build_system_modules.values.each { |bsm| bsm[:define_tasks].call if bsm[:define_tasks] } # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # End: