/* mkvmerge -- utility for splicing together matroska files from component media subtypes common.h Written by Moritz Bunkus Distributed under the GPL see the file COPYING for details or visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ /*! \file \version \$Id: common.h,v 1.14 2003/04/27 09:14:47 mosu Exp $ \brief definitions used in all programs, helper functions \author Moritz Bunkus */ #ifndef __COMMON_H #define __COMMON_H #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #define strcasecmp _stricmp #define u_int16_t unsigned __int16 #define u_int32_t unsigned __int32 #define u_int64_t __int64 #define int64_t __int64 #define nice(a) #endif #include "config.h" #define VERSIONINFO "mkvmerge v" VERSION #define DISPLAYPRIORITY_HIGH 10 #define DISPLAYPRIORITY_MEDIUM 5 #define DISPLAYPRIORITY_LOW 1 /* errors */ #define EMOREDATA -1 #define EMALLOC -2 #define EBADHEADER -3 #define EBADEVENT -4 #define EOTHER -5 /* types */ #define TYPEUNKNOWN 0 #define TYPEOGM 1 #define TYPEAVI 2 #define TYPEWAV 3 #define TYPESRT 4 #define TYPEMP3 5 #define TYPEAC3 6 #define TYPECHAPTERS 7 #define TYPEMICRODVD 8 #define TYPEVOBSUB 9 #define TYPEMATROSKA 10 #define FOURCC(a, b, c, d) (unsigned long)((((unsigned char)a) << 24) + \ (((unsigned char)b) << 16) + \ (((unsigned char)c) << 8) + \ ((unsigned char)d)) #define TIMECODE_SCALE 1000000 #define die(s) _die(s, __FILE__, __LINE__) void _die(const char *s, const char *file, int line); #define trace() _trace(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) void _trace(const char *func, const char *file, int line); u_int16_t get_uint16(const void *buf); u_int32_t get_uint32(const void *buf); void utf8_init(); void utf8_done(); char *to_utf8(char *local); char *from_utf8(char *utf8); int is_unique_uint32(uint32_t number); void add_unique_uint32(uint32_t number); uint32_t create_unique_uint32(); extern int verbose; #endif // __COMMON_H