/* * avilib.h * * Copyright (C) Thomas Östreich - June 2001 * multiple audio track support Copyright (C) 2002 Thomas Östreich * * Original code: * Copyright (C) 1999 Rainer Johanni <Rainer@Johanni.de> * * This file is part of transcode, a linux video stream processing tool * * transcode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * transcode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #ifndef AVILIB_H #define AVILIB_H #define AVI_MAX_TRACKS 8 typedef struct { unsigned long key; unsigned long pos; unsigned long len; } video_index_entry; typedef struct { unsigned long pos; unsigned long len; unsigned long tot; } audio_index_entry; typedef struct track_s { long a_fmt; /* Audio format, see #defines below */ long a_chans; /* Audio channels, 0 for no audio */ long a_rate; /* Rate in Hz */ long a_bits; /* bits per audio sample */ long mp3rate; /* mp3 bitrate kbs*/ long audio_strn; /* Audio stream number */ long audio_bytes; /* Total number of bytes of audio data */ long audio_chunks; /* Chunks of audio data in the file */ char audio_tag[4]; /* Tag of audio data */ long audio_posc; /* Audio position: chunk */ long audio_posb; /* Audio position: byte within chunk */ long a_codech_off; /* absolut offset of audio codec information */ long a_codecf_off; /* absolut offset of audio codec information */ audio_index_entry *audio_index; } track_t; typedef struct { uint32_t bi_size; uint32_t bi_width; uint32_t bi_height; uint16_t bi_planes; uint16_t bi_bit_count; uint32_t bi_compression; uint32_t bi_size_image; uint32_t bi_x_pels_per_meter; uint32_t bi_y_pels_per_meter; uint32_t bi_clr_used; uint32_t bi_clr_important; } BITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct { uint16_t w_format_tag; uint16_t n_channels; uint32_t n_samples_per_sec; uint32_t n_avg_bytes_per_sec; uint16_t n_block_align; uint16_t w_bits_per_sample; uint16_t cb_size; } WAVEFORMATEX; typedef struct { uint32_t fcc_type; uint32_t fcc_handler; uint32_t dw_flags; uint32_t dw_caps; uint16_t w_priority; uint16_t w_language; uint32_t dw_scale; uint32_t dw_rate; uint32_t dw_start; uint32_t dw_length; uint32_t dw_initial_frames; uint32_t dw_suggested_buffer_size; uint32_t dw_quality; uint32_t dw_sample_size; uint32_t dw_left; uint32_t dw_top; uint32_t dw_right; uint32_t dw_bottom; uint32_t dw_edit_count; uint32_t dw_format_change_count; char sz_name[64]; } AVISTREAMINFO; typedef struct { long fdes; /* File descriptor of AVI file */ long mode; /* 0 for reading, 1 for writing */ long width; /* Width of a video frame */ long height; /* Height of a video frame */ double fps; /* Frames per second */ char compressor[8]; /* Type of compressor, 4 bytes + padding for 0 byte */ char compressor2[8]; /* Type of compressor, 4 bytes + padding for 0 byte */ long video_strn; /* Video stream number */ long video_frames; /* Number of video frames */ char video_tag[4]; /* Tag of video data */ long video_pos; /* Number of next frame to be read (if index present) */ unsigned long max_len; /* maximum video chunk present */ track_t track[AVI_MAX_TRACKS]; // up to AVI_MAX_TRACKS audio tracks supported unsigned long pos; /* position in file */ long n_idx; /* number of index entries actually filled */ long max_idx; /* number of index entries actually allocated */ long v_codech_off; /* absolut offset of video codec (strh) info */ long v_codecf_off; /* absolut offset of video codec (strf) info */ unsigned char (*idx)[16]; /* index entries (AVI idx1 tag) */ video_index_entry *video_index; unsigned long last_pos; /* Position of last frame written */ unsigned long last_len; /* Length of last frame written */ int must_use_index; /* Flag if frames are duplicated */ unsigned long movi_start; int anum; // total number of audio tracks int aptr; // current audio working track BITMAPINFOHEADER *bitmap_info_header; WAVEFORMATEX *wave_format_ex[AVI_MAX_TRACKS]; } avi_t; #define AVI_MODE_WRITE 0 #define AVI_MODE_READ 1 /* The error codes delivered by avi_open_input_file */ #define AVI_ERR_SIZELIM 1 /* The write of the data would exceed the maximum size of the AVI file. This is more a warning than an error since the file may be closed safely */ #define AVI_ERR_OPEN 2 /* Error opening the AVI file - wrong path name or file nor readable/writable */ #define AVI_ERR_READ 3 /* Error reading from AVI File */ #define AVI_ERR_WRITE 4 /* Error writing to AVI File, disk full ??? */ #define AVI_ERR_WRITE_INDEX 5 /* Could not write index to AVI file during close, file may still be usable */ #define AVI_ERR_CLOSE 6 /* Could not write header to AVI file or not truncate the file during close, file is most probably corrupted */ #define AVI_ERR_NOT_PERM 7 /* Operation not permitted: trying to read from a file open for writing or vice versa */ #define AVI_ERR_NO_MEM 8 /* malloc failed */ #define AVI_ERR_NO_AVI 9 /* Not an AVI file */ #define AVI_ERR_NO_HDRL 10 /* AVI file has no has no header list, corrupted ??? */ #define AVI_ERR_NO_MOVI 11 /* AVI file has no has no MOVI list, corrupted ??? */ #define AVI_ERR_NO_VIDS 12 /* AVI file contains no video data */ #define AVI_ERR_NO_IDX 13 /* The file has been opened with getIndex==0, but an operation has been performed that needs an index */ /* Possible Audio formats */ #ifndef WAVE_FORMAT_PCM #define WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN (0x0000) #define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM (0x0001) #define WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM (0x0002) #define WAVE_FORMAT_IBM_CVSD (0x0005) #define WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW (0x0006) #define WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW (0x0007) #define WAVE_FORMAT_OKI_ADPCM (0x0010) #define WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM (0x0011) #define WAVE_FORMAT_DIGISTD (0x0015) #define WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIFIX (0x0016) #define WAVE_FORMAT_YAMAHA_ADPCM (0x0020) #define WAVE_FORMAT_DSP_TRUESPEECH (0x0022) #define WAVE_FORMAT_GSM610 (0x0031) #define IBM_FORMAT_MULAW (0x0101) #define IBM_FORMAT_ALAW (0x0102) #define IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM (0x0103) #endif avi_t* AVI_open_output_file(char * filename); void AVI_set_video(avi_t *AVI, int width, int height, double fps, char *compressor); void AVI_set_audio(avi_t *AVI, int channels, long rate, int bits, int format, long mp3rate); int AVI_write_frame(avi_t *AVI, char *data, long bytes, int keyframe); int AVI_dup_frame(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_write_audio(avi_t *AVI, char *data, long bytes); int AVI_append_audio(avi_t *AVI, char *data, long bytes); long AVI_bytes_remain(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_close(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_bytes_written(avi_t *AVI); avi_t *AVI_open_input_file(char *filename, int getIndex); avi_t *AVI_open_fd(int fd, int getIndex); int avi_parse_input_file(avi_t *AVI, int getIndex); long AVI_audio_mp3rate(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_video_frames(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_video_width(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_video_height(avi_t *AVI); double AVI_frame_rate(avi_t *AVI); char* AVI_video_compressor(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_audio_channels(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_audio_bits(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_audio_format(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_audio_rate(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_audio_bytes(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_audio_chunks(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_max_video_chunk(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_frame_size(avi_t *AVI, long frame); long AVI_audio_size(avi_t *AVI, long frame); int AVI_seek_start(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_set_video_position(avi_t *AVI, long frame); long AVI_get_video_position(avi_t *AVI, long frame); long AVI_read_frame(avi_t *AVI, char *vidbuf, int *keyframe); int AVI_set_audio_position(avi_t *AVI, long byte); int AVI_set_audio_bitrate(avi_t *AVI, long bitrate); long AVI_read_audio(avi_t *AVI, char *audbuf, long bytes); long AVI_read_audio_chunk(avi_t *AVI, char *audbuf); long AVI_audio_codech_offset(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_audio_codecf_offset(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_video_codech_offset(avi_t *AVI); long AVI_video_codecf_offset(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_read_data(avi_t *AVI, char *vidbuf, long max_vidbuf, char *audbuf, long max_audbuf, long *len); void AVI_print_error(char *str); char *AVI_strerror(); char *AVI_syserror(); int AVI_scan(char *name); int AVI_dump(char *name, int mode); char *AVI_codec2str(short cc); int AVI_file_check(char *import_file); void AVI_info(avi_t *avifile); uint64_t AVI_max_size(); int avi_update_header(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_set_audio_track(avi_t *AVI, int track); int AVI_get_audio_track(avi_t *AVI); int AVI_audio_tracks(avi_t *AVI); struct riff_struct { unsigned char id[4]; /* RIFF */ unsigned long len; unsigned char wave_id[4]; /* WAVE */ }; struct chunk_struct { unsigned char id[4]; unsigned long len; }; struct common_struct { unsigned short wFormatTag; unsigned short wChannels; unsigned long dwSamplesPerSec; unsigned long dwAvgBytesPerSec; unsigned short wBlockAlign; unsigned short wBitsPerSample; /* Only for PCM */ }; struct wave_header { struct riff_struct riff; struct chunk_struct format; struct common_struct common; struct chunk_struct data; }; struct AVIStreamHeader { long fccType; long fccHandler; long dwFlags; long dwPriority; long dwInitialFrames; long dwScale; long dwRate; long dwStart; long dwLength; long dwSuggestedBufferSize; long dwQuality; long dwSampleSize; }; #endif