require "shellwords" $use_tempfile_for_run = defined?(RUBY_PLATFORM) && /mingw/i.match(RUBY_PLATFORM) $git_mutex = $message_mutex = $action_width = 14 def puts(message) $message_mutex.synchronize { $stdout.puts message $stdout.flush } end def puts_action(action, options = {}) msg = sprintf "%*s", $action_width, action.gsub(/ +/, '_').upcase msg += " #{options[:target]}" if !options[:target].blank? msg = "#{options[:prefix]} #{msg}" if !options[:prefix].blank? puts msg end def puts_qaction(action, options = {}) puts_action(action, options) unless $verbose end def puts_vaction(action, options = {}) puts_action(action, options) if $verbose end def error(message) puts message exit 1 end def last_exit_code $?.respond_to?(:exitstatus) ? $?.exitstatus : $?.to_i end def shell_to_run [ENV["RUBYSHELL"], ENV["SHELL"], "sh"].select { |v| !v.blank? }.first end def run cmdline, opts = {} code = run_wrapper cmdline, opts exit code if (code != 0) && !opts[:allow_failure].to_bool end def run_wrapper cmdline, opts = {} cmdline = cmdline.gsub(/\n/, ' ').gsub(/^\s+/, '').gsub(/\s+$/, '').gsub(/\s+/, ' ') code = nil puts cmdline unless opts[:dont_echo].to_bool output = nil if opts[:filter_output] output ="mkvtoolnix-rake-output") cmdline += " > #{output.path} 2>&1" end if $use_tempfile_for_run"mkvtoolnix-rake-run") do |t| t.puts cmdline t.flush system shell_to_run, t.path code = last_exit_code t.unlink end else system cmdline code = last_exit_code end code = opts[:filter_output].call code, output.readlines if opts[:filter_output] return code ensure if output output.close output.unlink end end def runq(action, target, cmdline = nil, options = {}, &runner) start = runner ||= lambda { run_wrapper cmdline, options.clone.merge(:dont_echo => !$verbose) } puts_action action, :target => target, :prefix => $run_show_start_stop ? "[start ]" : nil code = options[:mutex] ? options[:mutex].synchronize(&runner) : duration = - start if $run_show_start_stop puts_action action, :target => target, :prefix => sprintf("[%s %02d:%02d.%03d]", code == 0 ? "done" : "fail", (duration / 60).to_i, duration.to_i % 60, (duration * 1000).to_i % 1000) end if (code != 0) && !options[:allow_failure].to_bool if code == 127 puts "Error: command not found: #{cmdline}" elsif code == -1 puts "Error: could not create child process for: #{cmdline}" end exit code end end def runq_git(msg, cmdline, options = {}) runq "git #{cmdline.split(/\s+/)[0]}", "#{msg}", "git #{cmdline}", :mutex => $git_mutex end def runq_code(action, options = {}) start = puts_action action, :target => options[:target], :prefix => $run_show_start_stop ? "[start ]" : nil ok = yield duration = - start if $run_show_start_stop puts_action action, :target => options[:target], :prefix => sprintf("[%s %02d:%02d.%03d]", ok ? "done" : "fail", (duration / 60).to_i, duration.to_i % 60, (duration * 1000).to_i % 1000) end exit 1 if !ok end def runq_touch(file_name) runq_code "touch", :target => file_name do FileUtils.touch file_name end end def ensure_dir dir File.unlink(dir) if FileTest.exist?(dir) && ! FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end def create_dependency_dirs [ $dependency_dir, $dependency_tmp_dir ].each { |dir| ensure_dir dir } end def dependency_output_name_for file_name $dependency_tmp_dir + "/" + file_name.gsub(/[\/\.]/, '_') + '.d' end def handle_deps(target, exit_code, skip_abspath=false) dep_file = dependency_output_name_for target get_out = lambda do File.unlink(dep_file) if FileTest.exist?(dep_file) exit exit_code if 0 != exit_code return end FileTest.exist?(dep_file) || create_dependency_dirs re_source_dir ="^" + Regexp::escape($source_dir) + "/*")"#{$dependency_dir}/" + target.gsub(/[\/\.]/, '_') + '.dep', "w") do |out| sources = IO.readlines(dep_file). map { |l| l.chomp.split(%r{ +}) }. flatten. map{ |l| l.gsub(%r{.*:}, '').gsub(%r{^\s+}, '').gsub(%r{\s*\\\s*$}, '').gsub(re_source_dir, '') }. reject(&:empty?). reject { |l| skip_abspath && %r{^/}.match(l) }. sort out.puts(([ target ] + sources).join("\n")) end rescue end def import_dependencies return unless $dependency_dir Dir.glob("#{$dependency_dir}/*.dep").each do |file_name| lines = IO.readlines(file_name).collect(&:chomp) target = lines.shift file target => { |dep_name| FileTest.exist? dep_name } end end def arrayify(*args) args.collect { |arg| arg.is_a?(Array) ? arg.to_a : arg }.flatten end def install_dir(*dirs) arrayify(*dirs).each do |dir| dir = c(dir) if dir.is_a? Symbol run "#{c(:mkinstalldirs)} #{c(:DESTDIR)}#{dir}" end end def install_program(destination, *files) destination = c(destination) + '/' if destination.is_a? Symbol arrayify(*files).each do |file| run "#{c(:INSTALL_PROGRAM)} #{file} #{c(:DESTDIR)}#{destination}" end end def install_data(destination, *files) destination = c(destination) + '/' if destination.is_a? Symbol arrayify(*files).each do |file| run "#{c(:INSTALL_DATA)} #{file} #{c(:DESTDIR)}#{destination}" end end def remove_files_by_patterns patterns patterns.collect { |pattern| FileList[pattern].to_a } { |file_name| FileTest.exist? file_name }.each do |file_name| puts_vaction "rm", :target => file_name File.unlink file_name end end def read_files *file_names Hash[ *file_names.flatten.collect { |file_name| [ file_name, IO.readlines(file_name).collect { |line| line.force_encoding "UTF-8" } ] }.flatten(1) ] end def list_targets? *targets spec = ENV['RAKE_LIST_TARGETS'].to_s targets.any? { |target| %r{\b#{target}\b}.match spec } end def process_erb args puts_action "ERB", :target => args[:dest] template = IO.readlines(args[:src]). map { |line| line.gsub(%r{\{\{(.+?)\}\}}) { |match| (variables[$1] || ENV[$1]).to_s } }. join("")[:dest], 'w') { |file| file.puts( } end def is_clang? c(:COMPILER_TYPE) == "clang" end def is_gcc? c(:COMPILER_TYPE) == "gcc" end def check_compiler_version compiler, required_version return false if (c(:COMPILER_TYPE) != compiler) return check_version(required_version, c(:COMPILER_VERSION)) end def check_version required, actual return <= end def ensure_file file_name, content = "" if FileTest.exist?(file_name) current_content = IO.readlines(file_name).join("\n") return if current_content == content end, 'w') { |file| file.write(content) } end def update_version_number_include git_dir = $source_dir + '/.git' current_version = nil wanted_version = c(:PACKAGE_VERSION) if FileTest.exist?($version_header_name) lines = IO.readlines($version_header_name) if !lines.empty? && %r{#define.*?"([0-9.]+)"}.match(lines[0]) current_version = $1 end end if command = ["git", "--git-dir=#{$source_dir}/.git", "describe", "HEAD"]. map { |e| Shellwords.escape(e) }. join(' ') description = `#{command} 2> /dev/null`.chomp if %r{^release-#{Regexp.escape(c(:PACKAGE_VERSION))}-(\d+)}.match(description) && ($1.to_i != 0) wanted_version += ".#{$1}" end end return if current_version == wanted_version$version_header_name, "w") do |file| file.puts("#define MKVTOOLNIX_VERSION \"#{wanted_version}\"") end end def format_table rows, options = {} column_suffix = options[:column_suffix] || '' max_lengths = [0] * rows[0].count rows.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |value, column| max_lengths[column] = [ max_lengths[column], value.length + (column == row.count - 1 ? 0 : column_suffix.length) ].max end end row_prefix = options[:row_prefix] || '' row_suffix = options[:row_suffix] || '' format = { |len| "%-#{len}s" }.join(' ') return do |row| formatted_row = sprintf(format, *(0..row.count - 1).map { |column| row[column].to_s + (column == row.count - 1 ? '' : column_suffix) }) row_prefix + formatted_row + row_suffix end end def update_qrc require 'rexml/document' qrc = "src/mkvtoolnix-gui/qt_resources.qrc" runq_code "update", :target => qrc do update_qrc_worker qrc end end def update_qrc_worker qrc doc = doc.elements.to_a("/RCC/qresource/file").select { |node| %r{icons/}.match(node.text) }.each(&:remove) parent = doc.elements.to_a("/RCC/qresource")[0] icons = FileList["share/icons/*/*.png"].sort seen = add_node = lambda do |name_to_add, attributes| node = "file" node.text = "../../#{name_to_add}" attributes.keys.sort.each { |key| node.attributes[key] = attributes[key] } parent << node end'share/icons/index.theme', 'alias' => 'icons/mkvtoolnix-gui/index.theme') icons.each do |file|, 'alias' => file.gsub(%r{^share/icons}, 'icons/mkvtoolnix-gui')) base_name = file.gsub(%r{.*/|\.png$}, '') size = file.gsub(%r{.*/(\d+)x\d+/.*}, '\1').to_i name_alias = file.gsub(%r{\.png}, '@2x.png').gsub(%r{.*/}, "icons/mkvtoolnix-gui/#{size}x#{size}@2/") double_size = size * 2 double_file = "share/icons/#{double_size}x#{double_size}/#{base_name}.png" next unless FileTest.exist?(double_file), 'alias' => name_alias) seen[file.gsub(%r{.*/icons}, 'icons')] = true end FileList["share/icons/**/*.svgz"]. sort. each do |file| file.gsub!(%r{z$}, '') name_alias = file.gsub(%r{.*/icons}, 'icons/mkvtoolnix-gui'), 'alias' => name_alias, 'compress' => '9', 'compress-algo' => 'zstd') end output = "" formatter = 1 formatter.compact = true formatter.width = 9999999 formatter.write doc, output, "w").write(output.gsub(%r{ +\n}, "\n")) warned = files = read_files( %w{ui cpp}.map { |ext| FileList["src/mkvtoolnix-gui/**/*.#{ext}"].to_a.reject { |name| %r{qt_resources\.cpp$}.match(name) } }.flatten ) files.each do |file, lines| line_num = 0 lines.each do |line| line_num += 1 line.scan(%r{icons/\d+x\d+/.*?\.png}) do |icon| next if seen[icon] || warned[icon] next if %r{%}.match(icon) puts "#{file}:#{line_num}: warning: no double-sized variant found for '#{icon}'" warned[icon] = true end end end end def add_qrc_dependencies *qrcs qrc_content = read_files(*qrcs) qrc_content.each do |file_name, content| dir = file_name.gsub(%r{[^/]+$}, '') pwd = dependencies = content. join(''). scan(%r{]*>([^<]+)}). map do |matches| path = + matches[0])) path = path.relative_path_from(pwd) unless path.relative? path.to_s end file file_name => dependencies do runq_touch file_name end end end def parse_html_extract_table_data content, find_table_re require "cgi" content = content.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if %r{]+charset="?([a-z0-9-]+)}im.match(content) content = content.force_encoding($1).encode("UTF-8") else content = content.force_encoding("UTF-8") end return content. gsub(%r{}, ''). # remove comments gsub(%r{>[ \t\r\n]+<}, '><'). # completely remove whitespace between tags gsub(%r{[ \t\r\n]+}, ' '). # compress consecutive white space gsub(find_table_re, ''). # drop stuff before relevant table gsub(%r{.*}i, ''). # drop stuff after relevant table gsub(%r{(/?<[^ >]+)[^>]*>}, '\1>'). # remove attributes gsub(%r{}i, ''). # remove thead/tbody/tfoot tags gsub(%r{<(/?)th}i, '<\1td'). # convert tags to gsub(%r{}i, ''). # convert consecutive table row end+start to line separators to split on later gsub(%r{}i, ''). # convert consecutive table column end+start to column separators to split on later gsub(%r{]*>}i, ''). # remove remaining table row/data tags gsub(%r{ }i, ''). # ignore non-blanking spaces split(%r{}). # split rows map { |row| CGI::unescapeHTML(row).split(%r{}) } # split each row into columns end def libmatroska_elements return $libmatroska_elements_cache if $libmatroska_elements_cache $libmatroska_elements_cache = [] %w{libebml/ebml libebml/src libmatroska/matroska libmatroska/src}. map { |subdir| Dir.glob("lib/#{subdir}/*") }. flatten. select { |name| FileTest.file?(name) && %r{\.(cpp|h)$}.match(name) }. each do |file_name| IO.readlines(file_name).each do |line| next unless %r{^DEFINE_(?:MKX|EBML)_([A-Z]+)(?:_[_A-Z]+)? *\([^,]+, *(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),[^"]+"([^"\\]+)}.match(line) $libmatroska_elements_cache << { name: $3, id: $2.downcase, type: $1.downcase.to_sym, } end end $libmatroska_elements_cache.sort_by! { |element| element[:name].downcase } return $libmatroska_elements_cache end class Rake::Task def mo_all_prerequisites todo = [name] result = [] while !todo.empty? current = todo.shift prereqs = Rake::Task[current].prerequisites next if prereqs.empty? result << [current, prereqs] todo += prereqs end result.uniq end def investigate result = "------------------------------\n" result << "Investigating #{name}\n" result << "class: #{self.class}\n" result << "task needed: #{needed?}\n" result << "timestamp: #{timestamp}\n" result << "pre-requisites:\n" prereqs = @prerequisites.collect { |name| Rake::Task[name] } prereqs.sort! { |a,b| a.timestamp <=> b.timestamp } result += prereqs.collect { |p| "--#{} (#{p.timestamp})\n" }.join("") latest_prereq = @prerequisites.collect{|n| Rake::Task[n].timestamp}.max result << "latest-prerequisite time: #{latest_prereq}\n" result << "................................\n\n" return result end end