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# translation of mkvtoolnix.pot to Basque
# Copyright(C) Xabier Aramendi 2012-2016,
# This file is distributed under the same license as the mkvtoolnix package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mkvtoonix-eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-02 20:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-07 16:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Xabier Aramendi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque ("
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.6\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_tta.cpp:107
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The temporary TTA file for track ID {0} is being copied into the final TTA file. This may take some time.\n"
msgstr ""
"Aldibaterako TTA agiria {0} ID-dun bidearentzat amaierako TTA agirian kopiatzen hasi da. Honek denbora apur bat hartu dezake.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:266
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"mkvmerge received a SIGINT (probably because the user pressed Ctrl+C). Trying to sanitize the file. If mkvmerge hangs during this process you'll have to kill it manually.\n"
msgstr ""
"mkvmergek SIGINT bat jaso du (zihurrenik erabiltzaileak Ktrl+C sakatu duelako). Agiria konpontzen saiatzen. mkvmergek ez badu erantzuten prozesu honetan zehar, eskuz amaituarazi beharko duzu).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" ( <file1> <file2> ) Treat file1 and file2 as if they were concatenated\n"
" into a single big file.\n"
msgstr ""
" ( <1 agiria> <2 agiria> ) Tratatu 1 eta 2 agiriak kateaduraturik egongo\n"
" balira bezala agiri handi bakar baten barruan.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --aac-is-sbr <TID[:0|1]> The track with the ID is HE-AAC/AAC+/SBR-AAC\n"
" or not. The value ':1' can be omitted.\n"
msgstr ""
" --aac-is-sbr <TID[:0|1]> ID-a duen bidea da HE-AAC/AAC+/SBR-AAC\n"
" edo ez. ':1' balioa ezikusia izan daiteke.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --abort-on-warnings Aborts the program after the first warning is\n"
" emitted."
msgstr ""
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --append-mode <file|track>\n"
" Selects how mkvmerge calculates timestamps when\n"
" appending files.\n"
msgstr ""
" --append-mode <agiria|bidea>\n"
" mkvmergek agiriak eransterakoan denbora-kodeak\n"
" nola kalkulatzen dituen hautatzen du.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:169
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --append-to <SFID1:STID1:DFID1:DTID1,SFID2:STID2:DFID2:DTID2,...>\n"
" A comma separated list of file and track IDs\n"
" that controls which track of a file is\n"
" appended to another track of the preceding\n"
" file.\n"
msgstr ""
" --append-to <SFID1:STID1:DFID1:DTID1,SFID2:STID2:DFID2:DTID2,...>\n"
" Kakotxaz bananduriko agiri eta bide ID zerrenda\n"
" agintzen duenak zein agiri bide eransten den\n"
" aurreko agiri baten beste bide bati.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --aspect-ratio <TID:f|a/b>\n"
" Sets the display dimensions by calculating\n"
" width and height for this aspect ratio.\n"
msgstr ""
" --aspect-ratio <TID:f|a/b>\n"
" Erakuspen neurriak ezartzen ditu zabalera eta\n"
" garaiera ikuspegi maila honetatik kalkulatuz.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:273
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --aspect-ratio-factor <TID:f|a/b>\n"
" First calculates the aspect ratio by multi-\n"
" plying the video's original aspect ratio\n"
" with this factor and calculates the display\n"
" dimensions from this factor.\n"
msgstr ""
" --aspect-ratio-factor <TID:f|a/b>\n"
" Lehenik ikuspegi maila kalkulatzen du bideoaren\n"
" jatorrizko ikuspegi maila ezaugarri honekin\n"
" biderkatuz eta erakuspen neurriak\n"
" ezaugarri honetatik kalkulatzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:193
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --attach-file <file> Creates a file attachment inside the\n"
" Matroska file.\n"
msgstr ""
" --attach-file <agiria> Agiri eranskin bat sortzen du\n"
" Matroska agiriaren barnean.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --attach-file-once <file>\n"
" Creates a file attachment inside the\n"
" first Matroska file written.\n"
msgstr ""
" --attach-file-once <agiria>\n"
" Agiri eranskin bat sortzen du idatziriko\n"
" lehen Matroska agiriaren barnean.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --attachment-description <desc>\n"
" Description for the following attachment.\n"
msgstr ""
" --attachment-description <azalp>\n"
" Hurrengo eranskinen azalpena.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --attachment-mime-type <mime type>\n"
" Mime type for the following attachment.\n"
msgstr ""
" --attachment-mime-type <mime mota>\n"
" Mime mota hurrengo eranskinarentzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --attachment-name <name> The name should be stored for the \n"
" following attachment.\n"
msgstr ""
" --attachment-name <izena> Hurrengo eranskinarentzat\n"
" biltegiratua izan beharko litzakeen izena.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:240
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --blockadd <TID:x> Sets the max number of block additional\n"
" levels for this track.\n"
msgstr ""
" --blockadd <TID:x> Bide honentzako bloke maila gehigarrien\n"
" geh. zenbatekoa ezartzen du.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:366
#, no-c-format
msgid " --capabilities Lists optional features mkvmerge was compiled with.\n"
msgstr " --capabilities mkvmerge bildua izan den aukerazko ezaugarrien zerrenda.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --cb-subsample <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" The amount of pixels to remove in the Cb channel\n"
" for every pixel not removed horizontally and\n"
" vertically. This is additive with\n"
" --chroma-subsample.\n"
msgstr ""
" --cb-subsample <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" Etzanean eta zutika kendu gabeko pixel guztientzat\n"
" kendu beharreko pixel kopurua Cb kanalean. \n"
" Hau gehigarria da --chroma-subsample -rekin.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid " --chapter-charset <cset> Charset for a simple chapter file.\n"
msgstr " --chapter-charset <hizkkod> Atal bakarreko agiriarenentzako hizkikodea.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:98
#, no-c-format
msgid " --chapter-language <lng> Set the 'language' element in chapter entries.\n"
msgstr " --chapter-language <hizk> 'hizkuntza' gaia ezartzen du atal sarreratan.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:100
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --chapter-sync <d[,o[/p]]>\n"
" Synchronize, adjust the chapters's timestamps\n"
" by 'd' ms.\n"
" 'o/p': Adjust the timestamps by multiplying with\n"
" 'o/p' to fix linear drifts. 'p' defaults to\n"
" 1 if omitted. Both 'o' and 'p' can be\n"
" floating point numbers.\n"
msgstr ""
" -y, --sync <TID:d[,o[/p]]>\n"
" Aldiberetu, zehaztu bideen denborakodeak\n"
" 'd' ms id TID-rekin.\n"
" 'o/p': Zehaztu denborakodeak 'o/p'-rekin\n"
" biderkatuz okerdura linearrak zuzentzeko\n"
" 'p' berezkoa 1 ezikusia bada. Biak 'o' eta 'p'\n"
" zenbaki hamarrenak izan daitezke.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid " --chapters <file> Read chapter information from the file.\n"
msgstr " --chapters <agiria> Atal argibideak irakurtzen ditu agiritik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:305
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --chroma-siting <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" How chroma is sited horizontally/vertically.\n"
msgstr ""
" --chroma-siting <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" Margotasuna etzanean/zutika nola kokatzen den.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:296
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --chroma-subsample <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" The amount of pixels to remove in the Cr and Cb\n"
" channels for every pixel not removed horizontally\n"
" and vertically.\n"
msgstr ""
" --chroma-subsample <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" Etzanean eta zutika kendu gabeko pixel guztientzat\n"
" kendu beharreko pixel kopurua Cr eta Cb kanalean. \n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:318
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --chromaticity-coordinates <TID:red-x,red-y,green-x,green-y,blue-x,blue-y>\n"
" Red/Green/Blue chromaticity coordinates as defined\n"
" by CIE 1931.\n"
msgstr ""
" --chromaticity-coordinates <TID:red-x,red-y,green-x,green-y,blue-x,blue-y>\n"
" Gorri/Orlegi/Urdin margotasun antolakuntza\n"
" CIE 1931-an zehaztu bezala.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:129
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --cluster-length <n[ms]> Put at most n data blocks into each cluster.\n"
" If the number is postfixed with 'ms' then\n"
" put at most n milliseconds of data into each\n"
" cluster.\n"
msgstr ""
" --cluster-length <n[sm]> Gehienez n datu bloke jartzen ditu\n"
" kluster bakoitzaren barnean. Ondoren zenbatekoa\n"
" 'sm'-tan ezartzen bada gehienez n sm datu jartzen\n"
" ditu kluster bakoitzaren barnean.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:133
#, no-c-format
msgid " --clusters-in-meta-seek Write meta seek data for clusters.\n"
msgstr " --clusters-in-meta-seek Kluster meta bilaketa datuak idazten ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:292
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --colour-bits-per-channel <TID:n>\n"
" Sets the number of coded bits for a colour \n"
" channel. A value of 0 indicates that the number is\n"
" unspecified.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-bits-per-channel <TID:n>\n"
" Margo kanal batentzat kodeatutako bit zenbatekoa\n"
" ezartzen du. 0 balioak adierazten du zenbatekoa\n"
" zehaztugabea dela.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --colour-matrix-coefficients <TID:n>\n"
" Sets the matrix coefficients of the video used\n"
" to derive luma and chroma values from red, green\n"
" and blue color primaries.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-matrix <TID:n> Gorri, orlegi eta urdin lehen margoetatik\n"
" argitasun eta margotasun eratorpena egiteko\n"
" erabilitako bideoaren matrize ezaugarriak\n"
" ezartzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:310
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --colour-primaries <TID:n>\n"
" The colour primaries of the video.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-primaries <TID:n>\n"
" Bideoaren lehen margoak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:307
#, no-c-format
msgid " --colour-range <TID:n> Clipping of the color ranges.\n"
msgstr " --colour-range <TID:n> Margo mailen ebaketa.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:308
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --colour-transfer-characteristics <TID:n>\n"
" The transfer characteristics of the video.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-transfer-characteristics <TID:n>\n"
" Bideoaren eskualdaketa ezaugarriak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:369
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --command-line-charset <charset>\n"
" Charset for strings on the command line\n"
msgstr ""
" --command-line-charset <hizkkod>\n"
" Agindu lerroko kateentzako hizkikodea\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --compression <TID:method>\n"
" Sets the compression method used for the\n"
" specified track ('none' or 'zlib').\n"
msgstr ""
" --compression <TID:metodoa>\n"
" Adierazitako bideak erabilitako konpresio\n"
" metodoa ezartzen du ('none' edo 'zlib').\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:280
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --cropping <TID:left,top,right,bottom>\n"
" Sets the cropping parameters.\n"
msgstr ""
" --cropping <TID:ezk,goi,esk,behe>\n"
" Mozketa parametroak ezartzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:107
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --cue-chapter-name-format <format>\n"
" Pattern for the conversion from cue sheet\n"
" entries to chapter names.\n"
msgstr ""
" --cue-chapter-name-format <heuskarria>\n"
" Eredua CUE orri sarreretatik\n"
" atal izenetara bihurtzeko\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:243
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --cues <TID:none|iframes|all>\n"
" Create cue (index) entries for this track:\n"
" None at all, only for I frames, for all.\n"
msgstr ""
" --cues <TID:bat ere ez|iframeak|denak>\n"
" Bide honentzako cue (aurkibide) sarrerak sortzen ditu:\n"
" Bat ere ez, I frameak bakarrik, denak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:382
#, no-c-format
msgid " --debug <topic> Turns on debugging output for 'topic'.\n"
msgstr " --debug <topic> Garbiketa irteera pizten du 'topic'-rentzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:257
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --default-duration <TID:Xs|ms|us|ns|fps>\n"
" Force the default duration of a track to X.\n"
" X can be a floating point number or a fraction.\n"
msgstr ""
" --default-duration <TID:Xs|sm|us|ns|fs-ko>\n"
" Bidearen berezko iraupena X-ra behartzen du.\n"
" X izan daiteke zenbaki hamarren bat edo zatikin bat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:110
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --default-language <lng> Use this language for all tracks unless\n"
" overridden with the --language option.\n"
msgstr ""
" --default-language <hizk> Erabili hizkuntza hau bide guztientzat\n"
" --language aukerarekin ezeztatzen ez bada behintzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:234
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --default-track <TID[:bool]>\n"
" Sets the 'default' flag for this track or\n"
" forces it not to be present if bool is 0.\n"
msgstr ""
" --default-track <TID[:bool]>\n"
" Bide honentzako 'berezko' ikurra ezartzen du\n"
" edo ez egotera behartzen du bool 0 bada.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:378
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --deterministic <seed> Enables the creation of byte-identical files\n"
" if the same source files with the same options\n"
" and the same seed are used.\n"
msgstr ""
" --reduce-to-core <TID> HD hedapenak sostengatzen dituzten audio bide\n"
" nukleoei bakarrik heusten die biak nukleoa\n"
" eta hedapenak kopiatu ordez.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:139
#, no-c-format
msgid " --disable-lacing Do not use lacing.\n"
msgstr " --disable-lacing Ez erabili lotura.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --disable-language-ietf Do not write LanguageIETF track header and\n"
" ChapLanguageIETF chapter elements.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --disable-track-statistics-tags\n"
" Do not write tags with track statistics.\n"
msgstr ""
" --disable-track-statistics-tags\n"
" Ez idatzi etiketak bide estatistikekin.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:278
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --display-dimensions <TID:width>x<height>\n"
" Explicitly set the display dimensions.\n"
msgstr ""
" --display-dimensions <TID:zabalera>x<garaiera>\n"
" Erakuspen neurriak argi eta garbi ezartzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid " --enable-durations Enable block durations for all blocks.\n"
msgstr " --enable-durations Gaitu bloke iraupenak bloke guztientzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:383
#, no-c-format
msgid " --engage <feature> Turns on experimental feature 'feature'.\n"
msgstr " --engage <ezaugarria> 'feature' ezaugarri esperimentala eragiten du.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --field-order <TID:n> Sets the video field order parameter\n"
" (see documentation for valid values).\n"
msgstr ""
" --field-order <TID:n> Bideoaren eremu hurrenkera parametroa ezartzen du.\n"
" (ikusi agiritza baliozko balioentzat).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --fix-bitstream-timing-information <TID[:bool]>\n"
" Adjust the frame/field rate stored in the video\n"
" bitstream to match the track's default duration.\n"
msgstr ""
" --fix-bitstream-timing-information <TID[:bool]>\n"
" Bideoaren bitjarioan biltegiratutako frame/eremu neurria\n"
" zehazten du bidearen berezko iraupenarekin bat etortzeko.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:374
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --flush-on-close Flushes all cached data to storage when closing\n"
" a file opened for writing.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:237
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --forced-track <TID[:bool]>\n"
" Sets the 'forced' flag for this track or\n"
" forces it not to be present if bool is 0.\n"
msgstr ""
" --forced-track <TID[:bool]>\n"
" 'behartua' ikurra ezartzen du bide honentzat\n"
" edo ez egotera behartzen du boolearra 0 bada.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --generate-chapters <mode>\n"
" Automatically generate chapters according to\n"
" the mode ('when-appending' or 'interval:<duration>').\n"
msgstr ""
" --generate-chapters <mode>\n"
" Berezgaitasunez sortu atalak moduaren arabera\n"
" ('eransterakoan' edo 'tartea:<duration>').\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --generate-chapters-name-template <template>\n"
" Template for newly generated chapter names\n"
" (default: 'Chapter <NUM:2>').\n"
msgstr ""
" --generate-chapters-name-template <template>\n"
" Sortu berri diren atal izenentzako eredua\n"
" (berezkoa: 'Atala <NUM:2>').\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:94
#, no-c-format
msgid " --global-tags <file> Read global tags from an XML file.\n"
msgstr " --global-tags <agiria> Etiketa orokorrak irakurtzenditu XML agiri batetik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:246
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --language <TID:lang> Sets the language for the track (IETF BCP 47/\n"
" RFC 5646 language tag).\n"
msgstr ""
" --language <TID:lang> Bidearen hizkuntza ezartzen du (ISO 639-2\n"
" kodea, ikusi --list-languages).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:166
#, no-c-format
msgid " --link Link splitted files.\n"
msgstr " --link Banandutako agiriak loturatzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:168
#, no-c-format
msgid " --link-to-next <SID> Link the last file to the given SID.\n"
msgstr " --link-to-next <SID> Azken agiria loturatzen du emaniko SID-ra.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid " --link-to-previous <SID> Link the first file to the given SID.\n"
msgstr " --link-to-previous <SID> Lehen agiria loturatzen du emaniko SID-ra.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:364
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --list-languages Lists all ISO 639 languages and their\n"
" ISO 639-2 codes.\n"
msgstr ""
" --list-languages ISO 639 guztien zerrenda eta beren\n"
" ISO 639-2 kodeak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:312
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --max-content-light <TID:n>\n"
" Maximum brightness of a single pixel in candelas\n"
" per square meter (cd/m²).\n"
msgstr ""
" --max-content-light <TID:n>\n"
" Pixel bakarraren gehienezko dizdira.\n"
" Metro karratu bakoitzeko kandelatan (cd/m²).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:315
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --max-frame-light <TID:n>\n"
" Maximum frame-average light level in candelas per\n"
" square meter (cd/m²).\n"
msgstr ""
" --max-frame-light <TID:n>\n"
" Gehinezko frame-bataz-besteko argi maila\n"
" metro karratuko bakoitzeko kandelatan (cd/m²).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:324
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --max-luminance <TID:float>\n"
" Maximum luminance in candelas per square meter\n"
" (cd/m²).\n"
msgstr ""
" --max-luminance <TID:float>\n"
" Gehienezko argitasuna metro karratu bakoitzeko\n"
" kandelatan (cd/m²).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:327
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --min-luminance <TID:float>\n"
" Minimum luminance in candelas per square meter\n"
" (cd/m²).\n"
msgstr ""
" --min-luminance <TID:float>\n"
" Gutxienezko argitasuna metro karratu bakoitzeko\n"
" kandelatan (cd/m²).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:263
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --nalu-size-length <TID:n>\n"
" Force the NALU size length to n bytes with\n"
" 2 <= n <= 4 with 4 being the default.\n"
msgstr ""
" --nalu-size-length <TID:n>\n"
" Behartu NALU neurri luzera n bytera\n"
" 2 <= n <= 4 4 hasierako berezkoarekin.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid " --no-chapters Don't keep chapters from the source file.\n"
msgstr " --no-chapters Ez heutsi iturburu agiriko atalei.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:136
#, no-c-format
msgid " --no-cues Do not write the cue data (the index).\n"
msgstr " --no-cues Ez idatzi ohar datuak (aurkibidea).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --no-date Do not write the 'date' field in the segment\n"
" information headers.\n"
msgstr ""
" --no-date Ez idatzi 'date' eremua zatiaren\n"
" argibide idazburuetan.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid " --no-global-tags Don't keep global tags from the source file.\n"
msgstr " --no-global-tags Ez heutsi iturburu agiriko etiketa orokorrei.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:371
#, no-c-format
msgid " --output-charset <cset> Output messages in this charset\n"
msgstr " --output-charset <cset> Irteera mezuak hizki-ezarpen honetan\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:367
#, no-c-format
msgid " --priority <priority> Set the priority mkvmerge runs with.\n"
msgstr " --priority <lehentasuna> Ezarri mkvmergeren ekintza lehetasuna.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:359
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --probe-range-percentage <percent>\n"
" Sets maximum size to probe for tracks in percent\n"
" of the total file size for certain file types\n"
" (default: 0.3).\n"
msgstr ""
" --probe-range-percentage <percent>\n"
" Zenbait agiri motentzat agiriaren neurri osoaren\n"
" gehienezko neurria ezartzen du bideen probarako\n"
" (berezkoa: 0.3).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:337
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --projection-pose-pitch <TID:float>\n"
" A pitch rotation to the projection.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-primaries <TID:n>\n"
" Bideoaren lehen margoak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:339
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --projection-pose-roll <TID:float>\n"
" A roll rotation to the projection.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-primaries <TID:n>\n"
" Bideoaren lehen margoak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:335
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --projection-pose-yaw <TID:float>\n"
" A yaw rotation to the projection.\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-primaries <TID:n>\n"
" Bideoaren lehen margoak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:332
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --projection-private <TID:data>\n"
" Private data that only applies to a specific\n"
" projection (as hex digits).\n"
msgstr ""
" --compression <TID:metodoa>\n"
" Adierazitako bideak erabilitako konpresio\n"
" metodoa ezartzen du ('none' edo 'zlib').\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:330
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --projection-type <TID:method>\n"
" Projection method used (03).\n"
msgstr ""
" --colour-primaries <TID:n>\n"
" Bideoaren lehen margoak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:250
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --reduce-to-core <TID> Keeps only the core of audio tracks that support\n"
" HD extensions instead of copying both the core\n"
" and the extensions.\n"
msgstr ""
" --reduce-to-core <TID> HD hedapenak sostengatzen dituzten audio bide\n"
" nukleoei bakarrik heusten die biak nukleoa\n"
" eta hedapenak kopiatu ordez.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:253
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --remove-dialog-normalization-gain <TID>\n"
" Removes or minimizes the dialog normalization gain\n"
" by modifying audio frame headers.\n"
msgstr ""
" --aspect-ratio <TID:f|a/b>\n"
" Erakuspen neurriak ezartzen ditu zabalera eta\n"
" garaiera ikuspegi maila honetatik kalkulatuz.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --segment-uid <SID1,[SID2...]>\n"
" Set the segment UIDs to SID1, SID2 etc.\n"
msgstr ""
" --segment-uid <SID1,[SID2...]>\n"
" Ezarri UID-ren zatiak SID1, SID2, etabrri.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid " --segmentinfo <file> Read segment information from the file.\n"
msgstr " --segmentinfo <agiria> Irakurri zati argibideak agiritik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:146
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --split <d[K,M,G]|HH:MM:SS|s>\n"
" Create a new file after d bytes (KB, MB, GB)\n"
" or after a specific time.\n"
msgstr ""
" --split <d[K,M,G]|HH:MM:SS|s>\n"
" Sortu agiri berri bat d byte ondoren (kB, MB, GB)\n"
" edo adierazitako denboraren ondoren.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:162
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --split chapters:all|A[,B...]\n"
" Create a new file before each chapter (with 'all')\n"
" or before chapter numbers A, B etc.\n"
msgstr ""
" --split chapeters:denakA[,B...]\n"
" Sortu agiri berri bat atal bakoitzaren aurretik\n"
" ('denak'-kin) edo atal zenbakien aurretik A, B, etab.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --split frames:A[,B...]\n"
" Create a new file after each frame/field A, B\n"
" etc.\n"
msgstr ""
" --split frames:A[,B...]\n"
" Sortu agiri berri bat frame/eremu bakoitzaren\n"
" ondoren A, B, etab.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --split parts-frames:start1-end1[,[+]start2-end2,...]\n"
" Same as 'parts:', but 'startN'/'endN' are frame/\n"
" field numbers instead of timestamps.\n"
msgstr ""
" --split parts-frames:hasiera1-amaier1[,[+]hasiera2-amaiera2,...]\n"
" 'zatiak' bezala:, baina 'hasieraN'/'amaieraN' frame/\n"
" eremu zenbakiak dira denbora-kodeen ordez.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:152
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --split parts:start1-end1[,[+]start2-end2,...]\n"
" Keep ranges of timestamps start-end, either in\n"
" separate files or append to previous range's file\n"
" if prefixed with '+'.\n"
msgstr ""
" --split parts:hasiera1-amaier1[,[+]hasiera2-amaiera2,...]\n"
" Heutsi hasiera-amaiera denbora-kodeen mailak,\n"
" bai agiri banandutan edo aurreko mailaren agiritik\n"
" gehitu agirietan aurrizkia '+' bada.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --split timestamps:A[,B...]\n"
" Create a new file after each timestamp A, B\n"
" etc.\n"
msgstr ""
" --split timestamps:A[,B...]\n"
" Sortu agiri berri bat denbora-kode bakoitzaren\n"
" ondoren A, B, etab.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid " --split-max-files <n> Create at most n files.\n"
msgstr " --split-max-files <n> Sortu gehienez n agiri.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:284
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --stereo-mode <TID:n|keyword>\n"
" Sets the stereo mode parameter. It can\n"
" either be a number 0 - 14 or a keyword\n"
" (see documentation for the full list).\n"
msgstr ""
" --stereo-mode <TID:n|keyword>\n"
" Estereo moduaren parametroa ezartzen du.\n"
" Izan daiteke 0-14 arteko zenbaki bat edo\n"
" hitzgako bat (ikusi agiritza zerrenda osorako).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --sub-charset <TID:charset>\n"
" Determines the charset the text subtitles are\n"
" read as for the conversion to UTF-8.\n"
msgstr ""
" --sub-charset <TID:charset>\n"
" UTF-8 bihurketarako irakurriak diren\n"
" azpidatzi idazkien hizkikodea zehazten du.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:134
#, no-c-format
msgid " --timestamp-scale <n> Force the timestamp scale factor to n.\n"
msgstr " --timestamp-scale <n> Behartu denbora-kode neurriratze ezaug. n.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid " --timestamps <TID:file> Read the timestamps to be used from a file.\n"
msgstr ""
" --timestamps <TID:agiria> Irakurri erabili behar diren denbora-kodeak agiri\n"
" batetik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid " --title <title> Title for this destination file.\n"
msgstr " --title <title> Helmuga agiri honentzako izenburua.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid " --track-name <TID:name> Sets the name for a track.\n"
msgstr " --track-name <TID:name> Bide batentzako izena ezartzen du.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --track-order <FileID1:TID1,FileID2:TID2,FileID3:TID3,...>\n"
" A comma separated list of both file IDs\n"
" and track IDs that controls the order of the\n"
" tracks in the destination file.\n"
msgstr ""
" --track-order <AgiriaID1:TID1,AgiriaID2:TID2,AgiriaID3:TID3,...>\n"
" Kakotxaz banandutako agiri ID-a eta bide ID-a\n"
" irteerako agirian bideen hurrenkera agintzen duena.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:222
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --track-tags <n,m,...> Copy the tags for tracks n,m etc. Default: copy\n"
" tags for all tracks.\n"
msgstr ""
" --track-tags <n,m,...> Kopiatu etiketak n, m, etab. bideentzako.\n"
" Berezkoa: kopiatu etiketak bide guztientzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:368
#, no-c-format
msgid " --ui-language <code> Force the translations for 'code' to be used.\n"
msgstr " --ui-language <kodea> Behartu itzulpenak erabili behar den 'kodea'-rentzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:321
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" --white-colour-coordinates <TID:x,y>\n"
" White colour chromaticity coordinates as defined\n"
" by CIE 1931.\n"
msgstr ""
" --white-colour-coordinates <TID:x,y>\n"
" Margo zuriaren margotasun antolakuntza\n"
" CIE 1931-n zehaztuta bezala.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:203
#, no-c-format
msgid " -A, --no-audio Don't copy any audio track from this file.\n"
msgstr " -A, --no-audio Ez kopiatu audio biderik agiri honetatik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid " -B, --no-buttons Don't copy any buttons track from this file.\n"
msgstr " -B, --no-buttons Ez kopitu botoi biderik agiri honetati.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:207
#, no-c-format
msgid " -D, --no-video Don't copy any video track from this file.\n"
msgstr " -D, --no-video Ez kopiatu bide biderik agiri honetatik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:356
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -F, --identification-format <format>\n"
" Set the identification results format\n"
" ('text' or 'json'; default is 'text').\n"
msgstr ""
" -F, --identification-format <format>\n"
" Ezarri ezagutarazpen emaitz heuskarria\n"
" ('text', 'verbose-text', 'json').\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:354
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -J <file> This is a convenient alias for\n"
" \"--identification-format json --identify file\".\n"
msgstr ""
" -J <file> Hau izenorde komenigarria da\n"
" \"--identification-format json --identify file\"-rentzat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:220
#, no-c-format
msgid " -M, --no-attachments Don't copy attachments from a source file.\n"
msgstr " -M, --no-attachments Ez kopiatu eranskinik iturburu agiritik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:211
#, no-c-format
msgid " -S, --no-subtitles Don't copy any subtitle track from this file.\n"
msgstr " -S, --no-subtitles Ez kopiatu azpidatzi biderik agiri honetatik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid " -T, --no-track-tags Don't copy tags for tracks from the source file.\n"
msgstr " -T, --no-track-tags Ez kopiatu etiketak bideentzat iturburu agiritik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:387
#, no-c-format
msgid " -V, --version Show version information.\n"
msgstr " -V, --version Erakutsi bertsio argibideak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -a, --audio-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Copy audio tracks n,m etc. Default: copy all\n"
" audio tracks.\n"
msgstr ""
" -a, --audio-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Kopiatu n, m, etab. audio bideak. Berez: kopiatu\n"
" audio bide denak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -b, --button-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Copy buttons tracks n,m etc. Default: copy\n"
" all buttons tracks.\n"
msgstr ""
" -b, --button-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Kopiatu n, m, etab. botoi bideak. Berez: kopiatu\n"
" botoi bide denak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:204
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -d, --video-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Copy video tracks n,m etc. Default: copy all\n"
" video tracks.\n"
msgstr ""
" -d, --video-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Kopiatu n, m, etab. bideo bideak. Berez: kopiatu\n"
" bideo bide denak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -f, --fourcc <FOURCC> Forces the FourCC to the specified value.\n"
" Works only for video tracks.\n"
msgstr ""
" -f, --fourcc <FOURCC> Behartzen du FourCC adierazitako balio batera.\n"
" Bideo bideekin bakarrik egiten du lan.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:386
#, no-c-format
msgid " -h, --help Show this help.\n"
msgstr " -h, --help Erakutsi laguntza hau.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:353
#, no-c-format
msgid " -i, --identify <file> Print information about the source file.\n"
msgstr ""
" -i, --identify <agiria>\n"
" Irarkitu iturburu agiriaren argibideak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:363
#, no-c-format
msgid " -l, --list-types Lists supported source file types.\n"
msgstr " -l, --list-types Iturburu agiri mota sostengatuak zerrendatzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -m, --attachments <n[:all|first],m[:all|first],...>\n"
" Copy the attachments with the IDs n, m etc. to\n"
" all or only the first destination file. Default:\n"
" copy all attachments to all destination files.\n"
msgstr ""
" -m, --attachments <n[:all|first],m[:all|first],...>\n"
" Kopiatu n, m etab. ID-ak dituzten eranskinak\n"
" guztietara edo lehen helmuga agirira bakarrik. Berezkoa: kopiatu\n"
" eranskin guztiak helmuga agiri guztietara.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid " -o, --output out Write to the file 'out'.\n"
msgstr " -o, --output irteera Idatzi 'irteera' agirira.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:372
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -r, --redirect-output <file>\n"
" Redirects all messages into this file.\n"
msgstr ""
" -r, --redirect-output <agiria>\n"
" Agiri honetako mezu denak berzuzentzen ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -s, --subtitle-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Copy subtitle tracks n,m etc. Default: copy\n"
" all subtitle tracks.\n"
msgstr ""
" -s, --subtitle-tracks <n,m,...>\n"
" Kopiatu n, m, etab. azpidatzi bideak.\n"
" Berez: Kopitatu azpidatzi bide denak\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid " -t, --tags <TID:file> Read tags for the track from an XML file.\n"
msgstr ""
" -t, --tags <TID:agiria> Irakurri bidearentzako etiketak\n"
" XML agiri batetik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid " -w, --webm Create WebM compliant file.\n"
msgstr " -w, --webm Sortu WebM agiri bateragarria.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:227
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" -y, --sync <TID:d[,o[/p]]>\n"
" Synchronize, adjust the track's timestamps with\n"
" the id TID by 'd' ms.\n"
" 'o/p': Adjust the timestamps by multiplying with\n"
" 'o/p' to fix linear drifts. 'p' defaults to\n"
" 1 if omitted. Both 'o' and 'p' can be\n"
" floating point numbers.\n"
msgstr ""
" -y, --sync <TID:d[,o[/p]]>\n"
" Aldiberetu, zehaztu bideen denborakodeak\n"
" 'd' ms id TID-rekin.\n"
" 'o/p': Zehaztu denborakodeak 'o/p'-rekin\n"
" biderkatuz okerdura linearrak zuzentzeko\n"
" 'p' berezkoa 1 ezikusia bada. Biak 'o' eta 'p'\n"
" zenbaki hamarrenak izan daitezke.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:177
#, no-c-format
msgid " <file1> + <file2> Append file2 to file1.\n"
msgstr " <1 agiria> + <2 agiria> Erantsi 2 agiria 1 agirira.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:178
#, no-c-format
msgid " <file1> +<file2> Same as \"<file1> + <file2>\".\n"
msgstr " <1 agiria> +<2 agiria> \"<1 agiria> + <2 agiria>\" bezala.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:180
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" = <file> Don't look for and concatenate files with the same\n"
" base name but with a different trailing number.\n"
msgstr ""
" = <agiria> Ez bilatu eta kateaduratu izen ohinarri bereko baina\n"
" amaiera zenbaki ezberdineko agiriak.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:182
#, no-c-format
msgid " =<file> Same as \"= <file>\".\n"
msgstr " =<agiria> \"= <agiria>\" bezala.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:384
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
" @option-file.json Reads additional command line options from\n"
" the specified JSON file (see man page).\n"
msgstr ""
" @option-file.json Agindu lerroko aukera gehigarriak irakurtzen ditu\n"
" adierazitako JSON agiritik (ikusi orrialde nagusia).\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid " B: boolean (0 or 1)\n"
msgstr " B: boolean (0 edo 1)\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid " DT: date & time\n"
msgstr " DT: eguna eta ordua\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:169
#, no-c-format
msgid " FP: floating point number\n"
msgstr " FP: zenbaki hamarrena\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:166
#, no-c-format
msgid " S: string\n"
msgstr " S: katea\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:163
#, no-c-format
msgid " SI: signed integer\n"
msgstr " SI: seinudun osoa\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:164
#, no-c-format
msgid " UI: unsigned integer\n"
msgstr " UI: seinugabeko osoa\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid " US: Unicode string\n"
msgstr " US: Unicode katea\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:168
#, no-c-format
msgid " X: binary in hex\n"
msgstr " X: binarioa hexadezimalean\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:179
#, no-c-format
msgid " [ <file1> <file2> ] Same as \"<file1> + <file2>\".\n"
msgstr " [ <file1> <file2> ] \"<file1> + <file2>\" bezala.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:392
#, no-c-format
msgid " (FourCC: {0})"
msgstr " (FourCC: {0})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:401
#, no-c-format
msgid " (H.264 profile: {0} @L{1}.{2})"
msgstr " (H.264 profila: {0} @L{1}.{2})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:420
#, no-c-format
msgid " (HEVC profile: {0} @L{1}.{2})"
msgstr " (HEVC profila: {0} @L{1}.{2})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:467
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:588
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:889
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1034
#, no-c-format
msgid " (adler: 0x{0:08x})"
msgstr " (adler: 0x{0:08x})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:713
#, no-c-format
msgid " (aspect ratio)"
msgstr " (ikuspegi maila)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:711
#, no-c-format
msgid " (centimeters)"
msgstr " (metroehunenak)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:741
#, no-c-format
msgid " (fixed)"
msgstr " (zuzenduta)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:396
#, no-c-format
msgid " (format tag: 0x{0:04x})"
msgstr " (heuskarri etiketa: 0x{0:04x})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:739
#, no-c-format
msgid " (free resizing)"
msgstr " (birneurriratze askea)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:712
#, no-c-format
msgid " (inches)"
msgstr " (hatzbeteak)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:740
#, no-c-format
msgid " (keep aspect ratio)"
msgstr " (heutsi ikuspegi mailari)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:710
#, no-c-format
msgid " (pixels)"
msgstr " (pixel)"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid " Attachment support (more global options):\n"
msgstr " Eranskin sostengua (aukera orokor gehiago):\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid " Chapter handling:\n"
msgstr " Atal kudeaketa:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid " File splitting, linking, appending and concatenating (more global options):\n"
msgstr " Agiri banantzea, loturatzea, gehitzea eta kateaduratzea (aukera orokor gehiago):\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid " General output control (advanced global options):\n"
msgstr " Irteera agnte orokorra (aukera orokor aurreratuak):\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid " Global options:\n"
msgstr " Aukera orokorrak:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid " Options for each source file:\n"
msgstr " Iturburua agiri bakoitzarentzako aukerak:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:347
#, no-c-format
msgid " Options that only apply to VobSub subtitle tracks:\n"
msgstr " VobSub azpidatzi bideetan bakarrik ezartzen diren aukerak:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:342
#, no-c-format
msgid " Options that only apply to text subtitle tracks:\n"
msgstr " Idazki azpidatzi bideetan bakarrik ezartzen diren aukerak:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid " Options that only apply to video tracks:\n"
msgstr " Bideo bideetan bakarrik ezartzen diren aukerak:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid " Other options:\n"
msgstr " Beste aukerak:\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:119
#, no-c-format
msgid " Segment info handling:\n"
msgstr " Zati argibide kudeaketa:\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:292
#, no-c-format
msgid " at 0x{0:x}"
msgstr " at 0x{0:x}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:292
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid " at {0}"
msgstr " {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:302
#, no-c-format
msgid " data size {0}"
msgstr " datu neurria {0}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1106
#, no-c-format
msgid " day"
msgid_plural " days"
msgstr[0] "egun"
msgstr[1] "egun"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:274
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:284
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:292
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:299
#, no-c-format
msgid " done\n"
msgstr " eginda\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1100
#, no-c-format
msgid " second"
msgid_plural " seconds"
msgstr[0] "segundu"
msgstr[1] "segundu"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:298
#, no-c-format
msgid " size is unknown"
msgstr " neurria ezezaguna da"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:296
#, no-c-format
msgid " size {0}"
msgstr " neurria {0}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:280
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1753
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:78
#, no-c-format
msgid "\"Default track\" flag:"
msgstr "\"Berezko bidea\" ikurra:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:534
#, no-c-format
msgid "\"Determine automatically\" is a good choice for almost all situations."
msgstr "\"Zehaztu berezgaitasunez\" aukera ona da egoera gehienentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:281
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1754
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:82
#, no-c-format
msgid "\"Forced track\" flag:"
msgstr "\"Behartutako\" bidea ikurra:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:124
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:715
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 Hz"
msgstr "%1 Hz"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 automatic, %2 manual, %3 running"
msgstr "%1 berez, %2 eskuz, %3 ekinean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:127
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:724
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 bit per sample"
msgid_plural "%1 bits per sample"
msgstr[0] "bit %1 lagineko"
msgstr[1] "%1 bit lagineko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:122
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:126
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:50
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 byte (%2)"
msgid_plural "%1 bytes (%2)"
msgstr[0] "%1 byte (%2)"
msgstr[1] "%1 byte (%2)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:125
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:719
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 channel"
msgid_plural "%1 channels"
msgstr[0] "%1 kanala"
msgstr[1] "%1 kanalak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:109
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 entry"
msgid_plural "%1 entries"
msgstr[0] "%1 sarrera"
msgstr[1] "%1 sarrera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 error"
msgid_plural "%1 errors"
msgstr[0] "%1 akats"
msgstr[1] "%1 akats"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:135
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:729
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 pixels"
msgstr "%1 pixel"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "%1 warning"
msgid_plural "%1 warnings"
msgstr[0] "%1 kontuz-ohar"
msgstr[1] "%1 kontuz-ohar"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "%<1-9>n nanoseconds with up to nine places (e.g. three places with %3n)"
msgstr "%<1-9>n nanosegundu bederatzi tokira arte (adib. hiru toki %3n-rekin)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "%H hours zero-padded to two places"
msgstr "%H ordu zero-tarteaz bi tokira"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:345
#, no-c-format
msgid "%M minutes zero-padded to two places"
msgstr "%M minutu zero-tarteaz bi tokira"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:347
#, no-c-format
msgid "%S seconds zero-padded to two places"
msgstr "%S segundu zero-tarteaz bi tokira"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:342
#, no-c-format
msgid "%h hours"
msgstr "%h ordu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:344
#, no-c-format
msgid "%m minutes"
msgstr "%m minutu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid "%n nanoseconds with nine places"
msgstr "%n nanosegundu bederatzi tokirekin"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.h:176
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.h:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "%p%"
msgstr "%p%"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "%s seconds"
msgstr "%s segundu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:302
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:196
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Abort job"
msgstr "&Utzi lana"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:517
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:434
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Abort jobs"
msgstr "&Utzi lanak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:411
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Acknowledge warnings and errors"
msgstr "E&zagutu kontuz-oharrak eta akatsak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/select_playlist_dialog.cpp:310
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Gehitu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1882
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add action"
msgstr "&Gehitu ekintza"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add attachment"
msgstr "&Gehitu eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attachments_page.h:112
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:344
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:407
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add attachments"
msgstr "&Gehitu eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1499
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1500
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add files"
msgstr "&Gehitu agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1843
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add source files"
msgstr "&Gehitu iturburu agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1842
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1516
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Audio"
msgstr "&Audioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1819
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Audio tracks:"
msgstr "A&udio bideak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1825
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Automatically set the destination file name"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunez ezarri helmuga agiri ize&na"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:169
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "E&zeztatu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:661
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:412
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Chapter editor"
msgstr "&Atal editatzailea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Chapter number of first created entry:"
msgstr "&Lehenik sortutako sarreraren atal zenbakia:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1859
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Character set for text files:"
msgstr "&Hizkikodea idazki agirientzat:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.h:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Character set:"
msgstr "&Hizkikodea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1777
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Character sets"
msgstr "Hizki-&kodeak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Clear output and reset progress"
msgstr "G&arbitu irteera eta berrezarri garapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:627
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:646
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:665
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:673
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:715
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:717
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:719
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:723
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:735
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:126
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/text_display_dialog.h:82
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:101
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "It&xi"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:277
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:890
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Close file"
msgstr "It&xi agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Close settings"
msgstr "It&xi ezerpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "It&xi leihoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:622
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Code of Conduct"
msgstr "&Conduct Kodea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:203
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Collapse all"
msgstr "&Bildu denak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:337
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Command line:"
msgstr "Agindu &lerroa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:224
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Constrict start and end timestamps of sub-chapters to their parent's start and end timestamps"
msgstr "Estutu azpi-atalen hasiera eta amaiera &denbora-kodeak beren gainekoen hasiera eta amaiera denbora-kodeetara"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1224
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Continue identification"
msgstr "&Jarritu identifikazioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:615
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Copy command line to clipboard"
msgstr "&Kopiatu agindu lerroa gakora"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:528
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Country:"
msgstr "Herrialdea:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:431
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Create file without audio track"
msgstr "&Sortu agiria audio bide gabe"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:511
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Default"
msgstr "&Berezkoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attached_file_page.h:174
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1835
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Description:"
msgstr "&Azalpena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:227
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Detach window"
msgstr "&Deserantsi leihoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1513
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Disable all items"
msgstr "E&zgaitu gai guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:356
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Disable selected attachment"
msgid_plural "&Disable selected attachments"
msgstr[0] "E&zgaitu hautaturiko eranskina"
msgstr[1] "E&zgaitu hautaturiko eranskinak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Don't scan, just add the file"
msgstr "E&z mihatu beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Download"
msgstr "&Jeitsi"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Duration of each entry in seconds:"
msgstr "&Sarrera bakoitzaren iraupena segundutan:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:491
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Edit available actions to execute"
msgstr "&Editatu exekutatzeko ekintza eskuaragarriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1765
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Elide text in tab headers of tab widgets"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1512
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Enable all items"
msgstr "&Gaitu gai guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Enable selected attachment"
msgid_plural "&Enable selected attachments"
msgstr[0] "G&aitu hautaturiko eranskina"
msgstr[1] "G&aitu hautaturiko eranskinak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:517
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Enabled"
msgstr "&Gaituta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:119
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Escape arguments for:"
msgstr "&Irten argumentuak honentzat:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:202
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:342
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Expand all"
msgstr "&Hedatu denak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Extended subtags:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:658
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Extraction tool"
msgstr "&Ateratze tresna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:679
#, no-c-format
msgid "&FAQ"
msgstr "&SEG"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:172
#, no-c-format
msgid "&File name:"
msgstr "&Agiri izen:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "&First entry to renumber:"
msgstr "&Berzenbakitzeko lehen sarrera:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1757
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Font && size:"
msgstr "&Hizkia eta neurria:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:305
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Free-form input"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Generate sub-chapters"
msgstr "S&ortu azpi-atalak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:660
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Header editor"
msgstr "I&dazburu editatzailea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:415
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "L&aguntza"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Hex dumps:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:512
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:518
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Hidden"
msgstr "&Ezkutaturik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:306
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Individually selected components"
msgstr "G&aitu hautaturiko eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:659
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:750
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:410
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Info tool"
msgstr "Argibi&de tresna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1785
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Input"
msgstr "&Sarrera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:414
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Job output"
msgstr "Lanaren &irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:662
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:413
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Job queue"
msgstr "&Lan lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:182
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Language of chapter names to replace:"
msgstr "&Ordezteko atal izenen hizkuntza:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:194
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1752
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:313
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Language:"
msgstr "Hizkuntza:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1773
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Languages"
msgstr "&Hizkuntzak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attached_file_page.h:176
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1836
#, no-c-format
msgid "&MIME type:"
msgstr "&MIME mota:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1850
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Minimum playlist duration:"
msgstr "&Gutxienezko irakur-zerrenda iraupena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Mode:"
msgstr "&Modua:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:657
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:409
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Multiplexer"
msgstr "&Multiplexatzailea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Multiply start and end timestamps by the following factor:"
msgstr "&Biderkatu hasiera eta amaiera denbora-irarketak hurrengo faktoreaz:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:526
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:335
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1834
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Izena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tool.h:195
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:592
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:637
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tool.h:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Berria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Next chapter editor tab"
msgstr "&Hurrengo atal editatzaile hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tool.cpp:272
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Next header editor tab"
msgstr "&Hurrengo idazburu editatzaile hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tool.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Next info tab"
msgstr "&Hurrengo argibide hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tool.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Next job output tab"
msgstr "&Hurrengo lan irteera hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:448
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Next multiplex settings"
msgstr "&Hurrengo multiplexatze ezarpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Number of entries to renumber:"
msgstr "&Ber-zenbakitzeko sarrera zenbatekoa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1839
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Only enable copying of tracks with specific languages by default"
msgstr "&Gaitu adierazitako hizkuntza duten bideak bakarrik kopiatzea berez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1772
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1774
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1776
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Only include often used entries in selections"
msgstr "&Gehien erabilitako hautapenak bakarrik gehitu hautapenetan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1826
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Only use the first source file that contains a video track"
msgstr "&Erabili bideo bide bat duen lehen iturburu agiria bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/tool.h:181
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/tool.h:181
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:623
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:731
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Open Matroska or WebM file"
msgstr "&Ireki Matroska edo WebM agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/action_for_dropped_files_dialog.h:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Open as new tabs in the header editor"
msgstr "Ireki &hegats berri bezala idazburu editatzailean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:406
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Open folder"
msgstr "&Ireki agiritegia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:600
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tool.h:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Open settings"
msgstr "&Ireki ezarpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tool.h:196
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:641
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Open supported chapter file format"
msgstr "Agiri heuskarri sostengu gabea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:513
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Ordered"
msgstr "&Hurrenkeran"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1828
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Output"
msgstr "I&rteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:620
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Overwrite file"
msgstr "&Gainidatzi agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:617
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Preferences"
msgstr "&Hobespenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:404
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Previous chapter editor tab"
msgstr "A&urreko atal editatzaile hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tool.cpp:273
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Previous header editor tab"
msgstr "A&urreko idazburu editatzaile hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tool.cpp:227
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Previous info tab"
msgstr "A&urreko argibide hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tool.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Previous job output tab"
msgstr "A&urreko lan irteera hegatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:449
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Previous multiplex settings"
msgstr "A&urreko multiplexatze ezarpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:310
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Private use:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:312
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Region:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1822
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Regular expression:"
msgstr "&Adierazpen arrunta:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:635
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:656
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Reload"
msgstr "Bi&rgertatu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:254
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:890
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Reload file"
msgstr "&Birgertatu agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:345
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:369
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove attachment"
msgid_plural "&Remove attachments"
msgstr[0] "&Kendu eranskina"
msgstr[1] "&Kendu eranskinak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:227
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove end timestamps"
msgstr "&Kendu amaierako denbora-irarketak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1468
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove file"
msgid_plural "&Remove files"
msgstr[0] "&Kendu agiria"
msgstr[1] "&Kendu agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove job"
msgid_plural "&Remove jobs"
msgstr[0] "Kendu &lana"
msgstr[1] "Kendu &lanak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1878
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove job from queue after completion:"
msgstr "&Kendu lana lan lerrotik osatu ondoren:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove selected edition or chapter"
msgstr "&Kendu hautaturiko edizioa edo atala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Reset this value"
msgstr "&Berrezarri balio hau"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:631
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:650
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:669
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:716
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:718
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:724
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:740
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Save"
msgstr "G&orde"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:347
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Save attachment content to a file"
msgstr "Gorde eranskinaren e&dukia agiri batean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:144
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Save output"
msgstr "&Gorde irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:596
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:720
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Save settings"
msgstr "G&orde ezarpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1845
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Scan directory for other playlists:"
msgstr "&Mihatu zuzenbidea ea beste irakur-zerrendarik dagoen:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:31
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Scan for other playlists"
msgstr "&Mihatu beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:308
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Script:"
msgstr "&Azalpena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:409
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Select all attachments"
msgstr "Hautatu &eranskin guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1510
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Select all items"
msgstr "&Hautatu gai guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Skip chapters flagged \"hidden\""
msgstr "&Jauzi \"ezkutua\" ikurra duten atalak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:236
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Skip file"
msgstr "&Jauzi agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Sort chapters by their start and end timestamps"
msgstr "&Antolatu atalak beren hasiera eta amaiera denbor-irarketen arabera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:515
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Start && end:"
msgstr "&Hasiera eta amaiera:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Start job automatically"
msgid_plural "&Start jobs automatically"
msgstr[0] "&Hasi lana berezgaitasunez"
msgstr[1] "&Hasi lanak berezgaitasunez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:200
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Start timestamp of first created entry:"
msgstr "&Sortutako lehen sarreraren hasiera denbora-irarketa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1821
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Subtitle tracks:"
msgstr "&Azpidatzi bideak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1843
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1517
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Subtitles"
msgstr "A&zpidatziak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:664
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Tag editor"
msgstr "Eti&keta editatzailea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1740
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Tracks, chapters and tags:"
msgstr "Bi&deak, atalak, etiketak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Type:"
msgstr "&Mota:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:514
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:519
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attached_file_page.h:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "&UID:"
msgstr "UID-a:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:636
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Validate values"
msgstr "&Balioztatu balioak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:314
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Variants:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:163
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Verbosity:"
msgstr "&Berritsua:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1841
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1515
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Video"
msgstr "&Bideoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1820
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Video tracks:"
msgstr "&Bideo bideak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:405
#, no-c-format
msgid "&View output"
msgstr "&Ikusi irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Volume:"
msgstr "&Bolumena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1817
#, no-c-format
msgid "&When to set the language:"
msgstr "&Hizkuntza ezartzerakoan:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:749
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Window"
msgstr "&Leihoa"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2598
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--aspect-ratio' lacks the aspect ratio.\n"
msgstr "'--aspect-ratio' ez du ikuspegi mailarik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2605
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--aspect-ratio-factor' lacks the aspect ratio factor.\n"
msgstr "'--aspect-ratio-factor' ez du ikuspegi maila ezaugarririk.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2408
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--attachment-description' lacks the description.\n"
msgstr "'--attachment-description' ez du azalpenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2417
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--attachment-mime-type' lacks the MIME type.\n"
msgstr "'--attachment-mime-type' ez du MIME motarik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2427
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--attachment-name' lacks the name.\n"
msgstr "'--attachment-name' ez du izenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2463
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapter-charset' lacks the charset.\n"
msgstr "'--chapter-charset' ez du hizkikoderik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1845
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapter-charset' may only be given once in '--chapter-charset {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'--chapter-charset' behin bakarrik eman daiteke hemen: '--chapter-charset {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1848
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapter-charset' must be given before '--chapters' in '--chapter-charset {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'--chapter-charset' '--chapters'-ren aurretik eman behar da hemen: '--chapter-charset {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2456
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapter-language' lacks the language.\n"
msgstr "'--chapter-language' ez du hizkuntzarik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1832
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapter-language' may only be given once in '--chapter-language {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'--chapter-language' behin bakarrik eman daiteke hemen: '--chapter-language {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1835
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapter-language' must be given before '--chapters' in '--chapter-language {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'--chapter-language' '--chapters'-ren aurretik eman behar da hemen: '--chapter-language {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2487
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--chapters' lacks the file name.\n"
msgstr "'--chapters' ez du agiri izenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2380
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--cluster-length' lacks the length.\n"
msgstr "'--cluster-length' ez du luzerarik.\n"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--command-line-charset' is missing its argument.\n"
msgstr "'--command-line-charset' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2619
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--cropping' lacks the crop parameters.\n"
msgstr "'--cropping' ez du mozketa parametrorik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2477
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--cue-chapter-name-format' lacks the format.\n"
msgstr "'--cue-chapter-name-format' ez du heuskarririk.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2480
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--cue-chapter-name-format' must be given before '--chapters'.\n"
msgstr "'--cue-chapter-name-format' '--chapters'-ren aurretik eman behar da.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2612
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--display-dimensions' lacks the dimensions.\n"
msgstr "'--display-dimensions' ez du neurririk.\n"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--engage' lacks its argument.\n"
msgstr "'--engage' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2496
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--generate-chapters' lacks the mode.\n"
msgstr "'--generate-chapters' modu gabe.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2264
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--generate-chapters-name-template' lacks the name template.\n"
msgstr "'--generate-chapters-name-template' izen eredu gabe.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2447
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--global-tags' lacks the file name.\n"
msgstr "'--global-tags' ez du agiri izenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2937
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--link' is only useful in combination with '--split'.\n"
msgstr "'--link' '--split'-rekin batera bakarrik da erabilgarria.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2366
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--link-to-next' lacks the next UID.\n"
msgstr "'--link-to-next' ez du hurrengo UID-a.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2359
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--link-to-previous' lacks the previous UID.\n"
msgstr "'--link-to-previous' ez du aurreko UID-a.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2373
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--segment-uid' lacks the segment UID.\n"
msgstr "'--segment-uid' ez du zati UID-a.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2503
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--segmentinfo' lacks the file name.\n"
msgstr "'--segmentinfo' ez du agiri izena.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2340
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--split' lacks the size.\n"
msgstr "'--split' ez du neurririk.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2347
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--split-max-files' lacks the number of files.\n"
msgstr "'--split-max-files' ez du agiri zenbatekorik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1925
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--timestamp-scale' was used more than once.\n"
msgstr "'--timestamp-scale' behin baino gehiagotan erabili da.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2332
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--title' lacks the title.\n"
msgstr "'--title' ez du izenbururik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2869
#, no-c-format
msgid "'--track-order' may only be given once.\n"
msgstr "'--track-order' behin bakarrik eman daiteke.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2041
#, no-c-format
msgid "'-A' and '-a' used on the same source file.\n"
msgstr "-A eta -a iturburu agiri berean erabilita.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2050
#, no-c-format
msgid "'-B' and '-b' used on the same source file.\n"
msgstr "-B eta -b iturburu agiri berean erabilita.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2044
#, no-c-format
msgid "'-D' and '-d' used on the same source file.\n"
msgstr "-D eta -d iturburu agiri berean erabilita.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2047
#, no-c-format
msgid "'-S' and '-s' used on the same source file.\n"
msgstr "-S eta -s iturburu agiri berean erabilita.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "'Default track' flag"
msgstr "'Berezko bidea' ikurra"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "'Forced display' flag"
msgstr "'Behartu erakuspena' ikurra"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "'Track enabled' flag"
msgstr "'Bidea gaituta' ikurra"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2233
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' can only be used with a file name. No further options are allowed if this option is used.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' agiri izen batekin bakarrik erabili daiteke. Ez da beste aukerarik ahalbidetzen aukera hau erabiltzen bada.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1360
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is an unsupported argument for --compression. Available compression methods are: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' sostengu gabeko argumentoa da: --compression. Konpresio metodo eskuragarriak dira: {1}\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1315
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is an unsupported argument for --cues.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' sostengu gabeko argumentoa da: --cues.\n"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is missing the file name.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez dago agiri izena.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is neither a valid ISO 639-2 nor a valid ISO 639-1 code. See 'mkvmerge --list-languages' for a list of all languages and their respective ISO 639-2 codes.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ISO 639-2 ezta ISO 639-1 kode baliozkoa '--list-language {0}'. ikusi 'mkvmerge --list-languages' hizkuntza guztien zerrenda eta dagokion ISO 639-2 koderako.\n"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:188
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:205
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a CHAPTERxx=... line."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ATALAxx=...lerroa."
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a CHAPTERxxNAME=... line."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ATALAxxIZENA=...lerroa."
#: src/common/chapters/dvd.cpp:118
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid DVD title number."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da eremu hurrenkera baliozko bat."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:553
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tag in '{1}'. Additional information from the parser: {2}\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:151
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tag. Additional information from the parser: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid ISO 639-2 language code."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ISO 639-2 hizkuntza kode baliozkoa."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1547
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid append mode in '--append-mode {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da gehitze modu baliozkoa hemen: '--append-mode {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1673
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid block additional max in '--blockadd {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da bloke gehigarri baliozko geh. bat hemen: '--blockadd {1}'.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid ccTLD country code."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ccTLD herrialde kode baliozko bat."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1026
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid field order."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da eremu hurrenkera baliozko bat."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1489
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1492
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid file ID in '--track-order {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da agiri ID baliozko bat hemen: '--track-order {1}'.\n"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid hack.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ebaketa baliozko bat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1532
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid mapping of file and track IDs in '--append-to {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da agiri eta bide ID mapaketa baliozkoa hemen: '--append-to {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1486
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid pair of file ID and track ID in '--track-order {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da agiri ID eta bide ID pare baliozko bat hemen: '--track-order {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1589
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid pair of track ID and NALU size length in '--nalu-size-length {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da baliozko parea bide ID eta NALU neurri luzerarako: '--nalu-size-length {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1665
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid pair of track ID and block additional in '--blockadd {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da bide ID eta bloke gehigarri pare baliozko bat hemen: '--blockadd {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1561
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid pair of track ID and default duration in '--default-duration {0}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da baliozko bide pare ID bat eta berezko iraupena hemen: '--default-duration {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1710
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid priority class.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da lehentasun klase baliozko bat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1669
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid track ID in '--blockadd {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da bide ID baliozko bat hemen: '--blockadd {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1565
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid track ID in '--default-duration {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da bide ID baliozko bat hemen: '--default-duration {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1593
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid track ID in '--nalu-size-length {1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da bide ID baliozko bat hemen: '--nalu-size-length {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1020
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not a valid track ID."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da bide ID baliozko bat."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1569
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is not recognized as a valid number format or it doesn't contain a valid unit ('s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', 'fps', 'p' or 'i') in '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez da baliozko zenbaki heuskarri bezala ezagutzen edo ez du baliozko untitate bat ('s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', 'fps', 'p' edo 'i') hemen: '{1}'.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is only allowed when extracting chapters.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' atalak ateratzerakoan bakarrik dago ahalbidetuta.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:154
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' is only allowed when extracting tracks.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' bideak ateratzerakoan bakarrik dago ahalbidetuta.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2254
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks a file name.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du agiri izenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2123
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2143
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2208
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2274
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2319
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2518
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2532
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2766
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2780
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2787
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2794
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2801
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2808
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2815
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2822
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2836
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2843
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2850
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2858
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2866
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2876
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2883
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2890
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2897
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2904
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2911
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2918
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks its argument.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du argumentorik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2591
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks the FourCC.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du FourCC.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2470
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2773
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks the delay.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du atzerapenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2437
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks the file name.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du agiri izenik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2626
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2633
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2640
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2647
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2654
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2661
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2668
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2675
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2682
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2689
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2696
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2703
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2710
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2717
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2724
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2731
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2738
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2745
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2752
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2759
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks the parameter.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du parametroa.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2829
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks the track ID.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du bide ID-rik.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2556
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2563
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2570
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2577
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2584
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' lacks the track numbers.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ez du bide zenbakirik.\n"
#: src/common/output.cpp:213
#: src/common/output.cpp:226
#: src/common/output.cpp:239
#: src/common/output.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}' track {1}: {2}"
msgstr "'{0}' bidea {1}: {2}"
#: src/common/mm_multi_file_io.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}': Processing the following files as well: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}': Hurrengo agiriak on bezala prozesatzen: {1}\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1898
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}': You're copying an Opus track that was written in experimental mode. The resulting track will be written in final mode, but one detail cannot be recovered from a track written in experimental mode: the end trimming. This means that a decoder might output a few samples more than originally intended. You should re-multiplex from the original Opus file if possible.\n"
msgstr "'{0}': Modu esperimentalean multiplexatu den Opus bide bat kopiatzen ari zara. Emaitza bidea azken moduan idatziko da, baina xehetasun bat ezin da berreskuratu modu esperimentalean idatzitako bide batetik: apaingarri amaiera. Honek esanahi du dekodeatzaileak jatorrian nahi baino lagin gutxi batzuk gehiago izan ditzakeela irteeran. Ahal bada jatorrizko Opus agiritik ber-multiplexatu behar duzu.\n"
#: src/common/output.cpp:206
#: src/common/output.cpp:219
#: src/common/output.cpp:232
#: src/common/output.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "'{0}': {1}"
msgstr "'{0}': {1}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:279
#, no-c-format
msgid "(Known element, but invalid at this position: {0}; ID: 0x{1} size: {2})"
msgstr "(Elementu ezaguna, baina kokapen baliogabean: {0}; ID: 0x{1} neurria: {2})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:274
#, no-c-format
msgid "(Unknown element: {0}; ID: 0x{1} size: {2})"
msgstr "(Gai ezezaguna: {0}; ID: 0x{1} neurria: {2})"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/source_file_model.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "(additional part)"
msgstr "(zati gehigarriak)"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "+-> Parsing the FLAC file. This can take a LONG time.\n"
msgstr "+-> FLAC agiriaren azterketa. Honek LUZE iraun dezake.\n"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "+-> Pre-parsing FLAC file: 100%\n"
msgstr "+-> FLAC agiriaren aurre-azterketa: 100%\n"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "+-> Pre-parsing FLAC file: {0}%{1}"
msgstr "+-> FLAC agiriaren aurre-azterketa: {0}%{1}"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:303
#, no-c-format
msgid ", description '{0}'"
msgstr ", azalpena '{0}'"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:306
#, no-c-format
msgid ", file name '{0}'"
msgstr ", agiri izena '{0}'"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:936
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1056
#, no-c-format
msgid ", position 0x{0:x}"
msgstr ", kokapena 0x{0:x}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:936
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1056
#, no-c-format
msgid ", position {0}"
msgstr ", kokapena {0}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:327
#, no-c-format
msgid "--- Errors emitted by job '%1' started on %2 ---"
msgstr "--- '%1' lanak jaulkitako akatsak. Hasiera: %2 ---"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:345
#, no-c-format
msgid "--- Output of job '%1' started on %2 ---"
msgstr "--- '%1' lanaren irteera. Hasiera: %2 ---"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:326
#, no-c-format
msgid "--- Warnings emitted by job '%1' started on %2 ---"
msgstr "--- '%1' lanak jaulkitako kontuz-oharrak. Hasiera: %2 ---"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:273
#, no-c-format
msgid "1. A number which will be interpreted as an attachment ID as listed by 'mkvmerge --identify'. These are usually simply numbered starting from 0 (e.g. '2')."
msgstr "1. Zenbaki bat eranskin ID bezala ulertuko da 'mkvmerge --identify'-n zerrendatu bezala. Hauek arrunt 0-tik hasita zenbakitzen dira (adib. '2')."
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:750
#, no-c-format
msgid "1: all frames"
msgstr "1: frame guztiak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:274
#, no-c-format
msgid "2. A number with the prefix '=' which will be interpreted as the attachment's unique ID (UID) as listed by 'mkvmerge --identify'. These are usually random-looking numbers (e.g. '128975986723')."
msgstr "2. Zenbaki bat '=' aurrizkiarekin eranskinaren ID (UID) bakar bezala ulertuko dena 'mkvmerge --identify'-n zerrendatu bezala. Hauek arrunt zorizko-zenbakiak dira (adib. '128975986723')."
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:752
#, no-c-format
msgid "2: codec private data"
msgstr "2: kodekaren datu pribatuak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:275
#, no-c-format
msgid "3. Either 'name:<value>' or 'mime-type:<value>' in which case the selector applies to all attachments whose name or MIME type respectively equals <value>."
msgstr "3. Biak 'name:<value>' edo 'mime-type:<value>' kasu honetan hautatzaileak izen edo MIME mota <value> berdina duten eranskin guztiei ezartzen die."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "<ChapterAtom> is missing the <ChapterTimeStart> child."
msgstr "<ChapterAtom> ez dago bigarren <ChapterTimeStart>."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:141
#, no-c-format
msgid "<ChapterDisplay> is missing the <ChapterString> child."
msgstr "<ChapterDisplay> ez dago bigarren <ChapterString>."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "<ChapterTrack> is missing the <ChapterTrackNumber> child."
msgstr "<ChapterTrack> ez dago bigarren <ChapterTrackNumber>."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:377
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:685
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1494
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1536
#, no-c-format
msgid "<Do not change>"
msgstr "<Ez aldatu>"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "<No destination file>"
msgstr "<Helmuga agiririk ez>"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "<Simple> is missing the <Name> child."
msgstr "<Simple> ez dago bigarren <Name>."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "<Simple> must contain either a <String> or a <Binary> child."
msgstr "<Simple> eduki behar du bigarren <String> bat edo <Binary> bat."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "<Tag> is missing the <Simple> child."
msgstr "<Tag> ez dago bigarren <Simple>."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:202
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/name_model.cpp:85
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:104
#, no-c-format
msgid "<Unnamed>"
msgstr "<Izengabea>"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:188
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:238
#, no-c-format
msgid "<Unsaved file>"
msgstr "<Gordegabeko agiria>"
#: src/common/xml/xml.h:70
#, no-c-format
msgid "<{0}> is not a valid child element of <{1}> at position {2}."
msgstr "<{0}> ez da <{1}>-ren bigarren gai baliozkoa{2} kokapenean."
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2342
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2451
#, no-c-format
msgid "A block was found at timestamp {0} for track number {1}. However, no headers were found for that track number. The block will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "Bloke bat aurkitu da {0} denbora-irarketan {1} bide zenbakiarentzat. Horrela ere, ez da idazbururik aurkitu bide zenbaki horretarako. Blokea jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:326
#, no-c-format
msgid "A chapter starting at 0s is never considered for splitting and discarded silently."
msgstr "0-etik hasten den atala ez da inoiz kontuan hartzen bananketarako eta isilean baztertzen da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:292
#, no-c-format
msgid "A comma-separated list of frame/field number ranges of content to keep."
msgstr "Kakotxaz banandutako heusteko edukiaren frame/eremu zenbaki maila bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:309
#, no-c-format
msgid "A comma-separated list of frame/field numbers after which to split."
msgstr "Kakotxaz banandutako ondoren banantzeko frame/eremu zenbaki zerrenda bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "A comma-separated list of timestamp ranges of content to keep."
msgstr "Kakotxaz banandutako heusteko edukiaren denbora-kode maila zerrenda bat."
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:733
#, no-c-format
msgid "A default index and with it default settings for the width, height and color palette will be used instead."
msgstr "Berezko aurkibide bat eta berezko ezarpenak erabiliko dira zabalera, garaiera eta margolarentzat."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:238
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:268
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "A generic read or write failure occurred."
msgstr "Irakur edo idaz hutsegite generiko bat gertatu da."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:144
#, no-c-format
msgid "A human-readable string specifying the codec."
msgstr "Gizaki-irakurgarria den kate batek adierazten du kodeka."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "A human-readable track name."
msgstr "Bide izen gizakiak-irakurgarri bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:617
#, no-c-format
msgid "A job creating the file '%1' is already in the job queue."
msgstr "'%1' agiria sortzen ari den lana jadanik lan lerroan dago."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:441
#, no-c-format
msgid "A name for this track that players can display helping the user choose the right track to play, e.g. \"director's comments\"."
msgstr "Bide honentzako izen bat irakuragiluek erakutsi dutena erabiltzaileari irakurtzeko bide zuzena hautatzen laguntzeko, adib. \"zuzendariaren aipamenak\"."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:719
#, no-c-format
msgid "A problem has been detected with this installation of MKVToolNix:"
msgid_plural "Several problems have been detected with this installation of MKVToolNix:"
msgstr[0] "Arazo bat atzeman da MKVToolNix ezarpenarekin:"
msgstr[1] "Arazo ugari atzeman dira MKVToolNix ezarpenarekin:"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "A randomly generated unique ID to identify the current segment between many others (128 bits)."
msgstr "Zoriz sortutako ID bakarra oraingo zatia beste askoren artean bereizteko (128 bits)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid "A regular expression is used for matching the file name against a list of recognized languages limited by characters such as '.' or '['…']'."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:300
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:316
#, no-c-format
msgid "A single Matroska block contains either a full frame (for progressive content) or a single field (for interlaced content)."
msgstr "Matroska bloke bakar batek frame oso bat du (eduki aurrerakorrarentzat) edo eremu bakar bat (eduki elkarloturako)."
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "A track with the ID {0} was requested but not found in the file. The corresponding option will be ignored.\n"
msgstr "{0} ID-dun bidea eskatu da baina ez da agirian aurkitu. Aukera hori ezikusi egingo da.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "A unique ID to identify the Track. This should be kept the same when making a direct stream copy of the Track to another file."
msgstr "ID bakar bat Bidea ezagutarazteko. Hau Bidearen zuzeneko jario kopia bat beste agiri batera egitearen berdina izan behar da."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:119
#, no-c-format
msgid "A unique ID to identify the next chained segment (128 bits)."
msgstr "ID bakar bat kateaturiko hurrengo zatia ezagutarazteko (128 bits)."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "A unique ID to identify the previous chained segment (128 bits)."
msgstr "ID bakar bat kateaturiko aurreko zatia ezagutarazteko (128 bits)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "A unique, positive number unambiguously identifying the attachment within the Matroska file."
msgstr "Matroska agirian eranskina ezagutarazten duen zenbaki positibo bakarra."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:301
#, no-c-format
msgid "A&cknowledge warnings/errors"
msgstr "Ezagutu kontuz-oharrak/akatsak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:645
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "A&ppend chapters from supported file format"
msgstr "&Ireki Matroska, WebM edo atal agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1501
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1502
#, no-c-format
msgid "A&ppend files"
msgstr "&Erantsi agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "A&udio file:"
msgstr "A&udio agiria:"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "A/52 (aka AC-3)"
msgstr "A/52 (aka AC-3)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:73
#: src/output/p_aac.h:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "AAC"
msgstr "AAC"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid "AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)"
msgstr "AAC (Audio Kodeaketa Aurreratua)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1776
#, no-c-format
msgid "AAC is SBR/HE-AAC/AAC+:"
msgstr "AAC da SBR/HE-AAC/AAC+:"
#: src/input/unsupported_types_signature_prober.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "AAC with ADIF headers"
msgstr "AAC ADIF idazburuekin"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:74
#: src/output/p_ac3.h:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "AC-3"
msgstr "AC-3"
#: src/output/p_alac.h:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "ALAC"
msgstr "ALAC"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:32
#, no-c-format
msgid "ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)"
msgstr "ALAC (Apple Galeragabeko Audio Kodeka)"
#: src/extract/xtr_alac.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "ALAC private data size mismatch\n"
msgstr "ALAC datu pribatu neurria ez dator bat\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII string (no special chars like Umlaute etc.)"
msgstr "ASCII katea (ez Umlaute etab. bezalako hizki berezirik)"
#: src/output/p_av1.h:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "AV1"
msgstr "AV1"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "AV1 Open Bitstream Units stream"
msgstr "AV1 Open Bitstream Units stream"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:76
#: src/output/p_avc.h:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "AVC/H.264"
msgstr "AVC/H.264"
#: src/output/p_avc_es.h:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "AVC/H.264 (unframed)"
msgstr "AVC/H.264 (framegabetuta)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "AVC/H.264 elementary streams"
msgstr "AVC/H.264 ohinarrizko jarioak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "AVI"
msgstr "AVI"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:31
#, no-c-format
msgid "AVI (Audio/Video Interleaved)"
msgstr "AVI (Audioa/Bideoa Elkartartekaturik)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:78
#, no-c-format
msgid "AVI DV type 1"
msgstr "AVI DV mota 1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:701
#, no-c-format
msgid "Abort all running jobs and stop &immediately"
msgstr "Utzi &ekinean dauden lan guztiak eta gelditu berehala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid "Abort running job"
msgstr "Utzi ekinean dauden lanak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:515
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:432
#, no-c-format
msgid "Abort running jobs"
msgstr "Utzi ekinean dauden lanak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:273
#, no-c-format
msgid "Aborted by user"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak utzita"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Aborts the program after the first warning is emitted."
msgstr "Programa uzten du lehen kontuz-oharra jaulkitzean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:691
#, no-c-format
msgid "Acknowledge &all warnings and errors"
msgstr "Ezagutu kontuz-o&har eta akats guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:410
#, no-c-format
msgid "Acknowledge &errors"
msgstr "Ezagutu &akatsak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:409
#, no-c-format
msgid "Acknowledge &warnings"
msgstr "Ezagutu &kontuz-oharrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:690
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "Acknowledge all &errors"
msgstr "Ezagutu &akats guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:689
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:141
#, no-c-format
msgid "Acknowledge all &warnings"
msgstr "Ezagutu &kontuz-ohar guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:744
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:745
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:746
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:747
#, no-c-format
msgid "Actions for &all tabs"
msgstr "&Hegats guztinetzako ekintzak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:238
#, no-c-format
msgid "Actions for handling attachments"
msgstr "Eranskinak kudeatzeko ekintzak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Actions for handling properties"
msgstr "Ezaugarriak kudeatzeko ekintzak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:229
#, no-c-format
msgid "Actions for handling tags and chapters"
msgstr "Etiketak eta atalak kudeatzeko ekintzak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1852
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add &Blu-ray cover images as attachments"
msgstr "Gehitu &Blu-ray azal irudia eranskin bezala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:338
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add &variable"
msgstr "Gehitu &aldagaia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add additional command line options for mkvmerge"
msgstr "Gehitu agindu lerro aukera gehigarriak mkvmerge-ra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:746
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add all files as new attachments to the current tab"
msgstr "Gehitu agiri guztiak eranskin berri bezala oraingo hegatsera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:700
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add all files to the current multiplex settings"
msgstr "Gehitu agiri guztiak oraingo multiplexatze ezarpenetara"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add as additional &parts to an existing source file"
msgstr "Gehitu &zati gehigarri bezala badagoen iturburu agiri batera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/action_for_dropped_files_dialog.h:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add as new &attachments to the current file"
msgstr "Gehitu &eranskin berri bezala oraingo agirira"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add as new source fi&les to the current multiplex settings"
msgstr "Gehitu iturburu agiri &berri bezala oraingo multiplexatze ezarpenetara"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:711
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:272
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add attachments"
msgstr "Gehitu eranskinak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add element"
msgstr "Gehitu gaia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1503
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1504
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add files as a&dditional parts"
msgstr "Gehitu agiriak &zati gehigarriak bezala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add media files"
msgstr "Gehitu multimedia agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1399
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add media files as additional parts"
msgstr "Gehitu multimedia agiriak zati gehigarriak bezala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add new &sub-chapter inside"
msgstr "Gehitu &azpiatal berria barnean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add new c&hapter before"
msgstr "Gehitu &atal berria aurretik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:207
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add new ch&apter after"
msgstr "Gehitu &atal berria ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:204
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add new e&dition before"
msgstr "Gehitu &edizio berria aurretik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:205
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add new ed&ition after"
msgstr "Gehitu &edizio berria ondoren"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:233
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add or replace chapters in the file with the ones from 'filename' or remove them if 'filename' is empty"
msgstr "Gehitu edo ordeztu atalak agirian 'filename'-koekin edo ezabatu 'filename' hutsuk badago"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:230
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add or replace tags in the file with the ones from 'filename' or remove them if 'filename' is empty (see below and man page for syntax)"
msgstr "Gehitu edo ordeztu etiketak agirian 'filename'-koekin edo ezabatu 'filename' hutsuk badago (ikusi behean eta orrialde nagusian joskerarako)"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:239
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add the file 'filename' as a new attachment"
msgstr "Gehitu agiriaren 'agirizena' eranskin berri bezala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:616
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:722
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1845
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add to job &queue"
msgstr "G&ehitu lan lerrora"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1166
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adding chapter files"
msgstr "Atal agiriak gehitzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adding or appending files"
msgstr "Agiriak gehitze edo eransterakoan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1184
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adding segment info files"
msgstr "Zatiak agirien barne gehitzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adding tag files"
msgstr "Etiketa agiriak gehitzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adding, appending or adding as additional parts"
msgstr "Gehitzea, eranstea edo zati gehigarriak bezala gehitzea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:211
#, no-c-format
msgid "Additional &modifications"
msgstr "Aldaketa &gehigarriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Additional command line options"
msgstr "Gehitu agindu lerro aukerak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1784
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1802
#, no-c-format
msgid "Additional options:"
msgstr "Aukera gehigarriak:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "Additions"
msgstr "Gehigarriak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adds a property with the value even if such a property already exists"
msgstr "Ezaugarri bat gehitzen du balioarekin baita ezaugarri hau jadanik badago ere"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adler-32:"
msgstr "Adler-32:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Adler-32: 0x{0:08x}"
msgstr "Adler-32: 0x{0:08x}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:328
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "After a job completes &successfully"
msgstr "Lan bat ongi edo oharrekin o&satu ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:329
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "After a job exits with &warnings"
msgstr "Lan bat ongi edo oharrekin o&satu ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:330
#, no-c-format
msgid "After a job exits with an &error or the user aborts the job"
msgstr "Lan bat a&katsekin dagoenean edo erabiltzaileak lana utzi ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "After frame/field numbers"
msgstr "Frame/eremu zenbakien ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "After output duration"
msgstr "Irteera iraupenaren ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "After output size"
msgstr "Irteera neurriaren ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "After specific timestamps"
msgstr "Adierazitako denbora-kodeen ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:331
#, no-c-format
msgid "After the job &queue has stopped"
msgstr "Lan lerroa gelditu &ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1521
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1526
#, no-c-format
msgid "Afterwards &close the current multiplex settings."
msgstr "Ondoren it&xi oraingo multiplexaketa ezarpenak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1519
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1524
#, no-c-format
msgid "Afterwards &leave the settings as they are."
msgstr "&Ondoren utzi ezarpenak dauden bezala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1522
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1527
#, no-c-format
msgid "Afterwards &remove all source files."
msgstr "Ondoren &kendu iturburu agiri guztiak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1520
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1525
#, no-c-format
msgid "Afterwards create &new multiplex settings and close the current ones."
msgstr "Ondoren &sortu multiplexatze ezarpen berria eta itxi oraingoak."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Algorithm"
msgstr "Algoritmoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.cpp:52
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "All chapter names regardless of their language"
msgstr " Atal izen guztiak beren hizkuntza axola gabe "
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:384
#, no-c-format
msgid "All chapters have been removed from the file '%1'."
msgstr "Atal guztiak kendu dira '%1' agiritik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1838
#, no-c-format
msgid "All destination files"
msgstr "Helmuga agiri denak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "All elements in a tree-like structure"
msgstr "Elementu guztiak zuhaitz-erako egitura batean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "All entries"
msgstr "Sarrera guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:744
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:787
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:204
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:358
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:180
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:208
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:711
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tool.cpp:165
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tool.cpp:128
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1039
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:317
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:395
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:272
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/executable_location_dialog.cpp:65
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:201
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:215
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:254
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:279
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:174
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_type_filter.cpp:50
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/widget.cpp:187
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:393
#, no-c-format
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Agiri guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "All following file names will be added as source files to the current multiplex settings."
msgstr "Hurrengo agiri izen guztiak sarrera agiri bezala gehituko dira oraingo multiplexatze ezarpenetara."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "All following file names will be opened in the chapter editor."
msgstr "Hurrengo agiri izen guztiak atal editatzailean irekiko dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "All following file names will be opened in the header editor."
msgstr "Hurrengo agiri izen guztiak idazburu editatzailean irekiko dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "All following file names will be opened in the info tool."
msgstr "Hurrengo agiri izen guztik argibide tresnan irekiko dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:641
#, no-c-format
msgid "All header values are OK."
msgstr "Idazburu balio guztiak daude Ongi."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "All known property names and their meaning\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri ezagun guztien izenak eta beren adierak\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:539
#, no-c-format
msgid "All occurrences of the string \"<TID>\" will be replaced by the track's track ID."
msgstr "\"<TID>\" katearen gertaera guztiak bidearen bide ID-arekin ordeztuko dira."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "All other arguments either switch to a certain extraction mode, change options for the currently active mode or specify what to extract into which file."
msgstr ""
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "All other strings work just like the track header selectors (see above)."
msgstr "Beste kate guztiak bide idazburu hautatzaileek bezala egiten dute lan (ikusi goian)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_type_filter.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "All supported media files"
msgstr "Sostengaturiko multimedia agiri denak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:251
#, no-c-format
msgid "All units are based on 1024 (G = 1024^3, M = 1024^2, K = 1024)."
msgstr "Unitate guztiak 1024 ohinarrikoak dira (G = 1024^3, M = 1024^2, K = 1024)."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allows storing AVC/H.264 video in Video-for-Windows compatibility mode, e.g. when it is read from an AVI."
msgstr "AVC/H.264 bideoa biltegiratzea ahalbidetzen du Video-for-Windows bateragarritasun moduan, adib. AVI batetik irakurtzen denean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:794
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:817
#, no-c-format
msgid "Also if the language is 'undetermined' ('und')"
msgstr "Baita hizkuntza 'zehaztugabea' ('und') bada ere"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Also try to extract the cue sheet from the chapter information and tags for this track."
msgstr "Saiatu ere ateratzen CUE orria atal argibideetatik eta bide honentzako etiketak."
#: src/input/r_wavpack.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Also using the correction file '{0}c'.\n"
msgstr "Erabiltzen ere '{0}c' agiri zuzenketa.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/action_for_dropped_files_dialog.h:118
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alwa&ys use the action selected above and don't ask again"
msgstr "Betik erabili gainean hautaturiko ekintza eta ez galdetu berriro"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1865
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always &switch to the job output tool after starting one immediately"
msgstr "Betik al&datu berehala lan irteera tresna bat hasi ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1846
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.h:141
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:118
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:699
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:744
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always ask the user"
msgstr "Betik galdetu erabiltzaileari"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1840
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always enable copying for all tracks of the following types regardless of their language:"
msgstr "Betik gaitu hurrengo moten bide guztien multiplexaketa beren hizkuntza axola gabe:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1847
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.h:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always scan for other playlists"
msgstr "Betik mihatu beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1792
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always show the destination file controls &below tabs"
msgstr "Betik erakutsi irteera agiri aginteak &hegatsen azpian"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1866
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always use a &default description when adding a job to the queue"
msgstr "Betik er&abili berezko azalpen bat lan bat lerrora gehitzerakoan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:107
#, no-c-format
msgid "Always use full path names even if the application is located in the same directory as the GUI."
msgstr "Betik erabili helburu izen osoak aplikazioa EIG-ren zuzenbide berean badago."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:272
#, no-c-format
msgid "An <attachment-selector> can have three forms:"
msgstr "<eranskin-hautatzaile> batek hiru forma izan ditzake:"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "An ID corresponding to the codec."
msgstr "Kodekari dagokion ID bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "An arbitrary description meant for the user."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak emandako azlapen bat."
#: src/extract/attachments.cpp:109
#, no-c-format
msgid "An attachment with the ID {0} was not found.\n"
msgstr "{0} ID-a duen eranskin bat ez da aurkitu\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:233
#, no-c-format
msgid "An attachment with the name '%1' is already present."
msgstr "Jadanik badago '%1' izena duen eranskin bat."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2032
#, no-c-format
msgid "An empty file name is not valid.\n"
msgstr "Agiri izen hutsa ez da baliozkoa.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:115
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "An escaped filename corresponding to the next segment."
msgstr "Hurrengo zatiari dagokion saihesturiko agiri izen bat."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:114
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "An escaped filename corresponding to the previous segment."
msgstr "Aurreko zatiari dagkion saihesturiko agiri izen bat."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3161
#, no-c-format
msgid "An exception occurred when writing the destination file."
msgstr "Salbuespen bat gertatu da helmuga agiria idazterakoan."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:108
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "An unknown error occurred. The file has been modified."
msgstr "Akats ezezagun bat gertatu da. Agiria aldatu egin da."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "An unsigned integer was expected."
msgstr "Seinugabeko oso bat itxaroten zen."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Analyze MPEG4 bitstreams, put each frame into one Matroska block, use proper timestamping (I P B B = 0 120 40 80), use V_MPEG4/ISO/... CodecIDs."
msgstr "Aztertu MPEG4 bitjarioak, jarri frame bakoitza Matroska bloke baten barnean, erabili denbora-irarketa egokiak (I P B B = 0 120 40 80), erabili V_MPEG4/ISO/... Kodek ID-ak."
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:648
#, no-c-format
msgid "Another default track for {0} tracks has already been set. The 'default' flag for track {1} of '{2}' will not be set.\n"
msgstr "Jadanik ezarrita dago berezko beste bide bat {0} bideentzat. 'berezko' ikurra {1} bidearentzat '{2}' ez da ezerriko.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:237
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:238
#, no-c-format
msgid "Any option given here will be added at the end of the mkvmerge command line."
msgstr "Hemen emandako edozein aukera mkvmerge agindu lerroaren amaierara gehituko da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Any other file name is added as a source file for multiplexing, opened in the chapter editor or in the header editor depending on the current mode."
msgstr "Beste edozein agiri izen iturburu agiri bezala gehitzen da multiplexatzeko, atal editatzailean irekita edo idazburu editatzailean uneko moduaren arabera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Apart from asking the GUI can always open the dropped files as new tabs or it can always add them as new attachments to the current tab."
msgstr "Galdetzeaz gain EIG-k betik ireki ditzake eroritako agiriak hegats berri bezala edo betik gehitu ditzake eranskin berri bezala uneko hegatsera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "Append files in chapter editor"
msgstr "Erantsi agiriak atal editatzailean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Append media files"
msgstr "Erantsi multimedia agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:155
#, no-c-format
msgid "Append to an e&xisting source file"
msgstr "Erantsi &badagoen iturburu arrera agiri bati"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1892
#, no-c-format
msgid "Appending track {0} from file no. {1} ('{2}') to track {3} from file no. {4} ('{5}').\n"
msgstr "{1} zenbakiko agiritiko ('{2}') {0} bidea gehitzea {4} zenbakiko agiritiko {3} bidera ('{5}').\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1030
#, no-c-format
msgid "Appending tracks of this type is not supported."
msgstr "Mota honetako bideak eranstea ez dago sostengatua."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:675
#, no-c-format
msgid "Aspect ratio"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:675
#, no-c-format
msgid "Aspect ratio factor"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila ezaugarria"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "Aspect ratio type"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila mota"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:109
#, no-c-format
msgid "At least one <ChapterAtom> element is needed."
msgstr "Gutxienez <ChapterAtom> gai bat behar da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1841
#, no-c-format
msgid "Atta&chments"
msgstr "Era&nskinak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1830
#, no-c-format
msgid "Atta&chments to add:"
msgstr "Gehitzeko eranskinak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1837
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attach &to:"
msgstr "Erantsi h&ona:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attach to"
msgstr "Erantsi hona"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attached"
msgstr "Erantsita"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attached_file_page.h:172
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:435
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Eranskina"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachment ID {0}: type '{1}', size {2} bytes"
msgstr "Eranskin ID-a {0}: mota '{1}', neurria {2} byte"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:308
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachment UID"
msgstr "Eranskinaren UID-a"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachment extraction"
msgstr "Eranskin aterapena"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:271
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachment selectors"
msgstr "Eranskin hautatzaileak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:231
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachment with same name present"
msgstr "Badago izen bera duen eranskin bat"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:234
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attachments_page.h:110
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attachments_page.cpp:20
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Eranskinak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1829
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attachments from &source files:"
msgstr "It&urburu agirietatiko eranskinak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:50
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:431
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audioa"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio bit depth"
msgstr "Audio bit sakonera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio channels"
msgstr "Audio bideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:394
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio files"
msgstr "Audio agiriak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:207
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio output sampling frequency"
msgstr "Audio irteera laginketa maiztasuna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1775
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio properties"
msgstr "Audio ezaugarriak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio sampling frequency"
msgstr "Audio laginketa maiztasuna"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio track"
msgstr "Audio bidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio track %1"
msgstr "Audio bidea %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1814
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Audio tracks:"
msgstr "A&udio bideak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1746
#, no-c-format
msgid "Audio, subtitle, chapter properties"
msgstr "Audio, azpidatzi, atal ezaugarriak"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:412
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic MIME type recognition for '{0}': {1}\n"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunezko MIME mota ezagupena '{0}'-rentzat: {1}\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1835
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically &clear the destination file name when the last file is removed"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunez &garbitu helmuga agiri izena azken agiria kendutakoan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1807
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically clea&r the file title when the last file is removed"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunez ga&rbitu agiri izenburua azken agiria kendutakoan"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2292
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically enabling WebM compliance mode due to destination file name extension.\n"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunez gaitu WebM bateragarritasun modua helmuga agiri izen hedapenaren arabera.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1806
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically set the file &title from source files"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunez ezarri agiri izenburua i&turburu agirietatik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1808
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically set track &delays from source file name"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunez ezarri bide atzerape&na iturburu agiri izenetik"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:258
#, no-c-format
msgid "Available translations:\n"
msgstr "Itzulpen eskuragarriak:\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:164
#, no-c-format
msgid "Available version:"
msgstr "Bertsio eskuragarria:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/side_by_side_multi_select.h:138
#, no-c-format
msgid "Available:"
msgstr "Eskuragarri:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:211
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "BCP 47 language tag details"
msgstr "Probaren maila ehunekoa '{0}' baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "Before chapters"
msgstr "Atalen aurretik"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:314
#, no-c-format
msgid "Binary"
msgstr "Bitarra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:169
#, no-c-format
msgid "Binary (displayed as hexadecimal numbers)"
msgstr "Bitarra (zenbaki hamaseitar bezala erakutsita)"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bit depth"
msgstr "Bit sakonera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bits per channel"
msgstr "Bit bideko"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bits per sample, mostly used for PCM."
msgstr "Bit lagineko, PCM-rako erabilia gehienbat."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:246
#, no-c-format
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Bloke"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:179
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Block addition ID extra data"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarriaren ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:180
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Block addition ID name"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarriaren ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:181
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Block addition ID type"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarriaren ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:182
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Block addition ID value"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarri"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Block addition mapping"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarri"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:254
#, no-c-format
msgid "Block additional"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarri"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:253
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:259
#, no-c-format
msgid "Block additional ID"
msgstr "Bloke gehigarriaren ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:247
#, no-c-format
msgid "Block duration"
msgstr "Blokearen iraupena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:245
#, no-c-format
msgid "Block group"
msgstr "Bloke taldea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:250
#, no-c-format
msgid "Block virtual"
msgstr "Bloke birtuala"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:58
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blu-ray discs often contain a chapter entry very close to the end of the movie."
msgstr "Blu-ray diskek sarri filmaren amaieraren oso antzekoa den sarrera atal bat izaten dute."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_type_filter.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blu-ray index files"
msgstr "Blu-ray aurkibide agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blu-ray playlist files"
msgstr "Blu-ray irakur-zerrenda agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1851
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blu-rays"
msgstr "Blu-rayak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blue X chromaticity coordinate as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo urdinaren margotasunaren X ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:190
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blue Y chromaticity coordinate as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo urdinaren margotasunaren Y ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blue colour coordinate x"
msgstr "Margo urdinaren x ardatza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blue colour coordinate y"
msgstr "Margo urdinaren y ardatza"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:526
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bogus aid {0}\n"
msgstr "Laguntza faltsua {0}\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "Boolean (yes/no, on/off etc.)"
msgstr "Boolean (bai/ez, on/off etab.)"
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid "Both the aspect ratio and '--display-dimensions' were given.\n"
msgstr "Biak ikuspegi maila eta '--display-dimensions' eman dira.\n"
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:198
#, no-c-format
msgid "Both the aspect ratio factor and '--display-dimensions' were given.\n"
msgstr "Biak ikuspegi maila ezaugarria eta '--display-dimensions' eman dira.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:779
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Beheren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Button track %1"
msgstr "Beheko bidea %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:53
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:434
#, no-c-format
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "Botoiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:304
#, no-c-format
msgid "By default it always asks the user which character set to use when opening a file for which it cannot be recognized automatically."
msgstr "Berez betik galdetzen dio erabiltzaileari zein hizki-kode erabili agiri bat irekitzerakoan berezgaitasunez ezagutzen ez denean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:254
#, no-c-format
msgid "By default the GUI will start up with a dark color scheme if the color scheme in Windows is set to dark mode."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "By parts based on frame/field numbers"
msgstr "Zatietan frame/eremu zenbakietan ohinarriturik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "By parts based on timestamps"
msgstr "Zatietan denbora-kodeetan ohinarriturik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:327
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&onfiguration active"
msgstr "Itx&urapena gaituta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:223
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "C&onstrict or expand timestamps"
msgstr "&Estutu edo hedatu denbora-kodeak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:582
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&ontinue"
msgstr "&Jarraitu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:125
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/text_display_dialog.h:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&opy to clipboard"
msgstr "&Kopiatu gakora"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1775
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&ountries"
msgstr "He&rrialdeak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:201
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1863
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&ountry:"
msgstr "&Herrialdea:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:613
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&reate option file"
msgstr "&Sortu aukera agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Calculate Adler-32 &checksums for each frame and binary element"
msgstr "Kalkulatu Adler-32 e&giaztapen-baturak frame eta elementu bitar bakoitzeko"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Calculate and display checksums and use verbosity level 4."
msgstr "Kalkulatu eta erakutsi egiazt.-laburp. eta erabili 4 mailako berritsukeria."
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Calculate and display checksums of frame contents."
msgstr "Kalkulatu eta erakutsi frame edukien egiazt.-laburp."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "Calculate statistics for all tracks and add new/update existing tags for them"
msgstr "Kalkulatu estatistikak bide guztientzat eta gehitu berri bat/eguneratu berentzat dauden etiketetan"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:34
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:255
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:278
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:896
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:518
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:583
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:621
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:435
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1326
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:432
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:221
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Ezeztatu"
#: src/output/p_mpeg4_p2.cpp:110
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cannot convert non-native MPEG4 video frames into native ones if the source container provides neither timestamps nor a number of frames per second.\n"
msgstr "Ezin dira bihurtu ez-jatorrizko MPEG4 bideo frameak jatorrizkoetan iturburu edukiontziak ez badu ez denbora-koderik ez frame/segunduko zenbatekorik ematen.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_vobsub.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cannot extract tracks of different kinds to the same file. This was requested for the tracks {0} and {1}.\n"
msgstr "Ezin dira mota ezberdineko bideak agiri berean atera. Hau eskatu da {0} eta {1} bideentzako.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:342
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:354
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cannot start multiplexing"
msgstr "Ezin da multiplexatzea hasi"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cannot write track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' to the file '{2}' because track {3} with the CodecID '{4}' is already being written to the same file, and their CodecPrivate data (the USF styles etc.) do not match.\n"
msgstr "Ezin da {0} bidea idatzi CodecID '{1}'-rekin '{2}' agirira {3} bidea CodecID '{4}'-rekin jadanik idazten ari delako agiri berean eta bere CodecPrivate datuak (USF estiloak etab.) ez datoz bat.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_avi.cpp:51
#: src/extract/xtr_base.cpp:73
#: src/extract/xtr_ivf.cpp:55
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:295
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cannot write track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' to the file '{2}' because track {3} with the CodecID '{4}' is already being written to the same file.\n"
msgstr "Ezin da {0} bidea '{1}' Kodek ID-arekin idatzi '{2}' agirian zeren {3} bidea '{4}' Kodek ID-arekin jadanik agiri berean idazten ari da.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1305
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1309
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:564
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/kax_info.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Caught exception"
msgstr "Salbuespena harrapatu da"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Causes mkvmerge not to write 'CueDuration' elements in the cues."
msgstr "mkvmerge-k cuetan 'CueDuration' elementuak ez idaztea eragiten du."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Causes mkvmerge not to write 'CueRelativePosition' elements in the cues."
msgstr "mkvmergek-k cuetan 'CueRelativePosition' elementuak ez idaztea eragiten du."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "Causes mkvmerge to add 'stop display' commands to VobSub subtitle packets that do not contain a duration field."
msgstr "Eragiten du mkvmergek 'gelditu erakuspena' aginduak gehitzea iraupen eremurik ez duten VobSub azpidatzi paketeetara."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:42
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Causes mkvmerge to write a second set of identical track headers near the end of the file (after all the clusters)."
msgstr "mkvmergeri adierazten dio meta bilaketa gai bat sortzeko kluster guztiak dituen agiriaren amaieran."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:310
#, no-c-format
msgid "Certain file formats have 'title' property."
msgstr "Zenbait agiri heuskarrik 'izenburua' ezaugarria dute."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:385
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:391
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:397
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:413
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:419
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:425
#, no-c-format
msgid "Certain file formats have a 'language' property for their tracks."
msgstr "Zenbait agiri heuskarrik 'hizkuntza' ezaugarria dute beren bideetan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:721
#, no-c-format
msgid "Certain functions won't work correctly in this situation."
msgstr "Zenbait eginkizunek badaiteke zuzen lan ez egitea egoera honetan."
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:288
#, no-c-format
msgid "Change for '{0}' executed. No property of this type found. One entry added.\n"
msgstr "'{0}'-rentzako aldaketa eginda. Ez da mota honetako ezaugarririk aurkitu. Sarrera bat gehituta.\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid "Change for '{0}' executed. Number of entries deleted: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}'-ren aldaketa eginda. Ezabaturiko sarrera zenbatekoa: {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:294
#, no-c-format
msgid "Change for '{0}' executed. Number of entries set: {1}.\n"
msgstr "'{0}'-ren aldaketa eginda. Ezarritako sarrera zenbatekoa: {1}.\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:305
#, no-c-format
msgid "Change for '{0}' executed. One entry added.\n"
msgstr "'{0}'-ren aldaketa eginda. Sarrera bat gehituta.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Changes to this option will only take effect the next time the application is started."
msgstr "Aukera honetako aldaketak aplikazioa abiarazten den hurrengoan izango dute eragina."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:107
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel positions"
msgstr "Bidearen kokapenak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Bide"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter &number of first created entry:"
msgstr "&Lehenik sortutako sarreraren atal zenbakia:"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:49
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:383
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter <NUM:2>"
msgstr "Atala <ZBK:2>"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:279
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:307
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter UID"
msgstr "Atalaren UID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:278
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter atom"
msgstr "Atal atomoa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:294
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter country"
msgstr "Atalaren herrialdea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:290
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter display"
msgstr "Atalaren erakuspena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1857
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:249
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:400
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter editor"
msgstr "Atal editatzailea"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:104
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter extraction"
msgstr "Atal aterapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1812
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter file:"
msgstr "Atal agiria:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:284
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter flag enabled"
msgstr "Atalaren ikurra gaituta"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:283
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter flag hidden"
msgstr "Atalaren ikurra ezkutuan"
#: src/merge/cluster_helper.cpp:780
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter generation is only possible if at least one video or audio track is copied.\n"
msgstr "Atal sortzea gutxienez bideo edo audio bide bat kopiatzen denean bakarrik egin daiteke. \n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:292
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter language"
msgstr "Atalaren hizkuntza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:293
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter language (IETF BCP 47)"
msgstr "Atalaren hizkuntza (IETF)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter mass modification"
msgstr "Atal multzo aldaketa "
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:320
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter numbers:"
msgstr "Atala zenbakiak:"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter parser: The EditionUID {0} is not unique and could not be reused. A new one will be created.\n"
msgstr "Atal aztertzailea: {0} UID-Edizioa ez da bakarra eta ezingo da berrerabili. Berri bat sortuko da.\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter physical equivalent"
msgstr "Atalaren baliokide fisikoa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:295
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter process"
msgstr "Atalaren prozesapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:296
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter process codec ID"
msgstr "Atalaren prozesapen kodekaren ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:298
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter process command"
msgstr "Atalaren prozesapen agindua"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter process data"
msgstr "Atalaren prozesapen datuak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter process private"
msgstr "Atalaren prozesapen pribatua"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter process time"
msgstr "Atalaren prozesapen denbora"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter segment UID"
msgstr "Atalaren zatiaren UID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:286
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter segment edition UID"
msgstr "Atalaren zati edizio UID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:291
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter string"
msgstr "Atalaren katea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:280
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter string UID"
msgstr "Atalaren kate UID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter time end"
msgstr "Atalaren amaiera denbora"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:281
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter time start"
msgstr "Atalaren hasiera denbora"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:288
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter track"
msgstr "Atalaren bidea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter track number"
msgstr "Atalaren bide zenbakia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:98
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter translate"
msgstr "Atalaren itzulpena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:101
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter translate ID"
msgstr "Atalaren itzulpen ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter translate codec"
msgstr "Atalaren itzulpen kodeka"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapter translate edition UID"
msgstr "Atalaren itzulpen edizio UID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:272
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:304
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1811
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:436
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapters"
msgstr "Atalak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1821
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapters in fixed intervals"
msgstr "Atalak tarte finkoetan"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:312
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chapters: {0} entry"
msgid_plural "Chapters: {0} entries"
msgstr[0] "Atalak: {0} sarrera"
msgstr[1] "Atalak: {0} sarrera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Character set"
msgstr "Hizki-kodea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1780
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1823
#, no-c-format
msgid "Character set:"
msgstr "Hizki-kodea:"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Charset for strings on the command line"
msgstr "Hizkikodea agindu lerroko kateentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:621
#, no-c-format
msgid "Check for &updates"
msgstr "&Egiaztatu eguneraketak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "Check for available updates"
msgstr "Egiaztatu eguneraketa eskuragarririk dagoen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1761
#, no-c-format
msgid "Check online for available &updates"
msgstr "Egiaztatu &online eguneraketa eskuragarririk dagoen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:342
#, no-c-format
msgid "Checking this option causes the GUI to set that compression to \"none\" by default for all track types when adding files."
msgstr "Aukera hau hautatzeak EIG-k bide mota guztientzat konpresioa \"ezer ez\" bezala ezartzea eragiten du agiriak gehitzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1788
#, no-c-format
msgid "Clearing settings auto&matically:"
msgstr "Ezarpenak &berezgaitasunez garbitzen:"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "Clipping of the color ranges."
msgstr "Margo mailen ebaketa."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:739
#, no-c-format
msgid "Close &all tabs"
msgstr "Itxi &hegats guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1784
#, no-c-format
msgid "Close current settings"
msgstr "Itxi oraingo ezarpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:275
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:889
#, no-c-format
msgid "Close modified file"
msgstr "Itxi aldatutako agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Close modified settings"
msgstr "Itxi aldatutako ezarpenak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cluster"
msgstr "Kluster"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1783
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cluster length '{0}' out of range (0..65535).\n"
msgstr "Kluster luzera '{0}' mailaz kanpo (0..65535).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1776
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cluster length '{0}' out of range (100..32000).\n"
msgstr "Kluster luzera '{0}' mailaz kanpo (100..32000).\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cluster position"
msgstr "Kluster kokapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cluster previous size"
msgstr "Klusterraren aurreko neurria"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cluster timestamp"
msgstr "Klusterraren denbora-irarketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:317
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec"
msgstr "Kodeka"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:191
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec ID"
msgstr "Kodek ID-a"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:275
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec ID:"
msgstr "Kodek ID-a:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:198
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec decode all"
msgstr "Kodekak dena dekodeatzen du"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec download URL"
msgstr "Kodekaren jeitsiera URL-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:196
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec info URL"
msgstr "Kodekaren argibide URL-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:193
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:144
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec name"
msgstr "Kodekaren izena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec settings"
msgstr "Kodekaren ezarpenak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:252
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec state"
msgstr "Kodekaren egoera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:192
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec's private data"
msgstr "Kodekaren datu pribatuak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:194
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec-inherent delay"
msgstr "Kodekari-atxikitako atzerapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Codec/MIME type"
msgstr "Kodek/MIME mtoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:568
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour information"
msgstr "Margo argibideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:573
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour mastering meta information"
msgstr "Margo masteritzatze meta argibideak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour matrix coefficients"
msgstr "Margo matrize ezaugarriak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:133
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour primaries"
msgstr "Margo lehenak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour range"
msgstr "Margo maila"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour space"
msgstr "Margo tartea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colour transfer"
msgstr "Margo eskualdeketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "Completed OK"
msgstr "Ongi osatuta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:271
#, no-c-format
msgid "Completed with warnings"
msgstr "Kontuz-oharrekin osatuta"
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:1347
#, no-c-format
msgid "Compression failed: {0}\n"
msgstr "Konpresio hutsegitea: {0}\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1755
#, no-c-format
msgid "Compression:"
msgstr "Konpresioa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/source_file_model.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Container"
msgstr "Edukiontzia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:220
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Edukia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Content compression"
msgstr "Eduki konpresioa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:163
#, no-c-format
msgid "Content encoding"
msgstr "Eduki kodeaketa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:162
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:210
#, no-c-format
msgid "Content encodings"
msgstr "Eduki kodeaketak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "Content encryption"
msgstr "Eduki enkriptaketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:231
#, no-c-format
msgid "Content size:"
msgstr "Edukiaren neurria:"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "Convert text subtitles to this charset (default: UTF-8)."
msgstr "Bihurtu idazki azpidatziak hizkikode honetara (berezkoa: UTF-8)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:760
#, no-c-format
msgid "Converting the chapters to XML failed: %1"
msgstr "Hutsegitea atalak XML-ra bihurtzerakoan: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1750
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cop&y this item:"
msgstr "&Kopiatu gai hau:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cop&y to other tab"
msgstr "&Kopiatu beste hegatsera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:706
#, no-c-format
msgid "Copy &destination file's name to file title"
msgstr "Kopiatu &helmuga agiriaren izena agiriaren izenburura"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:702
#, no-c-format
msgid "Copy &first source file's name to file title"
msgstr "K&opiatu lehen iturburu agiriaren izena agiri izenburura"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Copy attachment"
msgstr "Kopiatu eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:710
#, no-c-format
msgid "Copy file &title to destination file name"
msgstr "Kopiatu agiriaren &izenburua helmuga agiriaren izenera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "Copy item"
msgstr "Kopiatu gaia"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "CoreAudio"
msgstr "CoreAudio"
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:323
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not extract the decoder specific config data (AVCC) from this AVC/H.264 track.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da atera dekodeatzailearen itxurapen datu bereizia (AVCC) AVC/H.264 bide honetatik.\n"
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:273
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:278
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not extract the sequence header from this MPEG-1/2 track.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da atera sekuentzia idazburua MPEG-1/2 bide honetatik.\n"
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:424
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not find an index for audio track {0} (avilib error message: {1}). Skipping track.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu aurkibide bat {0} audio bidearentzat (avilib akats mezua: {1}). Bide jauzketa.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1818
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not find gptzr when appending. {0}\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu gptzr erantsterakoan. {0}\n"
#: src/output/p_mpeg4_p2.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not find the codec configuration data in the first MPEG-4 part 2 video frame. This track cannot be stored in native mode.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu kodek itxurapen daturik lehen MPEG4 part 2 bideo framean. Bide hau ezin da jatorrizko moduan biltegiratu.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:335
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not find the next Ogg page. This indicates a damaged Ogg/Ogm file. Will try to continue.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu hurrengo Ogg orrialdea. Honek adierazten du Ogg/Ogm agiri hondatua. Jarraitzen saiatuko da.\n"
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:577
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not find valid DTS headers in this track's first frames.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu DTS idazburu baliozkorik bide honen lehen frametan.\n"
#: src/common/locale.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not initialize the iconv library for the conversion from UTF-8 to {0}. Some strings cannot be converted from UTF-8 and might be displayed incorrectly (error: {1}, {2}).\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da abiarazi iconv liburutegia UFT-8-tik {0}-ra bihurketarako. Kate batzuk ez dira UTF-8-tik bihurtuko eta badaiteke oker erakustea (akatsa: {1}, {2}).\n"
#: src/common/locale.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not initialize the iconv library for the conversion from {0} to UTF-8. Some strings will not be converted to UTF-8 and the resulting Matroska file might not comply with the Matroska specs (error: {1}, {2}).\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da abiarazi iconv liburutegia {0}-tik UFT-8-ra bihurketarako. Kate batzuk ez dira bihurtuko UTF-8-ra eta badaiteke emaitz Matroska agiriak ez betetzea Matroska bereizitasunak (akatsa: {1}, {2}).\n"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:307
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:309
#: src/common/chapters/dvd.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not open '{0}' for reading.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da ireki '{0}' irakurtzeko.\n"
#: src/input/r_wavpack.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not open the corresponding correction file '{0}c'.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da ireki '{0}c' zuzenketa agiria.\n"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:244
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not open the file '{0}' for directing the output.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da ireki '{0}' agiria irteera bideratzeko.\n"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not open the timestamp file '{0}' for writing ({1}).\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da ireki '{0}' denbora-kodea agiria idazteko ({1}).\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not open/read the file '{0}'."
msgstr "Ezin izan da ireki/irakurri '{0}' agiria."
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:303
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not parse the chapters in '{0}': {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan dira atalak aztertu: '{0}': {1}\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm_flac.cpp:250
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not read the FLAC header packets.\n"
msgstr "Ezin dira FLAC idazburu paketeak irakurri.\n"
#: src/common/mm_file_io/windows.cpp:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "Could not write to the destination file: {0} ({1})\n"
msgstr "Ezin da idatzi helmuga agirira: {0} ({1})\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/name_model.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Herrialdea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cover image"
msgstr "Azal irudia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1801
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create WebM compliant file"
msgstr "Sortu WebM agiri bateragarria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:231
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create a WebM compliant file."
msgstr "Sortu WebM agiri bateragarria."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tool.h:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create a new one or open an existing one via the \"multiplexer\" menu, the buttons below or drag & drop one here."
msgstr "Sortu berri bat edo ireki badagoen bat \"multiplexatzailea\" menuaren, azpiko botoien edo hona bat arrastatu eta askatu bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:427
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create file without audio track"
msgstr "Sortu agiria audio bide gabe"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create new &multiplex settings and add to those"
msgstr "Sortu multiplexatze ezarpen berria eta gehitu hauei"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:154
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create new multiplex settings for &each file"
msgstr "&Sortu multiplexatze ezarpen berria agiri bakoitzeko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1782
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create new settings"
msgstr "Sortu ezarpen berriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:701
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create one new multiplex settings tab and add all files there"
msgstr "Sortu multiplexatze ezarpen hegats berri bat eta gehitu agiri guztiak bertan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:702
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create one new multiplex settings tab for each file"
msgstr "Sortu batze ezarpen hegats berri bat agiri bakoitzeko"
#: src/common/mm_io_x.h:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Creating directory '{0}' failed: {1}"
msgstr "Hutsegitea '{0}' zuzenbidea sortzerakoan: {1}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:756
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Creating the file failed. Check to make sure you have permission to write to that directory and that the drive is not full."
msgstr "Hutsegitea agiria sortzerakoan. Egiaztatu zuzenbidean idazteko baimenak dituzula eta gidagailua ez dagoela beteta zihurtatzeko."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:752
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cropping parameters: not given in the form <TID>:<left>,<top>,<right>,<bottom> e.g. 0:10,5,10,5 (argument was '{0}').\n"
msgstr "Mozketa parametroak: ez dira ematen forma hauetan, <TID>:<left>,<top>,<right>,<bottom> adib. 0:10,5,10,5 (argumentoa da '{0}').\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1773
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cropping:"
msgstr "Mozketa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:708
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+D"
msgstr "Ktrl+D"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:704
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+F"
msgstr "Ktrl+F"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:726
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+F6"
msgstr "Ktrl+F6"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:686
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+L"
msgstr "Ktrl+L"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:594
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:639
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+N"
msgstr "Ktrl+N"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:602
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:625
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:643
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:733
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+O"
msgstr "Ktrl+O"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:619
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+P"
msgstr "Ktrl+P"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:607
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+Q"
msgstr "Ktrl+Q"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:611
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:698
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+R"
msgstr "Ktrl+R"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:598
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:633
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:652
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:671
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:742
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+S"
msgstr "Ktrl+S"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:729
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+Shift+F6"
msgstr "Ktrl+Aldatu+F6"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:694
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+Shift+L"
msgstr "Ktrl+Aldatu+L"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:712
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+T"
msgstr "Ktrl+T"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:629
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:648
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:667
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:675
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:737
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ctrl+W"
msgstr "Ktrl+W"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue block number"
msgstr "Cue bloke zenbakia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue cluster position"
msgstr "Cue kluster kokapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:227
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue codec state"
msgstr "Cue kodek egoera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue duration"
msgstr "Cue iraupena"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue extraction"
msgstr "Cue aterapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1816
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue name format:"
msgstr "Cue izen heuskarria:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue point"
msgstr "Cue puntua"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:230
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue ref cluster"
msgstr "Cue xeh. klusterra"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:232
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue ref codec state"
msgstr "Cue xeh. kodek egoera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:231
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue ref number"
msgstr "Cue xeh. zenbakia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:229
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue ref time"
msgstr "Cue xeh. denbor"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue reference"
msgstr "Cue xehetasuna"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue relative position"
msgstr "Cue kokapen erlatiboa"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue sheet extraction"
msgstr "CUE orri aterapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue sheet files"
msgstr "Cue orri agiriak"
#: src/common/chapters/cue_parser.cpp:379
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue sheet parser: Invalid INDEX entry in line {0}.\n"
msgstr "Cue orri aztertzailea: AURKIBIDE sarrera baliogabea {0} lerroan.\n"
#: src/common/chapters/cue_parser.cpp:398
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue sheet parser: Invalid INDEX number (got {0}, expected {1}) in line {2}.\n"
msgstr "Cue orri aztertzailea: AURKIBIDE zenbaki baliogabea (lortua {0}, itxarondakoa {1}) {2} lerroan.\n"
#: src/common/chapters/cue_parser.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue sheet parser: No INDEX entry found for the previous TRACK entry (current line: {0})\n"
msgstr "Cue orri aztertzailea: Ez da AURKIBIDE sarrerarik aurkitu aurreko BIDE sarrerarentzat (oraingo lerroa: {0})\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue time"
msgstr "Cue denbora"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue track"
msgstr "Cue bidea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cue track positions"
msgstr "Cue bide kokapenak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cues"
msgstr "Cueak"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:537
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cues (subentries will be skipped)"
msgstr "Cues (azpisarrerak jauzi egingo dira)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current command line"
msgstr "Oraingo agindu lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:252
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current date && time in ISO 8601 format"
msgstr "Uneko eguna eta ordua ISO 8601 heuskarrian"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tool.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current job"
msgstr "Oraingo lana"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/value_page.h:209
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current value:"
msgstr "Oraingo balioa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current version:"
msgstr "Oraingo bertsioa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid "Currently no newer version is available online."
msgstr "Ez dago bertsio berriagorik eskuragarri online."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:456
#, no-c-format
msgid "Currently only certain subtitle formats are compressed with the zlib algorithm."
msgstr "Gaur egun azpidatzi heuskarri batzuk besterik ez dira zlib algoritmoarekin kodeatzen."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:210
#, no-c-format
msgid "D&uplicate selected edition or chapter"
msgstr "&Bikoiztu hautaturiko edizioa edo atala"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:83
#: src/output/p_dts.h:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "DTS"
msgstr "DTS"
#: src/output/p_dts.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "DTS header information changed! - New format:\n"
msgstr "DTS idazburu argibideak aldatuta! - Heuskarri berria:\n"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "DTS/DTS-HD (Digital Theater System)"
msgstr "DTS/DTS-HD (Zinema Digital Sistema)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:84
#, no-c-format
msgid "DV video format"
msgstr "DV bideo heuskarria"
#: src/output/p_dvbsub.h:29
#, no-c-format
msgid "DVB subtitles"
msgstr "DVB azpidatziak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1827
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "DVD title number:"
msgstr "Atala zenbakiak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:191
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid "DVDs"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Data size"
msgstr "Datu neurria"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:88
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Eguna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Date added"
msgstr "Gehitze eguna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Date finished"
msgstr "Amaitze eguna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "Date started"
msgstr "Hasiera eguna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:227
#, no-c-format
msgid "Deactivating this checkbox is a way to disable a configuration temporarily without having to change its parameters."
msgstr "Hautakutxa hau ezgaitzea bide bat da itxurapena aldibaterako ezgaitzeko bere parametroak aldatu gabe."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Berezkoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1764
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default IETF BCP 47 language editing &mode:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1803
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default additional co&mmand line options:"
msgstr "Berezko agindu lerro aukera gehigarriak:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:202
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default duration"
msgstr "Berezko iraupena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1761
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default duration/FPS:"
msgstr "Berezko iraupena/FS-ko:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:317
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default language"
msgstr "Berezko hizkuntza"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1812
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default subtitle &charset to set:"
msgstr "Berezko hizki-kodea azpidatziei ezartzeko:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default track"
msgstr "Berezko bidea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:204
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default track flag"
msgstr "Berezko bide ikurra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default track in output"
msgstr "Berezko bidea irteeran"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1813
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default track languages to set"
msgstr "Berezko bide hizkuntzak ezartzeko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default values"
msgstr "Berezko balioak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1853
#, no-c-format
msgid "Defaults for jobs saving info tool output to text files"
msgstr "Argibide tresnaren irteera idazki agirietan gordetzen diren lanentzako berezkoak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1860
#, no-c-format
msgid "Defaults for new chapter entries"
msgstr "Berezkoak atal sarrera berrientzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1802
#, no-c-format
msgid "Defaults for new multiplex settings"
msgstr "Berezkoak multiplexaketa ezarpen berrientzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1805
#, no-c-format
msgid "Defaults for newly added tracks"
msgstr "Berezkoak berriki gehitutako bideentzat"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:257
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay"
msgstr "Atzerapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1759
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1826
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay (in ms):"
msgstr "Atzerapena (sm-tan):"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay built into the codec during decoding in ns."
msgstr "Kodekaren barneko atzerapena dekodeaketan ns-tan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay the chapters' timestamps by a couple of ms."
msgstr "Atzeratu atalaren denbora-irarketa sm pare bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:459
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay this track's timestamps by a couple of ms."
msgstr "Atzeratu bide honen denbora-irarketa sm pare bat."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:236
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete all existing track statistics tags"
msgstr "Ezabatu dauden bide estatistika etiketa guztiak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:227
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete all occurrences of a property"
msgstr "Ezabatu ezaugarri baten gertaera guztiak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete one or more attachments"
msgstr "Ezabatu eranskin bat edo gehiago"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:200
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete source files for multiplexer jobs"
msgstr "Ezabatu iturburu agiriak multiplexatze lanentatik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:416
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:422
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:428
#, no-c-format
msgid "Depending on the setting below this language can also be used if the language in the source file is 'undetermined' ('und')."
msgstr "Azpiko ezarpenen arabera hizkuntza hau ere erabili daiteke iturburu agiriko hizkuntza 'zehaztugabea' ('und') bada."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:388
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:394
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:400
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Depending on this setting the language can also be derived from the file name if the language in the source file is 'undetermined' ('und')."
msgstr "Azpiko ezarpenen arabera hizkuntza hau ere erabili daiteke iturburu agiriko hizkuntza 'zehaztugabea' ('und') bada."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Derive &end timestamps from start timestamps"
msgstr "Eratorri a&maiera denbora-irarketak hasierako denbora-irarketetatik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Deriving track languages"
msgstr "Bideen hizkuntzak eratortzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1818
#, no-c-format
msgid "Deriving track languages from file names"
msgstr "Bide hizkuntzak agiri izenetatik eratortzen"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:198
#, no-c-format
msgid "Describes the projection used for this video track (0 3)."
msgstr "Bideo bideak erabilitako proiekzioa azaltzen du (0 3)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:221
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:225
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:52
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:91
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Azalpena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/value_page.h:206
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Azalpena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1828
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination directory"
msgstr "Helmuga zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1842
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination file"
msgstr "Helmuga agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1824
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination file name"
msgstr "Helmuga agiriaren izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/info_job.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination file name: %1"
msgstr "Helburu agiri izena: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination file's directory"
msgstr "Helmuga agiriaren zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:247
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination file's name"
msgstr "Helmuga agiriaren izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1788
#, no-c-format
msgid "Destination file:"
msgstr "Helmuga agiria:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:307
#, no-c-format
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Xehetasunak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1540
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1542
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1543
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1544
#, no-c-format
msgid "Determine automatically"
msgstr "Zehaztu berezgaitasunez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "Development hacks"
msgstr "Garapen hackeatuak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:405
#, no-c-format
msgid "Di&sable all attachments"
msgstr "E&zgaitu eranskin guztiak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:33
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:82
#: src/output/p_dirac.h:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dirac"
msgstr "Dirac"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:322
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:93
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:67
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/source_file_model.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1831
#, no-c-format
msgid "Directory &relative to first source file's directory:"
msgstr "Zuzenbidea lehen &iturburu agiriaren zuzenbidearen araberakoa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:508
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/tab.h:145
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Directory:"
msgstr "Zuzenbidea:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1809
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disable \"de&fault track\" flag for subtitle tracks"
msgstr "Ezgaitu \"bere&zko bidea\" ikurra azpidatzi bideentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1760
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disable &tooltips"
msgstr "Ezgaitu &tresna-oharrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1810
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disable additional lossless c&ompression for all track types"
msgstr "Ezgaitu galeragabeko &konpresio gehigarria bide mota guztientzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1758
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disable scaling for &high DPI displays"
msgstr "Ezgaitu eskalatzea &DPI handiko erakusleihoentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1759
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disable the &dark mode"
msgstr "Desgaitu modu il&una"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disable the use of SimpleBlocks instead of BlockGroups."
msgstr "Ezgaitu Bloke-Arruntak erabiltzea Bloke-Taldeak ordez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:110
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:274
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Ezgaituta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Disables lacing for all tracks."
msgstr "Bide guztientzako lotura ezgaitzen du."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:260
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Discard padding"
msgstr "Baztertu betegarria: {0:.3f}ms ({1}ns)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid "Discardable"
msgstr "Baztergarria"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:727
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:733
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display dimensions: not given in the form <TID>:<width>x<height>, e.g. 1:640x480 (argument was '{0}').\n"
msgstr "Erakuspen neurriak: ez dira modu honetan ematen <TID>:<width>x<height>; adib. 1:640x480 (argumentoa da '{0}').\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:148
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display height"
msgstr "Erakus garaiera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display unit"
msgstr "Erakutsi unitatea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:147
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display width"
msgstr "Erakus zabalera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1772
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display width/height:"
msgstr "Erakuspen zabalera/garaiera:"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do not add an entry for the chapters in the meta seek element."
msgstr "Ez gehitu sarrera bat atalentzat meta bilaketa gaian."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do not change LanguageIETF track header elements when the 'language' property is changed."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do not show hex dumps"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do not split"
msgstr "Ez banandu"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do not write meta seek elements at all."
msgstr "Ez idatzi meta bilaketa gairik inon."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:516
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:433
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do you really want to abort all currently running jobs?"
msgstr "Egitan nahi duzu ekinean dauden lan guztiak uztea?"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do you really want to abort this job?"
msgstr "Egitan nahi duzu lan hau uztea?"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:234
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do you really want to add '%1' as another attachment?"
msgstr "Egitan nahi duzu '%1' beste eranskin bat bezala gehitzea?"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:581
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do you want to continue and risk overwriting the file?"
msgstr "Jarraitu nahi duzu eta agiria gainidaztearen arriskua hartu?"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:430
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do you want to continue?"
msgstr "Jarraitzea nahi duzu?"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:619
#, no-c-format
msgid "Do you want to overwrite the file?"
msgstr "Agiria gainidaztea nahi duzu?"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "Document type"
msgstr "Agiri mota"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:78
#, no-c-format
msgid "Document type read version"
msgstr "Agiri mota irakur bertsioa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Document type version"
msgstr "Agiri mota bertsioa"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dolby TrueHD"
msgstr "Dolby TrueHD"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1539
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't change"
msgstr "Ez aldatu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't escape"
msgstr "Ez irten"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1819
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't generate chapters"
msgstr "Ez sortu atalik"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't remove track statistics tags when reading Matroska files, no matter if new ones are created or not."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/message_box.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't show this message again."
msgstr "Ez erakutsi berriro mezu hau."
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:40
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Don't stop processing at the first cluster."
msgstr "Gelditu lehen klusterrean"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3052
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done scanning playlists.\n"
msgstr "Inoiz ez mihatu irakur-zerrendak.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done.\n"
msgstr "Eginda.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:166
#, no-c-format
msgid "Download URL:"
msgstr "Jeisketa URL-a:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Downloading release information"
msgstr "Argitalpen argibideak jeisten"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1858
#, no-c-format
msgid "Drop last entry from imported &Blu-ray playlists if it's near the end"
msgstr "Jauzi azken sarrera inportatutako &Blu-ray irakur-zerrendatik amaieratik hurbilekoa bada"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:519
#, no-c-format
msgid "Drops all HD extensions from an audio track and keeps only its lossy core."
msgstr "Audio bide baten HD hedapen guztiak erortzen ditu eta beren galera nukleoak bakarrik gordetzen ditu"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:101
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Due to the particular structure of the file this situation cannot be fixed automatically."
msgstr "Agiria egitura bereziagaitik egoera hau ezin da berezgaitasunez zuzendu."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:85
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:258
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:305
#, no-c-format
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Iraupena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:308
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid "Duration:"
msgstr "Iraupena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:407
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&dit in corresponding tool and remove from queue"
msgstr "&Editatu dagokion tresnan eta kendu lerrotik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:404
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable all attachments"
msgstr "Gaitu &eranskin guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:332
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&xecute now"
msgstr "E&xekutatu orain"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:605
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "I&rten"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:225
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&xpand chapter's start and end timestamps to include the minimum/maximum timestamps of all their sub-chapters"
msgstr "Hedatu atalen hasiera eta amaiera denbora-kodeak beren azpi-atal guztien gutxinezko/gehienezko denbora-kodeak barneratzko"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "EBML CRC-32"
msgstr "EBML CRC-32"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "EBML head"
msgstr "EBML burua"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "EBML lacing"
msgstr "EBML lotura"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:73
#, no-c-format
msgid "EBML read version"
msgstr "EBML irakur bersioa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "EBML version"
msgstr "EBML bertsioa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "EBML void"
msgstr "EBML hutsunea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Each file created contains one segment, and each segment has one segment UID."
msgstr "Sortutako agiri bakoitzak zati bat du, eta zati bakoitzak zati UID bat du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:293
#, no-c-format
msgid "Each range consists of a start and end frame/field number with a '-' in the middle, e.g. '157-238'."
msgstr "Maila bakoitza hasiera eta amaiera frame/eremu batean datza, '-' batez erditik bananduta, adib. '157-238'."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:284
#, no-c-format
msgid "Each range consists of a start and end timestamp with a '-' in the middle, e.g. '00:01:15-00:03:20'."
msgstr "Maila bakoitza hasiera eta amaiera denbora-kode batean datza, '-' batez erditik bananduta, adib. '00:01:15-00:03:20'."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_dialog.h:59
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Edit language"
msgstr "Etiketa hizkuntza"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:255
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edit selectors for properties"
msgstr "Editatu ezaugarri hautatzaileak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:274
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:306
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edition UID"
msgstr "Edizio UID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:273
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:81
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edition entry"
msgstr "Edizio sarrera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edition flag default"
msgstr "Edizio ikurra berez"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:275
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edition flag hidden"
msgstr "Edizio ikurra ezkutuan"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:277
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edition flag ordered"
msgstr "Edizio ikurra ordenatuta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:32
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edition/Chapter"
msgstr "Edizioa/Atala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Either fix the error or remove the configuration before closing the preferences dialog."
msgstr "Zuzendu akatsa edo kendu itxurapenetik hobespenak elkarrizketa itxi aurretik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "Either the word 'all' which selects all chapters or a comma-separated list of chapter numbers before which to split."
msgstr "Baita 'denak' hitza atal guztiak hautatzen dituena edo kakotxaz banandutako atal zenbaki zerrenda bat bananketa aurretik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Element ID:"
msgstr "Elementuaren ID-a:"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "Element types:\n"
msgstr "Gai motak:\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_viewer_dialog.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "Element viewer: %1"
msgstr "Elementu ikusgailua: %1"
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Element {0} is written.\n"
msgstr "{0} gaia idatzi da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:86
#, no-c-format
msgid "Elements"
msgstr "Gaiak"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid "Elements in the category '{0}' ('--edit {1}'):\n"
msgstr "'{0}' kategoriako gaiak ('--edit {1}'):\n"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable appending and splitting FLAC tracks."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1837
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable copying of items by their type"
msgstr "Gaitu gaien kopiatzea beren motaren arabera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1838
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable copying of tracks by their language"
msgstr "Gaitu bideen kopiatzea beren hizkuntzaren arabera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1811
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable dialog &normalization gain removal for audio tracks"
msgstr "Gaitu &normalizazio irabazi kentzea audio bideentzat"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Gaituta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enables splitting of the output into more than one file."
msgstr "Irteera agiri batean baino gehiagotan banantzea gaitzen du"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:42
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Enables the creation of byte-identical files if the same source files with the same options and the same seed are used."
msgstr ""
" --reduce-to-core <TID> HD hedapenak sostengatzen dituzten audio bide\n"
" nukleoei bakarrik heusten die biak nukleoa\n"
" eta hedapenak kopiatu ordez.\n"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enables warnings for certain conditions where timestamps aren't monotonous in situations where they should be which could indicate either a problem with the file or a programming error."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enabling items"
msgstr "Gaiak gaitzen"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enabling this option causes mkvmerge to keep that last entry."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaitzeak mkvmergek azken sarrerari heustea eragiten du."
#: src/common/av1.h:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Encountered OBUs with invalid data."
msgstr "OBU datu baliogabeekin aurkitu da."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:171
#, no-c-format
msgid "Encryption algorithm"
msgstr "Enkriptaketa algoritmoa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:172
#, no-c-format
msgid "Encryption key ID"
msgstr "Enkriptaketa ID giltza"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "End"
msgstr "Amaiera"
#: src/common/iso639.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "English language name"
msgstr "Hizkuntza izena ingeleraz"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1834
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ensure the file name is &unique"
msgstr "Zihurtatu agiri izena &bakarra dela"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:462
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter job description"
msgstr "Sartu lanaren azalpena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:739
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter predefined split duration"
msgstr "Sartu aurrezehatutako banantze iraupena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:738
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter predefined split size"
msgstr "Sartu aurrezehatutako banantze neurria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:736
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter predefined track name"
msgstr "Sartu aurrezehatutako bide izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/mux_config.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Akatsa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/option_file.cpp:32
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error creating a temporary file (reason: %1)."
msgstr "Akatsa aldibaterako agiria sortzerakoan (zergaitia: %1)."
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:1192
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error decoding an Ogg Opus page at source timestamp {0}; page will be skipped: {1}\n"
msgstr "Akatsa Ogg Opus orrialde bat dekodeatzean, iturburu denbora-irarketa {0}; orrialdea jauzi egingo da: {1}\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:142
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error details: %1."
msgstr "Akatsaren xehetasunak: %1."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:76
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error executing mkvmerge"
msgstr "Akatsa mkvmerge exekutatzerakoan"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error in line {0}: expected a SRT timestamp line but found something else. Aborting this file.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa {0} lerroan: SRT denbora-kode lerro bat itxaroten zen baina beste zerbait gehiago aurkitu da. Agiria uzten.\n"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error in line {0}: expected subtitle number and found some text.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa {0} lerroan: azpidatzi zenbaki bat itxaroten zen eta idazki zati bat aurkitu da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:547
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error loading settings file"
msgstr "Akatsa ezarpenak agiria gertatzerakoan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:457
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:514
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:561
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:597
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error message from the parser: %1"
msgstr "Akats mezua aztertzailetik: %1"
#: src/input/r_mpeg_ps.cpp:1089
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error parsing a MPEG PS packet during the header reading phase. This stream seems to be badly damaged.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa MPEG PS pakete bat aztertzerakoan idazburu irakurketa aldian. Jario honek oso hondatua dirudi.\n"
#: src/propedit/chapter_target.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error parsing the chapters in '{0}': some mandatory elements are missing.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa atalak aztertzerakoan, '{0}': ez daude nahitaezko gai batzuk.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:539
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:169
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error parsing the tags in '{0}': some mandatory elements are missing.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa etiketak aztertzerakoan, '{0}': ez daude nahitaezko gai batzuk.\n"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:81
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tab.cpp:196
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error reading Matroska file"
msgstr "Akatsa Matroska agiria irakurtzerakoan"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:745
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error reading from the file '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa '{0}' agiritik irakurtzerakoan.\n"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:63
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:69
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:89
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:97
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:271
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error writing Matroska file"
msgstr "Akatsa Matroska agiria idazterakoan"
#: src/common/output.cpp:135
#: src/common/output.cpp:136
#: src/common/output.cpp:137
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:254
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:318
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Akatsa:"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1276
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error: Couldn't open source file {0} ({1})."
msgstr "Akatsa: Ezinezkoa iturburu agiria irekitzea {0} ({1})."
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:467
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error: No EBML head found."
msgstr "Akatsa: Ez da EBML burua aurkitu."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2286
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Error: no destination file name was given.\n"
msgstr ""
"Akatsa: ez da helmuga agiri izenik eman.\n"
#: src/output/p_vorbis.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Error: vorbis_packetizer: Could not extract the stream's parameters from the first packets.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa: vorbis_paketatzailea: Ezin dira jarioaren parametroak atera lehen paketetatik.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "Errors:"
msgstr "Akatsak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:715
#, no-c-format
msgid "Even if no audio tracks are present"
msgstr "Baita audio biderik ez badago ere"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1872
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1876
#, no-c-format
msgid "Even if there were errors"
msgstr "Baita kontuz-oharrak egonda ere"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1871
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1875
#, no-c-format
msgid "Even if there were warnings"
msgstr "Baita kontuz-oharrak egonda ere"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:83
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:91
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:100
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:109
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:118
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:126
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:133
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Adibidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Adibideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:262
#, no-c-format
msgid "Examples: 01:00:00 (after one hour) or 1800s (after 1800 seconds)."
msgstr "Adibideak: 01:00:00 (ordubete ondoren) edo 1800s (1800 segundu ondoren)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:278
#, no-c-format
msgid "Examples: 01:00:00,01:30:00 (after one hour and after one hour and thirty minutes) or 180s,300s,00:10:00 (after three, five and ten minutes)."
msgstr "Adibideak: 01:00:00,01:30:00 (ordubete eta ordubete eta hogeita-hamar minuturen ondoren) edo 180s,300s,00:10:00 (hiru, bost eta hamar minuturen ondoren)."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Exception details:"
msgstr "Salbuespen xehetasunak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1037
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:315
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/executable_location_dialog.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "Executable files"
msgstr "Agiri exekutagarriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:2019
#, no-c-format
msgid "Executable not found"
msgstr "Exekutagarria ez da aurkitu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:195
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "Execute a program"
msgstr "Exekutatu programa bat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:485
#, no-c-format
msgid "Execute action after next &job completion"
msgstr "Exekutatu ekintza &hurrengo lana osatu ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:486
#, no-c-format
msgid "Execute action when the &queue completes"
msgstr "Exekutatu ekintza &lerroa osatu ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "Execute program '%1'"
msgstr "Exekutatu '%1' programa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "Executes the action immediately."
msgstr "Exekutatu ekintza berehala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Executing actions"
msgstr "Ekintzak exekutatzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1881
#, no-c-format
msgid "Executing actions after certain events"
msgstr "Ekintza exekutatzea zenbait gertaeraren ondoen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:244
#, no-c-format
msgid "Exit code (0: ok, 1: warnings occurred, 2: errors occurred)"
msgstr "Irteera kodea (0: ongi, 1: kontuz-oharra gertatu dira, 2: akats gertatu dira)"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Expected a time in the following format: HH:MM:SS.nnn (HH = hour, MM = minute, SS = second, nnn = millisecond up to nanosecond. You may use up to nine digits for 'n' which would mean nanosecond precision). You may omit the hour as well. Found '{0}' instead. Additional error message: {1}"
msgstr "Heuskarri honetako denbora itxaroten zen: HH:MM:SS.nnn (HH = orduak, MM = minutuak, SS = segunduak, nnn = segundumilaenak nanosegundura arte. Gehienez bederatzi zenbaki erabili behar dituzu 'n'-rentzat, honek nanosegundu zehaztasuna esanahi du). Ordua kendu dezakezu honela. Aurkitu da '{0}' ordez. Akats mezu gehigarria: {1}"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Exports the chapter information in the simple format used in OGM tools (CHAPTER01=... CHAPTER01NAME=...)."
msgstr "Atal argibideak esportatzen ditu OGM tresnatan erabilitako heuskarri arrunt batean (CHAPTER01=... CHAPTER01NAME=...)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extended subtags"
msgstr ""
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extract the data to a raw file including the CodecPrivate as a header."
msgstr "Atera datuak raw agiri batera Kodek Pribatua idazburu bezala barneratuz."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extract the data to a raw file."
msgstr "Atera datuak raw agiri batera."
#: src/output/p_hevc.cpp:78
#: src/output/p_hevc_es.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extracted the aspect ratio information from the HEVC video data and set the display dimensions to {0}/{1}.\n"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila argibideak aterata HEVC bideo datuetatik eta erakuspen neurriak honela ezarrita: {0}/{1}.\n"
#: src/output/p_avc.cpp:101
#: src/output/p_avc_es.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extracted the aspect ratio information from the MPEG-4 layer 10 (AVC) video data and set the display dimensions to {0}/{1}.\n"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila argibideak aterata MPEG-4 layer 10 (AVC) bideo datuetatik eta erakuspen neurriak honela ezarrita: {0}/{1}.\n"
#: src/output/p_mpeg4_p2.cpp:326
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extracted the aspect ratio information from the MPEG4 layer 2 video data and set the display dimensions to {0}/{1}.\n"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila argibideak aterata MPEG-4 layer 2 bideo datuetatik eta erakuspen neurriak honela ezarrita: {0}/{1}.\n"
#: src/output/p_theora.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extracted the aspect ratio information from the Theora video headers and set the display dimensions to {0}/{1}.\n"
msgstr "Ikuspegi maila argibideak aterata Theora bideo idazburuetatik eta erakuspen neurriak honela ezarrita: {0}/{1}.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extracting multiple items at the same time"
msgstr "Gai ugari aldiberean ateratzen"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extracting track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' to the file '{2}'. Container format: {3}\n"
msgstr "Ateratzen {0} bidea '{1}' Kodek ID-arekin '{2}' agirira. Edukiontzi heuskarria: {3}\n"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extraction of track ID {0} with the CodecID '{1}' is not supported.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea '{1}' Kodek ID-arekin ateratzea ez dago sostengaturik.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:399
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extraction tool"
msgstr "Ateratze tresna"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:85
#: src/output/p_flac.h:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "FLAC"
msgstr "FLAC"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)"
msgstr "FLAC (Galeragabeko Audio Kodek Askea)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "FLV (Flash Video)"
msgstr "FLV (Flash Video)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:272
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Hutseginda"
#: src/extract/xtr_vobsub.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failed to create the VobSub data file '{0}': {1}\n"
msgstr "Hutsegitea '{0}': {1} VobSub datu agiria sortzerakoan\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:345
#: src/extract/xtr_vobsub.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failed to create the file '{0}': {1}\n"
msgstr "Hutsegitea '{0}': {1} agiria sortzerakoan\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_base.cpp:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failed to create the file '{0}': {1} ({2})\n"
msgstr "Hutsegitea '{0}': {1} ({2}) agiria sortzerakoan\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_tta.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failed to create the temporary file '{0}': {1}\n"
msgstr "Hutsegitea aldibaterako '{0}': {1} agiria sortzerakoan\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failed to parse the USF codec private data for track {0}: {1}\n"
msgstr "Hutsegitea {0}: {1} biderako USF kodek pribatu datuak aztertzerakoan\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Family UID"
msgstr "Sendi UID-a"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attached_file_page.h:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fi&le name:"
msgstr "Agiri &izena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1787
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fi&le title:"
msgstr "Agiri izenburua:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "Field order"
msgstr "Eremu hurrenkera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Field order (0, 1, 2, 6, 9 or 14, see documentation)."
msgstr "Eremu hurrenkera (0, 1, 2, 6, 9 edo 14, ikusi agiritza)."
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:291
#, no-c-format
msgid "File '{0}': container: {1}"
msgstr "Agiria '{0}': edukiontzia: {1}"
#: src/merge/id_result.cpp:22
#, no-c-format
msgid "File '{0}': unsupported container: {1}\n"
msgstr "Agiria '{0}': edukiontzi sostengugabea: {1}\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:240
#, no-c-format
msgid "File UID"
msgstr "Agiri UID-a"
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:408
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:417
#, no-c-format
msgid "File contains fewer frames than expected or is corrupt after frame {0}.\n"
msgstr "Agiriak uste baino frame gutxiago ditu edo hondatuta dago {0} framearen ondoren.\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:239
#, no-c-format
msgid "File data"
msgstr "Agiri datuak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:236
#, no-c-format
msgid "File description"
msgstr "Agiriaren azalpena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "File has not been modified"
msgstr "Agiria ez da aldatu"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:237
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:306
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:323
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/source_file_model.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Agiri izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:507
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/tab.h:144
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.h:148
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "File name:"
msgstr "Agiri izena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Agiria ez da aurkitu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:289
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:295
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:368
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:392
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:459
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:514
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:563
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:599
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:799
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:368
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:126
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "File parsing failed"
msgstr "Agiri azterketa hutsegitea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/source_file_model.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "File size"
msgstr "Agiri neurria"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "File structure warning"
msgstr "Agiri egitura matxura"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid "File types such as MPEG program and transport streams (.vob, .m2ts) require parsing a certain amount of data in order to detect all tracks contained in the file."
msgstr "MPEG programak edo garraio jarioak (.vob, .m2ts) bezalako agiri motek datu kopuru bat aztertu beharra dute agirian barneratuta dauden bide guztiak atzemateko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1804
#, no-c-format
msgid "File/Segment linking"
msgstr "Agiri/Zati lotura"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:925
#, no-c-format
msgid "Files cannot be appended to themselves. The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "Agiriak ezin dira berari erantsi. '--append-to' argumentoa baliogabea izan da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:295
#, no-c-format
msgid "Finished at:"
msgstr "Amaituta:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.cpp:51
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "First chapter name regardless of its language"
msgstr " Lehen atal izena bere hizkuntza axola gabe "
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid "Five- to eight-letter language codes are currently not supported."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1765
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fix bitstream timing info"
msgstr "Zuzendu bitjario denborapen argibideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fixed-sized lacing"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "Flags"
msgstr "Ikurrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:510
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:516
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Flags:"
msgstr "Ikurrak:"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:86
#, no-c-format
msgid "Flash Video"
msgstr "Flash Video"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Floating point number"
msgstr "Zenbaki hamarrena"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid "Flushes all cached data to storage when closing a file opened for writing."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1543
#, no-c-format
msgid "For all frames"
msgstr "Frame guztientzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:183
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:191
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:192
#, no-c-format
msgid "For an in-depth explanantion of file/segment linking and this feature please read mkvmerge's documentation."
msgstr "Agiri/zati lotura eta ezaugarri honen azalpen sakonago baterako mesedez irakurri mkvmergeren agiritza."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "For files that will not contain a video track but at least one audio track mkvmerge will automatically choose a timestamp scale factor so that all timestamps and durations have a precision of one sample."
msgstr "Bideo biderik ez duten baina gutxienez audio bide bat duten agirientzat mkvmergek berezgaitasunez hautatuko du denbora-kode eskala ezaugarri bat horrela denbora-kode eta iraupen guztiek lagin baten zehaztasuna izateko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "For most entries the smallest start timestamp of all chapters on the same level higher than the current chapter's start timestamp will be used as its end timestamp."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:510
#, no-c-format
msgid "For such files you can use this parameter and decrease the size to 2."
msgstr "Agiri hauentzat parametro hau erabili dezakezu eta neurria 2 gutxitu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1539
#, no-c-format
msgid "Force 2 bytes"
msgstr "Behartu 2 byte"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1539
#, no-c-format
msgid "Force 4 bytes"
msgstr "Behartu 4 byte"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "Force EBML style lacing."
msgstr "Behartu EBML estilo haria."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "Force Xiph style lacing."
msgstr "Behartu Xiph estiloko lokarria."
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Force the translations for 'code' to be used."
msgstr "Behartu erabiltzeko 'kode' itzulpenak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:158
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Forced track"
msgstr "Bide behartua"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:205
#, no-c-format
msgid "Forced track flag"
msgstr "Behartutako bidea ikurra"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "Forces the Matroska reader to use the generic passthrough packetizer even for known and supported track types."
msgstr "Matroska irakurgailua behartzen du igaropen paketatzaile bat erabiltzera baita ezagunak eta sostengatuak diren bide motentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:508
#, no-c-format
msgid "Forces the NALU size length to a certain number of bytes."
msgstr "NALU neurri luzera byte zenbateko batera behartzen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:469
#, no-c-format
msgid "Forces the default duration or number of frames per second for a track."
msgstr "Bide batentzako berezko iraupena edo frame segunduko zenbatekoa behartzen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "Forces the timestamp scale factor to the given value."
msgstr "Denbora-kode eskala ezaugarria emandako balio batera behartzen du."
#: src/mpegparser/M2VParser.cpp:448
#, no-c-format
msgid "Found at least one B frame without second reference in a non closed GOP.\n"
msgstr "B frame bat aurkitu da bigarren xehetasuna gabe itxi gabeko GOP batean.\n"
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:263
#, no-c-format
msgid "Four-letter language codes are reserved for future use and not supported."
msgstr ""
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1462
#, no-c-format
msgid "FourCC: Invalid track ID in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "FourCC: Bide ID baliogabea, '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1458
#, no-c-format
msgid "FourCC: Missing track ID in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "FourCC: Ez dago bide ID-a, '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:192
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_viewer_dialog.cpp:96
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Framea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:207
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame #%1"
msgstr "Framea #%1"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame number"
msgstr "Frame zenbakia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame rate"
msgstr "Frame neurria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:113
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame size #%1: %2"
msgstr "Frame neurria #%1: %2"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:896
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1041
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame with size {0}{1}{2}"
msgstr "Framearen neurria: {0}{1}{2}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:307
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frames/fields:"
msgstr "Frame/eremu:"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:895
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1040
#, no-c-format
msgid "Frame{0}{1}"
msgstr "Framea{0}{1}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:537
#, no-c-format
msgid "Free-form edit field for user defined options for this track."
msgstr "Galdekizun-askeko edizio eremua bide honentzat erabiltzaileak zehaztutako aukerentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:767
#, no-c-format
msgid "Free-form input"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:213
#, no-c-format
msgid "GUI"
msgstr "EIG"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:154
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gama"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Garbage at the start of audio tracks in AVI files is normally used for delaying that track."
msgstr "AVI agirietako audio bideen hasierako zakarrak arrunt bidea atzeratzeko erabiltzen dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1786
#, no-c-format
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1755
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1778
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1743
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1749
#, no-c-format
msgid "General options"
msgstr "Aukera orokorrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:251
#, no-c-format
msgid "General variables"
msgstr "Aldagai orokorrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:192
#, no-c-format
msgid "Generate sub-chapters"
msgstr "Sortu azpi-atalak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:193
#, no-c-format
msgid "Generating a number of chapters spaced evenly apart"
msgstr "Atal zenbateko bat sortzen tarte berdin batez bananduta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1817
#, no-c-format
msgid "Generating chapters:"
msgstr "Atalak sortzen:"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:69
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global options"
msgstr "Aukera orokorrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global output control"
msgstr "Irteera aginte orokorra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:438
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global tags"
msgstr "Etiketa orokorrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1790
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global tags:"
msgstr "Etiketa orokorrak:"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:318
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global tags: {0} entry"
msgid_plural "Global tags: {0} entries"
msgstr[0] "Etiketa orokorrak: {0} sarrera"
msgstr[1] "Etiketa orokorrak: {0} sarrera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid "Green X chromaticity coordinate as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo orlegiaren margotasunaren X ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Green Y chromaticity coordinate as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo orlegiaren margotasunaren Y ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Green colour coordinate x"
msgstr "Margo orlegiaren x ardatza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "Green colour coordinate y"
msgstr "Margo orlegiaren y ardatza"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "HD-DVD subtitles"
msgstr "HD-DVD azpidatziak"
#: src/output/p_hdmv_pgs.h:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "HDMV PGS"
msgstr "HDMV PGS"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:40
#: src/output/p_hdmv_textst.h:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "HDMV TextST"
msgstr "HDMV TextST"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:87
#: src/extract/xtr_hdmv_textst.h:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "HDMV TextST subtitles"
msgstr "HDMV TextST azpidatziak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:88
#: src/output/p_hevc.h:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "HEVC/H.265"
msgstr "HEVC/H.265"
#: src/output/p_hevc_es.h:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "HEVC/H.265 (unframed)"
msgstr "HEVC/H.265 (framegabetuta)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "HEVC/H.265 elementary streams"
msgstr "HEVC/H.265 ohinarrizko jarioak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:411
#, no-c-format
msgid "Header &editor"
msgstr "Idazburu &editatzailea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1854
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:248
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:400
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "Header editor"
msgstr "Idazburu editatzailea"
#: src/common/compression/header_removal.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "Header removal compression not possible because the buffer contained {0} bytes which is less than the size of the headers that should be removed, {1}."
msgstr "Ezinezkoa idazburu konpresioa kentzea bufferrak {0} byte dituelako, hori kendu behar diren idazburuen neurria baino gutxiago da, {1}."
#: src/common/compression/header_removal.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "Header removal compression not possible because the buffer did not start with the bytes that should be removed. Wanted bytes:{0}; found:{1}."
msgstr "Ezinezkoa idazburu konpresioa kentzea bufferra ez delako hasten kendu behar diren bytekin. Beharrezko byteak: {0}; aurkituta:{1}."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:641
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:656
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:658
#, no-c-format
msgid "Header validation"
msgstr "Idazburu balioztapena"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:151
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height of the encoded video frames in pixels."
msgstr "Kodeaturiko bideo framen garaiera pixeletan."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height of the video frames to display."
msgstr "Erakuspenerako bideo framen garaiera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:198
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hibernate the computer"
msgstr "Neguratu ordenagailua"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:77
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Ezkutaturik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:605
#, no-c-format
msgid "Higher priority"
msgstr "Lehentasun handiagoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:604
#, no-c-format
msgid "Highest priority"
msgstr "Lehentasun handiena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid "Horizontal Cb subsample"
msgstr "Etzaneko Cb azpilaginketa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:129
#, no-c-format
msgid "Horizontal chroma siting"
msgstr "Etzaneko margo kokapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "Horizontal chroma subsample"
msgstr "Etzaneko margo azpilagina"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "How chroma is sited horizontally."
msgstr "Margoa etzanki nola kokatzen den."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:178
#, no-c-format
msgid "How chroma is sited vertically."
msgstr "Margoa zutikan nola kokatzen den."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:319
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: src/common/iso639.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "ISO 639-1 code"
msgstr "ISO 639-1 kodea"
#: src/common/iso639.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "ISO 639-2 code"
msgstr "ISO 639-2 kodea"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:42
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "IVF (AV1, VP8, VP9)"
msgstr "IVF (AV1, VP8, VP9)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:305
#, no-c-format
msgid "If a character set is selected here, it will be used instead of asking the user."
msgstr "Hizki-kode bat hautatzen bada hemen, horixe erabiliko da erabiltzaileari galdetu ordez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:430
#, no-c-format
msgid "If a character set is selected here, the program will automatically set the character set input to this value for newly added text subtitle tracks."
msgstr "Hemen hizki-kode bat hautatzen bada, programak berezgaitasunez ezarriko du sarrerako hizki-kodea balio honetan idazki azpidatzi bide berrientzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:304
#, no-c-format
msgid "If a range's start number is prefixed with '+' then its content will be written to the same file as the previous range. Otherwise a new file will be created for this range."
msgstr "Mailaren hasiera zenbakia '+'-rekin aurrizkiturik badago bere edukia aurreko mailaren agiri berdinean idatziko da. Bestela agiri berri bat sortuko da maila honentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "If a range's start timestamp is prefixed with '+' then its content will be written to the same file as the previous range. Otherwise a new file will be created for this range."
msgstr "Mailaren hasiera denbora-kodea '+' aurrizkiturik badago bere edukia aurreko mailaren agiri berdinean idatziko da. Bestela agiri berri bat sortuko da maila honentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:303
#, no-c-format
msgid "If a start number is left out then the previous range's end number is used, or the start of the file if there was no previous range."
msgstr "Hasiera zenbaki bat kanpoan badago aurreko mailaren amaiera zenbakia erabiltzen da, edo agiriaren hasiera aurreko mailarik ez badago."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "If a start timestamp is left out then the previous range's end timestamp is used, or the start of the file if there was no previous range."
msgstr "Hasiera denbora-kode bat kanpoan badago aurreko mailaren amaiera denbora-kodea erabiltzen da, edo agiriaren hasiera ez badago aurreko mailarik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "If any of these checkboxes is checked, the action will be executed when the corresponding condition is met."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:714
#, no-c-format
msgid "If audio tracks are present but none is enabled"
msgstr "Audio bideak badaude baina bat ere ez badago gaituta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:74
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "If both shifting and multiplication are enabled then the shift will be performed before the multiplication."
msgstr "Biak aldaketa eta biderketa gaituta badaude aldaketa biderketaren aurretik egingo da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:275
#, no-c-format
msgid "If checked, additional buttons for moving selected entries up and down will be shown next to several list views."
msgstr "Hautatuta badago, hautatutako sarrerak gora eta behera mugitzeko botoi gehigarriak erakutsiko dira zerrenda ikuspegi askoren ondoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:482
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:488
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:494
#, no-c-format
msgid "If checked, only the list of often used entries will be included in the selections in the program."
msgstr "Hautatzen bada, maizen erabilitako sarreren zerrenda barneratuko da programaren hautapenetan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:251
#, no-c-format
msgid "If checked, the GUI will not show helpful usage tips in popup windows while hovering over a control — such as this one."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:461
#, no-c-format
msgid "If checked, the program makes sure the suggested destination file name is unique by adding a number (e.g. ' (1)') to the end of the file name."
msgstr "Hautatua badago, programak iradokituriko helmuga agiri izena bakarra dela zihurtatzen du zenbaki bat gehituz (adib. ' (1)') agiri izenaren amaierara."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "If checked, the program will ask for confirmation before aborting a running job."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, programak baieztapena galdetuko du ekinean dauden lanak utzi aurretik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:265
#, no-c-format
msgid "If checked, the program will ask for confirmation before closing or reloading tabs that have been modified."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, programak baieztapena galdetuko du aldatuak izan diren hegatsak itxi edo birgertatu aurretik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:281
#, no-c-format
msgid "If disabled, the GUI will let you enter a description for a job when adding it to the queue."
msgstr "Ezgaituta badago, EIG-k azalpen bat gehitzen utziko dizu lan batentzat hau lerrora gehitzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:337
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, all subtitle tracks will have their \"default track\" flag set to \"no\" when they're added."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, azpidatzi bide guztiek beren \"berezko bidea\" ikurra \"ez\" bezala ezarrita edukiko dute gehitzen direnean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, automatic scaling for high DPI displays will be disabled."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:344
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, removal of dialog normalization gain will be enabled for all audio tracks for which removal is supported."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:283
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the GUI will automatically switch to the job output tool whenever you start a job (e.g. by pressing \"start multiplexing\")."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, EIG berezgaitasunez aldatuko da lan irteera tresnara lan bat hasten duzunean (adib. \"hasi multiplexaketa\" sakatuz)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:286
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the GUI will remove completed jobs older than the configured number of days no matter their status on exit."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, EIG-k itxuratutako egun zenbatekoa baino zaharragoak diren osatutako lanak kenduko ditu beren egoera kontuan izan gabe irtetzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the GUI will remove the output file created by a job if that job ends with an error or if the user aborts the job."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:354
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the destination file name controls will always be visible no matter which tab is currently shown."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, helmuga agiri izen aginteak betik ikustezinak izango dira unean zein hegatsetan erakusten den axola gabe."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the first tab in the \"job output\" tool will not be cleared when a new job starts."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, \"lan irteera\" tresnako lehen hegatsa ez da garbituko lan berri bat hasten denean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:442
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the largest cover image of a Blu-ray will be added as an attachment when adding a Blu-ray playlist."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the last entry will be skipped when loading chapters from such playlists in the chapter editor if it is located within five seconds of the end of the movie."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, azken sarrea jauzi egingo da atalak gertatzerakoan irakur-zerrendatik atal editatzailean filmaren amaieratik bost segunduko tartean kokatuta badago."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:277
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the names of tab headers will be shortened so that all tab headers fit into the window's width."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:279
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the program will ask for confirmation before overwriting files and jobs."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, programak baieztapena galdetuko du agiriak eta lanak gainidatzi aurretik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:259
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the program will check online whether or not a new release of MKVToolNix is available on the home page."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, programak online egiaztatuko du MKVToolNix argitalpen berri bat eskuragarri dagoen etxeko orrialdean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:284
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, the warning and error counters of all jobs and the global counters in the status bar will be reset to 0 when the program exits."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, lan guztien kontuz-ohar eta akats zenbagailuak eta egoera barrako zenbagailu orokorrak 0-ean berrezarriko dira programatik irtetzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:472
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:473
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:474
#, no-c-format
msgid "If enabled, tracks of this type will always be set to be copied regardless of their language."
msgstr "Gaituta badago, mota honetako bideak betik kopiatuko dira beren hizkuntza axola gabe."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:190
#, no-c-format
msgid "If fewer UIDs are specified than segments are created then random UIDs will be created for them."
msgstr "Sortu diren zatiak baino UID gutxiago adierazten badira zorizko UID-ak sortuko dira beraientzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "If given then you may use up to nine digits after the decimal point."
msgstr "Ematen bada bederatzi digitotik gora erabili ditzakezu hamarren puntu baten ondoren."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:335
#, no-c-format
msgid "If it contains the word 'DELAY' followed by a number, this number is automatically put into the 'delay' input field for any audio track found in the file."
msgstr "Honek 'ATZERAPENA' hitza badu zenbaki batez jarraitua zenbaki hau berezgaitasunez jartzen da sarrerako 'atzerapena' eremuan agirian aurkitzen den audio bide ororentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid "If left empty then the track's original stereo mode will be kept or, if it didn't have one, none will be set at all."
msgstr "Hutsik utziz gero bidearen jatorrizko estereo moduari heutsiko zaio edo, ez badu bat, ez da ezer ezarriko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "If more segment UIDs are specified than segments are created then the surplus UIDs are ignored."
msgstr "Sortu diren zatiak baino zati UID gehiago adierazi badira superplus UID-ak ezikusi egiten dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:472
#, no-c-format
msgid "If no unit is given, 'fps' will be used."
msgstr "Ez bada unitaterik ematen 'fs-ko' erabiliko da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:297
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:313
#, no-c-format
msgid "If no video track is output no splitting will occur."
msgstr "Irteera bideo bide gabe bada bananketa ez da gertatuko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "If nothing is entered then '%p - %t' will be used."
msgstr "Ez bada ezer sartzen '%p - %t' erabiliko da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "If nothing is entered, chapters will be generated but no name will be set."
msgstr "Ez bada ezer sartzen, atalak sortuko dira baina ez da izenik ezarriko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:447
#, no-c-format
msgid "If set to 'determine automatically' then mkvmerge will choose one track of each type to have this flag set based on the information in the source files and the order of the tracks."
msgstr "'berezgaitasunez zehaztu' ezarriz gero mkvmergek mota bakoitzeko bide bat hautatuko du ikur hau ezarrita edukitzeko iturburu agirietako eta beste bideen ordenean ohinarritutako argibideekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:455
#, no-c-format
msgid "If set to 'determine automatically' then mkvmerge will decide whether or not to compress and which algorithm to use based on the track type."
msgstr "'berezgaitasunez zehaztu' ezartzen bada mkvmergek erabakiko du konprimitu edo ez eta zer algoritmo erabiliko den bide motan ohinarrituz."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:440
#, no-c-format
msgid "If set to 'no' then the selected tracks will not be copied to the destination file."
msgstr "'ez' ezarriz gero hautaturiko bideak ez dira helmuga agirira kopiatuko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the OGM format is used and the file's character set is not recognized correctly then this option can be used to correct that."
msgstr "OGM heuskarria erabiltzen bada eta agiriaren hizki-kodea ez bada zuzen ezagutzen aukera haur erabili daiteke zuzentzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:82
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the chapters were loaded from a Matroska file, the end timestamp for very last chapter on the top-most level will be derived from the file's duration."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the magical value -1 is used then mkvmerge will use sample precision even if a video track is present."
msgstr "-1 balio magikoa erabiltzen bada mkvmergek lagin zehaztapena erabiliko du baita bideo bide bat badago ere."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the number is postfixed with 'ms' then put at most 'n' milliseconds of data into each cluster."
msgstr "Zenbakia 'sm'-rekin atzizkitua badago 'n' segundumilaen datu gehiago jartzen ditu kluster bakoitzaren barnean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:399
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the source file contains no such property for a subtitle track, then the language can be derived from the file name if it matches certain patterns (e.g. '…[ger]…' for German)."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:393
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the source file contains no such property for a video track, then the language can be derived from the file name if it matches certain patterns (e.g. '…[ger]…' for German)."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:387
#, no-c-format
msgid "If the source file contains no such property for an audio track, then the language can be derived from the file name if it matches certain patterns (e.g. '…[ger]…' for German)."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "If there is no such chapter, the parent chapter's end timestamp will be used instead."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:446
#, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled and if there is currently no destination file name set, the program will set one for you when you add a source file."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago eta unean ez badago helmuga agiri izenik ezarrita, programak bat ezarriko du zure ordez iturburu agiri bat gehitzen duzunean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:451
#, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled, only source files containing video tracks will be used for setting the destination file name."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago, bideo bideak diztuzten iturburu agiriak bakarrik erabiliko dira helmuga agiri izena ezartzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:469
#, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled, only those tracks will be set to be copied whose language is selected below."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago, bide hauek bakarrik ezarriko dira kopiatzeko beren hizkuntza azpian hautatuz."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:463
#, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled, the GUI will always clear the \"destination file name\" input box whenever the last source file is removed."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago, EIG-k betik garbituko du \"helmuga agiri izena\" sarrera kutxa azken iturburu agiria kentzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:313
#, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled, the GUI will always clear the \"file title\" input box whenever the last source file is removed."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago, EIG-k betik garbituko du \"agiri izenburua\" sarrera kutxa azken iturburu agiria kentzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:255
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled, the GUI will not use its dark mode and fall back to the default color scheme."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago, EIG-k betik garbituko du \"helmuga agiri izena\" sarrera kutxa azken iturburu agiria kentzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:456
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "If this option is enabled, the file title will be used as the basis for the destination file name if a file title is set."
msgstr "Aukera hau gaituta badago, EIG-k betik garbituko du \"agiri izenburua\" sarrera kutxa azken iturburu agiria kentzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:350
#, no-c-format
msgid "If tracks are known to be present but not found, the percentage to probe can be changed here."
msgstr "Bideak egon behar direla jakiten bada baina ez badira aurkitzen, probaren ehunekoa aldatu daiteke hemen."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "If two or more timestamps are used then you have to separate them with commas."
msgstr "Denbora-kode bi edo gehiago erabiltzen badira hauek kakotxaz banandu behar dituzu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:618
#, no-c-format
msgid "If you add another job with the same destination file then file created before will be overwritten."
msgstr "Beste lan bat gehitzen baduzu helmuga agiri berdinarekin aurretik sortutako agiria gainidatzi egingo da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "If you leave this empty then there is no limit for the number of files mkvmerge might create."
msgstr "Hutsik uzten baduzu ez dago mugarik mkvmergek sortu ditzakeen agiri zenbatekoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:318
#, no-c-format
msgid "If you often use the same names for tracks, you can enter them here."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "If you often use the same values when splitting by duration, you can enter them here."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:323
#, no-c-format
msgid "If you often use the same values when splitting by size, you can enter them here."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "If you want to append or add them as additional parts you have to select which source file to append or add them to:"
msgstr "Eranstea edo zati gehigarri bezala gehitzea nahi badituzu zein iturburu agirira erantsi edo gehitu hautatu behar duzu:"
#: src/output/p_textsubs.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ignoring an entry which starts after it ends ({0}).\n"
msgstr "Ezikusten amaiera ondoren hasten den sarrera bat ({0}).\n"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:554
#, no-c-format
msgid "Imported font from {0}"
msgstr "Hizkia hemendik inportaturik: {0}"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:554
#, no-c-format
msgid "Imported picture from {0}"
msgstr "Irudia hemendik inportaturik: {0}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1795
#, no-c-format
msgid "In &two fixed columns on the right of the files and tracks"
msgstr "&Bi zutabe finkoetan agiri eta bideen eskuinaldean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1794
#, no-c-format
msgid "In a &scrollable column on the right of the files and tracks"
msgstr "Z&utabe irristagarri batean agiri eta bideen eskuinaldean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1796
#, no-c-format
msgid "In a tab &widget below the files and tracks"
msgstr "&Hegats gailu batean agirien eta bideen azpian"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "In fixed intervals: chapters are created in fixed intervals, e.g. every 30 seconds."
msgstr "Tarte finkoetan: atalak tarte finkoetan sortzen dira, adib. 30 segundutik behin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:362
#, no-c-format
msgid "In the most compact layout the track properties are located to the right of the files and tracks lists in a scrollable single column."
msgstr "Antolakuntza trinkoenean bide ezaugarriak agiri eta bide zerrenden eskuinean kokatzen dira zutabe irristagarri bakarrean."
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:546
#, no-c-format
msgid "Inconsistent AAC audio packet (length: {0} != {1})\n"
msgstr "Elkartasun gabeko AAC audio paketea (luzera: {0} != {1})\n"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:178
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "Increase verbosity."
msgstr "Handitu berritsukeria."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Independent of the checkboxes, every active configuration can be triggered manually from the \"job output\" tool."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1783
#, no-c-format
msgid "Indexing (cues):"
msgstr "Aurkibidetzen (cue-ak):"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:768
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Individually selected components"
msgstr "G&aitu hautaturiko eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/info_job.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Info job"
msgstr "Argibide lana"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:247
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:400
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "Info tool"
msgstr "Argibide tresna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Argibideak"
#: src/common/bitvalue.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "Input too long: {0} > {1}"
msgstr "Sarrera luzeegia: {0} > {1}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1170
#, no-c-format
msgid "Instead such a file must be set via the 'chapter file' option on the 'output' tab."
msgstr "'chapter file' option on the 'output' tab."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Instead such a file must be set via the 'global tags' option on the 'output' tab."
msgstr "Ordez mota honetako agiri bat 'etiketa orokorrak' aukeraren bidez ezarri behar da 'irteera' hegatsean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Instead such a file must be set via the 'segment info' option on the 'output' tab."
msgstr "Ordez mota honetako agiri bat 'zati argibideak' aukeraren bidez ezarri behar da 'irteera' hegatsean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1756
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface &language:"
msgstr "&Intefaze hizkuntza:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:155
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interlaced"
msgstr "Elkarlotuta"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:141
#, no-c-format
msgid "Internal bug: tracks.cpp SSA #1. {0}"
msgstr "Baren akatsa: bideak.cpp SSA #1. {0}"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Internal program error"
msgstr "Programaren barne akatsa"
#: src/input/unsupported_types_signature_prober.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Internet Video Recording (IVR)"
msgstr "Internet Bideo Grabaketa (IVR)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1814
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interval:"
msgstr "Tartea:"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid 'format' attribute '{0}'."
msgstr "'Heuskarri' ezaugarri baliogabea: '{0}'"
#: src/common/base64.h:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid Base64 character encountered"
msgstr "Base64 hizki baliogabea aurkitu da"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid BlockAddition level in argument '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "BlockAddition maila balioabea argumento honetan: '{0}'.\n"
#: src/common/mm_io_x.h:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid UTF-8 char. First byte: 0x{0:02x}"
msgstr "UTF-8 hizki baliogabea. Lehen bytea: 0x{0:02x}"
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:586
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:591
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:607
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid Vorbis headers in AVI audio track."
msgstr "Vorbis idazburu baliogabeak AVI-aren audio bidean."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid attachment ID/file name specification in argument '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Eranspen ID/agiri izen adierazpen baliogabea argumento honetan: '{0}'.\n"
#: src/common/xml/xml.h:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid attribute '{0}' in node '{1}' at position {2}"
msgstr "{0}' ezaugarri baliogabea '{1}' elkargunean {2} kokapenean"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1255
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid boolean option specified in '--default-track {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Boolean aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--default-track {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1627
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid boolean option specified in '--fix-bitstream-timing-information {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Boolean aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--fix-bitstream-timing-information {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1281
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid boolean option specified in '--forced-track {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Boolean aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--forced-track {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1694
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid boolean specified in '--aac-is-sbr {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Boolean aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--aac-is-sbr {0}'.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid change spec ({2}) in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Bereizitasun aldaketa baliogabea ({2}) hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1108
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3086
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid chapter number '{0}' for '--split' in '--split {1}': {2}\n"
msgstr "Atal zenbaki baliogabea '{0}' '--split'-rentzat hemen: '--split {1}': {2}\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1336
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid compression option specified in '--compression {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Konpresio aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--compression {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1329
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid compression option. No track ID specified in '--compression {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Konpresioa aukera baliogabea. Ez da bide ID-rik adierazi hemen: '--compression {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1306
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid cues option specified in '--cues {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Cue aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--cues {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid cues option. No track ID specified in '--cues {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Cue aukera baliogabea adierazi da. Ez da bide ID-rik adierazi hemen: '--cues {0}'.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid data for Base64 encoding found."
msgstr "Datu baliogabeak aurkitu dira Base64 kodeaketarako"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid end frame/field number for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}).\n"
msgstr "Amaiera frame/eremu zenbaki baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}' (oraingo atala: {1}).\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:70
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid end frame/field number for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}). The end number must be bigger than the start number.\n"
msgstr "Amaiera frame/eremu zenbaki baliogabea '--split'-rako hemen: '--split {0}' (oraingo zatia: {1}). Amaiera denbora hasiera denbora baino handiagoa izan behar da.\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid end time for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}). Additional error message: {2}.\n"
msgstr "Amaiera denbora baliogabea '--split'-rako hemen: '--split {0}' (oraingo zatia: {1}). Akats mezu gehigarria: {2}.\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid end time for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}). The end time must be bigger than the start time.\n"
msgstr "Amaiera denbora baliogabea '--split'-rako hemen: '--split {0}' (oraingo zatia: {1}). Amaiera denbora hasiera denboar baino handiagoa izan behar da.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1184
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format for '--split' in '--split {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea '--split'-rentzat hemen: '--split {0}'.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format for a SSA line ('{0}') at timestamp {1}: The first field is not an integer. This entry will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea SSA lerro batean ('{0}') {1} denbora-kodean: Lehen eremua ez da zenbaki oso bat. Sarrera hau jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: At least minutes and seconds have to be given, but no colon was found"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Gutxienez minutuak eta segunduak eman behar dira, baina ez da bi punturik aurkitu"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: Colon inside nano-second part"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Bi puntu nano-segundu atalean"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: More than nine nano-second digits"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: bederatzi nano-segundu baino zenbaki gehiago"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: More than two colons"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Bi bi puntu baino gehiago"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: No digits before colon"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Zenbakirik ez bi punturen aurretik"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: No digits before decimal point"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Zenbakirik ez hamarren puntuaren aurretik"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: Second decimal point after first decimal point"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Bigarren hamarren puntua lehen hamarren puntuaren ondoren"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: The last character is a colon or a decimal point instead of a digit"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: Azken hizkia bi puntu bat da edo hamerren puntu bat zenbaki bat izan beharrean"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: the string is empty."
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: katea hutsik dago."
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:138
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid format: unknown character '{0}' found"
msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea: '{0}' hizki ezezaguna aurkitu da"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1087
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid frame for '--split' in '--split {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Frame baliogabea '--split'-rentzat hemen: '--split {0}'.\n"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid header length: {0} (total length: {1}, idx: {2}, dataidx: {3})\n"
msgstr "Idazburu luzera baliogabea: {0} (luzera guztira: {1}, idx: {2}, dataidx: {3})\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid identification format in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Identifikazio heuskarri baliogabea hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:272
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid length of hexadecimal content: must be divisable by 2."
msgstr "Eduki hexadezimal luzera baliogabea: 2-gaitik zatigarria izan behar da."
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid minute: {0}"
msgstr "Minutu baliogabea: {0}"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid number of minutes: {0} > 59"
msgstr "Minutu zenbateko baliogabea: {0} > 59"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid number of seconds: {0} > 59"
msgstr "Minutu zenbateko baliogabea: {0} > 59"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid second: {0}"
msgstr "Bigarrena baliogabea da: {0}"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:45
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:66
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:75
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:109
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:118
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid selector in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Hautatzaile baliogabea hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1145
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1157
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid settings"
msgstr "Ezarpen baliogabeak"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1138
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid split size in '--split {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bananketa neurri baliogabea hemen: '--split {0}'.\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid start frame/field number for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}).\n"
msgstr "Hasiera frame/eremu zenbaki baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}' (oraingo atala: {1}).\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid start frame/field number for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}). The start number must be bigger than or equal to the previous part's end number.\n"
msgstr "Hasiera denbora baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}' (oraingo atala: {1}). Hasiera denbora aurreko atalaren amaiera denboraren berdina edo handiagoa izan behar da.\n"
#: src/input/r_usf.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid start or stop timestamp"
msgstr "Hasiera edo gelditze denbora-kode baliogabea"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid start time for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}). Additional error message: {2}.\n"
msgstr "Hasiera denbora baliogabea: '--split' hemen: '--split {0}' (oraingo atala: {1}). Akats mezu gehigarria: {2}.\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid start time for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}). The start time must be bigger than or equal to the previous part's end time.\n"
msgstr "Hasiera denbora baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}' (oraingo atala: {1}). Hasiera denbora aurreko atalaren amaiera denboraren berdina edo handiagoa izan behar da.\n"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid start/end specification for '--split' in '--split {0}' (current part: {1}).\n"
msgstr "Hasiera/amaiera bereizketa baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}' (oraingo atala: {1}).\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1410
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid sub charset option. No track ID specified in '--sub-charset {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Azpi hizkikode aukera baliogabea: Ez da bide ID-rik adierazi hemen: '--sub-charset {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1417
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid sub charset specified in '--sub-charset {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Azpi hizkikode baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--sub-charset {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:621
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:658
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid sync option specified in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Aldiberetze aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:647
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid sync option specified in '{0} {1}'. The divisor is zero.\n"
msgstr "Aldiberetze aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '{0} {1}'. Zatikatzailea huts da.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:653
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid sync option specified in '{0} {1}'. The linear sync value may not be equal to or smaller than zero.\n"
msgstr "Aldiberetze aukera baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '{0} {1}'. Aldiberetze balio linearra ezin da hutsen berdina edo txikiagoa izan.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:613
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid sync option. No track ID specified in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Aldiberetze aukera baliogabea: Ez da bide ID-rik adierazi hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1441
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid tags file name specified in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Etiketa agiri izen baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1434
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid tags option. No track ID specified in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Etiketa aukera baliogabea. Ez da bide ID-rik adierazi hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1045
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid time for '--split' in '--split {0}'. Additional error message: {1}\n"
msgstr "Denbora baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}'. Akats mezu gehigarria: {1}\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1066
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid time for '--split' in '--split {0}'. Additional error message: {1}.\n"
msgstr "Denbora baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split {0}'. Akats mezu gehigarria: {1}\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1691
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--aac-is-sbr {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--aac-is-sbr {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1333
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--compression {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--compression {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1303
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--cues {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--cues {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--default-track {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--default-track {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1621
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--fix-bitstream-timing-information {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--fix-bitstream-timing-information {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1275
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--forced-track {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--forced-track {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1414
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--sub-charset {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--sub-charset {0}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1381
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '--{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '--{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:616
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1438
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1639
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1650
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID specified in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea adierazi da hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track ID/file name specification in argument '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Bide ID/agiri izen baliogabea adierazi da '{0}' argumentoan.\n"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid track type {0}."
msgstr "Bide mota baliogabea {0}."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "Ikustezina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid "It cannot be removed because it is a mandatory header field."
msgstr "Ezin daiteke kendu nahitaezko idazburu eremu bat delako."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "It defaults to 4 bytes, but there are files which do not contain a frame or slice that is bigger than 65535 bytes."
msgstr "Berezkoa 4 byte dira, baina badira 65535 byte baino handiagoak diren frameak edo sliceak ez dituzten agiriak."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1014
#, no-c-format
msgid "It does not consist of a track ID and a value separated by a colon."
msgstr "Ez datza bide ID eta balio batez puntu eta kakotxaz bananduta."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:201
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:207
#, no-c-format
msgid "It is ignored for XML chapter files."
msgstr "Ezikusi egiten da XML atal agirientzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:2022
#, no-c-format
msgid "Its installation location could not be determined automatically."
msgstr "Ezarpen kokalekua ezin bada berezgaitasunez zehaztu."
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:61
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "JSON option files must contain a JSON array consisting solely of JSON strings"
msgstr "JSON aukera agiriak JSON array bat eduki behar du JSON kate batez osatuta bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:663
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job &output"
msgstr "La&n irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job description"
msgstr "Lanaren azalpena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:243
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job end date && time in ISO 8601 format"
msgstr "Lanaren amaiera eguna eta ordua ISO 8601 heuskarrian"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:252
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job output"
msgstr "Lan irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/jobs/tool.h:124
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:251
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job queue"
msgstr "Lan lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job start date && time in ISO 8601 format"
msgstr "Lanaren hasiera eguna eta ordua ISO 8601 heuskarrian"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:240
#, no-c-format
msgid "Job type ('multiplexer' or 'info')"
msgstr "Lan mota ('multiplexer' edo 'info')"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Jobs & job queue"
msgstr "Lanak eta lan lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1864
#, no-c-format
msgid "Jobs and job output"
msgstr "Lanak eta lan irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.h:172
#, no-c-format
msgid "Jobs to execute:"
msgstr "Exekutatzeko lanak:"
#: src/output/p_kate.h:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Kate"
msgstr "Kate"
#: src/output/p_kate.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "Kate packet is too small and is being skipped.\n"
msgstr "Kate paketea txikiegia da eta jauzi egiten ari da.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:78
#, no-c-format
msgid "Keep only the BlockAdditions up to this level (default: keep all levels)"
msgstr "Heutsi bakarrik Bloke-Gehiketa maila honetarainok (berezkoa: heutsi maila denak)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key frame"
msgstr "Giltza framea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:680
#, no-c-format
msgid "Known &problems in recent releases"
msgstr "&Argitalpen berrien arazo ezagunak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Known element, but invalid at this position: {0} (ID: 0x{1})"
msgstr "Elementu ezaguna, baina baliogabe kokapen honetan: {0} (ID-a: 0x{1})"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:255
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lace number"
msgstr "Lotze zenbakia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lacing flag"
msgstr "Lotze ikurra"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:206
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:141
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/name_model.cpp:28
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:316
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:330
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:154
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:50
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:213
#, no-c-format
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:207
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:142
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Language (IETF BCP 47)"
msgstr "Etiketa hizkuntza (IETF)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.cpp:53
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Language selected below"
msgstr "Hautaturiko hizkuntza baliogabea da"
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "Language tag extensions are currently not supported."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:527
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:278
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1862
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1825
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Hizkuntza:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1762
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1791
#, no-c-format
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Antolakuntza"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "Leave additional space (EbmlVoid) in the destination file after the chapters."
msgstr "Utzi tarte gehigarri bat (EbmlVoid) helmuga agirian atalen ondoren."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:780
#, no-c-format
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Ezkerrean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Legend:"
msgstr "Argibideak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "Length: %1 byte"
msgid_plural "Length: %1 bytes"
msgstr[0] "Luzera: %1 byte"
msgstr[1] "Luzera: %1 byte"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:357
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0} of the timestamp file '{1}' contains inconsistent data (e.g. the duration or the FPS are smaller than zero).\n"
msgstr "'{1}' denbora-kode agiriko {0} lerroak datu bateraezinak ditu (adib. iraupena edo FS-ko huts baino txikiagoak dira).\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0} of the timestamp file '{1}' contains inconsistent data (e.g. the start frame number is bigger than the end frame number, or some values are smaller than zero).\n"
msgstr "'{1}' denbora-kode agiriko {0} lerroak datu bateraezinak ditu (adib. hasiera frame zenbakia amaiera framearen zenbakia baino handiagoa da, edo balio batzuk huts baino txikiagoak dira).\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:117
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:350
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0} of the timestamp file '{1}' could not be parsed.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' denbora-kode agiriko {0} lerroa ezin da aztertu.\n"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0}: Negative timestamp encountered. The entry will be adjusted to start from 00:00:00.000.\n"
msgstr "{0} lerroa: denbora-irarketa negatiboa aurkitu da. Sarrera 00:00:00.000 hasteko zehaztuko da.\n"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0}: The current timestamp ({1}) is smaller than the previous one ({2}). The entries will be sorted according to their timestamps. This might result in the wrong order for some subtitle entries. If this is the case then you have to fix the .idx file manually.\n"
msgstr "{0} lerroa: Oraingo denbora-kodea ({1}) aurreko bat ({2}) baino txikiagoa da. Sarrerak beren denbora-irarketaren arabera antolatuko dira. Honek azpidatzi sarrera batzuk oker antolatzea eragin dezake. Hau bada arazoa .idx agiria eskuz zuzendu behar duzu.\n"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:219
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0}: The line seems to be a subtitle entry but the format couldn't be recognized. This entry will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "{0} lerroa: Lerroak azpidatzi sarrera bat ematen du baina heuskarria ezin da ezagutu. Sarrera hau jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:259
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line {0}: The line seems to be a subtitle entry but the timestamp was negative even after adding the track delay. Negative timestamps are not supported in Matroska. This entry will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "{0} lerroa: Lerroak azpidatzi sarrera bat dela ematen du baina denbora-kodea negatiboa da baita bide atzerapena gehitu ondoren. Denbora-kode negatiboak ez dira sostengatzen Matroskan. Sarrera hau jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1798
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link files"
msgstr "Loturatu agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "Linux/Unix shells (bash, zsh etc.)"
msgstr "Linux/Unix shell-ak (bash, zsh etab.)"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "List all valid property names and exit"
msgstr "Zerrendatu balio ezaugarri izen denak eta irten"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Listen on YouTube"
msgstr "Entzun YouTuben"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "Listing configuration file names with the extension .mtxcfg causes the GUI to load the those configuration files in the appropriate tool."
msgstr ".mtxcfg luzapena duten itxurapen agiri izenak zerrendatzeak EIG-k itxurapen agiri hauek tresna egokian gertatzea eragiten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/info_job.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "Listing content of file \"%1\" in directory \"%2\""
msgstr "\"%1\" agiriren edukia zerrendatzen \"%2\" zuzenbidean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tab.cpp:244
#, no-c-format
msgid "Loading…"
msgstr "Gertatzen..."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1789
#, no-c-format
msgid "Location of MediaInfo &GUI:"
msgstr "MediaInfo &EIG-ren kokapena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:608
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lower priority"
msgstr "Lehentasun apalagoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:609
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lowest priority"
msgstr "Lehentasun apalena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:304
#, no-c-format
msgid "M&ore actions"
msgstr "E&kintza gehiago"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:809
#, no-c-format
msgid "MD5"
msgstr "MD5"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:238
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:89
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME mota"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:408
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix &GUI"
msgstr "MKV&ToolNix EIG"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:677
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix &web site"
msgstr "MKVToolNix &web gunea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:215
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix GUI config files"
msgstr "MKVToolNix EIG itxurapen agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1754
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix GUI preferences"
msgstr "MKVToolNix EIG hobespenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix GUI's installation directory"
msgstr "MKVToolNix EIG-ren ezarpen zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix news & changes"
msgstr "MKVToolNix berriak eta aldaketak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:122
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "MKVToolNix option files (JSON-formatted)"
msgstr "MKVToolNix aukera agiriak (JSON-heuskarrian)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "MP4 audio/video files"
msgstr "MP4 audio/bideo agiriak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG program stream"
msgstr "MPEG programa jarioa"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG program streams"
msgstr "MPEG programa jarioak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG transport stream"
msgstr "MPEG garraio jarioa"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG transport streams"
msgstr "MPEG garraio jarioak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:93
#: src/output/p_mp3.h:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer II/III"
msgstr "MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer II/III"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer II/III elementary streams"
msgstr "MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer II/III elementary streams"
#: src/output/p_mpeg1_2.h:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG-1/2 video"
msgstr "MPEG-1/2 bideoa"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:94
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG-1/2 video elementary stream"
msgstr "MPEG-1/2 bideo jario elementala"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG-1/2 video elementary streams"
msgstr "MPEG-1/2 bideo jario elementalak"
#: src/output/p_mpeg4_p2.h:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPEG-4"
msgstr "MPEG-4"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "MPLS Blu-ray playlist"
msgstr "MPLS Bluray iraku-zerrenda"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:445
#, no-c-format
msgid "Make this track the default track for its type (audio, video, subtitles)."
msgstr "Bide hau berezko bide egiten du bere motentzat (audioa, bideoa, azpidatziak)."
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1770
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1787
#, no-c-format
msgid "Malformed AAC codec initialization data found.\n"
msgstr "AAC kodek abiarazpen datu hondatuak aurkitu dira.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1780
#, no-c-format
msgid "Malformed codec id '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Kodek id hondatua: '{0}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:450
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mark this track as 'forced'."
msgstr "Markatu bide hau 'behartuta' bezala."
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid "Matroska"
msgstr "Matroska"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tool.cpp:165
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tool.cpp:128
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/widget.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "Matroska and WebM files"
msgstr "Matroska eta WebM agiriak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "Matroska audio/video files"
msgstr "Matroska audio/bideo agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:785
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:197
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:357
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:415
#, no-c-format
msgid "Matroska files"
msgstr "Matroska agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "Matroska files can be played back without the cue data, but seeking will probably be imprecise and slower."
msgstr "Matroska agiriak cue datu gabe irakurri daitezke, baina bilaketa zihurrenik zehazgabeagoa eta astiroagoa izango da."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum EBML ID length"
msgstr "Gehienezko EBML ID luzera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum EBML size length"
msgstr "Gehienezko EBML neurri luzera"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:231
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum allowed length: {0}, actual length: {1}"
msgstr "Ahalbideturiko gehienezko luzera: {0}, oraingo luzera: {1}"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:175
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:189
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum allowed value: {0}, actual value: {1}"
msgstr "Ahalbideturiko gehienezko balioa: {0}, oraingo balioa: {1}"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum block additional ID"
msgstr "Gehienezko bloke gehigarria ID"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:182
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum brightness of a single pixel in candelas per square meter (cd/m²)."
msgstr "Gehienezko dizdira pixel bakarrean kandela metro karratuko (cd/m²)."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:201
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum cache"
msgstr "Gehienezko katxea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:134
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum content light"
msgstr "Gehienezko eduki argia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum frame light"
msgstr "Gehienezko frame argia"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum frame-average light level in candelas per square meter (cd/m²)."
msgstr "Gehienezko frame-batazbesteko argitasun maila kandela metro karratuko (cd/m²)."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:119
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum luminance"
msgstr "Gehienezko argitasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:193
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum luminance in candelas per square meter (cd/m²)."
msgstr "Gehinezko argitasuna kandela metro karratuko (cd/m²)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1796
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum number of files:"
msgstr "Gehienezko agiri zenbatekoa:"
#: src/extract/xtr_rmff.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "Memory allocation error: {0} ({1}).\n"
msgstr "Oroimen esleipen akatsa: {0} ({1}).\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_rmff.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "Memory for a RealAudio/RealVideo frame could not be allocated.\n"
msgstr "RealAudio/RealVideo frame oroimena ezin da esleitu.\n"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "MicroDVD"
msgstr "MicroDVD"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:229
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum allowed length: {0}, actual length: {1}"
msgstr "Ahalbideturiko gutxienezko luzera: {0}, oraingo luzera: {1}"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:173
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:187
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum allowed value: {0}, actual value: {1}"
msgstr "Ahalbideturiko gutxienezko balioa: {0}, oraingo balioa: {1}"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:200
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum cache"
msgstr "Gutxieneko katxea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum luminance"
msgstr "Gutxienezko argitasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid "Minimum luminance in candelas per square meter (cd/m²)."
msgstr "Gutxienezko argitasuna kandela metro karratuko (cd/m²)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1747
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1782
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1800
#, no-c-format
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Askotarikoa"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing argument for '--output-charset'.\n"
msgstr "'--output-charset'-rentzako argumentoa ez dago.\n"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:255
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing argument for '--ui-language'.\n"
msgstr "'--ui-language'-rentzako argumentoa ez dago.\n"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:110
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing argument to '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}'-rentzako argumentoa ez dago.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:367
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing destination file name in argument '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Helmuga agiri izena ez dago '{0}' argumentoan.\n"
#: src/common/bitvalue.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing one hex digit"
msgstr "Hex zenbaki bat ez dago"
#: src/common/split_arg_parsing.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing start/end specifications for '--split' in '--split {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Hasiera/amaiera adierazpena ez dago: '--split' hemen '--split {0}'.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Moduak"
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "Modification of properties in the section '{0}' was requested, but no corresponding level 1 element was found in the file. {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' zatiko ezaugarri aldaketa eskatu da, baina ez da 1 mailari dagokion gai bat ere aurkitu. {1}\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:262
#, no-c-format
msgid "More"
msgstr "Gehiago"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2420
#, no-c-format
msgid "More than one MIME type was given for a single attachment. '{0}' will be discarded and '{1}' used instead.\n"
msgstr "MIMe mota bat baino gehiago eman da eranspen bakarrerako. '{0}' baztertu egingo da eta '{1}' erabiliko da ordez.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2411
#, no-c-format
msgid "More than one description was given for a single attachment.\n"
msgstr "Azalpen bat baino gehiago eman da eranspen bakar baterako.\n"
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "More than one file name has been given ('{0}' and '{1}').\n"
msgstr "Agiri izen bat baino gehiago eman da ('{0}' eta '{1}').\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2430
#, no-c-format
msgid "More than one name was given for a single attachment. '{0}' will be discarded and '{1}' used instead.\n"
msgstr "Agiri izen bat baino gehiago eman da eranspen bakar baterako. '{0}' baztertu egingo da eta '{1}' erabiliko da ordez.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:998
#, no-c-format
msgid "More than one track is to be appended to the track {0} from file no. {1} ('{2}'). The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "Bide bat baino gehiago da {0} bidera gehitzeko {1} agiri zenbakitik ('{2}'). '--append-to'-rentzako argumentoa baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "More than one track with the track number {0} found.\n"
msgstr "Bide bat baino gehiago aurkitu da {0} bide zenbakiarekin.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:372
#, no-c-format
msgid "Most of the other settings on the output tab will be kept intact, though."
msgstr "Irteera hegatseko beste ezarpen gehienak ikutugabe geldituko dira."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "Most options can only be used in certain modes with a few options applying to all modes."
msgstr ""
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:66
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:138
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiple modes can be used in the same invocation of mkvextract allowing the extraction of multiple things in a single pass."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/mux_job.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiplex job"
msgstr "Multiplexaketa lana"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:245
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:400
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiplexer"
msgstr "Multiplexatzailea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:86
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiplexing application"
msgstr "Multiplexaketa aplikazioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/mux_job.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiplexing to file \"%1\" in directory \"%2\""
msgstr "\"%1\" agirira multiplexatzen \"%2\" zuzenbidean"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiplexing took {0}.\n"
msgstr "Multiplexaketak hartu du {0}.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:218
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Multiply the chapters' timestamps with a factor."
msgstr "Biderkatu bide honen denbora-irarketa ezaugarri batekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Multiply this track's timestamps with a factor."
msgstr "Biderkatu bide honen denbora-irarketa ezaugarri batekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1768
#, no-c-format
msgid "NALU size length:"
msgstr "NALU neurri luzera:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:180
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1861
#, no-c-format
msgid "Na&me template:"
msgstr "&Izen eredua:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:190
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:312
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:140
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/name_model.cpp:27
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:88
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:62
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name tem&plate:"
msgstr "Izen eredua:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1813
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name template:"
msgstr "Izen eredua:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:155
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name/Description"
msgstr "Izena/Azalpena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:279
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:222
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Izena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:523
#, no-c-format
msgid "Names"
msgstr "Izenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:73
#, no-c-format
msgid "Negative values are allowed."
msgstr "Balio negatiboak ahalbidetuta daude."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:713
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:792
#, no-c-format
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Inoiz ez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1848
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.h:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "Never scan for other playlists"
msgstr "Inoiz ez mihatu beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:196
#, no-c-format
msgid "New value:"
msgstr "Balio berria:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:94
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "Next filename"
msgstr "Hurrengo agirizena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid "Next segment UID"
msgstr "Hurrengo zatiaren UID-a"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1809
#, no-c-format
msgid "Next segment UID:"
msgstr "Hurrengo zatiaren UID-a:"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:119
#, no-c-format
msgid "Next segment's unique ID"
msgstr "Hurrengo zatiaren ID bakarra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1781
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/bool_value_page.cpp:28
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/bool_value_page.cpp:42
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:79
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:83
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:99
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:100
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:54
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:64
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1538
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1540
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1541
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1544
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:111
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:115
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:116
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ez"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:236
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:266
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "No 'EBML head' element was found."
msgstr "Ez da 'EBML buru' elementurik aurkitu."
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:1678
#, no-c-format
msgid "No AC-3 header found in first frame; track will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "Ez AC-3 idazburua aurkitu da lehen framean: bidea jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3451
#, no-c-format
msgid "No DTS header found in first frames; track will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "Ez da DTS idazbururik aurkitu lehen framean; bidea jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1212
#, no-c-format
msgid "No EBML head found."
msgstr "Ez da EBML idazbururik aurkitu."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:416
#, no-c-format
msgid "No MIME type has been set for the attachment '{0}', and it could not be guessed.\n"
msgstr "Ez da MIME motarik ezarri '{0}' eranspenarentzat, eta badaiteke ez asmatzea.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1883
#, no-c-format
msgid "No actions have been added yet."
msgstr "Ez da ekintzarik gehitu oraindik."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:957
#, no-c-format
msgid "No append mapping was given for the file no. {0} ('{1}'). A default mapping of {2} will be used instead. Please keep that in mind if mkvmerge aborts with an error message regarding invalid '--append-to' options.\n"
msgstr "Ez da mapaketarik eman {0} zenbakiko agiriarentzat ('{1}'). {2}-ren berezko mapaketa erabiliko da ordez. Mesedez gogoan izan mkvmergek '--append-to' aukera baliogabei buruzko akats mezu batekin uzten badu.\n"
#: src/propedit/attachment_target.cpp:205
#: src/propedit/attachment_target.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "No attachment matched the spec '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Ez dago bat datorren eranskinik '{0}'.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:192
#, no-c-format
msgid "No changes were made.\n"
msgstr "Ez da aldaketarik egin.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1114
#, no-c-format
msgid "No chapter numbers listed after '--split {0}'.\n"
msgstr "Ez dago atal zenbakirik zerredaturik '--split {0}' ondoren.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1543
#, no-c-format
msgid "No cues"
msgstr "Cuerik ez"
#: src/extract/cues.cpp:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "No cues were found.\n"
msgstr "Ez da cue-rik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:365
#, no-c-format
msgid "No destination file name specified, will use attachment name.\n"
msgstr "Ez da helmuga rteera agiri izenik adierazi, eranskinaren izena erabiliko da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:331
#, no-c-format
msgid "No disc library information was found."
msgstr "Ez da diska liburutegi informaziorik aurkitu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_widget.cpp:315
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "No error was found."
msgstr "Ez da biderik aurkitu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "No errors yet"
msgstr "Ez dago akatsik oraindik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1542
#, no-c-format
msgid "No extra compression"
msgstr "Gain konpresiorik ez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tool.h:193
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/tool.h:179
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/tool.h:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "No file has been opened yet."
msgstr "Ez da agiririk ireki oraindik."
#: src/info/mkvinfo.cpp:36
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "No file name given.\n"
msgstr "Ez da agiri izenik eman.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2010
#, no-c-format
msgid "No file names were listed between '{0}' and '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "Ez da agiri izenik zerrendatu '{0}' eta '{1}' artean.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:240
#, no-c-format
msgid "No filename found after the '@'."
msgstr "Ez da agirizenik aurktiu '@'-ren ondoren."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "No help available."
msgstr "Ez dago laguntzarik eskuragarri."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "No information is transmitted to the server."
msgstr "Ez da argibiderik igortzen zerbitzarira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:143
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:453
#, no-c-format
msgid "No job has been started yet."
msgstr "Ez da lanik hasi oraindik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:290
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:452
#, no-c-format
msgid "No job started yet"
msgstr "Ez da lanik hasi oraindik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "No lacing"
msgstr "Lotzerik gabe"
#: src/common/iso639.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "No linguistic content; Not applicable"
msgstr "Hizkuntza edukirik ez; Ez da ezartzen"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "No metadata block found. This file is broken.\n"
msgstr "Ez da metadatu blokerik aurkitu. Agiri hau hautsita dago.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tool.h:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "No multiplex job has been opened yet."
msgstr "Ez da multiplexatze atze lanik ireki oraindik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:148
#, no-c-format
msgid "No output yet"
msgstr "Ez dago irteerarik oraindik"
#: src/common/mm_io_x.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "No permission to read from, to write to or to create"
msgstr "Baimen gabe -tik irakurtzeko, -ra idazteko edo sortzeko"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:1620
#, no-c-format
msgid "No segment UID could be found in the file '{0}'."
msgstr "Ezin da zati UID-rik aurkitu '{0}' agirian."
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:480
#, no-c-format
msgid "No segment/level 0 element found."
msgstr "Ez da zati/0 maila gairik aurkitu."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2940
#, no-c-format
msgid "No source files were given.\n"
msgstr "Ez da iturburu agiririk eman.\n"
#: src/common/mm_io_x.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "No space left to write to"
msgstr "Ez da tokirik gelditzen hona idazteko"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1372
#, no-c-format
msgid "No track ID specified in '--{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Ez da bide ID-rik adierazi hemen: '--{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/propedit/track_target.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "No track corresponding to the edit specification '{0}' was found. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ez da biderik aurkitu '{0}' edizio adierazpenarekin bat datorrenik. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "No track headers were found for which statistics could be calculated.\n"
msgstr "Ez da bide idazbururik aurkitu estatistikak kalkulatzeko.\n"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:431
#, no-c-format
msgid "No track with the ID {0} was found in the source file.\n"
msgstr "Ez da biderik aurkitu {0} ID-arekin iturburu agirian.\n"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:78
#, no-c-format
msgid "No version number found.\n"
msgstr "Ez da bertsio zenbakirik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "No warnings yet"
msgstr "Ez dago kontuz-oharrik oraindik"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1375
#, no-c-format
msgid "No {0} specified in '--{1} {2}'.\n"
msgstr "Ez da {0} adierazi hemen: '--{1} {2}'.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "Non-hex digits encountered."
msgstr "Ez-hex. zenbakiak aurkitu dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:298
#, no-c-format
msgid "Nor&mal output:"
msgstr "Irteera arrunta:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:607
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normal priority"
msgstr "Lehentasun arrunta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:291
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normally completed jobs stay in the queue even over restarts until the user clears them out manually."
msgstr "Arrunt osatutako lanak lerroan daude baita berrabiarazita ere erabiltzaileak eskuz garbitzen dituen arte."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:475
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normally mkvmerge does not change the timing information (frame/field rate) stored in the video bitstream."
msgstr "Arrunt mkvmergek ez du bideo bitjarioan biltegiratuko denbora-kode argibiderik (frame/eremu neurria) aldatzen."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normally mkvmerge keeps aspect ratio information in MPEG4 video bitstreams and puts the information into the container."
msgstr "Arrunt mkvmergek ikuspegi maila argibideei heusten die MPEG4 bideo bitjarioetan eta argibideak edukiontzian jartzen ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:341
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normally mkvmerge will apply additional lossless compression for subtitle tracks for certain codecs."
msgstr "mkvmergek arrunt galeragabeko konpresio gehigarria ezarriko du azpidatzi bideentzat zenbait kodek-rentzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normally mkvmerge will use a value of 1000000 which means that timestamps and durations will have a precision of 1ms."
msgstr "Arrunt mkvmergek 1000000 balio bat erabiltzen du, honek esanahi du denbora-kodeak eta iraupenak 1sm-ko zehaztasuna izango dutela."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:274
#, no-c-format
msgid "Normally selected entries in list view can be moved around via drag & drop and with keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down)."
msgstr "Arrunt zerrenda ikuspegian hautatutako sarrerak arrastatu eta askatu bidez eta lasterteklen bidez (Ktrl+Gora, Ktrl+Behera) mugitu daitezke."
#: src/common/bitvalue.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not a hex digit at position {0}"
msgstr "Ez dago hex. zenbakirik {0} kokapenean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not a key frame"
msgstr "Ez da giltza framea"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:317
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not a valid Matroska file (no EBML head found)"
msgstr "Ez da baliozko Matroska agiri bat (ez da EBML idazburua aurkitu)"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:336
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not a valid Matroska file (no segment/level 0 element found)"
msgstr "Ez da baliozko Matroska agiri bat (ez da zati/0 maila gairik aurkitu)"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1108
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not a valid number or not positive."
msgstr "Zenbaki baliogabea edo ez positiboa."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not discardable"
msgstr "Ez baztargarria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:296
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:370
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:455
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not finished yet"
msgstr "Ez dago amaituta oraindik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:516
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not needed for AAC tracks read from other container formats like MP4 or Matroska files."
msgstr "Ez da beharrezkoa AAC bideak irakurtzeko MP4 edo Matroska agiriak bezalako edukiontzietatik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:292
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:369
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:454
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not started yet"
msgstr "Ez dago hasita oraindik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:501
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note also that there are not a lot of players that support the cropping parameters."
msgstr "Ohartu ere ez dagoela irakurgailu askorik mozketa parametroak sostengatzen duenik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:312
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that even if the option is disabled mkvmerge will copy a source file's title property unless a title is manually set by the user."
msgstr "Ohartu aukera ezgaituta badago ere mkvmergek iturburu agiriaren ezaugarria kopiatuko duela erabiltzaileak eskuz izenburu bat ezartzen ez badu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:483
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:489
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:494
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that many players don't use the display width/height values directly but only use the ratio given by these values when setting the initial window size."
msgstr "Ohartu irakurgailu askok ez dutela erakuspen zabalera/garaiera baliorik erabiltzen zuzenean baina balio hauek emandako maila bakarrik erabiltzen dutela hasierako leiho neurria ezartzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that most <MTX_…> variables are empty and will be removed for actions that can take variables as arguments."
msgstr "Ohartu <MTX_…> aldagai gehienak hutsik daudela eta aldagaiak argumentutzat hartzen diren ekitzetatik kenduko direla."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that on Windows forward slashes can be used instead of backslashes in path names, too."
msgstr "Ohartu Windowsen eskuin barrak erabili daitezkeela ezkerbarren ordez helburu izenetan ere."
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:1708
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that the Matroska specifications regarding the storage of '{0}' have not been finalized yet. mkvmerge's support for it is therefore subject to change and uses the CodecID '{1}/EXPERIMENTAL' instead of '{1}'. This warning will be removed once the specifications have been finalized and mkvmerge has been updated accordingly.\n"
msgstr "Ohartu '{0}' biltegiratzeari dagokionez Matroska ezaugarritzea ez dela oraindik amaitu. mkvmerge-ren sostengua aldakorra da eta KodecID '{1}/EXPERIMENTAL' erabiltzen du '{1}'-ren ordez. Ohar hau kendu egingo da ezaugarritzea amaitutakoan eta mkvmerge horretarako eguneratutakoan.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:471
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that the language \"Undetermined (und)\" is assumed for tracks for which no language is known (e.g. those read from SRT subtitle files)."
msgstr "Ohartu \"Undetermined (und)\" hizkuntza ezaguna ez den hizkuntza duten bideentzat hartzen dela (adib. SRT azpidatzi agirietatik irakurriz)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note that the video content is not modified by this option."
msgstr "Ohartu bideo edukia ez dela aldatzen aukera honekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:165
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Nothing to do.\n"
msgstr "Ezer ez egiteko.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:196
#, no-c-format
msgid "Nu&mber of entries to create:"
msgstr "Sortzeko sarrera zenbatekoa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "Number of chapters:"
msgstr "Atal zenbatekoa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Number of frames: %1"
msgstr "Frame zenbatekoa: %1"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Number of nanoseconds (not scaled) per frame."
msgstr "nanosegundu zenbatekoa (neurriratugabe) frame bakoitzeko."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Numbers of channels in the track."
msgstr "Bideko kanal zenbatekoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "Often used selections"
msgstr "Maiz erabilitako hautapenak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:98
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ogg/OGM"
msgstr "Ogg/OGM"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ogg/OGM audio/video files"
msgstr "ogg/OGM audio/bideo agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1820
#, no-c-format
msgid "One chapter for each appended file"
msgstr "Atal bat erantsitasko agiri bakoitzeko"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "One of the options '--attachment-name', '--attachment-description', '--attachment-mime-type' or '--attachment-uid' has been used without a following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option.\n"
msgstr "Aukera hauetako bat '--attachment-name', '--attachment-description', '--attachment-mime-type' edo '--attachment-uid' hurrengoetako bat gabe erabili da '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' edo '--update-attachment' aukera.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "One-line summaries for each track and frame"
msgstr "Lerro-bat laburpenak bide eta frame bakoitzeko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Online check for updates"
msgstr "Onlineko eguneraketa egiaztapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:407
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only English language names are supported."
msgstr "Ingelerazko izenak bakarrik daude sostengatuta."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1800
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:774
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only files smaller than 2 GiB are supported."
msgstr "2 GiB baino txikiagoak diren agiriak bakarrik sostengatzen dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1543
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only for I frames"
msgstr "I framentzat bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1870
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1874
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only if the job completed successfully"
msgstr "Lana ongi osatu bada bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:793
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:816
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only if the source doesn't contain a language"
msgstr "Iturburuak hizkuntzarik ez badu bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:465
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Only items whose type is in the 'selected' list on the right will be set to be copied by default."
msgstr "Zerrendako hizkuntza bat duten bideak bakarrik ezarriko dira berez kopiatzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only needed for AAC source files as SBR AAC cannot be detected automatically for these files."
msgstr "AAC iturburu agirientzako bakarrik behar direnak, zeren SBR AAC ezin da berezgaitasunez atzeman agiri horietatik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:528
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only needed in certain situations:"
msgstr "Zenbait egoeratan bakarrik beharrezkoa:"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1859
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only one chapter file allowed in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Atal agiri bat bakarrik ahalbidetuta hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2257
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only one destination file allowed.\n"
msgstr "Helmuga agiri bat bakarrik ahalbidetuta.\n"
#: src/common/xml/xml.h:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only one instance of <{0}> is allowed beneath <{1}> at position {2}."
msgstr "<{0}> eskabide bakar bat ahalbidetzen da <{1}>-ren azpitik {2} kokapenean."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only one of <String> and <Binary> may be used beneath <Simple> but not both at the same time."
msgstr "<String> eta <Binary> bat bakarrik erabili daiteke <Simple>-ren azpitik baina ez biak aldiberean."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1914
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only one segment info file allowed in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Zati argibide agiri bat bakarrik ahalbidetuta hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:109
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only one source file is allowed.\n"
msgstr "Iturburu agiri bat bakarrik ahalbidetuta.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:938
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only partial append mappings were given for the file no. {0} ('{1}'). Either don't specify any mapping (in which case the default mapping will be used) or specify a mapping for all tracks that are to be copied.\n"
msgstr "Bakarrik gehitutako mapaketen zati bat eman da {0} zenbakiko agiriarentzat ('{1}'). Ez bada mapaketarik adierazten (honela bada berezko mapaketa erabiliko da) edo mapaketa bat adierazi kopiatu behar diren bide guztientzat.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:441
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only playlists whose duration are at least this long are considered and offered to the user for selection."
msgstr "Gutxinez luzera hau duten irakur-zerrendak bakarrik hartzen dira kontuan eta eskaintzen dira erabiltzaileari hautapenerako."
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only show summaries of the contents, not each element."
msgstr "Erakutsi bakarrik edukien laburpena, ez gai bakoitza."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_viewer_dialog.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only the first %1 bytes are shown."
msgstr "Lehen %1 byteak bakarrik erakusten dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:409
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Only the languages in the 'selected' list on the right will be recognized as track languages in file names."
msgstr "'hautaturik' zerrendako hizkuntzak progamaren hedagarrietan hizkuntza guztien gainean erakutsiko dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only to the first destination file"
msgstr "Lehen helmuga agirira bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:476
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only tracks with a language in this list will be set to be copied by default."
msgstr "Zerrendako hizkuntza bat duten bideak bakarrik ezarriko dira berez kopiatzeko."
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only v7 and newer VobSub files are supported. If you have an older version then use the VSConv utility from to convert these files to v7 files.\n"
msgstr "v7 eta VobSub agiri berrienak bakarrik sostengatzen dira. Bertsio zaharragoren bat baduzu erabili VSConv tresna, agiri hauek v7 agirietara bihurtzeko.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3088
#, no-c-format
msgid "Only {0} chapter found in source files & chapter files."
msgid_plural "Only {0} chapters found in source files & chapter files."
msgstr[0] "{0} atal bakarrik aurkitu da iturburu agirietan eta atal agirietan."
msgstr[1] "{0} atal bakarrik aurkitu dira iturburu agirietan eta atal agirietan."
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open Bitstream Units stream"
msgstr "Open Bitstream Units stream"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tool.cpp:165
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tool.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open Matroska or WebM files"
msgstr "Ireki Matroska edo WebM agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/tool.h:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open a Matroska or WebM file via the \"header editor\" menu, the button below or drag & drop one here."
msgstr "Ireki Matroska edo WebM agiria \"idazburu editatzailea\" menuaren, azpiko botoiaren edo arrastatu eta askatu bat hemen bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/tool.h:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open a Matroska or WebM file via the \"info tool\" menu, the button below or drag & drop one here."
msgstr "Ireki Matroska edo WebM agiria \"argibide tresna\" menuaren, azpiko botoiaren edo arrastatu eta askatu bat hemen bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tool.h:194
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open a file via the \"chapter editor\" menu, the buttons below or drag & drop one here."
msgstr "Ireki agiri bat \"atal editazailea\" menuaren, azpiko botoiaren edo arrastatu eta askatu hemen bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:745
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open all files as tabs in the header editor"
msgstr "Ireki agiri guztiak hegats bezala idazburu editatzailean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1489
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open corresponding file in &MediaInfo"
msgid_plural "Open corresponding files in &MediaInfo"
msgstr[0] "Ireki dagokion agiria &MediaInfon"
msgstr[1] "Ireki dogozkion agiriak &MediaInfon"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1469
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open file in &MediaInfo"
msgid_plural "Open files in &MediaInfo"
msgstr[0] "Ireki agiria &MediaInfon"
msgstr[1] "Ireki agiriak &MediaInfon"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open files in chapter editor"
msgstr "Ireki agiriak atal editatzailean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open settings file"
msgstr "Ireki ezarpen agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open the multiplexed file with a player:"
msgstr "Ireki multiplexatutako agiria irakurgailu batekin:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opening %1 file in the chapter editor…"
msgid_plural "Opening %1 files in the chapter editor…"
msgstr[0] "%1 agiria atal editatzailean irekitzen..."
msgstr[1] "%1 agiriak atal editatzailean irekitzen..."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tool.cpp:169
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opening %1 file in the header editor…"
msgid_plural "Opening %1 files in the header editor…"
msgstr[0] "%1 agiria idazburu editatzailean irekitzen..."
msgstr[1] "%1 agiriak idazburu editatzailean irekitzen..."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/action_for_dropped_files_dialog.h:113
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/action_for_dropped_files_dialog.h:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opening files or adding as attachments"
msgstr "Agiri irekitzea edo eranskin bezala gehitzea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:219
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Option"
msgstr "Aukera"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:35
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:57
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Aukerak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1799
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:330
#, no-c-format
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Aukerak:"
#: src/output/p_opus.h:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opus"
msgstr "Opus"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opus (in Ogg) audio files"
msgstr "Opus (Ogg-an) audio agiriak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:164
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:324
#, no-c-format
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Hurrenkera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ordered"
msgstr "Hurrenkeran"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/value_page.h:208
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Original value:"
msgstr "Jatorrizko balioak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:452
#, no-c-format
msgid "Other files are ignored when they're added."
msgstr "Beste agiriak ezikusi egiten dira gehituta daudenean."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:59
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "Other options"
msgstr "Beste aukerak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Other parts of the file (e.g. a subtitle track) may refer to this attachment via this name."
msgstr "Agiriaren beste atalek (adib. azpidatzi bide bat) eranskin honetara zuzendu dezakete izen honen bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:457
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Otherwise the destination file name is derived from the source file names."
msgstr "E&zari helmuga agiriaren izena hautaturiko agiriaren izenetik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:483
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:489
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:495
#, no-c-format
msgid "Otherwise the often used entries will be included first and the full list of all entries afterwards."
msgstr "Bestela maizen erabilitako sarrerak barneratuko dira lehenik eta sarrera guztien zerrenda osoa ondoren."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Otherwise they're shown on the 'output' tab."
msgstr "Bestela 'irteera' hegatsean erakusten dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output element positions in he&xadecimal"
msgstr "Irteera elementuen kokapenak ha&maseitarrean"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:182
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output messages in this charset"
msgstr "Irteera mezuak hizkikode honetan"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output sampling frequency"
msgstr "Irteera laginketa maiztasuna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:578
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:615
#, no-c-format
msgid "Overwrite existing file"
msgstr "Gainidatzi dagoen agiria"
#: src/output/p_pcm.h:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "PCM"
msgstr "PCM"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "PGS/SUP subtitles"
msgstr "PGS/SUP azpidatziak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid "PGSSUP"
msgstr "PGSSUP"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:517
#, no-c-format
msgid "PTS error: 0x{0:02x} {1:02x}{2:02x} {3:02x}{4:02x}\n"
msgstr "PTS akatsa: 0x{0:02x} {1:02x}{2:02x} {3:02x}{4:02x}\n"
#: src/output/p_flac.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "Packet number {0} contained an invalid FLAC header and is being skipped.\n"
msgstr "{0} pakete zenbakiak FLAC idazburu baliogabea du eta jauzi egiten ari da.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:70
#, no-c-format
msgid "Parse the whole file instead of relying on the index."
msgstr "Aztertu agiri osoa aurkibideaz fidatzearen ordez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:317
#, no-c-format
msgid "Parser error:"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "Parsing file"
msgstr "Agiri azterketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:281
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:290
#, no-c-format
msgid "Parts:"
msgstr "Zatiak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pending automatic start"
msgstr "Berezgaitasunezko abiatzea egiteke"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pending manual start"
msgstr "Eskuzko abiatzea egiteke"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pixel crop bottom"
msgstr "Pixel mozketa behean"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pixel crop left"
msgstr "Pixel mozketa ezkerrean"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:151
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pixel crop right"
msgstr "Pixel mozketa eskuinean"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pixel crop top"
msgstr "Pixel mozketa goian"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pixel height"
msgstr "Pixel garaiera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pixel width"
msgstr "Pixel zabalera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Play a WAV file with the default application:"
msgstr "Irakurri WAV agiri bat berezko aplikazioarekin:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:196
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "Play an audio file"
msgstr "Irakurri audio agiri bat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "Play audio file '%1'"
msgstr "Irakurri '%1' audio agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:451
#, no-c-format
msgid "Players must play this track."
msgstr "Irakurgailuek bide hau irakurri behar dute."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:446
#, no-c-format
msgid "Players should prefer tracks with the default track flag set."
msgstr "Irakurgailuek berezko bide ikurra ezarrita duten bideak hobetsi beharko lituzkete."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:320
#, no-c-format
msgid "Playlist items:"
msgstr "Irakur-zerrendako gaiak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Playlists & Blu-rays"
msgstr "Irakur-zerrendak eta Blu-rayak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:58
#, no-c-format
msgid "Playlists shorter than %1 second will be ignored."
msgid_plural "Playlists shorter than %1 seconds will be ignored."
msgstr[0] "%1 segundu baino gutxiagoko irakur-zerrendak ezikusi egingo dira."
msgstr[1] "%1 segundu baino gutxiagoko irakur-zerrendak ezikusi egingo dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:462
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please enter the new job's description."
msgstr "Mesedez sartu lan berriaren azalpena."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:739
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please enter the new predefined split duration."
msgstr "Mesedez sartu aurrezehaztutako banantze neurria."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:738
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please enter the new predefined split size."
msgstr "Mesedez sartu aurrezehaztutako banantze neurri berria."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:736
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please enter the new predefined track name."
msgstr "Mesedez sartu bide izen aurrezehaztu berria."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:722
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please re-install MKVToolNix or fix the problem manually."
msgid_plural "Please re-install MKVToolNix or fix the problems manually."
msgstr[0] "Mesedez ber-ezarri MKVToolNix edo zuzendu arazoa eskuz."
msgstr[1] "Mesedez ber-ezarri MKVToolNix edo zuzendu arazoak eskuz."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:389
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Please read the man page/the HTML documentation to mkvmerge. It\n"
"explains several details in great length which are not obvious from\n"
"this listing.\n"
msgstr ""
"Mesedez irakurri mkvmerge orrialde nagusia/HTML agiritza.\n"
"Hor azaltzen dira xehetasun asko modu zabalagaoan,\n"
"zerrenda honetan hain argiak ez direnak.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:2023
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please select its location below."
msgstr "Mesedez hautatu kokalekua azpian."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please select the actions to apply to all editions, chapters and sub-chapters."
msgstr "Mesedez hautatu edizio, atal eta azpi-atal guztiei ezartzeko ekintzak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:85
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please select the actions to apply to the selected edition or chapter and all of its children."
msgstr "Mesedez hautatu hautaturiko edizio edo atalari eta bere azpiko guztiei ezartzeko ekintzak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.h:147
#, no-c-format
msgid "Please select the character set the following file is encoded in."
msgstr "Mesedez hautatu hurrengo agiriaren kodeaketarako hizkikodea."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Kokapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1793
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position for the track properties on the \"input\" tab:"
msgstr "Bide ezaugarrientzako kokapena \"sarrera\" hegatsean:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "Kokapena:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/program_runner.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid "Possible causes are that the program does not exist or that you're not allowed to access it or its directory."
msgstr "Ahalezko zergaitiak dira programa ez egotea edo zuk sarbiderik ez izatea bertara edo bere zuzenbidera."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:85
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:93
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:367
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:798
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:367
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:125
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:147
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:53
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "Possible reasons are: the file is not a Matroska file; the file is write-protected; the file is locked by another process; you do not have permission to access the file."
msgstr "Ohiko arrazoiak dira: agiria ez da Matroska agiri bat; agiria idaz-aurka babestua dago; agiria blokeatuta dago beste prozesuren bategaitik; ez duzu baimenik agirian sartzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.h:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre&view:"
msgstr "A&urreikuspena."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1830
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre&viously used destination directory"
msgstr "Aurretik erabilitako hel&muga zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1798
#, no-c-format
msgid "Predefined audio track names"
msgstr "Aurrezehaztutako audio bide izenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1801
#, no-c-format
msgid "Predefined split durations"
msgstr "Aurrezehaztutako banantze iraupenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1800
#, no-c-format
msgid "Predefined split sizes"
msgstr "Aurrezehaztutako banantze neurriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1799
#, no-c-format
msgid "Predefined subtitle track names"
msgstr "Aurrezehaztutako azpidtzi bide izenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Predefined values"
msgstr "Aurrezehaztutako balioak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1797
#, no-c-format
msgid "Predefined video track names"
msgstr "Aurrezehaztutako bideo bide izenak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:92
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "Previous filename"
msgstr "Aurreko agirizena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid "Previous segment UID"
msgstr "Aurreko zatiaren UID-a"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1807
#, no-c-format
msgid "Previous segment UID:"
msgstr "Aurreko zatiaren UID-a:"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Previous segment's unique ID"
msgstr "Aurreko zatiaren ID bakarra"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "Private data that only applies to a specific projection."
msgstr "Proiekzio bereizi bati bakarrik ezartzen zaizkion datu pribatuak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Private use"
msgstr ""
#: src/output/p_prores.h:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "ProRes video"
msgstr "ProRes bideoa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1779
#, no-c-format
msgid "Probe &range percentage:"
msgstr "Probaren &maila ehunekoa:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:715
#, no-c-format
msgid "Problem with MKVToolNix installation"
msgid_plural "Problems with MKVToolNix installation"
msgstr[0] "Arazo MKVToolNix ezarpenarekin"
msgstr[1] "Arazoak MKVToolNix ezarpenarekin"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1787
#, no-c-format
msgid "Process &priority:"
msgstr "Garapen &lehentasuna:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "Program"
msgstr "Programa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/program_runner.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Program execution failed"
msgstr "Programaren exekuzioa hutsegitea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Programs will only be able to seek to clusters, so creating larger clusters may lead to imprecise or slow seeking."
msgstr "Programak klusterretan bakarrik bilatzeko gai izango dira, hortaz kluster handiak sortzeak bilaketa zehazgabea edo astiroa eragin dezake."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Garapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.h:175
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:293
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress:"
msgstr "Garapena:"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress: 100%{0}"
msgstr "Garapena: 100%{0}"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:1683
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress: [{0}{1}] {2}%"
msgstr "Garapena: [{0}{1}] {2}%"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:512
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:559
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2956
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:362
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:352
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:365
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:370
#, no-c-format
msgid "Progress: {0}%{1}"
msgstr "Garapena: {0}%{1}"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:138
#, no-c-format
msgid "Projection type"
msgstr "Proiekzio mota"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:141
#, no-c-format
msgid "Projection's pitch rotation"
msgstr "Proiekzioaren doinu biraketa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Projection's private data"
msgstr "Proiekzioaren datu pribatuak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:142
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Projection's roll rotation"
msgstr "Idazketa aplikazioa: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:140
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Projection's yaw rotation"
msgstr "Idazketa aplikazioa: {0}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:159
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ezaugarriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:282
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1748
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:86
#, no-c-format
msgid "Properties:"
msgstr "Ezaugarriak:"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "QuickTime audio/video files"
msgstr "QuickTime audio/bideo agiriak"
#: src/output/p_quicktime.h:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "QuickTime compatible video"
msgstr "QuickTime bideo bateragarria"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "QuickTime/MP4"
msgstr "QuickTime/MP4"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: '{0}' atom is too small. Expected size: >= {1}. Actual size: {2}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: '{0}' atomoa txikiegia da. Itxarondako neurria: >= {1}. Oraingo neurria: {2}.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2377
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Constant sample size & variable duration not yet supported. Contact the author if you have such a sample file.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Lagin-neurri aldagaitza eta iraupen aldakorra ez dago sostengaturik oraindik. Jarri harremanetan egilearekin lagin agiri bat baduzu.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:1632
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Could not read chunk number {0}/{1} with size {2} from position {3}. Aborting.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ezin da irakurri {0}/{1} zenbakiko chunk-argibidea {2} neurriarekin {3} kokapenetik. Uzten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2811
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2825
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Could not read the extended sound description atom for track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ezin da irakurri {0} ID-dun biderentzako soinu hedatu azalpen atomoa.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2777
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Could not read the sound description atom for track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ezin da irakurri {0} ID-dun biderentzako soinu azalpen atomoa.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:1335
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Could not read the stream description atom for track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ezin da irakurri {0} ID-dun biderentzako jario azalpen atomoa.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2859
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Could not read the video description atom for track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ezin da irakurri {0} ID-dun biderentzako bideo azalpen atomoa.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:310
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Have not found any header atoms.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ez da idazburu atomorik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:313
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Have not found the 'mdat' atom. No movie data found.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Ez da 'mdat' atomoa aurkitu. Ez da filma daturik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Invalid chunk size {0} at {1}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Chunk-argibide neurri baliogabea {0} --> {1}.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3501
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: MPEG4 part 10/AVC track {0} is missing its decoder config. Skipping this track.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: MPEG4 part 10/AVC {0} bideak ez du dekodeatzaile itxurapenik. Bide honi jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3527
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: MPEG4 track {0} is missing the esds atom/the decoder config. Skipping this track.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: MPEG4 part 10/AVC {0} bideak ez du esds atomo/dekodeatzaile itxurapenik. Bide honi jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3511
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: MPEGH part 2/HEVC track {0} is missing its decoder config. Skipping this track.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: MPEG4 part 2/HEVC {0} bideak ez du dekodeatzaile itxurapenik. Bide honi jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:680
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: The 'media header' atom ('mdhd') uses the unsupported version {0}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: (\"mdhd\") 'multimedia idazburu' atomoak sostengatu gabeko {0} bertsioa erabiltzen du.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:1328
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: The 'size' field is too small in the stream description atom for track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: 'neurria' eremua txikiegia da jario azalpen atomoan {0} ID-dun bidearentzat.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:685
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: The 'time scale' parameter was 0. This is not supported.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: 'denbora neurria' parametroa 0 izan da. Hau ez dago sostengaturik.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3469
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: The AAC track {0} is missing the esds atom/the decoder config. Skipping this track.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: {0} AAC bideak ez du esds atomo/dekodeatzaile itxurapenik. Bide honi jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: The audio track {0} is using an unsupported 'object type id' of {1} in the 'esds' atom. Skipping this track.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: {0} audio bidea sostengatu gabeko {1} 'objetu mota id'-a erabiltzen ari da 'esds' atomoan. Bide honi jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3521
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: The video track {0} is missing the ESDS atom. Skipping this track.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: {0} bideo bideak ez du ESDS atomorik. Bide honi jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:456
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: This file uses compressed headers with an unknown or unsupported compression algorithm '{0}'. Aborting.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Agiri honek idazburu konprimitu konpresio algoritmo ezezaguna edo sostengu gabea erabiltzen du: '{0}'. Uzten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:489
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: This file uses compressed headers, but the expected uncompressed size ({0}) was not what is available after uncompressing ({1}).\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Agiri honek idazburu konprimituak erabiltzen ditu, baina itxarondako deskonpresio neurria ({0}) ez da ({1}) deskonprimitu ondoren eskuragarri dagoena.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:480
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: This file uses compressed headers, but the zlib library could not be initialized. Error code from zlib: {0}. Aborting.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Agiri honek idazburu konprimituak erabiltzen ditu, baina zlib liburutegia ezin izan da abiarazi. Akats kodea zlib-tik: {0}. Uzten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:485
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: This file uses compressed headers, but they could not be uncompressed. Error code from zlib: {0}. Aborting.\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: Agiri honek idazburu konprimituak erabiltzen ditu, baina ezin da deskonprimitu. Akats kodea zlib-tik: {0}. Uzten.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2785
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2866
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Track ID {0} has more than one FourCC. Only using the first one ({1}) and not this one ({2}).\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: {0} ID-dun bideak FourCC bat baino gehiago ditu. Lehen hau bakarrik erabiltzen ({1}), eta ez beste hau ({2}).\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3415
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3434
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3482
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:3545
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Track {0} is missing some data. Broken header atoms?\n"
msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: {0} bideak ez ditu datu batzuk. Hautsitako atomo idazburuak?\n"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "RIFF CDXA"
msgstr "RIFF CDXA"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:799
#, no-c-format
msgid "RSA"
msgstr "RSA"
#: src/common/av1.h:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Raw OBUs without a size field are not supported."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:213
#, no-c-format
msgid "Re&number sub-chapters"
msgstr "&Azpi-atalak berzenbakitzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid "Re&place attachment with a new file"
msgstr "Ordeztu era&nskina agiri berri batekin"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:63
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:198
#, no-c-format
msgid "Read full file online"
msgstr "Irakurri agiri osoa online"
#: src/input/r_mpeg_ps.cpp:374
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reading encrypted VOBs is not supported.\n"
msgstr "VOB enkriptatu irakurketa ez dago sostengaturik.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:771
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:783
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tab.cpp:138
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reading failed"
msgstr "Irakurketa hutsegitea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/widget.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reading the segment UID failed"
msgstr "Hutsegitea UID zatia irakurtzerakoan"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reads additional command line options from the specified JSON file (see man page)."
msgstr "Agindu lerro gehigarriak irakurtzen ditu adierazitako JSON agiritik (ikusi orrialde nagusia)."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:207
#, no-c-format
msgid "Real output sampling frequency in Hz."
msgstr "Egizko irteera lagin maiztasun Hz-tan."
#: src/output/p_realaudio.h:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "RealAudio"
msgstr "RealAudio"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:101
#, no-c-format
msgid "RealMedia"
msgstr "RealMedia"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "RealMedia audio/video files"
msgstr "RealMedia audio/bideo agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1836
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Recent destination directories"
msgstr "Hautatu helmuga zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1823
#, no-c-format
msgid "Recognized languages"
msgstr "Hizkuntza ezagunak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Red X chromaticity coordinate as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo gorriaren margotasunaren X ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "Red Y chromaticity coordinate as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo gorriaren margotasunaren Y ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "Red colour coordinate x"
msgstr "Margo gorriaren x ardatza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "Red colour coordinate y"
msgstr "Margo gorriaren y ardatza"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Redirects all messages into this file."
msgstr "Mezu guztiak agiri honetara birzuzentzen ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1777
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reduce to core"
msgstr "Murriztu nukleora"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference block"
msgstr "Xehetasun blokea"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference priority"
msgstr "Xehetasun lehentasuna"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:251
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference virtual"
msgstr "Xehetasun birtuala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Region"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Relative timestamp: %1"
msgstr "Denbora-irarketa erlatiboa: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:252
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:889
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reload modified file"
msgstr "Birgertatu aldatutako agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:294
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remaining time for current job:"
msgstr "Gelditzen den denbora lan honentzat:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remaining time for queue:"
msgstr "Gelditzen den denbora lerroarentzat:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:714
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remo&ve chapters from existing Matroska file"
msgstr "Kendu &atalak dagoen Matroska agiritik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:692
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove &completed jobs"
msgstr "Kendu &osatutako lanak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove &names"
msgstr "Kendu &izenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:684
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove &successfully completed jobs"
msgstr "Kendu o&ngi osatutako lanak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:346
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:408
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove a&ll attachments"
msgstr "&Kendu eranskin guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1506
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove a&ll files"
msgstr "Kendu agiri &denak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:688
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove a&ll jobs"
msgstr "Kendu &lan denak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1880
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove com&pleted jobs older than x days:"
msgstr "Kendu &x egun baino zaharragoak diren osatutako lanak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1879
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove completed jobs from queue on &exit:"
msgstr "Ke&ndu osatutako lanak lerrotik irtetzean:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1778
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove dialog normalization gain"
msgstr "Kendu elkarrizketa normalizazio irabazia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove element"
msgstr "Kendu gaia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1783
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove source files"
msgstr "Kendu iturburu agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1869
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove the output &file when a job ends with errors or when it is aborted"
msgstr "Kendu i&rteera agiria lan batek akaktsekin amaitzean edo uzten denean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:523
#, no-c-format
msgid "Removes or at least minimizes the dialog normalization gain by modifying audio headers."
msgstr "Elkarrizketa normalizazio irabazia kentzen edo gutxitzen du audioaren idazburuak aldatuz."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:356
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:374
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:384
#, no-c-format
msgid "Removing chapters from existing Matroska file"
msgstr "Atalak kentzen dagoen Matroska agiritik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:381
#, no-c-format
msgid "Removing the chapters failed."
msgstr "Hutsegitea atalak kentzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:175
#, no-c-format
msgid "Renumbering existing sub-chapters"
msgstr "Dauden azpi-atalak berzenbakitzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/renumber_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.h:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Renumbering sub-chapters"
msgstr "Azpi-atalak berzenbakitzen"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:240
#, no-c-format
msgid "Replace an attachment with the file 'filename'"
msgstr "Ordeztu eranskin bat agiriaren 'agirizena'-rekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Replace attachment"
msgstr "Ordeztu eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Replace attachment with a new file and &derive name && MIME type from it"
msgstr "Ordeztu eranskina agiri berri batekin eta eratorri izena eta MIME mota bertatik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:681
#, no-c-format
msgid "Report a &bug"
msgstr "&Jakinarazi akats bat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/header_view_manager.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reset all columns"
msgstr "Berrezarri zutabe guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reset the attachment values on this page to how they're saved in the file."
msgstr "Berrezarri eranskin balioak orrialde honetan agirian gordeta dauden bezala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1868
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reset the warning and error &counters on exit"
msgstr "I&rtetzerakoan berrezarri kontuz-ohar eta akats zenbaketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Resets the header value on this page to how it's saved in the file."
msgstr "Idazburu balioa berrezartzen du orrialde honetan agirian gordeta dagoen bezala."
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "Resync failed: no valid Matroska level 1 element found.\n"
msgstr "Berraldiberetze hutsegitea: 1 mailako Matroska gai baliogabe bat aurkitu da.\n"
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:279
#, no-c-format
msgid "Resyncing successful at position {0}.\n"
msgstr "Berraldiberetzea ongi egin da kokapen honetan: {0}.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:408
#, no-c-format
msgid "Revert the regular expression to its default value."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:781
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Eskuinean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:438
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right-click for actions for all items"
msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu gai guztientzako ekintzetarako"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right-click for actions for editions and chapters"
msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu edizio eta atal ekintzetarako"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:366
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right-click for actions for header elements and attachments"
msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu idazburu gai eta eranskinen ekintzetarako"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:418
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right-click for actions for jobs"
msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu lanetako ekintzetarako"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:420
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right-click for attachment actions"
msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu eranskin ekintzetarako"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:437
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right-click to add, append and remove files"
msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu agiriak gehitu, erantsi edo kentzeko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "Running"
msgstr "Ekinean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:489
#, no-c-format
msgid "Running jobs cannot be edited."
msgstr "Ekinean dauden lanak ezin dira editatu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:283
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:314
#, no-c-format
msgid "Running jobs cannot be removed."
msgstr "Ekinean dauden lanak ezin dira kendu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "S&hift start and end timestamps by the following amount:"
msgstr "A&ldatu hasiera eta amaiera denbora-irakrketak hurrengo kopuruan:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:614
#, no-c-format
msgid "S&how command line"
msgstr "&Erakutsi agindu lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:748
#, no-c-format
msgid "S&top job queue"
msgstr "&Gelditu lan lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:682
#, no-c-format
msgid "S&ystem information"
msgstr "Si&stemaren argibideak"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:808
#, no-c-format
msgid "SHA1-160"
msgstr "SHA1-160"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "SRT subtitles"
msgstr "SRT azpidatziak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "SRT text subtitles"
msgstr "SRT idazki azpidatziak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "SSA/ASS subtitles"
msgstr "SSA/ASS azpidatziak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "SSA/ASS text subtitles"
msgstr "SSA/ASS idazki azpidatziak"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:398
#, no-c-format
msgid "SSA/ASS: The following line will be skipped as one of the timestamps is less than 0, or the end timestamp is less than the start timestamp: {0}\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1829
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sa&me directory as the first source file"
msgstr "Lehen iturburu agiriaren zuzenbi&de bera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:604
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sa&ve settings as"
msgstr "Go&rde ezarpenak honela"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:104
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sampling frequency"
msgstr "Laginketa maiztasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sampling frequency in Hz."
msgstr "Laginketa maiztasuna Hz-tan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:654
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save as &XML file"
msgstr "Gorde &XML agiri bezala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save as &default for new multiplex jobs"
msgstr "Gorde &berezko bezala multiplexatze lan berrientzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_dialog.h:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save as &default for saving output to text files"
msgstr "&Berezkoa bezala gordetzen du irteera idazki agirietara gordetzean"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save attachment"
msgstr "Gorde eranskina"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:744
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save chapters as XML"
msgstr "Gorde atalak XML agiri bezala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:783
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save chapters to Matroska or WebM file"
msgstr "Gorde atalak Matroska edo WebM agirian"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:393
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save job output"
msgstr "Gorde lan irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save option file"
msgstr "Gorde aukera agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save settings file as"
msgstr "Gorde ezarpenak agiria honela"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:655
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save to &Matroska or WebM file"
msgstr "Gorde &Matroska edo WebM agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:756
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:760
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saving failed"
msgstr "Gordetze hutsegitea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:822
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saving the chapters failed."
msgstr "Hutsegitea atalak gordetzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:248
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:257
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saving the modified attachments failed."
msgstr "Aldatutako eranskina gordetze hutsegitea."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saving the modified segment information header failed."
msgstr "Hutsegitea aldatutako zatiaren argibide idazburua gordetzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:231
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saving the modified track headers failed."
msgstr "Hutsegitea aldatutako bide idazburuak gordetzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.h:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scan directory for other playlists"
msgstr "Mihatu zuzenbidea beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:301
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scanned Files"
msgstr "Mihatutako Agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1326
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1331
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scanning directory"
msgstr "Zuzenbide mihaketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1844
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scanning playlists"
msgstr "Irakur-zerrendak mihatzen"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3012
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scanning {0} files in {1} playlist.\n"
msgid_plural "Scanning {0} files in {1} playlists.\n"
msgstr[0] "Mihatzen {0} agiri {1} irakur-zerrendan.\n"
msgstr[1] "Mihatzen {0} agiri {1} irakur-zerrendatan.\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scope"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Script"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:104
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "See below for examples."
msgstr "Ikusi azpian adibideak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "See issues #2469 and #2480 on the MKVToolNix bug tracker for in-depth discussions on the pros and cons."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Seek ID"
msgstr "Bilatu ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "Seek entry"
msgstr "Bilatu sarrera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:213
#, no-c-format
msgid "Seek head"
msgstr "Bilatu idazburua"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:531
#, no-c-format
msgid "Seek head (subentries will be skipped)"
msgstr "Bilatu idazburua (azpisarrerak jauzi egingo dira)"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Seek position"
msgstr "Bilatu kokapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:211
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Seek pre-roll"
msgstr "Bilatu sarrera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:520
#, no-c-format
msgid "Seg&ment UID:"
msgstr "Zati UID-a:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:82
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment"
msgstr "Zatia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment UID"
msgstr "Zati UID-a"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1805
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment UIDs:"
msgstr "Zati UID-ak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/tab.h:521
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment e&dition UID:"
msgstr "Zati edizio UID-a:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:95
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment filename"
msgstr "Zati agirizena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1792
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment info:"
msgstr "Zati argibideak:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:83
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:528
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:201
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:158
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment information"
msgstr "Zati argibideak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment unique ID"
msgstr "Zatiaren ID bakarra"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/widget.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select Matroska file to read segment UID from"
msgstr "Hautatu Matroska agiria zati UID-a bertatik irakurtzeko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:664
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Select a directory"
msgstr "Hautatu irteera zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1470
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select all &items from selected file"
msgid_plural "Select all &items from selected files"
msgstr[0] "Hautatu adierazitako &motako gai guztiak"
msgstr[1] "Hautatu adierazitako &motako gai guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1511
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select all tracks of specific &type"
msgstr "Hautatu adierazitako &motako bide guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:229
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:195
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:196
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select an existing Matroska or WebM file and the GUI will add its segment UID to the input field on the left."
msgstr "Hautatu badagoen Matroska edo WebM agiri bat eta EIG-k bere zati UID-ak gehituko ditu sarrera eremura ezkerraldean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:398
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select audio file"
msgstr "Hautatu audio agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:525
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select chapter file"
msgstr "Hautatu atal agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.h:145
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/select_character_set_dialog.h:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select character set"
msgstr "Hautatu hizkikodea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1027
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select destination directory"
msgstr "Hautatu helmuga zuzenbidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/job_settings_widget.cpp:93
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:416
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select destination file name"
msgstr "Hautatu helmuga agiriaren izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select disc library information to use"
msgstr "Hautatu erabiltzeko diska liburu informazioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1041
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:320
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/executable_location_dialog.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select executable"
msgstr "Hautatu exekutagarria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select file to add"
msgstr "Hautatu gehitzeko agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select playlist to add"
msgstr "Hautatu gehitzeko irakur-zerrenda"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:446
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select segment info file"
msgstr "Hautatu zati argibide agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1018
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:434
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select tags file"
msgstr "Hautatu etiketa agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1006
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select timestamp file"
msgstr "Hautatu denbora-kode agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/side_by_side_multi_select.h:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Selected:"
msgstr "Hautaturik:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:533
#, no-c-format
msgid "Selects for which blocks mkvmerge will produce index entries ( = cue entries)."
msgstr "mkvmergek zein blokentzat sortuko dituen aurkibide sarrerak hautatzen du ( = cue sarrerak)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:32
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Selects how mkvmerge calculates timestamps when appending files."
msgstr ""
" --append-mode <agiria|bidea>\n"
" mkvmergek agiriak eransterakoan denbora-kodeak\n"
" nola kalkulatzen dituen hautatzen du.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:527
#, no-c-format
msgid "Selects the character set a subtitle file or chapter information was written with."
msgstr "Azpidatzi agiria edo atal argibidea idatzia izan den hizki-kodea hautatzen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1769
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set aspect ratio:"
msgstr "Ezarri ikuspegi maila:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1508
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set destination &file name from selected file's name"
msgstr "E&zari helmuga agiriaren izena hautaturiko agiriaren izenetik"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set if that track (audio, video or subs) SHOULD be used if no language found matches the user preference."
msgstr "Ezarri bide hau (audioa, bideoa edo azpidatzia) erabili BEHAR den erabiltzailearen hobespenetan aurkitutako hizkuntzarekin bat ez badator."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set if that track MUST be used during playback. There can be many forced track for a kind (audio, video or subs). The player should select the one whose language matches the user preference or the default + forced track."
msgstr "Ezarri bide hau irakurketan erabili BEHAR den. Beharturiko bide mota (audioa, bideoa edo azpidatzia) ugari egon daitezke. Irakurgailuak erabiltzaileak hobetsitakoarekin bat datorrena hautatu beharko luke edo berezkoa + behartutako bidea."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set if the track is used."
msgstr "Ezarri bidea erabilia den."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set if the video is interlaced."
msgstr "Ezarri bideoa elkarlotua den."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:245
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set the MIME type to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option"
msgstr "Ezarri hurrengoentzat erabiltzeko MIME mota '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' edo '--update-attachment' aukera"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:246
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set the UID to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option"
msgstr "Ezarri erabiltzeko UID-a hurrengoentzat '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' edo '--update-attachment' aukera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set the chapter names' &languages:"
msgstr "Ezarri atal izenak eta hizkuntzak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.h:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set the chapter names' co&untries:"
msgstr "Ezarri atal izenen &herrialdeak:"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:244
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set the description to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option"
msgstr "Ezarri erabiltzeko azalpena hurrengoentzat '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' edo '--update-attachment' aukera"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:243
#, no-c-format
msgid "Set the name to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option"
msgstr "Ezarri erabiltzeko izena hurrengoentzat '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' edo '--update-attachment' aukera"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets a property to the value if it exists and add it otherwise"
msgstr "Balioaren ezaugarria ezartzen du hau badago eta gehitu bestela"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the Matroska file section that all following add/set/delete actions operate on (see below and man page for syntax)"
msgstr "Matroska agiri ebakera ezartzen du hurrengo gehitu/ezarri/ezabatu ekintza guztiek eragina izateko (ikusi behean eta orrialde nagusia joskerarako)"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the Matroska parser mode to 'fast' (default) or 'full'"
msgstr "Ezartzen du Matroska aztertzaile modua 'azkar' (berezkoa) edo 'osoa'"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:497
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the cropping parameters which tell a player to omit a certain number of pixels on the four sides during playback."
msgstr "Irakurgailuari irakurketan zehar lau aldeetan pixel kopuru bat ezikusteko esateko mozketa parametroak ezartzen ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:454
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the lossless compression algorithm to be used for this track."
msgstr "Bide honek erabiltzeko galeragabeko konpresio algoritmoa ezartzen du."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:168
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the matrix coefficients of the video used to derive luma and chroma values from red, green and blue color primaries."
msgstr ""
" --colour-matrix <TID:n> Gorri, orlegi eta urdin lehen margoetatik\n"
" argitasun eta margotasun eratorpena egiteko\n"
" erabilitako bideoaren matrize ezaugarriak\n"
" ezartzen ditu.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the number of coded bits for a colour channel."
msgstr "Margo bide batentzat kodeatutako bit zenbatekoa ezartzen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the segment UIDs to use."
msgstr "Erabiltzeko zati UID-ak ezartzen ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:504
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sets the stereo mode of the video track to this value."
msgstr "Bideo bidearen estereo modua balio honetan ezartzen du."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:169
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1833
#, no-c-format
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ezarpenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_dialog.h:73
#, no-c-format
msgid "Settings for saving output to a text file"
msgstr "Irteera idazki agiri batean gordetzeko ezarpenak"
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:526
#, no-c-format
msgid "Short AAC audio packet (length: {0} < 2)\n"
msgstr "AAC audio pakete laburra (luzera: {0} < 2)\n"
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:533
#, no-c-format
msgid "Short AAC audio packet (length: {0} < {1})\n"
msgstr "AAC audio pakete laburra (luzera: {0} < {1})\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1767
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show &buttons for moving list view entries up and down"
msgstr "Erakutsi &botoiak zerrenda ikuspegi sarrerak gora eta behera mugitzeko"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tab.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show &hex dump"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1867
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show &output of all jobs instead of current job only"
msgstr "Erakutsi &lan guztien irteera uneko lanarena bakarrik ordez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:175
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Show a &summary line with statistics for each track at the end"
msgstr "Erakutsi bide bakoitzaren estatistikak berritsukeri moduan."
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show all bytes of each frame as a hex dump."
msgstr "Erakutsi frame bakoitzaren byte guztiak hex iraulketa bezala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:170
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Show all bytes of frames and CodecPrivate elements as hex dumps"
msgstr "Erakutsi frame bakoitzaren byte guztiak hex iraulketa bezala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show all elements"
msgstr "Erakutsi gai guztiak"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show all sub-elements (including cues & seek heads entries) and don't stop at the first cluster."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1856
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show dates && times in &UTC instead of the local time zone"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:169
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Show first 16 bytes of frames and CodecPrivate elements as hex dumps"
msgstr "Erakutsi frame bakoitzaren lehen 16 byteak hex iraulketa bezala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:144
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show job output"
msgstr "Erakutsi lan irteera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/status_bar_progress_widget.cpp:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show job queue && access job logs"
msgstr "Erakutsi lan lerroa e&ta sartu lan oharretara"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show statistics for each track in verbose mode."
msgstr "Erakutsi bide bakoitzaren estatistikak berritsukeri moduan."
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the first 16 bytes of each frame as a hex dump."
msgstr "Erakutsi frame bakoitzaren lehen 16 byteak hex iraulketa bezala."
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:41
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Show the position of each element in decimal."
msgstr "Erakutsi gai bakoitzaren neurria bere idazburua barne"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:42
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Show the position of each element in hexadecimal."
msgstr "Erakutsi gai bakoitzaren neurria bere idazburua barne"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the size of each element including its header."
msgstr "Erakutsi gai bakoitzaren neurria bere idazburua barne"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1766
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show the tool &selector"
msgstr "Erakutsi &tresna hautatzailea"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:187
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show this help."
msgstr "Erakutsi laguntza hau."
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:188
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show version information."
msgstr "Erakutsi bertsio argibideak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:197
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shut down the computer"
msgstr "Itzali ordenagailua"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shut down the system in one minute:"
msgstr "Itzali sistema minutu batean:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Sinadura"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "Signature algorithm"
msgstr "Sinadura algoritmoa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Signature hash algorithm"
msgstr "Sinadura hash algoritmoa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid "Signature key ID"
msgstr "Sinadura giltza ID-a"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:243
#, no-c-format
msgid "Silent track number"
msgstr "Bide isil zenbakia"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid "Silent tracks"
msgstr "Bide isilak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "Arrunta"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:202
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:521
#, no-c-format
msgid "Simple OGM-style chapter files"
msgstr "OGM-estilo arrunteko atal agiriak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:265
#, no-c-format
msgid "Simple block"
msgstr "Bloke arrunta"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "Simple chapter parser: {0}\n"
msgstr "Atal aztertzaile arrunta: {0}\n"
#: src/mpegparser/M2VParser.cpp:399
#, no-c-format
msgid "Single field frame before GOP header detected. Fix the MPEG2 video stream before attempting to multiplex it.\n"
msgstr "Eremu bakarreko framea atzeman da GOP idazburuaren aurretik. Zuzendu MPEG2 bideo jarioa hura multiplexatzen saiatu aurretik.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:303
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:327
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:89
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:94
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Neurria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attached_file_page.h:175
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/element_viewer_dialog.h:224
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:310
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Neurria:"
#: src/output/p_aac.cpp:133
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skipping {0} bytes (no valid AAC header found). This might cause audio/video desynchronisation.\n"
msgstr "Jauzita {0} byte (baliogabeko AAC idazburua aurkitu da). Honek audio/bideo desaldiberetzea eragin dezake.\n"
#: src/output/p_dts.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skipping {0} bytes (no valid DTS header found). This might cause audio/video desynchronisation.\n"
msgstr "Jauzita {0} byte (baliogabeko DTS idazburua aurkitu da). Honek audio/bideo desaldiberetzea eragin dezake.\n"
#: src/input/r_mp3.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skipping {0} bytes at the beginning (no valid MP3 header found).\n"
msgstr "Jauzita {0} byte hasieran (baliogabeko MP3 idazburua aurkitu da).\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:199
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sleep the computer"
msgstr "Lotaratu ordenagailua"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:263
#, no-c-format
msgid "Slices"
msgstr "Ebaketak"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "Some H.264/AVC tracks contain I slices but lack real key frames."
msgstr "Zenbait H.264/AVC bideek I ebakinak dituzte baina ez dute egizko giltza framerik."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1336
#, no-c-format
msgid "Some tag elements are missing (this error should not have occurred - another similar error should have occurred earlier). {0}\n"
msgstr "Ez dago zenbait etiketa osagai (akats hau ez litzake gertatu behar - antzeko beste akats bat gertatu da duela gutxi). {0}\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1737
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source &files:"
msgstr "Iturburu &agiriak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source file"
msgstr "Iturburu agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:92
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source file name"
msgstr "Iturburu agiri izena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/info_job.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source file name: %1"
msgstr "Iturburu agiri izena: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source file names"
msgstr "Iturburu agiri izenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:58
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source file's directory"
msgstr "Iturburu agiriaren zuzenbidea"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specifies a pitch rotation to the projection."
msgstr "Proiekzioaren doinu biratzea adierazten du."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specifies a roll rotation to the projection."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specifies a yaw rotation to the projection."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:142
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specifies the language of the track in the form of a BCP 47 language tag."
msgstr "Bidearen hizkuntza adierazten du Matroskaren hizkuntza galdekizunean."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:141
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specifies the language of the track."
msgstr "Bidearen hizkuntza adierazten du Matroskaren hizkuntza galdekizunean."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify the possible modifications to the aspect ratio (0: free resizing, 1: keep aspect ratio, 2: fixed)."
msgstr "Adierazi ikuspegi mailaren ahalezko aldaketak (0: birneurriratze askea, 1: heutsi ikuspegi mailari, 2: zuzenduta)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1795
#, no-c-format
msgid "Split mode:"
msgstr "Bananketa modua:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1794
#, no-c-format
msgid "Splitting"
msgstr "Bananketa"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1086
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Splitting tracks of this type is not supported."
msgstr "{0} bidea '{1}' Kodek ID-arekin ateratzea ez dago sostengaturik.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:324
#, no-c-format
msgid "Splitting will occur right before the first key frame whose timestamp is equal to or bigger than the start timestamp for the chapters whose numbers are listed."
msgstr "Bananketa zerrendatzen diren atal zenbakien hasiera denbora-kodearen berdina edo handiagoa den denbora kodea duen lehen giltza framearen aurretik egingo da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:696
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sta&rt all pending jobs"
msgstr "&Hasi egiteke dauden lan guztiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1844
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sta&rt multiplexing"
msgstr "&Hasi multiplexaketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/chapter_model.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Hasiera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:609
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:721
#, no-c-format
msgid "Start &multiplexing"
msgstr "&Hasi multiplexaketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "Start file types other than executable files via cmd.exe."
msgstr "Abiarazi exekutagarriak ez diren beste agiri motak cmd.exe bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "Start file types other than executable files via xdg-open."
msgstr "Abiarazi exekutagarriak ez diren beste agiri motak xdg-open bidez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "Start job &immediately"
msgid_plural "Start jobs &immediately"
msgstr[0] "Hasi lana &berehala"
msgstr[1] "Hasi lanak &berehala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Start job &manually"
msgid_plural "Start jobs &manually"
msgstr[0] "Hasi lana &eskuz"
msgstr[1] "Hasi lanak &eskuz"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:291
#, no-c-format
msgid "Started at:"
msgstr "Hasiera:"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1182
#, no-c-format
msgid "Statistics for track number {0}: number of blocks: {1}; size in bytes: {2}; duration in seconds: {3}; approximate bitrate in bits/second: {4}\n"
msgstr "Estatistikak {0} bide zenbakiarentzat: bloke zenbatekoa: {1}; neurria bytetan: {2}; iraupena segundutan: {3}; gutxi-gorabeharako bitneurria bit/segundutan: {4}\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Egoera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/value_page.h:207
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.h:160
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/util/language_widget.h:316
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:289
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Egoera:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stereo mode"
msgstr "Estereo modua"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:983
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stereo mode parameter: not given in the form <TID>:<n|keyword> where n is a number between 0 and {0} or one of these keywords: {1} (argument was '{2}').\n"
msgstr "Estereo moduko parametroa: ez da eman <TID>:<n|keyword> moduan non 'n' 0 eta {0} arteko zenbaki bat edo giltzahitz hauetako bat: {1} (argumentoa izan da: '{2}').\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stereo-3D video mode (0 - 14, see documentation)."
msgstr "Estereo-3D bideo modua (0 - 14, ikusi agiritza)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1774
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stereoscopy:"
msgstr "Estereoskopia:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:700
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stop &after all running jobs have finished"
msgstr "Gelditu ekinean dauden lan guztiek amaitu &ondoren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/info/job_settings_widget.h:164
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stop at the first cluster"
msgstr "Gelditu lehen klusterrean"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Store changes in CodecPrivate data in CodecState elements instead of the frames."
msgstr "Biltegiratu aldaketak CodecPrivate datuetan CodecState elementan frametan ordez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1760
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1818
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stretch by:"
msgstr "Luzera:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:313
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:166
#, no-c-format
msgid "String"
msgstr "Katea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1779
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle and chapter properties"
msgstr "Azpidatzi eta atal ezaugarriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle track %1"
msgstr "Azpidatzi bidea %1"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle track {0} is missing some duration elements. Please check the resulting SSA/ASS file for entries that have the same start and end time.\n"
msgstr "{0} azpidatzi bideak ez ditu iraupen osagai batzuk. Mesedez egiaztatu emaitz SSA/ASS agiriak hasiera eta amaiera sarrera berdinak dituela.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1816
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitle tracks:"
msgstr "Azpidatzi bideak:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:52
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:433
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtitles"
msgstr "Azpidatziak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:784
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:196
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:519
#, no-c-format
msgid "Supported file types"
msgstr "Sostengaturiko agiri motak"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:458
#, no-c-format
msgid "Supported file types:\n"
msgstr "Sostengaturiko agiri motak:\n"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:179
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Suppress status output."
msgstr "Ezeztatu egoera irteera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:615
#, no-c-format
msgid "System information"
msgstr "Sistemaren argibideak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:105
#: src/output/p_tta.h:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "TTA"
msgstr "TTA"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:58
#, no-c-format
msgid "TTA (The lossless True Audio codec)"
msgstr "TTA (Galeragabeko True Audio kodeka)"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1763
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tab &position in tab widgets:"
msgstr "Hegats &kokapena hegats gailuetan:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:303
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Etiketa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:399
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tag editor"
msgstr "Etiketa editatzailea"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tag extraction"
msgstr "Etiketa aterapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:315
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tag language"
msgstr "Etiketa hizkuntza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:316
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Tag language (IETF BCP 47)"
msgstr "Etiketa hizkuntza (IETF)"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:266
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tag selectors"
msgstr "Etiketa hautatzaileak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:302
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:437
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Etiketak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tags are allowed, but chapters are not."
msgstr "Etiketak ahalbidetuta daude, baina atalak ez."
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:321
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tags for track ID {0}: {1} entry"
msgid_plural "Tags for track ID {0}: {1} entries"
msgstr[0] "Etiketak bide ID-arentzat {0}: {1} sarrera"
msgstr[1] "Etiketak bide ID-arentzat {0}: {1} sarrera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1756
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Etiketak:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:309
#, no-c-format
msgid "Target type"
msgstr "Xede mota"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:310
#, no-c-format
msgid "Target type value"
msgstr "Xede mota balioa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:304
#, no-c-format
msgid "Targets"
msgstr "Xedeak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge not to create and write the cue data which can be compared to an index in an AVI."
msgstr "mkvmergeri AVI bateko aurkibde batekin alderatu daitekeen cue daturik ez sortzeko eta ez idazteko esaten dio. "
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge not to write LanguageIETF track header elements and ChapLanguageIETF chapter elements."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge not to write tags with statistics for each track."
msgstr "mkvmerge-ri esaten dio ez idazteko etiketarik estatistikekin bide bakoitzerako."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge not to write the 'date' field in the segment information headers."
msgstr "mkvmerge-ri esaten dio 'date' eremua ez idazteko zatien argibide idazburuetan"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:31
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge to abort after the first warning is emitted."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge to create a meta seek element at the end of the file containing all clusters."
msgstr "mkvmergeri adierazten dio meta bilaketa gai bat sortzeko kluster guztiak dituen agiriaren amaieran."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge to flush all data cached in memory to storage when closing files opened for writing."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tells mkvmerge to put at most 'n' data blocks into each cluster."
msgstr "mkvmerge-ri kluster bakoitzean 'n' datu bloke gehiago jartzeko esaten dio."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/job_settings_widget.cpp:93
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1006
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:393
#, no-c-format
msgid "Text files"
msgstr "Idazki agiriak"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "The .idx file does not contain an 'id: ...' line to indicate the language.\n"
msgstr ".idx agiriak ez du 'id: ...' lerroa hizkuntza adieraziz.\n"
#: src/input/r_aac.cpp:70
#, no-c-format
msgid "The AAC file '{0}' contains invalid header data: the sampling frequency or the number of channels is 0.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/output/p_aac.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "The AAC profiles are different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "AAC profilak ezberdinak dira: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "The CodecID of the two tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi bideen kodekaren ID-a ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:236
#, no-c-format
msgid "The DocType header item is changed to \"webm\"."
msgstr "DocType idazburua \"webm\"-ra aldatu da."
#: src/output/p_flac.cpp:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "The FLAC headers could not be parsed: the stream info structure was not found.\n"
msgstr "FLAC idazburuak ezin dira aztertu: jario argibide egitura ez da aurkitu.\n"
#: src/output/p_generic_video.cpp:73
#, no-c-format
msgid "The FPS is 0.0 but the reader did not provide a timestamp for a packet. {0}\n"
msgstr "FS-koa 0,0 da baina irakurgailuak ez du denbora-koderik eman pakete batentzat. {0}\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1465
#, no-c-format
msgid "The FourCC must be exactly four characters long in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "FourCC-k lau hizkiko luzera zehatza izan behar du hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:379
#, no-c-format
msgid "The GUI can also ask the user what to do each time, e.g. appending them instead of adding them, or creating new multiplex settings and adding them to those."
msgstr "EIG-k erabiltzaileari galdetu ahal dio zer egin bakoitzean, adib. eranstea gehitzearen ordez, edo multiplexatze ezarpen berria sortzea eta bertara gehitzea."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:381
#, no-c-format
msgid "The GUI can ask for confirmation when you're about to create a file without audio tracks in it."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:368
#, no-c-format
msgid "The GUI can help you start your next multiplex settings after having started a job or having added a one to the job queue."
msgstr "EIG-k zure hurrengo multiplexatze ezarpenekin hasten lagundu zaitzake lan bat hasi ondoren edo lan bat lan lerrora gehituta duzunean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "The GUI can scan these files, present the results including duration and number of tracks of each playlist found and let you choose which one to add."
msgstr "EIG-k agiri hauek mihatu ditzake, aurkitutako irakur-zerrenda bakoitzaren iraupena eta bide zenbatekoa barneratuz emaitzak aurkeztu eta zein gehitzea nahi duzun hautatzea eskainiz."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1171
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1189
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1207
#, no-c-format
msgid "The GUI will enter the dropped file's file name into that control replacing any file name which might have been set earlier."
msgstr "EIG-k askatutako agiriaren agiri izena sartuko du kontrolean aurretik ezarri den edozein agiri izen ordeztuz."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:356
#, no-c-format
msgid "The ID '{0}' has already been used for another destination file.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' ID-a jadanik beste helmuga agiri batek erabiltzen du.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:153
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The JSON output generated by mkvmerge while identifying '%1' could not be parsed (parser's error message: %2)."
msgstr "mkvmergek sortutako JSON irteera ezin da aztertu (aztertzailearen akats mezua: %1)."
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:1679
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Kate identification header could not be parsed ({0}).\n"
msgstr "Kate ezagutarazle idazburua ezin da aztertu ({0}).\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "The MIME type determines which program can be used for handling its content."
msgstr "MIME motak bere edukia kudeatzeko zein programa erabiliko den zehazten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "The MIME type must not be left empty."
msgstr "MIME mota ezin da hutsik utzi."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "The MKVToolNix Code of Conduct"
msgstr "Conduct-en MKVToolNix Kodea"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:1198
#, no-c-format
msgid "The MP4 file '{0}' contains chapters whose format was not recognized. This is often the case if the chapters are not encoded in UTF-8. Use the '--chapter-charset' option in order to specify the charset to use.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' MP4 agiriak ezagutzen ez den heuskarri bateko atalak ditu. Hau batzuetan gertatzen da atalak ez daudenean UTF-8-an kodeatuta. Erabili '--chapter-charset' aukera erabiltzeko hizkikodea adierazteko.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:481
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:487
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:492
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Matroska container format can store the display width/height for a video track."
msgstr "Matroska edukiontzi heuskarriak bideo bide baten erakuspen zabalera/garaiera biltegiratu ditzake."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Matroska file was modified, but the meta seek entry could not be updated. This means that players might have a hard time finding the element. Please use your favorite player to check this file."
msgstr "Matroska agiria aldatua izan da, baina meta bilaketa sarrera ezin da eguneratu. Honek esanahi du irakurgailuek denbora gehiago behar dezaketela elementoa aurkitzeko. Mesedez erabili zure irakurgailu gogokoena agiri hau egiaztatzeko."
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Matroska file was modified, but the meta seek entry could not be updated. This means that players might have a hard time finding this element. Please use your favorite player to check this file."
msgstr "Matroska agiria aldatu egin da, baina meta bilatzaile sarrera ezin da eguneratu. Honek esanahi du irakurgailuek denbora gehiago beharko dutela gai hau bilatzeko. Mesedez erabili zure irakurgailu gogokoena agiri hau egiaztatzeko."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:100
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Matroska file's last element is set to an unknown size."
msgstr "Matroska agiriaren azken elementua neurri ezezagun batean ezarrita dago."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1597
#, no-c-format
msgid "The NALU size length must be a number between 2 and 4 inclusively in '--nalu-size-length {0}'.\n"
msgstr "NALU neurri luzera 2 eta 4 arteko zenbaki bat izan behar da hemen barneraturik: '--nalu-size-length {0}'.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:1485
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Theora identification header could not be parsed ({0}).\n"
msgstr "Theora ezagutarazle idazburua ezin da aztertu ({0}).\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "The UID must not be left empty."
msgstr "UID ezin da hutsik utzi."
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:732
#, no-c-format
msgid "The VobSub subtitle track {0} does not contain its index in the CodecPrivate element."
msgstr "{0} VobSub azpidatzi bideak ez du bere aurkibidea CodecPrivate elementuan."
#: src/output/p_vorbis.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Vorbis codebooks are different. Such tracks cannot be concatenated without re-encoding."
msgstr "Vorbis kode-liburuak ezberdinak dira. Hortaz bideak ezin dira kateatu ber-kodeatu gabe."
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:387
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML chapter file '{0}' contains an error at position {2}: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML atal agiriak akats bat du kokapen honetan: {2}: {1}\n"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:389
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:252
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML chapter file '{0}' contains an error: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML atal agiriak akats bat du: {1}\n"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:385
#: src/common/xml/ebml_chapters_converter.cpp:246
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML chapter file '{0}' could not be read.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML atal agiria ezin da irakurri.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML root element is not a master element."
msgstr "XML erro gaia ez da gai nagusi bat."
#: src/common/xml/ebml_segmentinfo_converter.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML segmentinfo file '{0}' contains an error at position {2}: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML zati-argibide agiriak akats bat du kokapen honetan: {2}: {1}\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_segmentinfo_converter.cpp:98
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML segmentinfo file '{0}' contains an error: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML zati-argibide agiriak akats bat du: {1}\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_segmentinfo_converter.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML segmentinfo file '{0}' could not be read.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML zati-argibide agiria ezin da irakurri.\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML tag file '{0}' contains an error at position {2}: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML etiketa agiriak akats bat du kokapen honetan: {2}: {1}\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML tag file '{0}' contains an error: {1}\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML etiketa agiriak akats bat du: {1}\n"
#: src/common/xml/ebml_tags_converter.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "The XML tag file '{0}' could not be read.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' XML etiketa agiria ezin da irakurri.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:173
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cb channel for every pixel not removed horizontally. This is additive with chroma-subsample-horizontal."
msgstr ""
" --cb-subsample <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" Etzanean eta zutika kendu gabeko pixel guztientzat\n"
" kendu beharreko pixel kopurua Cb kanalean. \n"
" Hau gehigarria da --chroma-subsample -rekin.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:175
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cb channel for every pixel not removed vertically. This is additive with chroma-subsample-vertical."
msgstr ""
" --cb-subsample <TID:hori,vert>\n"
" Etzanean eta zutika kendu gabeko pixel guztientzat\n"
" kendu beharreko pixel kopurua Cb kanalean. \n"
" Hau gehigarria da --chroma-subsample -rekin.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:171
#, no-c-format
msgid "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cr and Cb channels for every pixel not removed horizontally."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:172
#, no-c-format
msgid "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cr and Cb channels for every pixel not removed vertically."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/mux_config.cpp:278
#, no-c-format
msgid "The application will terminate now."
msgstr "Aplikazioa orain amaituko da."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2201
#, no-c-format
msgid "The argument '{0}' is not allowed in identification mode.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' argumentua ez dago ahalbidetuta identifikazio moduan.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1013
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1019
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1025
#, no-c-format
msgid "The argument '{0}' to '{1}' is invalid."
msgstr "'{0}' -> '{1}' argumentoa baliogabea da."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1970
#, no-c-format
msgid "The argument '{0}' to '{1}' is invalid: '{2}' is not a valid track ID.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' -> '{1}' argumentoa baliogabea da: '{2}' ez da bide ID baliozko bat.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1979
#, no-c-format
msgid "The argument '{0}' to '{1}' is invalid: '{2}' must be either 'all' or 'first'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' -> '{1}' argumentoa baliogabea da: '{2}' izan behar da 'denak' edo 'lehena'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1966
#, no-c-format
msgid "The argument '{0}' to '{1}' is invalid: too many colons in element '{2}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' -> '{1}' argumentoa baliogabea da: bi puntu seinu gehiegi '{2}' gaian.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1929
#, no-c-format
msgid "The argument to '--timestamp-scale' must be a number.\n"
msgstr "'--timestamp-scale'-rako argumentoa zenbaki bat izan behar da.\n"
#: src/extract/attachments.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "The attachment #{0}, ID {1}, MIME type {2}, size {3}, is written to '{4}'.\n"
msgstr "#{0}, ID {1} eranskina, MIME mota {2}, neurria {3}, '{4}'-ra idazten da.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1822
#, no-c-format
msgid "The attachment '{0}' could not be read.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' eranskina ezin da irakurri.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1799
#, no-c-format
msgid "The attachment ({0}) is too big ({1})."
msgstr "({0}) eranskina luzeegia da ({1})."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "The audio file to play hasn't been set yet."
msgstr "Oraindik ez da ezarri irakurtzeko audio agiria."
#: src/output/p_ac3.cpp:84
#: src/output/p_mp3.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "The audio/video synchronization may have been lost."
msgstr "Audio/bideo aldiberetzeak galdua izan daiteke."
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "The changes are written to the file.\n"
msgstr "Aldaketak agirira idazten dira.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:895
#, no-c-format
msgid "The chapter UID must be a number if given."
msgstr "Atal UID-a zenbaki bat izan behar da emanez gero."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:303
#, no-c-format
msgid "The chapter editor needs to know the character set a text chapter file uses in order to display all characters properly."
msgstr "Atal editatzaileak atal agiriak erabiltzen duen hizki-kodea jakin behar du hizki guztiak ongi erakusteko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:491
#, no-c-format
msgid "The character sets in the 'selected' list on the right will be shown at the top of all the character set drop-down boxes in the program."
msgstr "'hautaturik' zerrendan ezarritako hizki-kodeak progamaren hedagarrietan hizki-kode guztien gainean erakutsiko dira."
#: src/output/p_avc.cpp:181
#: src/output/p_hevc.cpp:171
#, no-c-format
msgid "The chosen NALU size length of {0} is too small. Try using '4'.\n"
msgstr "Hautaturiko {0}-ren NALU neurri luzera txikiegia da. Saiatu '4' erabiltzen.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2007
#, no-c-format
msgid "The closing character '{0}' is missing.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' itxiera hitzartea ez dago.\n"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "The codec type '{0}' cannot be used in a WebM compliant file.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' kodek mota ezin da WebM agiri bateragarri batean erabili.\n"
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "The codec's private data does not match (lengths: {0} and {1})."
msgstr "Kodekaren datu pribatuak ez datoz bat (luzerak: {0} eta {1})."
#: src/output/p_avc.cpp:132
#: src/output/p_hevc.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "The codec's private data does not match. Both have the same length ({0}) but different content."
msgstr "Kodekaren datu pribatuak ez datoz bat. Biek luzera berdina dute ({0}), baina eduki ezberdina."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "The colour primaries of the video."
msgstr "Bideoaren margo lehenak."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "The colour transfer characteristics of the video."
msgstr "Bideoaren margo eskualdaketa ezaugarriak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid "The command line here uses Unix-style shell escaping via the backslash character even on Windows."
msgstr "Agindu lerroak hemen Unix-erako shell irtenbidea erabiltzen du ezkerbarra hizkiarekin baita Windowsen."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "The configuration has been loaded."
msgstr "Itxurapena gertatu da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:195
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:228
#, no-c-format
msgid "The configuration has been saved."
msgstr "Itxurapena gorde da."
#: src/input/r_wavpack.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "The correction file header was not read correctly.\n"
msgstr "Zuzenketa agiri idazburua ez da zuzen irakurri.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:485
#, no-c-format
msgid "The countries in the 'selected' list on the right will be shown at the top of all the country drop-down boxes in the program."
msgstr "'hautaturik' zerrendan ezarritako herrialdeak progamaren hedagarrietan herrialde guztien gainean erakutsiko dira."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1618
#, no-c-format
msgid "The cue entries (the index) are being written...\n"
msgstr "Cue sarrerak (aurkibidea) idazten ari dira...\n"
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "The cue sheet for track {0} will be written to '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidearentzako CUE orriak '{1}'-ra idatziko dira.\n"
#: src/extract/cues.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "The cues for track {0} are written to '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidearentzako cue-ak idazten dira hemen '{1}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "The current mode can be changed with --multiplex, --edit-chapters or --edit-headers."
msgstr "Oraingo modua --multiplex, --edit-chapters edo --edit-headers aginduekin aldatu daiteke."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:370
#, no-c-format
msgid "The current multiplex settings will be closed."
msgstr "Oraingo multiplexatze ezarpenak itxi egingo da."
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:1421
#, no-c-format
msgid "The current packet's timestamp is smaller than that of the previous packet. This usually means that the source file is a Matroska file that has not been created 100% correctly. The timestamps of all packets will be adjusted by {0}ms in order not to lose any data. This may throw audio/video synchronization off, but that can be corrected with mkvmerge's \"--sync\" option. If you already use \"--sync\" and you still get this warning then do NOT worry -- this is normal. If this error happens more than once and you get this message more than once for a particular track then either is the source file badly mastered, or mkvmerge contains a bug. In this case you should contact the author Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
msgstr "Oraingo paketearen denbora-kodea aurreko paketea baino txikiagoa da. Honek arrunt esanahi du iturburu agiria %100 ongi sortu gabeko Matroska agiri bat dela. Pakete guztien denbora-kodeak {0}sm zehaztuko dira daturik ez galtzeko. Honek audio/bideo aldiberetzea nahastu dezake, baina hori mkvmergeren \"--sync\" aukeraren bidez zuzendu daiteke. Jadanik \"--sync\" erabili baduzu eta oraindik kontuz-ohar hau baduzu EZ kezkatu, egoera arrunta da. Akats hau behin baino gehiagotan gertatzen bada eta bide beragaitik mezu hau behin baino gehiagotan jasotzen baduzu, iturburu agiria gaizki osatuta dago edo mkvmergek akats bat du. Horrela bada jarri zaitez harremanetan egilearekin, Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "The data in the file is corrupted and cannot be modified safely"
msgstr "Agiri honetako dautak hondatuta daude eta ezin dira segurtasunez aldatu"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/time_value_page.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "The date & time shown is in UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/time_value_page.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "The date & time shown is in your local time zone."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "The date the file was created."
msgstr "Agiria sortu zen eguna."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "The default is 'file' with 'track' being an alternative mode."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:378
#, no-c-format
msgid "The default is to always add all the files to the current multiplex settings."
msgstr "Berezkoa betik agiri guztiak oraingo multiplexatze ezarpenetara gehitzea da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:501
#, no-c-format
msgid "The default is to ask the user what to do with the dropped files."
msgstr "Berezkoa erabiltzaileari eroritako agiriekin zer egin galdetzea da."
#: src/input/r_usf.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "The default language code '{0}' is not a valid ISO 639-2 language code and will be ignored.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' berezko hizkuntza kodea ez da ISO 639-2 hizkuntza kode baliozko bat eta ezikusi egingo da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "The default mode is adding files for multiplexing."
msgstr "Berezko moduak multiplexatzeko agiriak gehitzen ari da."
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:397
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:400
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:403
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:406
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:409
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The demultiplexer for the file '{0}' failed to initialize:\n"
msgstr ""
"'{0}' agiriarentzako demultiplexaketak huts egin du abiaraztean:\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "The description can be left empty."
msgstr "Azalpena hutsik utzi daiteke"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:354
#, no-c-format
msgid "The destination file name is invalid and must be fixed before you can start multiplexing or add a job to the job queue."
msgstr "Helmuga agiri izena baliogabea da eta zuzendu egin behar da multiplexatzea hasi edo lan bat lan lerrora gehitu aurretik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "The directory it is located in contains %1 other file with the same extension."
msgid_plural "The directory it is located in contains %1 other files with the same extension."
msgstr[0] "Kokatua dagoen zuzenbideak luzapen berdina duen beste %1 agiri ditu."
msgstr[1] "Kokatua dagoen zuzenbideak luzapen berdina duten beste %1 agiri ditu."
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "The display height of the two tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi bideen erakuspen garaiera ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "The display width of the two tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi bideen erakuspen zabalera ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "The downside is that multiplexing will take longer as mkvmerge will wait until all data has been written to the storage before exiting."
msgstr ""
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:3161
#, no-c-format
msgid "The drive may be full."
msgstr "Gidagailua beteta egon daiteke."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:257
#, no-c-format
msgid "The duration after which a new destination file is started."
msgstr "Helmuga agiri berria iraupen honen ondoren hasiko da."
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:266
#, no-c-format
msgid "The edit specifications '{0}' and '{1}' resolve to the same track with the UID {2}.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' eta '{1}' edizio adierazpenek UID {2}-dun bide bera zehazten dute.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:972
#, no-c-format
msgid "The edition UID must be a number if given."
msgstr "Edizio UID-a zenbaki bat izan behar da emanez gero."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:64
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "The element was written at the end of the file, but the segment size could not be updated. Therefore the element will not be visible. The process will be aborted. The file has been changed!"
msgstr "Gaia agiriaren amaieran idatzita dago, baina zati neurria ez da eguneratu ahal izan. Hortaz gaia ez da ikusgarria izango. Garapena utzi egingo da. Agiria aldatu egin da!"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:921
#, no-c-format
msgid "The end time could not be parsed: %1"
msgstr "Amaiera denbora ezin da aztertu: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:924
#, no-c-format
msgid "The end time must be greater than the start time."
msgstr "Amaiera denbora hasierako denbora-kodea baino handiagoa izan behar da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:404
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The expression must contain at least one pair of capturing parenthesis."
msgstr "Edizio bakoitzak gutxienez atal bat izan behar du."
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "The extended language subtag '{}' must only be used with one of the following prefixes: {}."
msgstr ""
#: src/output/p_mpeg4_p2.cpp:367
#, no-c-format
msgid "The extracted values for video width and height from the MPEG4 layer 2 video data bitstream differ from what the values in the source container. The ones from the video data bitstream ({0}x{1}) will be used.\n"
msgstr "Bideo zabalera eta garaierarako MPEG4 layer 2 bideo datu bitjariotik ateratako balioak iturburu edukiontzikoen ezberdinak dira. Bideo datu bitjariokoak ({0}x{1}) erabiliko dira.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "The fifth mode tries to extract chapter information and tags and outputs them as a cue sheet. This is the reverse of using a cue sheet with mkvmerge's '--chapters' option."
msgstr "Bostgarren modua atal argibideak eta etiketak eta irteerak cue orri batean ateratzen saiatzen da. Hau cue orria mkvmergeren '--chapters' aukerarekin erabiltzearen alderantzizkoa da ."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:276
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:887
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file \"%1\" has been modified. Do you really want to close? All changes will be lost."
msgstr "\"%1\" agiria aldatu egin da. Egitan nahi duzu istea? Aldaketa guztiak galdu egingo dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:253
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:888
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file \"%1\" has been modified. Do you really want to reload it? All changes will be lost."
msgstr "\"%1\" agiria aldatu egin da. Egitan nahi duzu birgertatzea? Aldaketa guztiak galdu egingo dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1168
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' contains chapters."
msgstr "'%1' agiriak atalak ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1186
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' contains segment information."
msgstr "'%1' agiriak zati argibideak ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1204
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' contains tags."
msgstr "'%1' agiriak etiketak ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:691
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' could not be found in the installation folder."
msgstr "'%1' agiria ezin da ezarpen agiritegian aurkitu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:580
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' exists already and might be overwritten depending on the configuration & the content of the source files."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:165
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' is an unsupported container format (%2)."
msgstr "Agiria sostengatu gabeko edukiontzi heuskarria da (%1)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/tool.cpp:547
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' is neither a job queue file nor a settings file."
msgstr "%1 agiria ez da ez lan lerroko agiri bat ez ezarpen agiri bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:160
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' was not recognized as a supported format (exit code: %2)."
msgstr "Agiria ez da ezagutu sostengatutako heuskarri bezala (irteera kodea: %1."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '%1' you've added is a playlist."
msgstr "Gehitu duzun agiria '%1' irakur-zerrenda bat da."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1803
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' cannot be attached because it does not exist or cannot be read.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da erantsi ez dagoelako edo ezin daitekeelako irakurri.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:156
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened for reading and writing, or a read/write operation on it failed: {1}.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da ireki irakurtzeko edo idazteko, edo irakur/idaz eragiketak huts egin du: {1}.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:140
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened for reading and writing: {1}.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki: {1}.\n"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:1610
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:1613
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened for reading: {1}."
msgstr "'{0}' agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki: {1}."
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:53
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:59
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:63
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:86
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:220
#: src/propedit/attachment_target.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened for reading: {1}.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki: {1}.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1292
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened for writing: {1}."
msgstr "'{0}' agiria ezin da ireki idazteko: {1}."
#: src/extract/attachments.cpp:121
#: src/extract/cues.cpp:73
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:82
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:401
#: src/extract/xtr_avi.cpp:59
#: src/extract/xtr_avi.cpp:63
#: src/extract/xtr_rmff.cpp:40
#: src/extract/xtr_tta.cpp:76
#: src/extract/xtr_wav.cpp:195
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1362
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened for writing: {1}.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da idazteko ireki: {1}.\n"
#: src/common/kax_analyzer.cpp:1616
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be opened or parsed."
msgstr "\"{0}\" agiria ezinda ireki edo aztertu."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1580
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' could not be renamed to '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki: {1}.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1366
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' has been opened for writing.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria idazteko ireki da.\n"
#: src/merge/id_result.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' is a non-supported file type ({1}).\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria sostengatu-gabeko agiri mota batekoa da ({1}).\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:136
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' is not a Matroska file or it could not be found.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da erantsi ez dagoelako edo ezin daitekeelako irakurri.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1578
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' was renamed to '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki: {1}.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_wav.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file '{0}' was written as a W64 file instead of WAV as it is bigger than 4 GB and therefore too big to fit into the WAV container.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:773
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachments.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file (%1) is too big (%2)."
msgstr "(%1) agiria handiegia da (%2)."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:102
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file can be fixed by multiplexing it with mkvmerge again."
msgstr "Agiria mkvmergerekin berriro multiplexatuz zuzendu daiteke."
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file content does not match its format type and was not recognized."
msgstr "Agiriaren edukia ez dator bat heuskarri motarekin eta ez da ezagutzen."
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:397
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file could not be opened for reading, or there was not enough data to parse its headers."
msgstr "Agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki, edo ez du nahikoa datu bere idazburuak aztertzeko."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:84
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file could not be opened for reading."
msgstr "Agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:92
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:58
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file could not be opened for writing."
msgstr "Agiria ezin da idazteko ireki."
#: src/extract/cues.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file does not contain track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Agiriak ez du bide ID {0}.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:729
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:285
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file has been saved successfully."
msgstr "Agiria ongi gorde da."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:104
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:68
#: src/propedit/propedit.h:19
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file has not been modified."
msgstr "Agiria ez da aldatu."
#: src/input/r_tta.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file header is too short.\n"
msgstr "Agiri idazburua laburregia da.\n"
#: src/input/r_wavpack.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file header was not read correctly.\n"
msgstr "Agiri idazburua ezin da zuzen irakurri.\n"
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:406
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file headers could not be parsed, e.g. because they're incomplete, invalid or damaged."
msgstr "Agiri idazburuak ezin dira aztertu, adib. osatugabeak, baliogabeak edo hondatuta daudelako."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:34
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file is being analyzed."
msgstr "Agiria aztertzen..."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file is being fixed, part 1/4..."
msgstr "Agiria zuzentzen ari da, zatia 1/4..."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file is being fixed, part 2/4..."
msgstr "Agiria zuzentzen ari da, zatia 2/4..."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:286
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file is being fixed, part 3/4..."
msgstr "Agiria zuzentzen ari da, zatia 3/4..."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:294
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file is being fixed, part 4/4..."
msgstr "Agiria zuzentzen ari da, zatia 4/4..."
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:351
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file is read in order to create track statistics.\n"
msgstr "Agiria irakurri egiten da bide estatistikak sortzeko.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file name for this segment."
msgstr "Agiri izena zati honentzat."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:971
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file no. {0} ('{1}') does not contain a track with the ID {2}, or that track is not to be copied. The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "{0} ('{1}') zenbaki agiriak ez du {2} ID-a duen biderik, edo bide hori ez da kopiatu behar. '--append-to'-rentzako argumentoa baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:977
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file no. {0} ('{1}') does not contain a track with the ID {2}, or that track is not to be copied. Therefore no track can be appended to it. The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "{0} ('{1}') zenbaki agiriak ez du {2} ID-a duen biderik, edo bide hori ez da kopiatu behar. Hortaz ezin da biderik erantsi. '--append-to'-rentzako argumentoa baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:917
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file no. {0} ('{1}') is not being appended. The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "{0} ('{1}') zenbaki agiria eransten ari da. '--append-to'-rentzako argumentoa baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/common/mm_io_x.cpp:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file or directory was not found"
msgstr "Agiria edo zuzenbidea ez da aurkitu"
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:60
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:66
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:72
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1590
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2311
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file will not be processed further."
msgstr "Agiria ez da gehiago prozesatuko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:289
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:295
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:366
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:392
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:797
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:366
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:150
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:783
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/tab.cpp:138
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file you tried to open (%1) could not be read successfully."
msgstr "Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria (%1) ezin izan da ongi irakurri."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:374
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file you tried to open (%1) does not contain any chapters."
msgstr "Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiriak (%1) ez du atalik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file you tried to open (%1) is not recognized as a valid Matroska/WebM file."
msgstr "Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria (%1) ez da ezagutzen baliozko Matroska/WebM agiri bat bezala."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:455
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:559
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:595
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file you tried to open (%1) is recognized as neither a valid Matroska nor a valid chapter file."
msgstr "Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria (%1) ez da ezagutzen ez baliozko Matroska agiri bat bezala ez baliozkoa atal agiri bat bezala."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "The first argument must be the name of source file."
msgstr "Lehen argumentua iturburu agiriaren izena izan behar da."
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "The first cluster timestamp after the resync is {0}.\n"
msgstr "Lehen klusterraren denbora-kodea berraldiberetu ondoren da {0}.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1839
#, no-c-format
msgid "The first destination file only"
msgstr "Lehen helmuga agiria bakarrik"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2071
#, no-c-format
msgid "The first file cannot be appended because there are no files to append to.\n"
msgstr "Lehen agiria ezin da erantsi ez dagoelako zerekin eransteko agiririk.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "The first mode extracts some tracks to external files."
msgstr "Lehen moduak bide batzuk kanpoko agirietara ateratzen ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:405
#, no-c-format
msgid "The first non-empty capturing parenthesis will be used as the language."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "The following modes are supported:"
msgstr "Hurrengo moduak sostengatzen dira:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/mux_config.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "The following non-recoverable error was found: %1."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:406
#, no-c-format
msgid "The following placeholders can be used to match the list of recognized languages: '<ISO_639_1_CODES>', '<ISO_639_2_CODES>' and '<LANGUAGE_NAMES>'."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/program_runner.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "The following program could not be executed: %1"
msgstr "Hurrengo programa ezin da exekutatu: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "The format defaults to %H:%M:%S if none is given."
msgstr "Berezko heuskarriak %H:%M:%S ez bada ezer ematen."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.cpp:68
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:72
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:228
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:259
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:272
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:286
#, no-c-format
msgid "The format is either the form 'HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn' or a number followed by one of the units 's', 'ms' or 'us'."
msgstr "Denbora-kodeak eman daitezke honela: 'OO:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn' edo zenbaki bat 's', 'ms' edo 'us' untiteez jarraitua."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:277
#, no-c-format
msgid "The formats can be mixed, too."
msgstr "Heuskarriak ere nahastu daitezke."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1028
#, no-c-format
msgid "The formats do not match."
msgstr "Heuskarriak ez datoz bat."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "The fourth mode extracts the chapters, converts them to XML and writes them to an output file."
msgstr "Laugarren moduak atalak ateratzen ditu, hauek XML-ra bihurtu eta irteera agiri batean idazten ditu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:447
#, no-c-format
msgid "The generated destination file name has the same base name as the source file name but with an extension based on the track types present in the file."
msgstr "Sortutako helmuga agiriaren izena iturburu agiriaren izenaren izen ohinarri berdina du baina agiriko bide moten ohinarritutako luzapen batekin."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1935
#, no-c-format
msgid "The given timestamp scale factor is outside the valid range (1...10000000 or -1 for 'sample precision even if a video track is present').\n"
msgstr "Denbora-kode neurri ezaugarria baliozko mailatik kanpo dago (1... 10000000 edo -1 'lagin zehaztasunerako baita bideo bidea badago').\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "The header values have not been modified. There is nothing to save."
msgstr "Idazburu eremuetako bat ere ez da aldatu. Ez da ezer gordeko."
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "The height of the two tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi bideen garaiera ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:364
#, no-c-format
msgid "The horizontal layout with two fixed columns results in a wider window while the vertical tab widget layout results in a higher window."
msgstr "Etzaneko antolakuntzak bi zutaberekin leiho zabalagoa ematen du, zutikako hegats gailu antolakuntzak aldiz leiho handiago ematen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "The job has been added to the job queue."
msgstr "Lana lan lerrora gehitu da."
#: src/input/r_usf.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language code '{0}' is not a valid ISO 639-2 language code and will be ignored.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' hizkuntza kodea ez da ISO 639-2 hikuntza kode baliozko bat eta ezikusi egingo da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language for the newly created chapters is set via the chapter language control above."
msgstr "Sortutako atal berriarentzako hizkuntza gaineko atal hizkuntza agintearen bidez ezartzen da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:442
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language for this track that players can use for automatic track selection and display for the user."
msgstr "Irakurgailuek berezgaitasunezko bide hautapenerako eta erakuspenerako erabili dezaketen bide honentzako hizkuntza."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:415
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language selected here is used for audio tracks for which their source file contains no such property and for which the language has not been derived from the file name."
msgstr "Hemen hautatzen den hizkuntza audio bideentzat erabiltzen da beren iturburu agiriak ezaugarri hori ez duenean eta hitzkuntza ez denean agiriaren izenetik eratorri."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:427
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language selected here is used for subtitle tracks for which their source file contains no such property and for which the language has not been derived from the file name."
msgstr "Hemen hautatzen den hizkuntza azpidatzi bideentzat erabiltzen da beren iturburu agiriak ezaugarri hori ez duenean eta hizkuntza ez denean agiriaren izenetik eratorri."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:421
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language selected here is used for video tracks for which their source file contains no such property and for which the language has not been derived from the file name."
msgstr "Hemen hautatzen den hizkuntza bideo bideentzat erabiltzen da beren iturburu agiriak ezaugarri hori ez duenean eta hizkuntza ez denean agiriaren izenetik eratorri."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "The language set here is also used when chapters are generated."
msgstr "Hemen ezartzen den hizkuntza atalak sortzen direnean ere erabiltzen da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_widget.cpp:314
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The language tag is not valid."
msgstr "Agiri izen hutsa ez da baliozkoa.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_widget.cpp:314
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The language tag is valid."
msgstr "Probaren maila ehunekoa '{0}' baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:479
#, no-c-format
msgid "The languages in the 'selected' list on the right will be shown at the top of all the language drop-down boxes in the program."
msgstr "'hautaturik' zerrendako hizkuntzak progamaren hedagarrietan hizkuntza guztien gainean erakutsiko dira."
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "The last timestamp processed before the error was encountered was {0}.\n"
msgstr "Akatsa aurkitu aurretiko prozesaturiko azken denbora-kodea izan da {0}.\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "The letter 'Z' can be used instead of the time zone's offset from UTC to indicate UTC aka Zulu time."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:250
#, no-c-format
msgid "The letters 'G', 'M' and 'K' can be used to indicate giga/mega/kilo bytes respectively."
msgstr "'G', 'M' eta 'K' hizkiak erabili daitezke giga/mega/kilo byte adierazteko."
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:216
#, no-c-format
msgid "The line {0} of the timestamp file '{1}' does not contain a valid floating point number.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' denbora-kode agiriko {0} lerroak ez du zenbaki hamarren baliozko bat.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1158
#, no-c-format
msgid "The list of recognized track languages in file names must not be empty."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/translation.cpp:411
#, no-c-format
msgid "The locale could not be set properly. Check the LANG, LC_ALL and LC_MESSAGES environment variables.\n"
msgstr "Tokiko agiritegia ezin da egoki ezarri. Egiaztatu LANG, LC_ALL eta LC_MESSAGES inguru aldaerak.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "The maximum length for a cluster that mkvmerge accepts is 60000 blocks and 32000ms; the minimum length is 100ms."
msgstr "mkvmergek onartzen duen kluster baten gehienezko luzera 60000 bloke eta 32000sm dira; gutxienezko luzera 100sm da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:177
#, no-c-format
msgid "The maximum number of files that will be created even if the last file might contain more bytes/time than wanted."
msgstr "Sortuko diren agiri zenbateko gehiena baita azken agiriak behar baino byte/denbora gehiago badu ere."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "The maximum number of frames a player should be able to cache during playback. If set to 0, the reference pseudo-cache system is not used."
msgstr "Irakurgailu batek irakurketan zehar katxeatu dezakeen frame zenbateko gehiena. 0 ezarriz gero, xehetasunezko sasi-katxe sistema ez da erabiliko."
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:70
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "The meta seek element was written at the end of the file, but the segment size could not be updated. Therefore the element will not be visible. The process will be aborted. The file has been changed!"
msgstr "Meta bilaketa gaia agiriaren amaieran idatzita dago, baina zati neurria ezin izan da eguneratu. Hortaz gaia ez da ikusgarria izango. Garapena utzi egingo da. Agiria aldatu egin da!"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "The minimum number of frames a player should be able to cache during playback. If set to 0, the reference pseudo-cache system is not used."
msgstr "Irakurgailu batek irakurketan zehar katxeatu dezakeen frame zenbateko gutxiena. 0 ezarriz gero, xehetasunezko sasi-katxe sistema ez da erabiliko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:699
#, no-c-format
msgid "The mkvmerge executable was found, but it couldn't be executed."
msgstr "mkvmerge exekutagarria aurkitu da, baina ezin da exekutatu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/mux_job.cpp:170
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:695
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "The mkvmerge executable was not found."
msgstr "mkvmerge exekutagarria ez da aurkitu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tool.cpp:219
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The multiplex settings creating \"%1\" have been modified. Do you really want to close? All changes will be lost."
msgstr "\"%1\" agiria aldatu egin da. Egitan nahi duzu istea? Aldaketa guztiak galdu egingo dira."
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "The name '{0}' is not a valid property name for the current edit specification in '{1}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' izena ez da ezaugarri izen baliozkoa oraingo edizio zehaztapenerako: '{1}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/attached_file_page.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "The name must not be left empty."
msgstr "Izena ezin da hutsik utzi."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "The name of the application or library used for multiplexing the file."
msgstr "Agiria multiplexatzeko erabilitako aplikazioaren edo liburutegiaren izena."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "The name of the application or library used for writing the file."
msgstr "Agiria idazteko erabilitako aplikazioaren edo liburutegiaren izena."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2036
#, no-c-format
msgid "The name of the destination file '{0}' and of one of the source files is the same."
msgstr "Helmuga agiriaren '{0}' eta iturburu agirietako bat berdinak dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:319
#, no-c-format
msgid "The names will be available for easy selection in both the multiplexer and the header editor."
msgstr ""
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1747
#, no-c-format
msgid "The next UID was already given in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Hurrengo UID-a jadanik eman da hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of bits per sample of the two audio tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi audio bideen lagineko/bit zenbatekoa ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/common/bswap.cpp:27
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of bytes to swap isn't divisible by {0}."
msgstr "Aldatzeko byte zenbatekoa ez da {0}-ren zatigarria."
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of channels of the two audio tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi audio bideen bide zenbatekoa ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:271
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of external timestamps {0} is smaller than the number of frames in this track. The remaining frames of this track might not be timestamped the way you intended them to be. mkvmerge might even crash.\n"
msgstr "{0} kanpoko denbora-kode zenbatekoa bide honetako frame zenbatekoa baino txikiagoa da. Bide honetako gainontzeko frameak badaiteke ez egotea denbora-irarketaturik egitea nahi zenuen bezala. mkvmerge matxuratu egin daiteke.\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of video pixels to remove on the bottom of the image."
msgstr "Irudiaren behealdean kentzeko bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:155
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of video pixels to remove on the left of the image."
msgstr "Irudiaren ezkerraldean kentzeko bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:157
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The number of video pixels to remove on the right of the image."
msgstr ""
"Irudiaren eskuinaldean kentzeko\n"
"bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "The number of video pixels to remove on the top of the image."
msgstr "Irudiaren goialdean kentzeko bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:294
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:310
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:323
#, no-c-format
msgid "The numbering starts at 1."
msgstr "Zenbakipena 1-etik hasten da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:299
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:315
#, no-c-format
msgid "The numbers given with this argument are interpreted based on the number of Matroska blocks that are output."
msgstr "Argumentu honekin emandako zenbakiak irteerako Matroska bloke zenbatekoan ohinarriturik ulertzen dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:234
#, no-c-format
msgid "The only allowed codecs are VP8/VP9 video and Vorbis/Opus audio tracks."
msgstr "Ahalbideturiko kodek bakarrak dira VP8/VP9 bideoa eta Vorbis/Opus audio bideak dira."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2527
#, no-c-format
msgid "The option '--meta-seek-size' is no longer supported. Please read mkvmerge's documentation, especially the section about the MATROSKA FILE LAYOUT.\n"
msgstr "'--meta-seek-size' aukera jadanik ez da sostengatzen. Mesedez irakurri mkvmergeren agiritza, bereziki MATROSKA AGIRI ANTOLAKUNTZA-ri buruzko atala.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "The option file has been created."
msgstr "Aukera agiria sortu da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:432
#, no-c-format
msgid "The options entered here are set for all new multiplex jobs by default."
msgstr "Hemen sartutako aukerak multiplexatze lan berri guztiei ezartzen zaie berez."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "The order of the various options is not important."
msgstr "Aukera ezberdinen hurrenkera ez da garrantzitsua."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:363
#, no-c-format
msgid "The other two layouts available are: in two fixed columns to the right or in a tab widget below the files and tracks lists."
msgstr "Beste bi antolakuntza eskuragarriak dira: bi zutabetan eskuinean edo hegats gailu batean agiri eta bide zerrenden azpian."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1734
#, no-c-format
msgid "The previous UID was already given in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Aurreko UID-a jadanik eman da hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2150
#, no-c-format
msgid "The probe range percentage '{0}' is invalid.\n"
msgstr "Probaren maila ehunekoa '{0}' baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/common/qt_kax_analyzer.cpp:103
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "The process will be aborted."
msgstr "Prozesua utzi egingo da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/settings.cpp:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "The program to execute hasn't been set yet."
msgstr "Exekutatzeko programa ez da ezarri oraindik."
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "The property value contains non-ASCII characters, but the property is not a Unicode string in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioak ez-ASCII hizkiak ditu, baina ezaugarria ez da Unicode kate bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:155
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid binary spec in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko boolean bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:154
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid binary spec or it is not exactly {2} bits long in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko zehaztapen binario baliozko bat edo ez da 128 bit zehatzeko luzeraduna hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:138
#, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid boolean in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko boolean bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:204
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid date & time string in '{0}'."
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko seindun oso bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid floating point number in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko zenbaki hamarren bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid signed integer in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko seindun oso bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "The property value is not a valid unsigned integer in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri balioa ez da baliozko seinugabeko oso bat hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1031
#, no-c-format
msgid "The reason is unknown."
msgstr "Zergaitia ezezaguna da."
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:205
#, no-c-format
msgid "The recognized format is 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+zz:zz': the year, month, day, letter 'T', hours, minutes, seconds and the time zone's offset from UTC; example: 2017-03-28T17:28:00-02:00."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1146
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The regular expression for deriving the track language from file names is invalid: %1"
msgstr "Bide hizkuntzak agiri izenetatik eratortzen"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:213
#, no-c-format
msgid "The rest is copied as is."
msgstr "Gainontzekoa den bezala kopiatzen da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:336
#, no-c-format
msgid "The resulting number will be padded with leading zeroes if the number of places is less than specified."
msgstr "Emaitz zenbakia zeroekin beteko da toki zenbatekoa adierazitakoa baino gutxiago bada."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "The resulting tracks will be broken: the official FLAC tools will not be able to decode them and seeking will not work as expected."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/xml/ebml_converter.cpp:341
#, no-c-format
msgid "The root element must be <{0}>."
msgstr "Erro gaia izan behar da: <{0}>."
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "The sample rate of the two audio tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi audio bideen lagin neurria ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "The second mode extracts the tags, converts them to XML and writes them to an output file."
msgstr "Bigarren moduak etiketak ateratzen ditu, hauek XML-ra bihurtu eta irteera agiri batean idazten ditu."
#: src/input/r_tta.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "The seek table in this TTA file seems to be broken.\n"
msgstr "Bilaketa taula TTA agiri honetan badirudi hautsita dagoela.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:937
#, no-c-format
msgid "The segment UID could not be parsed: %1"
msgstr "Zati UID-a ezin da aztertu: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:947
#, no-c-format
msgid "The segment edition UID must be a positive number if given."
msgstr "Zatiaren edizio UID-a zenbaki bat izan behar da emanez gero."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "The sequence '%p' is replaced by the track's PERFORMER, the sequence '%t' by the track's TITLE, '%n' by the track's number and '%N' by the track's number padded with a leading 0 for track numbers < 10."
msgstr "'%p' sekuentzia bidearen EGILEA-rekin ordezten da, '%t' sekuentziak bidearen IZENBURUA-rekin, '%n' bidearen zenbakiarekin eta '%N' bidearen zenbaki erosotuarekin 0 ezaugarriarekin < 10 bide zenbakientzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "The settings file '%1' contains invalid settings and was not loaded."
msgstr "'%1' ezarpen agiriak ezarpen baliogabeak ditu eta ez da gertatu."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "The sixth mode finds the timestamps of all blocks for a track and outputs a timestamp v2 file with these timestamps."
msgstr "Seigarren moduak bide batentzako bloke guztien denbora-kodeak bilatzen ditu eta v2 denbora-kode agiri bat ateratzen du denbora-kode horiekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "The size after which a new destination file is started."
msgstr "Helmuga agiri berria neurri honen ondoren hasiko da."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1816
#, no-c-format
msgid "The size of attachment '{0}' is 0.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' eranskinaren neurria da 0.\n"
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:90
#: src/merge/reader_detection_and_creation.cpp:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "The source file '{0}' could not be opened successfully, or retrieving its size by seeking to the end did not work.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' iturburu agiria ez da ongi ireki, edo bere neurria berreskuratzea amaiera arte bilatuz ez da ongi irten.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:477
#, no-c-format
msgid "The source for the container's timing information be various things: a value given on the command line with the '--default-duration' option, the source container or the video bitstream."
msgstr "Edukiontziaren denborapen argibide iturburuak gauza ugari ditu: agindu lerroan emandako balio bat '--default-duration' aukerarekin, iturburu edukiontzia edo bide bitjarioa."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:915
#, no-c-format
msgid "The start time could not be parsed: %1"
msgstr "Hasiera denbora ezin da aztertu: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:330
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string '<NUM>' will be replaced by the chapter number."
msgstr "'<NUM>' katea atalaren zenbakiarekin ordeztuko da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:331
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string '<START>' will be replaced by the chapter's start timestamp."
msgstr "'<START>' katea atalen hasiera denbora-irarketarekin ordeztuko da."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string 'all' works on all tags."
msgstr "'all' kateak etiketa guztiekin egiten du lan."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string 'global' works on the global tags."
msgstr "'global' kateak etiketa orokor guztiekin egiten du lan."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string 'track:' followed by one of the chars 'a', 'b', 's' or 'v' followed by a number 'n' selects the nth audio, button, subtitle or video track (e.g. '--edit track:a2'). Numbering starts at 1."
msgstr "'bidea' katea:' hizki hauetako batez jarraiturik, 'a', 'b', 's' edo 'v' eta ondoren zenbaki bat 'z' bederatzigarren audioa, botoia, azpidatzia edo bideo bidea hautatzen du (adib.'--edit track:a2'). Zenbakipena 1-ean hasten da."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:263
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string 'track:=uid' with 'uid' being a number selects the track whose 'track UID' element equals 'uid'."
msgstr "'track:=uid' katea 'uid'-rekin zenbaki bat da 'track UID' gaia berdin 'uid' bidea hautatzeko."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string 'track:@number' with 'number' being a number selects the track whose 'track number' element equals 'number'."
msgstr "'track:@number' katea 'number'-rekin zenbaki bat da 'track number' gaia berdin 'number' bidea hautatzeko."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "The string 'track:n' with 'n' being a number selects the nth track. Numbering starts at 1."
msgstr "'pista:n' katea 'n'-rekin zenbaki bat da hainbatgarren bidea hautatzeko. Zenbakiketa 1-etik hasten da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:332
#, no-c-format
msgid "The strings '<FILE_NAME>' and '<FILE_NAME_WITH_EXT>', which only work when generating chapters for appended files, will be replaced by the appended file's name (the former leaves the extension out while the latter includes it)."
msgstr "'<FILE_NAME>' eta '<FILE_NAME_WITH_EXT>' kateek, zeinak erantsitako agirientzat atalak sortzerakoan bakarrik egiten duten lan , erantsitako agiriaren izenarekin ordeztuko dira (lehenak hedapena kanpoan uzten du hurrengoak barneratzen duen bitartean). "
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:257
#, no-c-format
msgid "The strings 'info', 'segment_info' or 'segmentinfo' select the segment information element. This is also the default until the first '--edit' option is found."
msgstr "'info', 'segment_info' edo 'segmentinfo' kateek zatiaren argibide gaia hautatzen dute. Hau berezkoa ere bada '--edit' aukera aurkitu arte."
#: src/common/xml/xml.h:127
#, no-c-format
msgid "The tag or attribute '{0}' at position {1} contains data that is outside its allowed range."
msgstr "'{0}' etiketak edo ezaugarriak {1} kokapenean ahalbideturiko maitetaik kanpo dauden datuak ditu."
#: src/common/xml/xml.h:107
#, no-c-format
msgid "The tag or attribute '{0}' at position {1} contains invalid or mal-formed data."
msgstr "'{0}' etiketak edo ezaugarriak {1} kokapenean datu baliogabeak edo gaizki-osatuak ditu."
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:379
#, no-c-format
msgid "The tags in '{0}' could not be parsed: some mandatory elements are missing.\n"
msgstr "'{0}'-ko etiketak ezin dira aztertu: ez daude nahitaezko gaietako batzuk.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_tta.cpp:70
#, no-c-format
msgid "The temporary file '{0}' could not be opened for reading: {1}.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' aldibaterako agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki: {1}.\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "The third mode extracts attachments from the source file."
msgstr "Hirugarren moduak eranskinak ateratzen ditu iturburu agiritik."
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamp file '{0}' contains an unsupported/unrecognized format (version {1}).\n"
msgstr "'{0}' denbora-kode agiriak sostengatu gabeko/ezezaguna den heuskarri bat du (bertsioa: {1}).\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamp file '{0}' contains an unsupported/unrecognized format line. The very first line must look like '# timestamp format v1'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' denbora-kode agiriak sostengatu gabeko/ezezaguna den heuskarri lerro bat du. Lehen lerroa horrela ikusi behar da: '# timestamp format v1'.\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamp file '{0}' could not be opened for reading.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' denbora-kode agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki.\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:90
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:98
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:104
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:304
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamp file '{0}' does not contain a valid 'Assume' line with the default number of frames per second.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' denbora-kode agiriak ez du 'Assume' lerro baliozko bat berezko frame segunduko zenbatekoarekin.\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamp file '{0}' does not contain a valid 'Gap' line with the duration of the gap.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' denbora-kode agiriak ez du 'Gap' lerro baliozko bat alde iraupenarekin.\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:243
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:368
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamp file '{0}' does not contain any valid entry.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' denbora-kode agiriak ez du baliozko sarrerarik.\n"
#: src/merge/timestamp_factory.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The timestamp v2 file '{0}' contains timestamps that are not ordered. Due to a bug in mkvmerge versions up to and including v1.5.0 this was necessary if the track to which the timestamp file was applied contained B frames. Starting with v1.5.1 mkvmerge now handles this correctly, and the timestamps in the timestamp file must be ordered normally. For example, the frame sequence 'IPBBP...' at 25 FPS requires a timestamp file with the first timestamps being '0', '40', '80', '120' etc and. not '0', '120', '40', '80' etc.\n"
"If you really have to specify non-sorted timestamps then use the timestamp format v4. It is identical to format v2 but allows non-sorted timestamps.\n"
msgstr ""
"v2 file '{0}' denbora-kodeak ordenatuta ez dauden denbora-kodeak ditu. v1.5.0 eta bertsio berriagoetan mkvmergek duen akats bategaitik hau beharrezkoa zen denbora-kodea ezartzen zitzaion bideak B frameak bazituen. v1.5.1-tik hasita mkvmergek orain hau zuzen kudeatu dezake, eta denbora-kode agiriko denbora-kodeak arrunt ordenatuta egon behar dira. Adibidez frame sekuentzia 'IPBBP...' 25 FS-koan denbora-kode agiri bat behar du lehen denbora-kodearen hasieratik '0', '40', '80', '120' etab eta ez '0', '120', '40', '80' etab.\n"
"Egitan denbora-kode ez-antolatuak adierazi behar badituzu erabili v4 denbora-kode heuskarria. v2 heuskarriaren berdina da baina antolatu-gabeko denbora-kodeak ahalbidetzen ditu.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamps after which a new destination file is started."
msgstr "Helmuga agiri berria denbora-kode honen ondoren hasiko da."
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:559
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamps for this stream have been reset in the middle of the file. This is not supported. The current packet will be discarded.\n"
msgstr "Jario honentzako denbora-kodeak agiriaren erdian berrezarri dira. Hau ez dago sostengaturik. Oraingo paketea baztertu egingo da.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "The timestamps refer to the whole stream and not to each individual destination file."
msgstr "Denbora-kodeak jario osoari dagozkio eta ez banakako helmuga agiri bakoitzari."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "The title for the whole movie."
msgstr "Filma osoaren izenburua."
#: src/common/chapters/dvd.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "The title number '{0}' is higher than the number of titles on the DVD ({1})."
msgstr ""
#: src/extract/tracks.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track ID {0} does not have a valid CodecID.\n"
msgstr "{0} ID-ko bideak ez du baliozko Kodek ID bat.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1088
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The track ID {0} from the file '{1}' cannot be split. {2}\n"
msgstr "{0} zebk. bidea '{1}' agiritik ezin da erantsi {2} zebk. bidera '{3}' agiritik. {4}\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:670
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track headers could not be rendered correctly. {0}\n"
msgstr "Bide idazburuak ezin dira zuzen aurkeztu. {0}\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track number as used in the Block Header."
msgstr "Bide zenbakia Bloke Idazburuan erabili bezala."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1019
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track number {0} from the file '{1}' can probably not be appended correctly to the track number {2} from the file '{3}': {4} Please make sure that the resulting file plays correctly the whole time. The author of this program will probably not give support for playback issues with the resulting file.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' agiriko {0} bide zenbakia zihurrenik ezin da zuzen erantsi '{3}': {4} agiriko {2} bide zenbakira. Mesedez zihurtatu emaitz agiria zuzen irakurtzen dela denbora guztian. Programa honen egileak zihurrenik ezingo du sostengurik eman emaitz agiriaren irakurketa arazoentzat.\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1033
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track number {0} from the file '{1}' cannot be appended to the track number {2} from the file '{3}'. {4}\n"
msgstr "{0} zebk. bidea '{1}' agiritik ezin da erantsi {2} zebk. bidera '{3}' agiritik. {4}\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1029
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track parameters do not match."
msgstr "Bide parametroak ez datoz bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track properties on the \"input\" tab can be laid out in three different way in order to serve different workflows."
msgstr "\"sarrera\" hegatseko bide ezaugarriak hiru modu ezberdinetan aurkeztu daiteke lan-jario ezberdinak zerbitzatzeko."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:987
#, no-c-format
msgid "The track {0} from file no. {1} ('{2}') is to be appended more than once. The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea {1} zebk. agiritik ('{2}') behin baino gehiagotan erantsi daiteke. '--append-to'-rentzako argumentoa ez da baliozkoa.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2082
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2979
#, no-c-format
msgid "The type of file '{0}' could not be recognized.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' agiri mota ezin da ezagutu.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:485
#, no-c-format
msgid "The type of file '{0}' is not supported.\n"
msgstr "{0} agiria mota ez dago sostengatua.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:437
#, no-c-format
msgid "The user can then select which playlist to actually add."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak orduan zein irakur zerrenda gehitu hautatu dezake."
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:98
#, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{0}' is not a number.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' balioa ez da zenbaki bat.\n"
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:153
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{}' is not a valid ISO 15924 script code."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ISO 639-2 hizkuntza kode baliozkoa."
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:167
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{}' is not a valid ISO 3166-1 country code."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ccTLD herrialde kode baliozko bat."
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:140
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{}' is not a valid ISO 639 language code."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ISO 639-2 hizkuntza kode baliozkoa."
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:185
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{}' is not a valid UN M.49 country number code."
msgstr "'{0}' ez da ccTLD herrialde kode baliozko bat."
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:204
#, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{}' is not part of the IANA Language Subtag Registry for extended language subtags."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:205
#, no-c-format
msgid "The value '{}' is not part of the IANA Language Subtag Registry for language variants."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:465
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:470
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:484
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "The value can be given either as a floating point number (e.g. 12.345) or a fraction of integer values (e.g. 123/456)."
msgstr "Balioa bietan eman daiteke hamarren zenbaki bat bezala (adib. 12.345) edo balio osoen zatizki bat bezala (adib. 123/456)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:460
#, no-c-format
msgid "The value can be negative, but keep in mind that any frame whose timestamp is negative after this calculation is dropped."
msgstr "Balioa negatiboa izan daiteke, baina kontuan izan kalkulo honen ondoren denbora-irarketa negatiboa duten frame guztiak erori egingo direla."
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:245
#, no-c-format
msgid "The value does not adhere to the general structure of IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:500
#, no-c-format
msgid "The values are only stored in the track headers."
msgstr "Balioak bide idazburuetan bakarrik biltegiratzen dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:324
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:329
#, no-c-format
msgid "The values will be available for easy selection in the multiplexer."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/bcp47.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "The variant '{}' must only be used with one of the following prefixes: {}."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:703
#, no-c-format
msgid "The version line reported by mkvmerge ('%1') could not be recognized."
msgstr "mkvmergek ('%1') jakinarazitako bertsio lerroa ezin da ezagutu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:707
#, no-c-format
msgid "The versions of mkvmerge (%1) and the GUI (%2) differ."
msgstr "mkvmerge (%1) eta EIG (%2) bertsioak ezberdinak dira."
#: src/merge/connection_checks.h:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "The width of the two tracks is different: {0} and {1}"
msgstr "Bi bideen zabalera ezberdina da: {0} eta {1}"
#: src/output/p_theora.h:27
#, no-c-format
msgid "Theora"
msgstr "Theora"
#: src/extract/cues.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "There are no cues for track ID {0}.\n"
msgstr "Ez dago cue-ri ID {0} biderako.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "There is a new version available online."
msgstr "Bertsio berri bat dago eskuragarri online."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:433
#, no-c-format
msgid "There is currently a job running."
msgstr "Lan bat dago ekinean."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:911
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:921
#, no-c-format
msgid "There is no file with the ID '{0}'. The argument for '--append-to' was invalid.\n"
msgstr "Ez dago '{0}' ID-a duen agiririk. '--append-to'-rentzako argumentoa baliogabea da.\n"
#: src/common/command_line.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid "There is no translation available for '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Ez dago itzulpen eskuragarririk '{0}'-rentzat.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid "There was an error querying the update status."
msgstr "Akats bat egon da eguneraketa egoera galdetzerakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:656
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:658
#, no-c-format
msgid "There were errors in the header values preventing the headers from being saved. The first error has been selected."
msgstr "Akatsak egon dira idazburu balioetan hauek gordetzea saihesten dutenak. Lehen akatsa hautatu da."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:237
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:267
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "There's not enough space at the beginning of the file to fit the updated 'EBML head' element in."
msgstr "Ez dago nahikoa toki agiriaren hasieran eguneratutako 'EBML burua' elementua bertan finkatzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "These are less often used options that control the output structure that mkvmerge creates."
msgstr "mkvmergek sortzen dituen irteera egiturak modu orokorrean agintzen dituzten aukera erabilienak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:223
#, no-c-format
msgid "These are options meant for development. They're not officially supported and may change from release to release."
msgstr "Hauek garapenezko aukerak dira. Ez daude ofizialki sostengatuta eta aldatu egin daitezke argitalpen batetik bestera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1169
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1187
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1205
#, no-c-format
msgid "These aren't treated like other source files in MKVToolNix."
msgstr "Hauek ez dira beste iturburu agiriak bezala tratatzen MKVToolNix-en."
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:523
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "This AAC track does not contain valid headers. Could not parse the AAC information.\n"
msgstr "AAC bide honek ez ditu baliozko idazburuak. Ezin dira AAC argibideak aztertu.\n"
#: src/output/p_ac3.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "This AC-3 track contains {0} bytes of non-AC-3 data at the beginning. This corresponds to a delay of {1}ms. This delay will be used instead of the non-AC-3 data.\n"
msgstr "AC-3 bide honek {0} byte ditu ez-AC-3 datuekin hasieran. Hau bat dator {1}sm-ko atzerapenarekin. Atzerapen hau erabiliko da ez-AC-3 datuen ordez.\n"
#: src/output/p_avc_es.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "This AVC/H.264 contains frames that are too big for the current maximum NALU size. You have to re-run mkvmerge and set the maximum NALU size to {0} for this track (command line parameter '--nalu-size-length {1}:{0}').\n"
msgstr "AVC/H.264 bide honek handiegiak diren frameak ditu oraingo NALU neurrirako. mkvmerge berrekin behar duzu eta gehienezko NALU neurria {0} ezarri bide honentzat (agindu lerro parametroa '--nalu-size-length {1}:{0}').\n"
#: src/output/p_avc_es.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "This AVC/H.264 track does not start with a key frame. The first {0} frames have been skipped.\n"
msgstr "AVC/H.264 bide hau ez da giltza frame batekin hasten. Lehen {0} frameak jauzi egin dira.\n"
#: src/output/p_avc_es.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "This AVC/H.264 track's timing information indicates that it uses a variable frame rate. However, no default duration nor an external timestamp file has been provided for it, nor does the source container provide timestamps. The resulting timestamps may not be useful.\n"
msgstr "AVC/H.264 bide honen denborapen argibideek adierazten dute frame neurri aldakorra erabiltzen duela. Horrela ere, ez da ez berezko iraupenik ez kanpoko denbora-koderik eman berarentzat, eta iturburu edukiontziak ere ez ditu denbora-kodeak ematen. Emaitz denbora-kodeak badaiteke ez izatea erabilgarriak.\n"
#: src/output/p_hevc_es.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "This HEVC contains frames that are too big for the current maximum NALU size. You have to re-run mkvmerge and set the maximum NALU size to {0} for this track (command line parameter '--nalu-size-length {1}:{0}').\n"
msgstr "HEVC bide honek handiegiak diren frameak ditu oraingo NALU neurrirako. mkvmerge berrekin behar duzu eta gehienezko NALU neurria {0} ezarri bide honentzat (agindu lerro parametroa '--nalu-size-length {1}:{0}').\n"
#: src/output/p_hevc_es.cpp:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "This HEVC track does not start with a key frame. The first {0} frames have been skipped.\n"
msgstr "HEVC bide hau ez da giltza frame batekin hasten. Lehen {0} frameak jauzi egin dira.\n"
#: src/output/p_mp3.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "This MPEG audio track contains {0} bytes of non-MP3 data at the beginning. This corresponds to a delay of {1}ms. This delay will be used instead of the garbage data.\n"
msgstr "MPEG audio bide honek {0} byte ditu hasieran ez-MP3 datuak direnak. Honi {1}sm-eko atzerapena dagokio. Atzerapen hau erabiliko da zabor datuen ordez.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:839
#, no-c-format
msgid "This Ogg/OGM file contains chapter or title information. Unfortunately the charset used to store this information in the file cannot be identified unambiguously. The program assumes that your system's current charset is appropriate. This can be overridden with the '--chapter-charset <charset>' switch.\n"
msgstr "Ogg/OGM agiri honek atal edo izenburu argibideak ditu. Zorigaitzez agirian argibide hauek biltegiratzeko erabilitako hizkikodea ezin da ezagutu zehaztasunez. Programak suposatzen du zure sistemaren oraingo hizkikodeaketa egokia dela. Hau ezeztatu daiteke '--chapter-charset <charset>' aldatuz.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:846
#, no-c-format
msgid "This Ogg/OGM file contains chapters but they could not be parsed. This can be due to the character set not being set properly for them or due to the entries not matching the expected SRT-style format.\n"
msgstr "Ogg/OGM agiri honek atalak ditu baina ezin dira aztertuak izan. Hau izan daiteke hizki-kodeak ez direlako beraientzat egoki ezarri edo sarrerak ez datozelako bat itxarondako SRT-estilo heuskarriarekin.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "This amount is 0.3% of the source file's size or 10 MB, whichever is higher."
msgstr "Kopuru hau iturburu agiriaren neurriaren %0,3 edo 10 MB da, handiena dena."
#: src/output/p_ac3.cpp:81
#: src/output/p_mp3.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "This audio track contains {0} byte of invalid data which was skipped before timestamp {1}."
msgid_plural "This audio track contains {0} bytes of invalid data which were skipped before timestamp {1}."
msgstr[0] "Audio pista honek byte {0} data erabilgaitz du {1} denbora-kodeak jauzi egin duena."
msgstr[1] "Audio pista honek {0} byte data erabilgaitz ditu {1} denbora-kodeak jauzi egin dituena."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "This can be used to prevent data loss on power outages or to circumvent certain problems in the operating system or drivers."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "This causes bigger overhead but allows precise seeking and extraction."
msgstr "Honek burugain handiagoa eragiten du baina bilaketa eta aterapen zehatza ahalbidetzen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:1183
#, no-c-format
msgid "This configuration is currently invalid."
msgstr "Itxurapen hau baliogabea da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:184
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "This element is currently present in the file."
msgstr "Elementu hau orain agirian dago."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "This element is not currently present in the file."
msgstr "Elementu hau orain ez dago agirian."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "This field is normally set to the date the file is created."
msgstr "Eremu hau arrunt agiria sortutako eguna ezartzeko erabiltzen da."
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:172
#, no-c-format
msgid "This file contains coordinates in the timestamp lines. Such coordinates are not supported by the Matroska SRT subtitle format. The coordinates will be removed automatically.\n"
msgstr "Agiri honek koordenadak ditu denbora-kodeetan. Koordenada batzuk ez daude sostengaturik Matroska SRT azpidatzi heuskarrian. Koordenadak berezgaitasunez kenduko dira.\n"
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:67
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "This file could not be opened or parsed.\n"
msgstr "Agiri hau ezin da ireki edo aztertu.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1212
#, no-c-format
msgid "This file is probably not a Matroska file."
msgstr "Agiria zihurrenik ez da Matroska agiri bat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:2021
#, no-c-format
msgid "This function requires the application %1."
msgstr "Eginkizunak %1 aplikazioa behar du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "This happens when clicking the \"abort job\" button in a \"job output\" tab and when quitting the application."
msgstr "Hau \"lan irteera\" hegats batean \"utzi lana\" botoia klikatzerakoan eta aplikazioa uzterakoan gertatzen da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/main_window.cpp:145
#, no-c-format
msgid "This has not been implemented yet."
msgstr "Hau oraindik ez da gaitu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is a comma-separated list of 128-bit segment UIDs in the usual UID form: hex numbers with or without the \"0x\" prefix, with or without spaces, exactly 32 digits."
msgstr "Hau kakotxaz banandutako 128-biteko zati UID zerrenda bat da ohiko UID forman: zenbaki hex. \"0x\" aurrezenbakiarekin edo gabe, tarte edo tarte gabe, zehaz-mehatz 32 zenbakin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:266
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is also done when quitting the application."
msgstr "Hau aplikazioa uzterakoan ere egiten da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is an arbitrary name the GUI can use to refer to this particular configuration."
msgstr "Hau EIG-k itxurapen zehatz hau izendatzeko erabili dezakeen izen arbitrario bat da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is done at startup and at most once within 24 hours."
msgstr "Hau abiaraztean egiten da eta gehienez behin 24 ordutan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:462
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is done only if there is already a file whose name matches the unmodified destination file name."
msgstr "Hau egiten da jadanik aldatugabeko helmuga agiri izenarekin bat datorren agiri bat badago bakarrik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:296
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is the country that newly added chapter names get assigned automatically."
msgstr "Hau da gehitzen diren atal berriei berezgaitasunez esleitzen zaien herrialdea."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is the default mode."
msgstr "Hau berezko modua da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:295
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is the language that newly added chapter names get assigned automatically."
msgstr "Hau da gehitutako atal berriei berezgaitasunez esleituko zaien hizkuntza."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is the title that players may show as the 'main title' for this movie."
msgstr "Hau da irakurgailuek filma honentzat 'izenburu nagusi' bezala erakutsi dezaketena."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is used for e.g. MPEG-1/-2 video tracks for storing the sequence headers."
msgstr "Hau erabiltzen dute adib. MPEG-1/-2 bideo bideek sekuentzia idazburuak biltegiratzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:438
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is useful for situations like Blu-ray discs on which a multitude of playlists exists in the same directory and where it is not obvious which feature (e.g. main movie, extras etc.) a playlist belongs to."
msgstr "Hau erabilgarria da Blu-ray diskak bezalako egoeratan non irarkur zerrenda ugari dauden zuzenbide berean eta argi ez dagoen zein ezaugarri duen irakur-zerrenda bakoitzak (adib. filma nagusia, gehigarriak, etab)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "This means that either backslashes must be doubled or the whole argument must be enclosed in single quotes."
msgstr "Honek esanahi du ezkerbarrak bikoitzak izan behar direla edo argumentu osoa adartxo soilen ('argm') barnean egon behar dela."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:296
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:312
#, no-c-format
msgid "This mode considers only the first video track that is output."
msgstr "Modu honek irteerako lehen bideo bidea bakarrik hartzen du kontuan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:233
#, no-c-format
msgid "This mode enforces several restrictions."
msgstr "Modu honek murrizketa ugari behartzen ditu."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "This mode extracts cue information for some tracks to external text files."
msgstr "Modu honek zenbait bideren cue argibideak ateratzen ditu kanpoko idazki agirietara."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:327
#, no-c-format
msgid "This mode only considers the top-most level of chapters across all edition entries."
msgstr "Modu honek edizio sarrera guztien artean atalen goreneko maila bakarrik hartzen du kontuan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:498
#, no-c-format
msgid "This must be a comma-separated list of four numbers for the cropping to be used at the left, top, right and bottom, e.g. '0,20,0,20'."
msgstr "Kakotxaz banandutako lau zenbakiko zerrenda izan behar da erabiliko den mozketa alderako: ezker, goi, eskuin eta behe, adib. '0,20,0,20'."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:524
#, no-c-format
msgid "This only works with AC-3, DTS & TrueHD audio tracks."
msgstr "Honek AC-3, DTS eta TrueHD audio bideekin besterik ez du jarduten."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:520
#, no-c-format
msgid "This only works with DTS audio tracks."
msgstr "Honek DTS audio bideekin bakarrik egiten du lan."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option causes mkvmerge to remove the aspect ratio information from the bitstream."
msgstr "Aukera honek mkvmergek bitjarioko ikuspegi maila argibidea kentzea eragiten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:211
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option controls how the chapter names are created."
msgstr "Aukera honek atal izenak nola sortzen diren agintzen du."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option does nothing and is only kept for backwards compatibility."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option forces mkvmerge to treat all of those I slices as key frames."
msgstr "Aukera honek mkvmerge I ebakin guzti hauek giltza frameak bezala tratatzera behartzen du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option needs an additional argument 'n'."
msgstr "Aukera honek 'n' argumentu gehigarri bat behar du."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option prevents that behavior."
msgstr "Aukera honek jokabide hori saihesten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option specifies the language to be associated with chapters if the OGM chapter format is used."
msgstr "Aukera honek OGM atal heuskarria erabiltzen bada atalekin zein hizkuntza elkartuko den adierazten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:482
#, no-c-format
msgid "This option tells mkvmerge the display aspect ratio to use when it calculates the display width/height."
msgstr "Aukera honek mkvmergeri erakuspen zabalera/garaiera kalkultzen duenean zein erakuspen ikuspegi maila erabili esaten dio."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:511
#, no-c-format
msgid "This parameter is only effective for AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265 elementary streams read from AVC/H.264 ES or HEVC/H.265 ES files, AVIs or Matroska files created with '--engage allow_avc_in_vwf_mode'."
msgstr "Parametro hauek AVC/H.264 eta HEVC/H.265 ohinarrizko jario irakurketarako besterik ez dira eraginkorrak AVC/H.264 ES edo HEVC/H.265 ES agiriak, AVI-ak edo Matroska agiriak '--engage allow_avc_in_vwf_mode'-rekin sortu direnean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "This parameter is the display height in pixels."
msgstr "Parametro honek zabalera pixeletan erakusten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:488
#, no-c-format
msgid "This parameter is the display width in pixels."
msgstr "Parametro honek erakuspen zabalera da pixeletan."
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:344
#, no-c-format
msgid "This property is mandatory and cannot be deleted in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri hau nahiezkoa da eta ezin da ezabatu hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid "This property is unique. More instances cannot be added in '{0}'. {1}\n"
msgstr "Ezaugarri hau bakarra da. Ezin dira eskabide gehiago gehitu hemen: '{0}'. {1}\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:1731
#, no-c-format
msgid "This should REALLY not have happened. The space reserved for the first meta seek element was too small. Size needed: {0}. {1}\n"
msgstr "Hau EGITAN ez litzake gertatu behar. Lehen meta bilaketa gaiarentzat gordetako tartea txikiegia da. Beharrezko neurria: {0}. {1}\n"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:290
#, no-c-format
msgid "This should REALLY not have happened. The space reserved for the first meta seek element was too small. {0}\n"
msgstr "Hau EGITAN ez litzake gertatu behar. Lehen meta bilaketa gaiarentzat gordetako tartea txikiegia da. {0}\n"
#: src/common/common.h:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "This should not have happened. Please contact the author Moritz Bunkus <> with this error/warning message, a description of what you were trying to do, the command line used and which operating system you are using. Thank you."
msgstr "Hau ez litzake gertatu behar. Mesedez jarri harremanetan egilearekin, Moritz Bunkus <>, adieraziz akats/kontuz-ohar hau, zer egiten saiatzen ari zinen azalpena, erabilitako agindu lerroa eta zein sistema eragile erabiltzen duzun. Mila esker"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:329
#, no-c-format
msgid "This template will be used for new chapter entries."
msgstr "Eredu hau atal sarrera berrientzat erabiliko da."
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:516
#: src/output/p_textsubs.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "This text subtitle track contains invalid 8-bit characters outside valid multi-byte UTF-8 sequences. Please specify the correct encoding for this track.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:514
#, no-c-format
msgid "This track contains SBR AAC/HE-AAC/AAC+ data."
msgstr "Bide honek SBR AAC/HE-AAC/AAC+ datuak ditu."
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:59
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:65
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:71
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1590
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2311
#, no-c-format
msgid "This usually indicates a damaged file structure."
msgstr "Honek arrunt agiri egitura hondatua adierazten du."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "This will increase file size and does not offer any additional value for players at the moment."
msgstr "Honek agiriaren neurria handituko du eta ez du balio gehigarririk eskaintzen irakurgailuentzat oraingoz."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "This will increase the file's size, especially if there are many audio tracks."
msgstr "Honek agiriaren neurria handituko du, bereziki audio bide asko badaude."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:466
#, no-c-format
msgid "This works well for video and subtitle tracks but should not be used with audio tracks."
msgstr "Honek ongi egiten du lan bideo eta azpidatzi bideekin baina ez da erabili behar audio bideekin."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:461
#, no-c-format
msgid "This works with all track types."
msgstr "Honek bide mota guztiekin egiten du lan."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2037
#, no-c-format
msgid "This would cause mkvmerge to overwrite one of your source files."
msgstr "Honek mkvmergek zure iturburu agirietako bat gainidaztea eragin dezake."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Time slice"
msgstr "Ebaketa denbora"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timestamp extraction"
msgstr "Denbora-kode aterapena"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1763
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timestamp file:"
msgstr "Denbora-kode agiria:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:84
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:208
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timestamp scale"
msgstr "Denbora-irarketa eskala"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1744
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1758
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timestamps and default duration"
msgstr "Denbora-kodeak eta berezko iraupenak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timestamps:"
msgstr "Denbora-kodeak:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:96
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:111
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:329
#, no-c-format
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Izenburua"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attachment_model.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "To all destination files"
msgstr "Helmuga agiri guztientzat"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:778
#, no-c-format
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Goren"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1751
#, no-c-format
msgid "Trac&k name:"
msgstr "Bide izena:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track"
msgstr "Bidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:276
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract:"
msgstr "Bide ID-a mkvmerge eta mkvextract-entzat:"
#: src/extract/xtr_aac.cpp:82
#: src/extract/xtr_aac.cpp:94
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track ID {0} has an unknown AAC type.\n"
msgstr "{0} ID-dun bideak AAC mota ezezaguna du.\n"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.cpp:295
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track ID {0}: {1} ({2})"
msgstr "{0} ID-dun bidea: {0}: {1} ({2})"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:187
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:305
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track UID"
msgstr "Bide UID-a"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track extraction"
msgstr "Bide aterapena"
#: src/propedit/options.cpp:193
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:159
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:259
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track headers"
msgstr "Bide idazburuak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:186
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track number"
msgstr "Bide zenbakia"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:273
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track number for mkvpropedit:"
msgstr "mkvpropedit-rako bide zenbakia:"
#: src/common/content_decoder.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track number {0} has been encrypted and decryption has not yet been implemented.\n"
msgstr "{0} zenbakiko bidea enkriptaketa eta desenkriptaketa oraindik ez dago gehituta.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:163
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track number:"
msgstr "Bide zenbakia:"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track overlay"
msgstr "Bide gainjarpena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track type"
msgstr "Bide mota"
#: src/extract/xtr_avc.cpp:139
#: src/extract/xtr_hdmv_textst.cpp:44
#: src/extract/xtr_hdmv_textst.cpp:63
#: src/extract/xtr_hevc.cpp:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} CodecPrivate is too small.\n"
msgstr "Kodek-Pribatuaren {0} bidea txikiegia da.\n"
#: src/common/content_decoder.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} has been compressed with an unknown/unsupported compression algorithm ({1}).\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea konprimitua izan da ezezaguna/sostengugabea den konpresio algoritmo batez ({1}).\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1263
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} is missing its track UID element which is required to be present by the Matroska specification. If the file contains tags then those tags might be broken.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea ez dago eta bere bide UID elementoa beharrezkoa da egotea Matroska berezitasunerako. Agiriak etiketak baditu badaiteke etiketa hauek hautsita egotea.\n"
#: src/common/content_decoder.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} was compressed with the algorithm '{1}' which is not supported anymore.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea '{1}' algoritmoarekin konprimitua izan zen zeina ez dago jadanik sostengatua.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_aac.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' contains invalid \"codec private\" data for AAC.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' Kodek ID-dun {0} bideak \"codec private\" datu baliogabeak ditu AAC-rako.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_ogg.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' does not contain valid headers.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' Kodek ID-dun {0} bideak ez ditu baliozko idazburuak.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_wav.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' is missing the \"bits per second (bps)\" element and cannot be extracted.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' Kodek ID-dun {0} bideak ez du \"bits per second (bps)\" gaia eta ezn da atera.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_aac.cpp:44
#: src/extract/xtr_alac.cpp:49
#: src/extract/xtr_avc.cpp:134
#: src/extract/xtr_avi.cpp:42
#: src/extract/xtr_hdmv_textst.cpp:39
#: src/extract/xtr_hevc.cpp:26
#: src/extract/xtr_ogg.cpp:40
#: src/extract/xtr_ogg.cpp:76
#: src/extract/xtr_rmff.cpp:31
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:101
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:279
#: src/extract/xtr_vobsub.cpp:66
#: src/extract/xtr_wav.cpp:177
#: src/extract/xtr_webvtt.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' is missing the \"codec private\" element and cannot be extracted.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' Kodek ID-dun {0} bideak ez du \"codec private\" gaia eta ezn da atera.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_avi.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0} with the CodecID '{1}' is missing the \"default duration\" element and cannot be extracted.\n"
msgstr "'{1}' Kodek ID-dun {0} bideak ez du \"default duration\" gaia eta ezin da atera.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_textsubs.cpp:372
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0}: An USF subtitle entry starting at timestamp {1} is not well-formed XML and will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea: USF azpidatzi sarrera bat {1} denbora-kode hasierarekin ez da ongi-osatutako XML-a eta jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_avc.cpp:44
#: src/extract/xtr_hevc.cpp:85
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0}: NAL too big. Size according to header field: {1}, available bytes in packet: {2}. This NAL is defect and will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea: NAL handiegia. Idazburu eremuaren araberako neurria: {1}, byte eskuragarriak pakete honetan: {2}. NAL hau akastuna da eta jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/extract/xtr_webvtt.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0}: Subtitle entry number {1} is missing its duration. Assuming a duration of 1s.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea: {1} zenbakiko azpidatzi sarrerak ez du iraupenik. 1 seg-ko iraupena suposatzen.\n"
#: src/input/r_qtmp4.cpp:2948
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0}: The AAC information could not be parsed.\n"
msgstr "{0} bidea: AAC argibideak ezin dira aztertu.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:639
#, no-c-format
msgid "Track {0}: {1}, codec ID: {2}{3}{4}{5}\n"
msgstr "Bidea: {0}: {1}. Kodek ID-a: {2}{3}{4}{5}\n"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tracks"
msgstr "Bideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:475
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tracks with a language in this list will be set not to be copied by default."
msgstr "Zerrenda honetako hizkuntza bat duten bideak berez ez kopiatzeko ezarriko dira."
#: src/extract/xtr_base.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tracks with unsupported content encoding schemes (compression or encryption) cannot be extracted.\n"
msgstr "Eduki kodeaketa eskema sostengatu gabeko bideak (konpresioa edo enkriptaketa) ezin dira atera.\n"
#: src/propedit/tag_target.cpp:260
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Tracks with unsupported content encoding schemes (compression or encryption) cannot be modified.\n"
msgstr "Eduki kodeaketa eskema sostengatu gabeko bideak (konpresioa edo enkriptaketa) ezin dira atera.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:314
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tracks:"
msgstr "Bideak:"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:104
#: src/output/p_truehd.h:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "TrueHD"
msgstr "TrueHD"
#: src/extract/xtr_vobsub.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid "Two VobSub tracks can only be extracted into the same file if their CodecPrivate data matches. This is not the case for the tracks {0} and {1}.\n"
msgstr "Bi VobSub bideak bakarrik atera daitezke agiri berdinera beren Kodek-Pribatu datuak bat badatoz. Hau ez da gertatzen {0} eta {1} bideetan.\n"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "Two files multiplexed with the same settings and this switch activated will be identical."
msgstr "Bi agiri ezarpen berdinekin multiplexatuta eta aldagailu hau gaituta berdinak izango dira."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:166
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/select_playlist_dialog.h:318
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:152
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:53
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Mota"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:154
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type of the unit for DisplayWidth/Height (0: pixels, 1: centimeters, 2: inches, 3: aspect ratio)."
msgstr "Erakuspenerako Zabalera/Garaiera unitate mota (0: pixel, 1: metroehunen, 2: hatzbete, 3: ikuspegi maila)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:336
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type-specific settings"
msgstr "Idatzi ezarpen bereizika"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:274
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/value_page.h:205
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:57
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Mota:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/page_model.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/track_type_page.h:277
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "UID:"
msgstr "UID-a:"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "USF subtitles"
msgstr "USF azpidatziak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "USF text subtitles"
msgstr "USF idazki azpidatziak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1395
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unable to append files"
msgstr "Ezinezkoa agiriak eranstea"
#: src/common/iso639.cpp:124
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Undetermined"
msgstr "und (Zehaztugabea)"
#: src/mpegparser/M2VParser.cpp:254
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unexpected picture frame after single field frame. Fix the MPEG2 video stream before attempting to multiplex it.\n"
msgstr "Ustekabeko irudi framea eremu bakar frame baten ondoren. Zuzendu MPEG2 bideo jarioa multiplexatzen saiatu aurretik.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:415
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:424
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:171
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:275
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown audio stream type 0x{0:04x}. Stream ID {1} will be ignored.\n"
msgstr "Audio jario mota ezezaguna 0x{0:04x}. {1} ID-dun jarioa ezikusi egingo da.\n"
#: src/common/chapters/chapters.cpp:381
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown chapter file format in '{0}'. It does not contain a supported chapter format.\n"
msgstr "Atal agiri heuskarri ezezaguna hemen: '{0}'. Ez du sostengaturiko atal heuskarri bat.\n"
#: src/common/content_decoder.cpp:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown content encoding type {0} for track {1}.\n"
msgstr "Eduki kodeaketa mota ezezaguna {0} {1} bidearentzat.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1236
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown element"
msgstr "Elementu ezezaguna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_viewer_dialog.cpp:103
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:348
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown element (ID: 0x{0})"
msgstr "Elementu ezezaguna (ID-a: 0x{0})"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1752
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown format for the next UID in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Heuskarri mota ezezaguna hurrengo UID-arentzat hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1739
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown format for the previous UID in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Heuskarri mota ezezaguna aurreko UID-arentzat hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1764
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown format for the segment UID '{2}' in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Heuskarri ezaguna '{2}' UID-dun zatiarentzat hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:950
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown format in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Heuskarri ezezaguna hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:587
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown header 0x{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}\n"
msgstr "Idazburu ezezaguna 0x{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}\n"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:268
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown mode '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Modu ezezaguna '{0}'.\n"
#: src/common/cli_parser.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown option '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Aukera ezezaguna '{0}'.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown parse mode in '{0} {1}'.\n"
msgstr "Azterketa modu ezezaguna hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/input/r_avi.cpp:478
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown/unsupported audio format 0x{0:04x} for this audio track.\n"
msgstr "Audio heuskarri ezezaguna/sostengugabea 0x{0:04x} audio bide honentzat.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1797
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Mugagabea"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unrecognized command line option '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Agindu lerro aukera ezezaguna '{0}'.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:160
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unrecognized file format"
msgstr "Agiri heuskarri ezezaguna"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsigned integer"
msgstr "Seinugabeko osoa"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:456
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsupported MPEG mpeg_version: 0x{0:02x} in packet {1} for timestamp {2}, assuming MPEG2. No further warnings will be printed for this track.\n"
msgstr "Sostengugabeko MPEG mpeg_version: 0x{0:02x} {1} paketean {2} denbora-kodearentzat, MPEG2 suposatzen. Ez da kontuz-ohar gehiago irarkituko bide honentzat.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/file_identifier.cpp:165
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsupported file format"
msgstr "Agiri heuskarri sostengu gabea"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2127
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsupported track type for this track.\n"
msgstr "Bide mota sostengatu gabea bide honentzat.\n"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid "Update an attachment's properties"
msgstr "Eguneratu eranskinaren ezaugarriak"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:240
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:269
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "Updating the 'document type version' or 'document type read version' header fields failed."
msgstr ""
#: src/propedit/propedit.cpp:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "Updating the '{0}' element failed. Reason:"
msgstr "Eguneratzen huts egin duen '{0}' gaia. Zergaitika:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Erabilera"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "Usage and examples"
msgstr "Erabilpena eta adibideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:182
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use 'segment linking' for the resulting files."
msgstr "erabili 'zati lotura' emaitz agirientzat."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1832
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use fi&xed directory:"
msgstr "Erabili zuzenbide &finkoa:"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use fixed values for the elements that change with each file otherwise (multiplexing date, segment UID, track UIDs etc.)."
msgstr "Erabili zuzendutako balioak bestela agiri bakoitzean aldatzen diren elementuentzat (multiplexaketa eguna, zati UID-a, bide UID-ak, etab.)."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use only for testing."
msgstr "Erabili azterketarako bakarrik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1827
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use the &title as the base file name if a title is set"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use this only for testing purposes."
msgstr "Erabili hau azterketa asmoetarako bakarrik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:178
#, no-c-format
msgid "Useful e.g. when you want exactly two files."
msgstr "Erabilgarria adibidez bi agiri zehatz berdinak nahi dituzunean."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:678
#, no-c-format
msgid "User forum/sub-&Reddit"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile eztabaidagunea/sub-&Reddit"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:107
#, no-c-format
msgid "Uses the chapter names of the specified language for extraction instead of the first chapter name found."
msgstr "Aterapenerako adierazitako hizkuntzaren atal izena erabiltzen du aurkitutako lehen atal izenaren ordez."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1601
#, no-c-format
msgid "Using a NALU size length of 3 bytes might result in tracks that won't be decodable with certain AVC/H.264 codecs.\n"
msgstr "3 byteko NALU neurri luzera erabiltzeak zenbait AVC/H.264 kodek-rekin dekodeatu ezineko bideak eragingo ditu.\n"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.h:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "Using the demultiplexer for the format '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Demultiplexatzailea erabiltzen '{0}' heuskarrirako.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1619
#, no-c-format
msgid "Using the generic output module for track type '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Irteera modulo generikoa erabiltzen '{0}' bide motarako.\n"
#: src/merge/generic_reader.h:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "Using the output module for the format '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "Irteera moduloa erabiltzen '{0}' heuskarrirako.\n"
#: src/merge/cluster_helper.cpp:782
#, no-c-format
msgid "Using the track with the ID {0} from the file '{1}' as the reference for chapter generation.\n"
msgstr "ID {0} duen bidea erabiltzen '{1}' agiritik atal sortze zehaztasun bezala.\n"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:107
#: src/output/p_vc1.h:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "VC-1"
msgstr "VC-1"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "VC-1 elementary streams"
msgstr "VC-1 ohinarrizko jarioak"
#: src/output/p_vpx.h:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "VP8/VP9"
msgstr "VP8/VP9"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Valid format codes are:"
msgstr "Baliozko heuskarri kodeak dira:"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:89
#, no-c-format
msgid "Valid hacks are:\n"
msgstr "Baliozko aldaketak dira:\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:863
#, no-c-format
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Balioztapen hutsegitea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.h:220
#, no-c-format
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Balioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Value: %1"
msgstr "Balioa: %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:239
#, no-c-format
msgid "Variables for all job types"
msgstr "Lan mota guztientzako aldagaiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:246
#, no-c-format
msgid "Variables for multiplex jobs"
msgstr "Multiplexatze lanentzako aldagaiak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Variants"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Version %1"
msgstr "Bertsioa %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/available_update_info_dialog.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Version %1 \"%2\""
msgstr "Bertsioa %1 \"%2\""
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vertical Cb subsample"
msgstr "Zutikako Cb azpilaginketa"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:130
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vertical chroma siting"
msgstr "Zutikako margo kokapena"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vertical chroma subsample"
msgstr "Zutikako margotasun azpilaginketa"
#: src/output/p_video_for_windows.h:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "VfW compatible video"
msgstr "VfW bideo bateragarria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:51
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track.cpp:432
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Bideoa"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video aspect ratio type"
msgstr "Bideo ikuspegi maila mota"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video colour information"
msgstr "Bideoaren margo argibideak"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:110
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video colour mastering metadata"
msgstr "Bideo margo masterizatze metadatuak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video crop bottom"
msgstr "Bideo mozketa behea"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:155
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video crop left"
msgstr "Bideo mozketa ezkerra"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video crop right"
msgstr "Bideo mozketa eskuina"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video crop top"
msgstr "Bideo mozketa goia"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video display height"
msgstr "Bideo erakuspen garaiera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:154
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video display unit"
msgstr "Bideo erakuspen batekoa"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video display width"
msgstr "Bideo erakuspen zabalera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video field order"
msgstr "Bideo eremu hurrenkera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video interlaced flag"
msgstr "Bideo elkarlotu ikurra"
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:588
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video packet assembly failed. Error code: {0} ({1})\n"
msgstr "Hutsegitea bideo paketatze osaketan. Akats kodea: {0} ({1})\n"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:151
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video pixel height"
msgstr "Bideoaren pixel garaiera"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video pixel width"
msgstr "Bideoaren pixel zabalera"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video projection"
msgstr "Bideo proiekzioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/tab.cpp:578
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video projection information"
msgstr "Bideo proiekzio argibideak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1745
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1766
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video properties"
msgstr "Bideo ezaugarriak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video stereo mode"
msgstr "Bideo estereo modua"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:144
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video track"
msgstr "Bideo bidea"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:44
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video track %1"
msgstr "Bideo bidea %1"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1815
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video tracks:"
msgstr "Bideo bideak:"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: bits per colour channel"
msgstr "Bideoa: bit margo bide bakoitzeko"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:189
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: chromaticity blue X"
msgstr "Bideoa: margotasun urdina X"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:190
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: chromaticity blue Y"
msgstr "Bideoa: margotasun urdina Y"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:187
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: chromaticity green X"
msgstr "Bideoa: margotasun orlegia X"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: chromaticity green Y"
msgstr "Bideoa: margotasun orldegia Y"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: chromaticity red X"
msgstr "Bideoa: margotasun gorria X"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: chromaticity red Y"
msgstr "Bideoa: margotasun gorria Y"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: colour matrix coefficients"
msgstr "Bideoa: margo matrize ezaugarriak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: colour primaries"
msgstr "Bideoa: margo lehenak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: colour range"
msgstr "Bideoa: margo maila"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:177
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Video: horizontal chroma siting"
msgstr "Etzaneko margo kokapena"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:182
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: maximum content light"
msgstr "Bideoa: gehienezko eduki argitasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: maximum frame light"
msgstr "Bideoa: gehienezko frame argitasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:193
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: maximum luminance"
msgstr "Bideoa: gehienezko argitasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: minimum luminance"
msgstr "Bideoa: gutxienezko argitasuna"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:173
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: pixels to remove in Cb"
msgstr "Bideoa: pixelak kentzeko Cb-an"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:171
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:172
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: pixels to remove in chroma"
msgstr "Bideoa: pixelak kentzeko margotasunean"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:198
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: projection type"
msgstr "Bideoa: proiekzio mota"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: projection's pitch rotation"
msgstr "Bideoa: proiekzioaren doinu biraketa"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: projection's roll rotation"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: projection's yaw rotation"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:199
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: projection-specific data"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: transfer characteristics"
msgstr "Bideoa: eskualdaketa ezaugarriak"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Video: vertical chroma siting"
msgstr "Zutikako margo kokapena"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: white point X"
msgstr "Bideoa: zuri puntua X"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:192
#, no-c-format
msgid "Video: white point Y"
msgstr "Bideoa: zuri puntua Y"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Ikusgarria"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:108
#: src/output/p_vobbtn.h:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "VobBtn"
msgstr "VobBtn"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "VobButtons"
msgstr "Vob-Botoiak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:109
#: src/output/p_vobsub.h:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "VobSub"
msgstr "VobSub"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "VobSub subtitles"
msgstr "VobSub azpidatziak"
#: src/output/p_vorbis.h:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vorbis"
msgstr "Vorbis"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:110
#, no-c-format
msgid "WAV"
msgstr "WAV"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "WAVE (uncompressed PCM audio)"
msgstr "WAVE (konprimitu gabeko PCM audioa)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "WAVPACK"
msgstr "WAVPACK"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "WAVPACK v4 audio"
msgstr "WAVPACK v4 audioa"
#: src/output/p_wavpack.h:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "WAVPACK4"
msgstr "WAVPACK4"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1780
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warn about missing &audio tracks:"
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1770
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warn before &aborting running jobs"
msgstr "Ohartarazi e&kinean dauden lanak utzi aurretik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1769
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warn before &closing modified tabs"
msgstr "Ohartarazi aldatutako hegatsak it&xi aurretik"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1771
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warn before &overwriting existing items (files, jobs etc.)"
msgstr "Ohartarazi dauden gaiak gaini&datzi aurretik (agiriak, lanak, etab.)"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warning in line {0}: The start timestamp is smaller than that of the previous entry. All entries from this file will be sorted by their start time.\n"
msgstr "Kontuz {0} lerroan: Hasiera denbora-kodea aurreko sarrera baino txikiagoa da. Agiri honetatiko sarrera guztiak beren hasiera denboraren arabera antolatuko dira.\n"
#: src/common/output.cpp:140
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/job.cpp:253
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/watch_jobs/tab.cpp:317
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Kontuz:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1768
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Kontuz-oharrak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/jobs/model.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warnings/Errors"
msgstr "Kontuz-oharrak/Akatsak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warnings:"
msgstr "Kontuz-oharrak:"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "WebM audio/video files"
msgstr "WebM audio/bideo agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:786
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:198
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:415
#, no-c-format
msgid "WebM files"
msgstr "WebM agiriak"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:66
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:112
#: src/extract/xtr_webvtt.h:31
#: src/output/p_webvtt.h:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "WebVTT subtitles"
msgstr "WebVTT azpidatziak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/action_for_dropped_files_dialog.h:115
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/adding_appending_files_dialog.h:151
#, no-c-format
msgid "What do you want to do with the files you've dragged & dropped here?"
msgstr "Zer egin nahi duzu hona arrastatu-eta-askatu dituzun agiriekin?"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.h:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "What to do in the future:"
msgstr "Zer egin etorkizunean:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:538
#, no-c-format
msgid "What you input here is added after all the other options the GUI adds so that you could overwrite any of the GUI's options for this track."
msgstr "Hemen sartzen duzuna mmg-k beste aukera guztiak gehitu ondoren gehitzen da, hortaz bide honentzako mmg-ren aukera guztiak gainidazten dituzu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1786
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/preferences_dialog.h:1855
#, no-c-format
msgid "When &dropping files:"
msgstr "Agiriak &jauzi egitean:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/watch_jobs/tab.h:303
#, no-c-format
msgid "When &finished…"
msgstr "A&maitutakoan..."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "When a file is added its name is scanned."
msgstr "Agiri bat gehitzen denean bere izena mihatu egiten da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:468
#, no-c-format
msgid "When adding source files all tracks are normally set to be copied into the destination file."
msgstr "Iturburu agiriak gehitzerakoan arrunt bide guztiak ezartzen dira irteera agirian kopiatzeko."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "When appending: one chapter is created at the start and one whenever a file is appended."
msgstr "Eransterakoan: atal bat sortzen da hasieran eta bat agiri bat eransterakoan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "When the user adds a file containing such a title, the program will copy the title into the \"file title\" input box if this option is enabled."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak izenburua duen agiri bat gehitzerakoan programak izenburua \"agiri izenburua\" sarrera kutxatilan kopiatuko du aukera hau gaituta badago."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:386
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:392
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:398
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:414
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:420
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:426
#, no-c-format
msgid "When the user adds such a file the track's language input is set to the language property from the source file."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak mota honetako agiri bat gehitzen duenean bidearen hizkuntza sarrera hizkuntza ezaugarrian ezartzen da iturburu agiritik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:500
#, no-c-format
msgid "When the user drags & drops files from an external application onto a header editor tab the GUI can take different actions."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak agiriak kanpoko aplikazio batetik batze tresnara arrastatu eta askatzen dituenean EIG-k ekintza ezberdinak egin ditzake."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:377
#, no-c-format
msgid "When the user drags & drops files from an external application onto the multiplex tool the GUI can take different actions."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak agiriak kanpoko aplikazio batetik multiplexatze tresnara arrastatu eta askatzen dituenean EIG-k ekintza ezberdinak egin ditzake."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.h:333
#, no-c-format
msgid "When to execute:"
msgstr "Exekutatu:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:436
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whenever the user adds a playlist the program can automatically scan the directory for other playlists and present the user with a detailed list of the playlists found."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak irakur zerrenda bat gehitzen duenean programak berezgaitasunez mihatu dezake zuzenbidea beste irakur zerrendarik dagoen ikusteko eta erabiltzaileari aurkitutako irakur zerrenden zerrenda xehetu bat aurkeztu."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "White colour chromaticity coordinate X as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo zuriaren margotasunaren X ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:192
#, no-c-format
msgid "White colour chromaticity coordinate Y as defined by CIE 1931."
msgstr "Margo zuriaren margotasunaren Y ardatza CIE 1931-k zehaztu bezala."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "White colour coordinate x"
msgstr "Margo zuriaren x ardatza"
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "White colour coordinate y"
msgstr "Margo zuriaren y ardatza"
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width of the encoded video frames in pixels."
msgstr "Kodeaturiko bideo framen zabalera pixeletan."
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width of the video frames to display."
msgstr "Erakusteko bideo framen zabalera."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/command_line_dialog.h:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "Windows (cmd.exe)"
msgstr "Windows (cmd.exe)"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "Windows Media (ASF/WMV)"
msgstr "Windows Media (ASF/WMV)"
#: src/input/unsupported_types_signature_prober.cpp:73
#, no-c-format
msgid "Windows Television DVR"
msgstr "Windows Telebista DVR"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid "With \"close current settings\" the current multiplex settings will be closed without opening new ones."
msgstr "\"Itxi oraingo ezarpenak\"-rekin uneko multiplexaketa ezarpenak itxi egingo dira berririk ireki gabe."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:369
#, no-c-format
msgid "With \"create new settings\" a new set of multiplex settings will be added."
msgstr "\"sortu ezarpen berriak\"-rekin multiplexatze ezarpen berri bat gehituko da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:371
#, no-c-format
msgid "With \"remove source files\" all source files will be removed."
msgstr "\"kendu sarrera agiriak\"-rekin iturburu arrera agiri guztiak kenduko dira."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:429
#, no-c-format
msgid "With the current multiplex settings the destination file will not contain an audio track."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:476
#, no-c-format
msgid "With this option that information is adjusted to match the container's timing information."
msgstr "Aukera honekin argibide hori edukiontziaren denbora-kode argibidearekin bat etortzeko zehazten da."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Write durations for all blocks."
msgstr "Idatzi bloke guztientzako iraupenak."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:98
#, no-c-format
msgid "Write the attachment with the ID 'AID' to 'outname'."
msgstr "Idatzi 'AID' ID-dun eranskina 'irteera-izena'-ra."
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "Write track with the ID TID to the file 'out'."
msgstr "Idatzi TID ID-dun bidea 'irteera' agirira."
#: src/common/kax_element_names.cpp:87
#: src/common/property_element.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "Writing application"
msgstr "Idazketa aplikazioa"
#: src/extract/xtr_vobsub.cpp:235
#, no-c-format
msgid "Writing the VobSub index file '{0}'.\n"
msgstr "'{0}' VobSub aurkibide agiria idazten.\n"
#: src/common/kate.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wrong Kate version: {0}.{1} > {2}.x"
msgstr "Kate bertsio okerra: {0}.{1} > {2}.x"
#: src/common/theora.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wrong Theora version: {0}.{1}.{2} != 3.2.x"
msgstr "Theora bertsio okerra: {0}.{1}.{2} != 3.2.x"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2350
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wrong argument to '--split-max-files'.\n"
msgstr "Argumento okerra: '--split-max-files'.\n"
#: src/common/kate.cpp:40
#: src/common/theora.cpp:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wrong header type: 0x{0:02x} != 0x{1:02x}"
msgstr "Idazburu mota okerra: 0x{0:02x} != 0x{1:02x}"
#: src/common/theora.cpp:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wrong identification string: '{0:6s}' != 'theora'"
msgstr "Ezagutarazle kate okerra: '{0:6s}' != 'theora'"
#: src/common/kate.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wrong identification string: '{0:7s}' != 'kate\\0\\0\\0'"
msgstr "Ezagutarazle kate okerra: '{0:7s}' != 'kate\\0\\0\\0'"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tab.cpp:744
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:201
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:520
#, no-c-format
msgid "XML chapter files"
msgstr "XML atal agiria"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:446
#, no-c-format
msgid "XML segment info files"
msgstr "XML zati argibide agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1018
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:434
#, no-c-format
msgid "XML tag files"
msgstr "XML etiketa agiriak"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_highlighter.cpp:175
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Xiph lacing"
msgstr "Behartu Xiph estiloko lokarria."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/bool_value_page.cpp:29
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/bool_value_page.cpp:42
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:79
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:83
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:99
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/track_type_page.cpp:100
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:54
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/attached_file_model.cpp:64
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1538
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1540
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1541
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1544
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:111
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:115
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:116
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/track_model.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Bai"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/header_editor/attachments_page.h:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can add attachments by clicking on the button below, by right-clicking on a node in the tree and selecting \"Add attachments\" from the popup menu or by dragging & dropping files here or onto the tree."
msgstr "Eranskinak gehitu ditzakezu azpiko botoia klikatuz, eskuin-klikatuz zuhaitzeko elkargune batean eta \"Gehitu eranskinak\" hautatuz oharleiho menutik edo agiriak hona edo zuhaitzera arrastatu eta askatuz."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tool.h:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can also drag & drop media files here."
msgstr "Multimedia agiriak hona ere arrastatu eta askatu ditzakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/ask_scan_for_playlists_dialog.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can change this value in the preferences."
msgstr "Balio hau hobespenetan aldatu dezakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:338
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can control the format used by the start timestamp with <START:format>."
msgstr "Hasiera denbora-irarketan erabilitako heuskarria <START:format>-rekin agindu dezakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:2024
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can download the application from the following URL:"
msgstr "Aplikazioa hurrengo URL-tik jeitsi dezakezu:"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:470
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can exempt certain track types from this restriction by checking the corresponding check box below, e.g. for video tracks."
msgstr "Zenbait bide mota salbuetsi ditzakezu murrizketa honetatik dagokion azpiko hauta-kutxatilan, adib. bideo bideak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can let the header editor add the element to the file."
msgstr "Idazburu editatzailearekin gaia agirian gehitu dezakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/header_editor/value_page.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can let the header editor remove the element from the file."
msgstr "Idazburu editatzailearekin elementua agiritik kendu dezakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:292
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can opt for having them removed automatically under certain conditions."
msgstr "Zenbait baldintzapean berezgaitasunez kenduta edukitzeko aukeratu dezakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/tool.cpp:335
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can specify a minimum number of places for the chapter number with '<NUM:places>', e.g. '<NUM:3>'."
msgstr "Gutxienezko toki zenbatekoa adierazi dezakezu atal zenbakiarentzat '<NUM:places>', adib. '<NUM:3>'."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:471
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can specify one of the units 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', 'fps', 'i' or 'p'."
msgstr "Unitate hautako bat adierazi dezakezu 's', 'sm', 'us', 'ns', 'fs-ko', 'i' edo 'p'."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:274
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can specify up to nine digits for the number of nanoseconds 'nnnnnnnnn' or none at all."
msgstr "Bederatzi digito arte adierazi ditzakezu nanosegundu zenbakirako 'nnnnnnnnn' edo ezer ez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can split based on the amount of time passed, based on timestamps, on frame/field numbers or on chapter numbers."
msgstr "Igarotako denbora kopuruan, denbora-irarketetan ohinarrituta, frame/eremu zenbakietan edo atal zenbakietan ohinarrituta banandu dezakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:320
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can still enter track names not present in this list manually in both tools."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:325
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:330
#, no-c-format
msgid "You can still enter values not present in this list manually in the multiplexer."
msgstr ""
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:1395
#, no-c-format
msgid "You cannot add additional parts to files that don't contain tracks."
msgstr "Ezin duzu zati gehigarririk gehitu biderik ez duten agirietan."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/additional_command_line_options_dialog.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "You have to enter a value between 1000 and 10000000 or the magic value -1."
msgstr "1000 eta 10000000 arteko balio bat edo -1 balio magikoa sartu behar duzu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:342
#, no-c-format
msgid "You have to set the destination file name before you can start multiplexing or add a job to the job queue."
msgstr "Helmuga agiri izena ezarri behar duzu multiplexatzea hasi edo lan bat lan lerrora gehitu ahal izan aurretik."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "You may omit the number of hours 'HH' and the number of nanoseconds 'nnnnnnnnn'."
msgstr "Ordu zenbatekoa 'HH' eta nanosegundu zenbatekoa 'nnnnnnnnn' jarri gabe utzi ditzakezu."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:273
#, no-c-format
msgid "You may omit the number of hours 'HH'."
msgstr "Ordu zenbatekoa jarri gabe utzi dezakezu 'HH'."
#: src/common/compression/zlib.cpp:52
#: src/common/compression/zlib.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zlib decompression failed. Result: {0}\n"
msgstr "Zlib deskonpresio hutsegitea. Emaitza: {0}\n"
#: src/output/p_ac3.cpp:239
#, no-c-format
msgid "ac3_bs_packetizer::add_to_buffer(): Untested code ('size' is odd). If mkvmerge crashes or if the resulting file does not contain the complete and correct audio track, then please contact the author Moritz Bunkus at\n"
msgstr "ac3_bs_packetizer::add_to_buffer(): Aztertu gabeko kodea ('neurria' arraroa da). mkvmerge matxuratzen bada edo emaitz agiriak ez badu audio bide osoa eta zuzen, mesedez jarri harremanetan egilearekin, Moritz Bunkus, en\n"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "anaglyph (cyan/red)"
msgstr "Anaglifoa (zian/gorria)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:61
#, no-c-format
msgid "anaglyph (green/magenta)"
msgstr "Anaglifoa (orlegia/magenta)"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "attachments [options] [AID1:out1 [AID2:out2 ...]]"
msgstr "eranskinak [aukerak] [AID1:out1 [AID2:out2 ...]]"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:641
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:817
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "audio"
msgstr "audioa"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:610
#, no-c-format
msgid "bits per sample: {0}"
msgstr "bit lagineko: {0}"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "both eyes laced in one block (left first)"
msgstr "bi begiak bloke batean nahastuta (ezkerra lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "both eyes laced in one block (right first)"
msgstr "bi begiak bloke batean nahastuta (eskuina lehenik)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:724
#, no-c-format
msgid "bottom field displayed first, bottom field stored first"
msgstr "beheko eremua lehenik erakutsi, beheko eremua lehenik biltegiratu"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:725
#, no-c-format
msgid "bottom field displayed first, top field stored first"
msgstr "beheko eremua lehenik erakutsi, goiko eremua lehenik biltegiratu"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:644
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:820
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:119
#, no-c-format
msgid "buttons"
msgstr "botoiak"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:609
#, no-c-format
msgid "channels: {0}"
msgstr "bideak: {0}"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "chapters [options] out.xml"
msgstr "atalak [options] out.xml"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "checkerboard (left first)"
msgstr "Damataula (ezkerra lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "checkerboard (right first)"
msgstr "damataula (eskuina lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:58
#, no-c-format
msgid "column interleaved (left first)"
msgstr "Elkartartekaturiko zutabea (ezkerra lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "column interleaved (right first)"
msgstr "Elkartartekaturiko zutabea (eskuina lehenik)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:765
#, no-c-format
msgid "compression"
msgstr "konpresioa"
#: src/merge/generic_packetizer.cpp:1727
#, no-c-format
msgid "create_track_number: file_num not found. {0}\n"
msgstr "create_track_number: file_num ez da aurkitu. {0}\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:699
#, no-c-format
msgid "cubemap"
msgstr "cubemap"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "cues [options] [TID1:out1 [TID2:out2 ...]]"
msgstr "cueak [options] [TID1:out1 [TID2:out2 ...]]"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "cuesheet [options] out.cue"
msgstr "cueorria [options] out.cue"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:630
#, no-c-format
msgid "default duration: {0:.3f}ms ({1:.3f} frames/fields per second for a video track)"
msgstr "berezko iraupena: {0:.3f}sm ({1:.3f} frame/eremu segunduko bideo bide batentzat)"
#: src/common/compression/zlib.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "deflateInit() failed. Result: {0}\n"
msgstr "deflateInit() hutsegitea. Emaitza: {0}\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1004
#, no-c-format
msgid "discardable, "
msgstr "baztergarria,"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:615
#, no-c-format
msgid "display height: {0}"
msgstr "erakuspen garaiera: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:614
#, no-c-format
msgid "display width: {0}"
msgstr "erakuspen zabalera: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:766
#, no-c-format
msgid "encryption"
msgstr "enkriptaketa"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:698
#, no-c-format
msgid "equirectangular"
msgstr "ekilaukiluzea"
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:437
#, no-c-format
msgid "filelist_t not found for generic_packetizer_c. {0}\n"
msgstr "filelist_t ez da aurkitzen generic_packetizer_c -rentzat. {0}\n"
#: src/common/flac.cpp:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_decoder: Could not initialize the FLAC decoder.\n"
msgstr "flac_dekodeatzailea: Ezin da FLAC dekodeatzailea abiarazi.\n"
#: src/common/flac.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_decoder: Could not set metadata_respond_all.\n"
msgstr "flac_dekodeatzailea: Ezin da ezarri metadata_respond_all.\n"
#: src/common/flac.cpp:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_decoder: FLAC__stream_decoder_new() failed.\n"
msgstr "flac_dekodeatzailea: FLAC__stream_decoder_new() hutsegitea.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm_flac.cpp:133
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_header_extraction: Could not initialize the FLAC decoder.\n"
msgstr "flac_header_extraction: Ezin da FLAC dekodeatzailea abiarazi.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm_flac.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_header_extraction: Could not set metadata_respond_all.\n"
msgstr "flac_header_extraction: Ezin da ezarri metadata_respond_all.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm_flac.cpp:129
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_header_extraction: FLAC__stream_decoder_new() failed.\n"
msgstr "flac_header_extraction: FLAC__stream_decoder_new() hutsegitea.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm_flac.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_header_extraction: bytes ({0}) < op.bytes ({1}). Could not read the FLAC headers.\n"
msgstr "flac_header_extraction: bytes ({0}) < op.bytes ({1}). Ezin dira FLAC idazburuak irakurri.\n"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:62
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_reader: Could not read a header packet.\n"
msgstr "flac_reader: Ezin da idazburu paketea irakurri.\n"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:154
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_reader: Could not read all header packets.\n"
msgstr "flac_reader: Ezin dira idazburu pakete guztiak irakurri.\n"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:288
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_reader: Error parsing the file: {0}\n"
msgstr "flac_reader: Akatsa agiria aztertzerakoan: {0}\n"
#: src/input/r_flac.cpp:67
#, no-c-format
msgid "flac_reader: could not initialize the FLAC packetizer.\n"
msgstr "flac_reader: ezin da FLAC paketatzailea abiarazi.\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:530
#, no-c-format
msgid "for files with chapter information (e.g. OGM, MP4) for which mkvmerge does not detect the encoding correctly"
msgstr "atal argibideak dituzten agirientzat (adib. OGM, MP4) mkvmergek kodeaketa zuzen atzematen ez dituenak."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/input.cpp:529
#, no-c-format
msgid "for subtitle files that do not use a byte order marker (BOM) and that are not encoded in the system's current character set (%1)"
msgstr "byte ordena markatzailea (BOM) erabiltzen ez dituzten eta sistemaren uneko hizki-kodean (%1) kodeatuta ez dauden azpidatzi agirientzat;"
#: src/output/p_generic_video.h:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "generic video"
msgstr "bideo generikoa"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:777
#, no-c-format
msgid "header removal"
msgstr "Idazburu kentzea"
#: src/common/compression/zlib.cpp:37
#, no-c-format
msgid "inflateInit() failed. Result: {0}\n"
msgstr "inflateInit() hutsegitea. Emaitza: {0}\n"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:395
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "invalid language tag '{0}': {1}"
msgstr "Bide ID edo hizkuntza kode baliogabea hemen: '{0} {1}'.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1002
#, no-c-format
msgid "key, "
msgstr "giltza,"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:1395
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:621
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "language (IETF BCP 47): {0}"
msgstr "Etiketa hizkuntza (IETF)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:620
#, no-c-format
msgid "language: {0}"
msgstr "hizkuntza: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:461
#, no-c-format
msgid "length {0}, data: {1}"
msgstr "luzera {0}, datuak: {1}"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "line {0}: The 'delay' timestamp could not be parsed.\n"
msgstr "line {0}: 'atzerapen' denbora-irarketa ezin da aztertu.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: (MS compatibility mode for track {0}) Matroska says that there are {1} bits per sample, but the WAVEFORMATEX says that there are {2}.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: (MS bateragarritasun modua {0} bidearentzat) Matroskak dio {1} bit lagineko daudela, baina WAVEFORMATEX-ek dio {2} daudela.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:394
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: (MS compatibility mode for track {0}) Matroska says that there are {1} channels, but the WAVEFORMATEX says that there are {2}.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: (MS bateragarritasun modua {0} bidearentzat) Matroskak dio {1} bide daudela, baina WAVEFORMATEX-ek dio {2} daudela.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: (MS compatibility mode for track {0}) Matroska says that there are {1} samples per second, but WAVEFORMATEX says that there are {2}.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: (MS bateragarritasun modua {0} bidearentzat) Matroskak dio {1} lagin daudela segunduko, baina WAVEFORMATEX-ek dio {2} daudela.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:606
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: (MS compatibility mode, track {0}) Matroska says video height is {1}, but the BITMAPINFOHEADER says {2}.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: (MS bateragarritasun modua, {0} bidea) Matroskak dio bideo garaiera {1} dela, baina BITMAPINFOHEADER-ek dio {2}.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:597
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: (MS compatibility mode, track {0}) Matroska says video width is {1}, but the BITMAPINFOHEADER says {2}.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: (MS bateragarritasun modua, {0} bidea) Matroskak dio bideo zabalera {1} dela, baina BITMAPINFOHEADER-ek dio {2}.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1685
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: Could not keep the track UID {0} because it is already allocated for the new file.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: Ezin izan zaio {0} bide UID-ari heutsi jadanik agiri berriari esleiturik dagoelako.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1529
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1534
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: No segment found.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: Ez da zatirik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1212
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: Pixel height is missing.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: Ez dago pixel garaiera.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1210
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: Pixel width is missing.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: Ez dago pixel zabalera.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:766
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID '{0}' for track {1} is unknown.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} Kodek ID-a '{1}' bidearentzat ezezaguna da.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:418
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:464
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:487
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:670
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:680
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:701
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID for track {0} is '{1}', but the private codec data does not contain valid headers.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearentzako Kodek ID-a '{1}' da, baina kodek pribatu datuek ez dute baliozko idazbururik.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:585
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID for track {0} is '{1}', but there was no BITMAPINFOHEADER struct present. Therefore we don't have a FourCC to identify the video codec used.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearentzako Kodek ID-a '{1}' da, baina ez dago BITMAPINFOHEADER egiturarik. Hortaz ez dugu FourCC bat erabilitako bideo kodeka ezagutzeko.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:363
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID for track {0} is '{1}', but there was no WAVEFORMATEX struct present. Therefore we don't have a format ID to identify the audio codec used.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearentzako Kodek ID-a '{1}' da, baina ez dago WAVEFORMATEX egiturarik. Hortaz ez dugu heuskarri ID-rik erabilitako audio kodeka ezagutzeko.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:625
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID for track {0} is '{1}', but there was no codec private headers.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearentzako Kodek ID-a '{1}' da, baina ez dago kodek pribatu idazbururik.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:719
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID for track {0} is '{1}', but there was no private data found.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearentzako Kodek ID-a '{1}' da, baina ez da datu pribaturik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:657
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The height for track {0} was not set.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearen garaiera ez da ezarri.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:651
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: The width for track {0} was not set.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidearen zabalera ez da ezarri.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:804
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: Track {0} seems to be ok.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: {0} bidea ongi dagoela dirudi.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:455
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: mkvmerge was not compiled with FLAC support. Ignoring track {0}.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: mkvmerge ez da FLAC sostenguarekin bildua izan. {0} bide ezikusten.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1518
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: no EBML head found.\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: Ez da EBML idazburua aurkitu.\n"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:799
#, no-c-format
msgid "matroska_reader: unknown demultiplexer type for track {0}: '{1}'\n"
msgstr "matroska_reader: multiplexaketa mota ezezaguna {0} bidearentzat: '{1}'\n"
#: src/common/memory.cpp:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "memory.cpp/safemalloc() called from file {0}, line {1}: malloc() returned nullptr for a size of {2} bytes.\n"
msgstr "memory.cpp/safemalloc() deitua {0} agiritik, {1} lerroa: malloc() itzuli du nullptr {2} byteko neurri baterako.\n"
#: src/common/memory.cpp:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "memory.cpp/safememdup() called from file {0}, line {1}: malloc() returned nullptr for a size of {2} bytes.\n"
msgstr "memory.cpp/safememdup() deitua {0} agiritik, {1} lerroa: malloc() itzuli du nullptr {2} byteko neurri batentzat.\n"
#: src/common/memory.cpp:178
#, no-c-format
msgid "memory.cpp/saferealloc() called from file {0}, line {1}: realloc() returned nullptr for a size of {2} bytes.\n"
msgstr "memory.cpp/saferealloc() deitua {0} agiritik, {1} lerroa: realloc() itzuli du nullptr {2} byteko neurri batentzat.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:700
#, no-c-format
msgid "mesh"
msgstr ""
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:369
#, no-c-format
msgid "missing property name"
msgstr "ez dago ezaugarri izena"
#: src/propedit/change.cpp:362
#, no-c-format
msgid "missing value"
msgstr "ez dago balioa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/main_window/main_window.h:683
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkv&merge documentation"
msgstr "&mkvmerge agiritza"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" attachments 4:cover.jpg"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma.mkv\" eranskinak 4:azala.jpg"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" chapters movie_chapters.xml"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma.mkv\" atalak filma_atalak.xml"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" cues 0:cues_track0.txt"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma.mkv\" cueak 0:cues_track0.txt"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" tags movie_tags.xml"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma.mkv\" etiketak filma_etiketak.xml"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" timestamps_v2 1:timestamps_track1.txt"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma bat.mkv\" timestamps_v2 1:timestamps_bidea1.txt"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" tracks 0:video.h264 1:audio.aac timestamps_v2 chapters chapters.xml tags tags.xml"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma bat.mkv\" bideak 0:bideoa.h264 1:audioa.aac denbora-irarketak_v2 0:denbora-irarketak.bideoa.txt atalak atalak.xml etiketak etiketak.xml"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:85
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"a movie.mkv\" tracks 2:audio.ogg -c ISO8859-1"
msgstr "mkvextract \"filma bat.mkv\" bideak 2:audioa.ogg -c ISO8859-1"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract \"audiofile.mka\" cuesheet audiofile.cue"
msgstr "mkvextract \"audioagiria.mka\" cueorria audioagiria.cue"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract <-h|--help|-V|--version>"
msgstr "mkvextract <-h|--help|-V|--version>"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract <source-filename> <mode1> [options] <extraction-spec1> [<mode2> [options] <extraction-spec2>…]"
msgstr "mkvextract <source-filename> <mode1> [options] <extraction-spec1> [<mode2> [options] <extraction-spec2>…]"
#: src/extract/mkvextract.cpp:94
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvextract.cpp/show_element(): level > 9: {0}"
msgstr "mkvextract.cpp/show_element(): maila > 9: {0}"
#: src/info/info_cli_parser.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvinfo [options] <inname>"
msgstr "mkvinfo [aukerak] <izena>"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:86
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge -o out [global options] [options1] <file1> [@option-file.json] …\n"
msgstr "mkvmerge -o irteera [aukera orokorrak] [aukerak1] <agiria1> [@aukera-agiria.json ...]\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:232
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge also turns this on if the destination file name's extension is \"webm\"."
msgstr "mkvmergek hau ere gaitu egiten du helmuga agiri izenaren luzapena \"webm\" bada."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:222
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge can generate chapters automatically."
msgstr "mkvmergek atalak berezgaitasunez sortu ditzake."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:210
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge can read cue sheets for audio CDs and automatically convert them to chapters."
msgstr "mkvmerge audio CD-etako CUE-ak irakurri eta ataletan bihurtu ditzake berezgaitasunez."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/tab.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge command line"
msgstr "mkvmerge agindu lerroa"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:301
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:317
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge does not distinguish between those two and simply counts the number of blocks."
msgstr "mkvmergek ez du bereizten bi hauen artean eta bloke zenbatekoa bakarrik zenbatzen du."
#: src/output/p_avc_es.cpp:107
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"mkvmerge encountered broken or unparsable data in this AVC/H.264 video track. Either your file is damaged (which mkvmerge cannot cope with yet) or this is a bug in mkvmerge itself. The error message was:\n"
msgstr ""
"mkvmergek datu hautsiak edo azterrezinak aurkitu ditu AVC/H.264 bideo bide honetan. Badaiteke zure agiria hondatuta egotea (mkvmergek ezin dio oraindik aurre egin) edo mkvmerge beraren akats bat izan. Akats mezua izan da:\n"
#: src/output/p_hevc_es.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"mkvmerge encountered broken or unparsable data in this HEVC video track. Either your file is damaged (which mkvmerge cannot cope with yet) or this is a bug in mkvmerge itself. The error message was:\n"
msgstr ""
"mkvmergek datu hautsiak edo azterrezinak aurkitu ditu HEVC bideo bide honetan. Badaiteke zure agiria hondatuta egotea (mkvmergek ezin dio oraindik aurre egin) edo mkvmerge beraren akats bat izan. Akats mezua izan da:\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:461
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge has not been compiled with FLAC support but handling of this stream has been requested.\n"
msgstr "mkvmerge ez da bildua izan FLAC sostenguarekin, baina jario honen kudeaketa eskatua izan da.\n"
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge normally calculates the delay implied by its presence and offsets all of the track's timestamps by it."
msgstr "mkvmerge-k arrunt atzerapena beren egotearen arabera kalkulatzen du eta bide guztien denbora-kodeak horretara orekatzen ditu."
#: src/common/hacks.cpp:59
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge normally removes that last entry if it's timestamp is within five seconds of the total duration."
msgstr "mkvmergek arrunt azken sarrera kentzen du bere denbora-kodea iraupen guztiaren bost segunduren barne badago."
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:193
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:194
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:199
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:205
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge supports two chapter formats: The OGM like text format and the full featured XML format."
msgstr "mkvmergek bi atal heuskarri sostengatzen du: OGM idazki heuskarri bezala eta XML-a ezaugarri guztiekin."
#: src/merge/output_control.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge was interrupted by a SIGINT (Ctrl+C?)\n"
msgstr "mkvmerge SIGINT batek eten du (inteligentzia seinaleak) (Ktrl+C?)\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:566
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvmerge/mkvextract track ID: {0}"
msgstr "mkvmerge/mkvextract bide ID-a: {0}"
#: src/propedit/propedit_cli_parser.cpp:215
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvpropedit [options] <file> <actions>"
msgstr "mkvpropedit [aukerak] <agira> <ekintzak>"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvtoolnix-gui <configuration file names>"
msgstr "mkvtoolnix-gui <itxurapen agiri izenak>"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvtoolnix-gui [--multiplex|--info|--edit-chapters|--edit-headers] <file names>"
msgstr "mkvtoolnix-gui [--multiplex|--info|--edit-chapters|--edit-headers] <file names>"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/gui_cli_parser.cpp:43
#, no-c-format
msgid "mkvtoolnix-gui [options] [file names]"
msgstr "mkvtoolnix-gui [aukerak] [agiri izenak]"
#: src/common/mm_text_io.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "mm_text_io_c: UTF32_* is not supported at the moment.\n"
msgstr "mm_text_io_c: UTF32_* ez dago sostengaturik oraingoz.\n"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "mono"
msgstr "monoa"
#: src/input/r_mpeg_ps.cpp:1239
#, no-c-format
msgid "mpeg_ps_reader: Should not have happened #1. {0}"
msgstr "mpeg_ps_reader: Hau ez litzake gertatu behar #1. {0}"
#: src/input/r_mpeg_ps.cpp:1262
#, no-c-format
msgid "mpeg_ps_reader: Should not have happened #2. {0}"
msgstr "mpeg_ps_reader: Hau ez litzake gertatu behar #2. {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:785
#, no-c-format
msgid "no encryption"
msgstr "enkriptaketatu gabe"
#: src/common/strings/parsing.cpp:186
#, no-c-format
msgid "no error"
msgstr "akatsik ez"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/util/language_display_widget.cpp:23
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "no language selected"
msgstr "Hautaturiko hizkuntza baliogabea da"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:798
#, no-c-format
msgid "no signature algorithm"
msgstr "algoritmo sinadurarik ez"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:807
#, no-c-format
msgid "no signature hash algorithm"
msgstr "hash algoritmo sinadurarik ez"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:430
#, no-c-format
msgid "ogg_stream_init for stream number {0} failed. Will try to continue and ignore this stream.\n"
msgstr "ogg_stream_init {0} zenbaki jariorako hutsegitea. Saiatzen jarraitu eta jario hau ezikusiko da.\n"
#: src/input/r_ogm.cpp:339
#, no-c-format
msgid "ogg_sync_buffer failed\n"
msgstr "ogg_sync_buffer hutsegitea\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:127
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/prefs_run_program_widget.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "or"
msgstr "edo"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:608
#, no-c-format
msgid "output sampling freq: {0}"
msgstr "irteera lagin maizt.: {0}"
#: src/output/p_passthrough.h:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "passthrough"
msgstr "igaropena"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:619
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixel crop bottom: {0}"
msgstr "pixel mozketa behean: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:616
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixel crop left: {0}"
msgstr "pixel mozketa ezkerrean: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:618
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixel crop right: {0}"
msgstr "pixel mozketa eskuinean: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:617
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixel crop top: {0}"
msgstr "pixel mozketa goian: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:613
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixel height: {0}"
msgstr "pixel garaiera: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:612
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixel width: {0}"
msgstr "pixel zabalera: {0}"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:721
#, no-c-format
msgid "progressive"
msgstr "Aurrerakorra"
#: src/extract/xtr_base.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid "raw data"
msgstr "raw datuak"
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:195
#, no-c-format
msgid "real_reader: Couldn't find RealAudio FourCC for id {0} (description length: {1}) Skipping track.\n"
msgstr "real_reader: Ezinezkoa RealAudio FourCC aurkitzea id {0}-rako (azalpen luzera: {1}). Bideari jauzi egiten.\n"
#: src/input/r_real.cpp:219
#, no-c-format
msgid "real_reader: Only audio header versions 3, 4 and 5 are supported. Track ID {0} uses version {1} and will be skipped.\n"
msgstr "real_reader: 3,4 eta 5 audio idazburu bertsioak bakarrik daude sostengatuak. Bide ID {0}-ek {1} bertsioa erabiltzen du eta jauzi egingo da.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:697
#, no-c-format
msgid "rectangular"
msgstr "laukizuzena"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:754
#, no-c-format
msgid "rest: unknown"
msgstr "gainontzekoa: ezezaguna"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "row interleaved (left first)"
msgstr "lerro elkartatekatua (ezkerra lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "row interleaved (right first)"
msgstr "lerro elkartatekatua (eskuina lehenik)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:607
#, no-c-format
msgid "sampling freq: {0}"
msgstr "laginketa maizt.: {0}"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "side by side (left first)"
msgstr "aldez-alde (ezkerra lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "side by side (right first)"
msgstr "aldez-alde (eskuina lehenik)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:483
#, no-c-format
msgid "size unknown"
msgstr "neurri ezezaguna"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:482
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:825
#, no-c-format
msgid "size {0}"
msgstr "neurria {0}"
#: src/input/subtitles.cpp:378
#, no-c-format
msgid "ssa_reader: Invalid format. Could not find the \"Format\" line in the \"[Events]\" section."
msgstr "ssa_reader: Heuskarri baliogabea. Ezinezkoa aurkitzea \"Format\" lerroa \"[Events]\" atalean."
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtitle"
msgstr "azpidatzia"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:643
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:819
#, no-c-format
msgid "subtitles"
msgstr "azpidatziak"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "tags [options] out.xml"
msgstr "etiketak [options] out.xml"
#: src/output/p_textsubs.h:40
#, no-c-format
msgid "text subtitles"
msgstr "idazki azpidatziak"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2860
#, no-c-format
msgid "timestamps"
msgstr "denbora-kodeak"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "timestamps_v2 [TID1:out1 [TID2:out2 ...]]"
msgstr "denbora-irarketak_v2 [TID1:out1 [TID2:out2 ...]]"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "top bottom (left first)"
msgstr "goren beheren (ezkerra lehenik)"
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "top bottom (right first)"
msgstr "Goren beheren (eskuina lehenik)"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:726
#, no-c-format
msgid "top field displayed first, bottom field stored first"
msgstr "goiko eremua lehenik erakutsi, beheko eremua lehenik biltegiratu"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:722
#, no-c-format
msgid "top field displayed first, top field stored first"
msgstr "goiko eremua lehenik erakutsi, goiko eremua lehenik biltegiratu"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:2852
#, no-c-format
msgid "track name"
msgstr "bide izena"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:871
#, no-c-format
msgid "track number {0}, {1} frame(s), timestamp {2}"
msgstr "bide zenbakia {0}, {1} frame, denbora-irarketa {2}"
#: src/extract/extract_cli_parser.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "tracks [options] [TID1:out1 [TID2:out2 ...]]"
msgstr "bideak [options] [TID1:out1 [TID2:out2 ...]]"
#: src/input/r_tta.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "tta_reader: tag_size < 0 in the c'tor. {0}\n"
msgstr "tta_reader: neurria_etiketa < 0 c'tor. {0}\n"
#: src/common/file_types.cpp:113
#: src/common/fs_sys_helpers/windows.cpp:166
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:645
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:701
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:727
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:756
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:767
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:778
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:791
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:800
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:810
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:821
#: src/common/stereo_mode.cpp:69
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:117
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2778
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/element_viewer_dialog.cpp:118
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:120
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:121
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:186
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:187
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/info/model.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "ezezaguna"
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2761
#, no-c-format
msgid "unknown, format tag 0x{0:04x}"
msgstr "ezezaguna, heuskarri etiketa 0x{0:04x}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/merge/output.cpp:759
#, no-c-format
msgid "unnamed"
msgstr "izengabea"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:723
#, no-c-format
msgid "unspecified"
msgstr "adierazigabea"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:642
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:818
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:120
#, no-c-format
msgid "video"
msgstr "bideoa"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:553
#, no-c-format
msgid "vobsub_reader: sub file read failure"
msgstr "vobsub_reader: azpidatzi agiri irakurketa akatsa"
#: src/common/wavpack.cpp:295
#, no-c-format
msgid "wavpack_reader: non-audio block found\n"
msgstr "wavpack_reader: ez da audio blokerik aurkitu\n"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/forms/merge/tab.h:1767
#, no-c-format
msgid "x"
msgstr "x"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:813
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: {1})"
msgstr "{0} (bide ID-a mkvmerge eta mkvextract-rentzat: {1})"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:830
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "{0} ({1:.3f} frames/fields per second for a video track)"
msgstr "Berezko iraupena: {0:.3f}sm ({1:.3f} frame/eremu segunduko bideo bide batentzat)"
#: src/common/strings/formatting.cpp:259
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} byte"
msgid_plural "{0} bytes"
msgstr[0] "{0} byte"
msgstr[1] "{0} byte"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:941
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} frame, track {1}, timestamp {2}, duration {3}, size {4}, adler 0x{5:08x}{6}{7}\n"
msgstr "{0} frame, bidea {1}, denbora-irarketa {2}, iraupena {3}, neurria {4}, adler 0x{5:08x}{6}{7}\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1060
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} frame, track {1}, timestamp {2}, size {3}, adler 0x{4:08x}{5}\n"
msgstr "{0} frame, bidea {1}, denbora-irarketa {2}, neurria {3}, adler 0x{4:08x}{5}\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:951
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} frame, track {1}, timestamp {2}, size {3}, adler 0x{4:08x}{5}{6}\n"
msgstr "{0} frame, bidea {1}, denbora-irarketa {2}, neurria {3}, adler 0x{4:08x}{5}{6}\n"
#: src/common/strings/formatting.cpp:254
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} minute"
msgid_plural "{0} minutes"
msgstr[0] "{0} minutu"
msgstr[1] "{0} minutu"
#: src/common/strings/formatting.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0} second"
msgid_plural "{0} seconds"
msgstr[0] "{0} segundu"
msgstr[1] "{0} segundu"
#: src/common/strings/formatting.cpp:262
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}.{1} GiB"
msgstr "{0}.{1} GiB"
#: src/common/strings/formatting.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}.{1} KiB"
msgstr "{0}.{1} KiB"
#: src/common/strings/formatting.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}.{1} MiB"
msgstr "{0}.{1} MiB"
#: src/input/r_vobsub.cpp:70
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: Could not open the sub file"
msgstr "{0}: Ezin da azpidatzi agiria ireki"
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:213
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: Error in the Matroska file structure at position {1}. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.\n"
msgstr "{0}: Akatsa Matroska agiri egituran {1} kokapenean. Berraldiberetzen hurrengo mailara 1 gai.\n"
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:58
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: an exception occurred (message: {1}; type: {2})."
msgstr "{0}: salbuespen bat gertatu da (mezua: {1}; mota: {2})."
#: src/common/kax_file.cpp:70
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:1589
#: src/input/r_matroska.cpp:2310
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: an unknown exception occurred."
msgstr "{0}: salbuespen ezezagun bat gertatu da."
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:709
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: divisor is 0 in '{1} {2}'.\n"
msgstr "{0}: zatikatzailea 0 da, '{1} {2}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:684
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: invalid track ID in '{1} {2}'.\n"
msgstr "{0}: bide ID baliogabea: '{1} {2}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:701
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: missing dividend in '{1} {2}'.\n"
msgstr "{0}: ez dago zatikinik: '{1} {2}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:704
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: missing divisor in '{1} {2}'.\n"
msgstr "{0}: ez dago zatikatzailea: '{1} {2}'.\n"
#: src/merge/mkvmerge.cpp:680
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}: missing track ID in '{1} {2}'.\n"
msgstr "{0}: ez dago bide ID-a: '{1} {2}'.\n"
#: src/common/kax_info.cpp:1006
#, no-c-format
msgid "{0}track number {1}, {2} frame(s), timestamp {3}"
msgstr "{0}bide zenbakia {1}, {2} frame, denbora-irarketa {3}"
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:96
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/main_window/preferences_dialog.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid " No selection by default "
msgstr " Hautapenik ez berez "
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.cpp:54
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/generate_sub_chapters_parameters_dialog.cpp:55
#: src/mkvtoolnix-gui/chapter_editor/mass_modification_dialog.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid " Set to none "
msgstr " Ezarri ezer ez bezala "
#~ msgid " --disable-lacing Do not Use lacing.\n"
#~ msgstr " --disable-lacing Ez Erabili lokarria.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ " -m, --attachments <n[:all|first],m[:all|first],...>\n"
#~ " Copy the attachments with the IDs n, m etc to\n"
#~ " all or only the first output file. Default: "
#~ "copy\n"
#~ " all attachments to all output files.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " -m, --attachments <n[:all|first],m[:all|first],...>\n"
#~ " Kopitatu eranskinak n, m, etab. ID-ekin\n"
#~ " irteera agiri denetara edo lehenengora "
#~ "bakarrik.\n"
#~ " Berez: Eranskin denak irteera agiri denetara "
#~ "kopiatu.\n"
#~ msgid " -q, --quiet suppress status output\n"
#~ msgstr " -q, --quiet ezeztatu irteera egoera\n"
#~ msgid " -v, --verbose verbose status\n"
#~ msgstr " -v, --verbose berritsukeria egoera\n"
#~ msgid " (FourCC: %1%%2%%3%%4%, 0x%|5$08x|)"
#~ msgstr " (FourCC: %1%%2%%3%%4%, 0x%|5$08x|)"
#~ msgid "\"default\" is a good choice for almost all situations."
#~ msgstr "\"default\" aukera hona da egoera gehinetarako."
#~ msgid "### Development hacks ###"
#~ msgstr "### Garapen hackeatuak ###"
#~ msgid "### Global output control ###"
#~ msgstr "### Irteera aginte orokorra ###"
#~ msgid "%1 automatic, %2 manual"
#~ msgstr "%1 berezgaitasunez, %2 eskuz"
#~ msgid "%1 of %2 file processed"
#~ msgid_plural "%1 of %2 files processed"
#~ msgstr[0] "%1 -> %2 agiritik prozesatuta"
#~ msgstr[1] "%1 -> %2 agiritik prozesatuta"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%1% frame, track %2%, timestamp %3% (%4%), duration %|5$.3f|, size %6%, "
#~ "adler 0x%|7$08x|%8%%9%\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1% frame, bidea %2%, denborakodea %3% (%4%), iraupena %|5$.3f|, neurria "
#~ "%6%, adler 0x%|7$08x|%8%%9%\n"
#~ msgid "%1% of %2% file processed"
#~ msgid_plural "%1% of %2% files processed"
#~ msgstr[0] "%1% -> %2% agiritik prozesatuta"
#~ msgstr[1] "%1% -> %2% agiritik prozesatuta"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%1.\n"
#~ "Compiled with libebml %2 + libmatroska %3.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "This program is licensed under the GPL v2 (see COPYING).\n"
#~ "It was written by Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
#~ "Sources and the latest binaries are always available at\n"
#~ ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1.\n"
#~ "Bilduta: libebml %2 + libmatroska %3.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Programa hau GPL v2 baimenpean dago (ikusi COPYING).\n"
#~ "Programatzailea: Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
#~ "Iturburuak eta azken binarioak betik daude eskuragarri hemen:\n"
#~ ""
#~ msgid "%s (MIME type %s, size %ld) from %s (%s)"
#~ msgstr "%s (MIME mota %s, neurria %ld) -> %s (%s)"
#~ msgid "%s%s (ID %lld, type: %s) from %s"
#~ msgstr "%s%s (ID %lld, mota: %s) -> %s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s.\n"
#~ "Compiled with libebml %s + libmatroska %s.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "This program is licensed under the GPL v2 (see COPYING).\n"
#~ "It was written by Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
#~ "Sources and the latest binaries are always available at\n"
#~ ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s.\n"
#~ "Bilduta: libebml %s + libmatroska %s.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Programa hau GPL v2 baimenpean dago (ikusi COPYING).\n"
#~ "Idazlea: Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
#~ "Iturburuak eta azken binarioak betik daude eskuragarri hemen:\n"
#~ ""
#~ msgid "&Abort"
#~ msgstr "&Utzi"
#~ msgid "&About"
#~ msgstr "&Honi buruz"
#~ msgid "&About\tF1"
#~ msgstr "&Honi buruz\tF1"
#~ msgid "&About mkvinfo"
#~ msgstr "&mkvinfo buruz"
#~ msgid "&Acknowledge warnings/errors"
#~ msgstr "&Ezagutu kontuz oharrak/akatsak"
#~ msgid "&Add program"
#~ msgstr "&Gehitu programa"
#~ msgid "&Add to job queue"
#~ msgstr "&Gehitu lan lerrora"
#~ msgid "&Attachments\tAlt-2"
#~ msgstr "&Eranskinak\tAlt-2"
#~ msgid "&Chapter Editor"
#~ msgstr "Atal &Editatzailea"
#~ msgid "&Chapter editor\tAlt-4"
#~ msgstr "A&tal editatzailea\tAlt-4"
#~ msgid "&Check for updates"
#~ msgstr "&Egiaztatu eguneraketak"
#~ msgid "&Clearing settings automatically:"
#~ msgstr "E&zarpenak berezgaitasunez garbitzea:"
#~ msgid "&Close\tCtrl-W"
#~ msgstr "It&xi\tCtrl-W"
#~ msgid "&Collapse all entries\tCtrl-P"
#~ msgstr "&Bildu sarrera guztiak\tCtrl-P"
#~ msgid "&Copy to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "&Kopiatu gakora"
#~ msgid "&Custom options:"
#~ msgstr "mmg aukerak"
#~ msgid "&Disable"
#~ msgstr "&Ezgaitu"
#~ msgid "&Down"
#~ msgstr "&Jeitsi"
#~ msgid "&Expand all entries\tCtrl-E"
#~ msgstr "&Hedatu sarrera guztiak\tCtrl-E"
#~ msgid "&Expand important elements"
#~ msgstr "&Hedatu elementu garrantzitsuak"
#~ msgid "&Expand important elements\tCtrl-E"
#~ msgstr "&Hedatu gai garrantzitsuak\tCtrl-E"
#~ msgid "&File"
#~ msgstr "&Agiria"
#~ msgid "&Files:"
#~ msgstr "Agiriak:"
#~ msgid "&GUI"
#~ msgstr "&EIG"
#~ msgid "&Global options\tAlt-3"
#~ msgstr "&Aukera orokorrak\tAlt-3"
#~ msgid "&Header editor\tCtrl-E"
#~ msgstr "I&dazburu editatzailea\tCtrl-E"
#~ msgid "&Help\tF1"
#~ msgstr "Lag&untza\tF1"
#~ msgid "&Input\tAlt-1"
#~ msgstr "&Sarrera\tAlt-1"
#~ msgid "&Load"
#~ msgstr "&Gertatu"
#~ msgid "&Load settings\tCtrl-L"
#~ msgstr "&Gertatu ezarpenak\tCtrl-L"
#~ msgid "&Manage jobs\tCtrl-J"
#~ msgstr "K&udeatu lanak\tCtrl-J"
#~ msgid "&Merge"
#~ msgstr "&Batu"
#~ msgid "&Merging"
#~ msgstr "&Batzea"
#~ msgid "&Muxing"
#~ msgstr "&Multiplexaketa"
#~ msgid "&New\tCtrl-N"
#~ msgstr "&Berria\tCtrl-N"
#~ msgid "&New chapters"
#~ msgstr "&Atal berriak"
#~ msgid "&Ok"
#~ msgstr "&Ongi"
#~ msgid "&Open"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki"
#~ msgid "&Open\tCtrl-O"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki\tCtrl-O"
#~ msgid "&Open Matroska file"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki Matroska agiria"
#~ msgid "&Open Matroska or chapter file"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki Matroska edo atal agiria"
#~ msgid "&Open Matroska, WebM or chapter file"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki Matroska, WebM edo atal agiria"
#~ msgid "&Open file"
#~ msgstr "Ireki Agiria"
#~ msgid "&Options"
#~ msgstr "&Aukerak"
#~ msgid "&Quit\tCtrl-Q"
#~ msgstr "&Utzi\tCtrl-Q"
#~ msgid "&Re-enable"
#~ msgstr "&Birgaitu"
#~ msgid "&Reload\tCtrl-R"
#~ msgstr "&Birgertatu\tCtrl-R"
#~ msgid "&Remove"
#~ msgstr "&Kendu"
#~ msgid "&Remove selected attachment"
#~ msgstr "&Kendu hautaturiko eranskina"
#~ msgid "&Remove selected jobs"
#~ msgstr "&Kendu hautaturiko lanak"
#~ msgid "&Reset"
#~ msgstr "&Berrezarri"
#~ msgid "&Save\tCtrl-S"
#~ msgstr "&Gorde\tCtrl-S"
#~ msgid "&Save info as text\tCtrl-S"
#~ msgstr "&Gorde argibideak idazki bezala\tCtrl-S"
#~ msgid "&Save settings\tCtrl-S"
#~ msgstr "Gorde &ezarpenak\tCtrl-S"
#~ msgid "&Save to text file"
#~ msgstr "&Gorde idazki agirian"
#~ msgid "&Select all"
#~ msgstr "&Hautatu denak"
#~ msgid "&Sort"
#~ msgstr "&Antolatu"
#~ msgid "&Start"
#~ msgstr "&Hasi"
#~ msgid "&Troubleshooting"
#~ msgstr "&Arazo konponketa"
#~ msgid "&Up"
#~ msgstr "&Igo"
#~ msgid "&Use this directory:"
#~ msgstr "Erabili zuzenbide hau:"
#~ msgid "&User defined options:"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzaileak zehazturiko aukerak:"
#~ msgid "&User-defined options:"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzaileak zehazturiko aukerak:"
#~ msgid "&Validate\tCtrl-T"
#~ msgstr "B&alioztatu\tCtrl-V"
#~ msgid "&View log"
#~ msgstr "I&kusi oharra"
#~ msgid "&View output of selected jobs"
#~ msgstr "Hautaturiko lanen irteera:"
#~ msgid "'%1%' is not recognized as a valid number format in '%2%'.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'%1%' ez da baliozko zenbaki heuskarri bezala ezagutzen hemen: '%2%'.\n"
#~ msgid "'--append-mode' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--append-mode' ez du argumentorik.\n"
#~ msgid "'--append-to' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--append-to' ez du argumentorik.\n"
#~ msgid "'--blockadd' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--blockadd' ez du argumentorik.\n"
#~ msgid "'--compression' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--compression' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--cues' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--cues' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--default-duration' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--default-duration' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--default-language' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--default-language' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--default-track' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--default-track' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--fix-bitstream-timing-information' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--fix-bitstream-timing-information' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--forced-track' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--forced-track' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--language' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--language' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--nalu-size-length' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--nalu-size-length' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--priority' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--priority' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--stereo-mode' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--stereo-mode' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--sub-charset' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--sub-charset' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--timestamp-scale' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--timestamp-scale' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--timestamps' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--timestamps' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--track-name' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--track-name' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid "'--track-order' lacks its argument.\n"
#~ msgstr "'--track-order' ez du bere argumentoa.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "'{0}' is neither a valid ISO 639-2 nor a valid ISO 639-1 code in '--"
#~ "chapter-language {0}'. See 'mkvmerge --list-languages' for a list of all "
#~ "languages and their respective ISO 639-2 codes.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'{0}' ez da ISO 639-2 ezta ISO 639-1 kode baliozkoa '--chapter-language "
#~ "{0}'. ikusi 'mkvmerge --list-languages' hizkuntza guztien zerrenda eta "
#~ "dagokion ISO 639-2 koderako.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "'{0}' is neither a valid ISO 639-2 nor a valid ISO 639-1 code in '--"
#~ "default-language {0}'. See 'mkvmerge --list-languages' for a list of all "
#~ "languages and their respective ISO 639-2 codes.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'{0}' ez da ISO 639-2 ezta ISO 639-1 kode baliozkoa '--default-language "
#~ "{0}'. ikusi 'mkvmerge --list-languages' hizkuntza guztien zerrenda eta "
#~ "dagokion ISO 639-2 koderako.\n"
#~ msgid "(new chapter file)"
#~ msgstr "(atal agiri berria)"
#~ msgid "(unnamed chapter)"
#~ msgstr "(izengabeko atala)"
#~ msgid ", finished on %s"
#~ msgstr ", amaituta %s"
#~ msgid ", started on %s"
#~ msgstr ", hasita %s"
#~ msgid "--- BEGIN job %d (%s, added on %s)"
#~ msgstr "--- HASI lana %d (%s, gehituta: %s)"
#~ msgid "--- END job %d"
#~ msgstr "--- AMAITU lana %d"
#~ msgid "--- No job output found.\n"
#~ msgstr "--- Ez da irteera lanik aurkitu.\n"
#~ msgid "---all---"
#~ msgstr "---denak---"
#~ msgid "---common---"
#~ msgstr "---arrunta---"
#~ msgid "--cluster-length REPLACEME"
#~ msgstr "--cluster-length REPLACEME"
#~ msgid "--timestamp-scale REPLACEME"
#~ msgstr "--timestamp-scale REPLACEME"
#~ msgid "0 errors"
#~ msgstr "akatsik ez"
#~ msgid "0 warnings"
#~ msgstr "Kontuz oharrak:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "1. A number which will be interepreted as an attachment ID as listed by "
#~ "'mkvmerge --identify'. These are usually simply numbered starting from 0 "
#~ "(e.g. '2')."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "1. Eranskin baten ID bezala ulertuko den zenbaki bat 'mkvmerge --identify-"
#~ "verbose' zerrendan bezala . Hauek arrunt 0-etik hasten diren zenbakipen "
#~ "arruntak dira (adib. '2')."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "1. for subtitle files that do not use a byte order marker (BOM) and that "
#~ "are not encoded in the system's current character set (%1%);"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "1. byte ordena markatzailea (BOM) erabiltzen ez dituzten eta sistemaren "
#~ "uneko hizki-kodean (%1%) kodeatuta ez dauden azpidatzi agirientzat;"
#~ msgid "2 bytes"
#~ msgstr "2 byte"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "2. A number with the prefix '=' which will be interepreted as the "
#~ "attachment's unique ID (UID) as listed by 'mkvmerge --identify'. These "
#~ "are usually random-looking numbers (e.g. '128975986723')."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "2. '=' aurrizkia duen zenbaki bat zeina eranskinaren ID (UID) bakarra "
#~ "bezala ulertuko da 'mkvmerge --identify' zerrendan bezala. Hauek arrunt "
#~ "zorizko-bilaketa zenbakiak dira (adib. '128975986723')."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "2. for files with chapter information (e.g. OGM, MP4) for which mkvmerge "
#~ "does not detect the encoding correctly."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "2. atal argibideak dituzten agirientzat (adib. OGM, MP4) mkvmergek "
#~ "kodeaketa zuzen atzematen ez dituenak."
#~ msgid "4 bytes"
#~ msgstr "4 byte"
#~ msgid "<No program selected yet>"
#~ msgstr "<Ez da programarik hautatu oraindik>"
#~ msgid "<unnamed>"
#~ msgstr "<izengabea>"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A block group was found at position %1%, but no block element was found "
#~ "inside it. This might make mkvmerge crash.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bloke taldea bat aurkitu da %1% kokapenean, baina ez da bloke gairik "
#~ "aurkitu barruan. Honek mkvmergeren matxura eragin dezake.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A job with the description '%s' already exists. Do you really want to add "
#~ "another one with the same description?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jadanik badago '%s' azalpena duen lan bat. Egitan nahi duzu gehitzea "
#~ "beste bat azalpen berdinarekin?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A randomly generated unique ID to identify the current\n"
#~ "segment between many others (128 bits)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zoriz sortutako ID bakarra oraingo zatia besteen artean bereizteko (128 "
#~ "bits)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A segment to play in place of this chapter. The edition set via the "
#~ "segment edition UID should be used for this segment, otherwise no edition "
#~ "is used. This is a 128-bit segment UID in the usual UID form: hex numbers "
#~ "with or without the \"0x\" prefix, with or without spaces, exactly 32 "
#~ "digits.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal honen tokian irakurtzeko zati bat. Edizio ezarpena zati edizio UID "
#~ "bidez erabili behar da zati honentzat, bestela ez da edizioa erabiltzen. "
#~ "Hau 128-biteko zati UID-a da ohiko UID forman: zenbaki hex. \"0x\" "
#~ "aurrezenbakiarekin edo gabe, tarte edo tarte gabe, zehaz-mehatz 32 "
#~ "zenbakin.\n"
#~ msgid "A track"
#~ msgstr "Bide bat"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A unique ID to identify the Track. This should be\n"
#~ "kept the same when making a direct stream copy\n"
#~ "of the Track to another file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ID bakar bat Bidea ezagutarazteko.\n"
#~ "Hau Bidearen zuzeneko jario kopia bat beste\n"
#~ "agiri batera egitearen berdina izan behar da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A unique ID to identify the next chained\n"
#~ "segment (128 bits)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ID bakar bat kateaturiko hurrengo zatia\n"
#~ "ezagutarazteko (128 bits)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "A unique ID to identify the previous chained\n"
#~ "segment (128 bits)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ID bakar bat kateaturiko aurreko zatia\n"
#~ "ezagutarazteko (128 bits)."
#~ msgid "A/52 (aka AC3)"
#~ msgstr "A/52 (AC3)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "AAC files may contain HE-AAC / AAC+ / SBR AAC audio. This can NOT be "
#~ "detected automatically. Therefore you have to specifiy '--aac-is-sbr 0' "
#~ "manually for this input file if the file actually contains SBR AAC. The "
#~ "file will be muxed in the WRONG way otherwise. Also read mkvmerge's "
#~ "documentation.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "AAC agiriek HE-AAC/AAC+/SBR AAC audioa izan dezakete. Hau EZ da "
#~ "berezgaitasunez atzematen. Hortaz eskuz adierazi behar duzu '--aac-is-sbr "
#~ "0' oraingo sarrera agiriak SBR AAC duen. Bestela agiria modu OKERREAN "
#~ "multiplexatuko da. Irakurri ere mkvmergeren agiritza.\n"
#~ msgid "AAC is SBR/HE-AAC/AAC+"
#~ msgstr "AAC da SBR/HE-AAC/AAC+"
#~ msgid "AC3"
#~ msgstr "AC3"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "ASCII string (no special chars like\n"
#~ "Umlaute etc)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ASCII katea (ez hizki bereziak\n"
#~ "Umlaute, etab. bezalakoak)"
#~ msgid "ASCII string (no special chars like Umlaute etc)"
#~ msgstr "ASCII katea (ez hizki bereziak Umlaute etab. bezalakoak)"
#~ msgid "Abort"
#~ msgstr "Utzi"
#~ msgid "Abort after current job"
#~ msgstr "Utzi oraingo lanaren ondoren"
#~ msgid "Abort current job and stop &immediately"
#~ msgstr "&Utzi oraingo lana eta gelditu berehala"
#~ msgid "Abort processing after the current job"
#~ msgstr "Utzi garapena oraingo lanaren ondoren"
#~ msgid "Abort the muxing process right now"
#~ msgstr "Utzi mulltiplexaketa garapena orain"
#~ msgid "Aborted processing on %s"
#~ msgstr "Garapena utzita: %s"
#~ msgid "About mkvinfo"
#~ msgstr "mkvinfo buruz"
#~ msgid "Acknowledge selected warnings"
#~ msgstr "Kontuz oharrekin osatuta"
#~ msgid "Actions"
#~ msgstr "Ekintzak"
#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu"
#~ msgid "Add &command line options"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu agi&ndu lerro aukerak"
#~ msgid "Add additional parts"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu zati gehigarriak"
#~ msgid "Add as new input fi&les"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu &sarrera agiri berriak bezala"
#~ msgid "Add chapter"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu atala"
#~ msgid "Add command line options"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu agindu lerro aukerak"
#~ msgid "Add name"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu izena"
#~ msgid "Add subchapter"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu azpiatala"
#~ msgid "Add to &job queue"
#~ msgstr "Gehitu &lan lerrora"
#~ msgid "Added on"
#~ msgstr "Hemen gehituta:"
#~ msgid "Additional ID"
#~ msgstr "ID-gehigarria: %1%"
#~ msgid "Additional source file parts"
#~ msgstr "Iturburu agiri zati gehigarriak"
#~ msgid "Adds the current settings as a new job entry to the job queue"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Oraingo ezarpenak gehitzen ditu lan berri baten sarrera bezala lan lerrora"
#~ msgid "Adjust chapter timestamps"
#~ msgstr "Zehaztu atal denbora-kodeak"
#~ msgid "After loading a file expand the most important elements"
#~ msgstr "Agiri bat gertatu ondoren hedatu gai garrantzitsuenak"
#~ msgid "All Files (*)|*"
#~ msgstr "Agiri Denak (*)|*"
#~ msgid "All Files (*.*)|*.*"
#~ msgstr "Agiri Denak (*.*)|*.*"
#~ msgid "All chapter entries are valid."
#~ msgstr "Atal sarrera guztiek balio dute."
#~ msgid "All files (*)"
#~ msgstr "Agiri Denak (*)|*"
#~ msgid "All output files"
#~ msgstr "irteera agiri guztiak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "All supported files|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d;*.webm;*.webma;*.webmv|"
#~ "Matroska files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d|WebM "
#~ "files (*.webm;*.webma;*.webmv)|*.webm;*.webma;*.webmv|All files|*.*"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sostengaturiko agiri denak|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d;*.webm;*.webma;*."
#~ "webmv|Matroska agiriak (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*."
#~ "mk3d|WebM agiriak (*.webm;*.webma;*.webmv)|*.webm;*.webma;*.webmv|Agiri "
#~ "denak|*.*"
#~ msgid "All supported media files (%1)"
#~ msgstr "Sostengaturiko multimedia agiri denak|%s%s|%s"
#~ msgid "All supported media files|%s%s|%s"
#~ msgstr "Sostengaturiko multimedia agiri denak|%s%s|%s"
#~ msgid "Allows the use of the CodecState element."
#~ msgstr "Ahalbidetu CodecState elementua erabiltzea."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Allows the use of the CodecState element. This is used for e.g. MPEG-1/-2 "
#~ "video tracks for storing the sequence headers."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "CodecState gaiaren erabilera ahalbidetzen du. Hau erabiltzen dute adib. "
#~ "MPEG1/2 bideo bideek idazburu sekuentziak biltegiratzeko."
#~ msgid "Alt+1"
#~ msgstr "Alt+1"
#~ msgid "Alt+2"
#~ msgstr "Alt+2"
#~ msgid "Alt+3"
#~ msgstr "Alt+3"
#~ msgid "Alt+4"
#~ msgstr "Alt+4"
#~ msgid "Alt+5"
#~ msgstr "Alt+5"
#~ msgid "Alt+6"
#~ msgstr "Alt+6"
#~ msgid "Alt+7"
#~ msgstr "Alt+7"
#~ msgid "Alt+8"
#~ msgstr "Alt+8"
#~ msgid "Alwa&ys add as new input files and don't ask again"
#~ msgstr "&Betik gehitu sarrera agiri berri bezala eta ez galdetu berriro"
#~ msgid "Always add files dropped from e&xternal applications"
#~ msgstr "Betik gehitu kanpoko a&plikazioetatik eroritako agiriak"
#~ msgid "Always on top"
#~ msgstr "Betik gainean"
#~ msgid "Always remove the job afterwards"
#~ msgstr "Betik kendu lana ondoren"
#~ msgid "Always show the output file controls below tabs"
#~ msgstr "Betik erakutsi irteera agiri aginteak hegatsen azpian"
#~ msgid "Always switch to the job output tool after starting one immediately"
#~ msgstr "Betik aldatu berehala lan irteera tresnara bat hasi ondoren "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "An escaped filename corresponding to\n"
#~ "the next segment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hurrengo zatiari dagkion\n"
#~ "saihesturiko agirizen bat."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "An escaped filename corresponding to\n"
#~ "the previous segment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aurreko zatiari dagkion\n"
#~ "saihesturiko agirizen bat."
#~ msgid "Analysis is running"
#~ msgstr "Azterketa ekinean dago"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Another muxing job in still in progress. Please wait until it has "
#~ "finished or abort it manually before starting a new one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Oraindik beste lan multiplexaketa bat dago garatzen. Mesedez itxaron hark "
#~ "amaitu arte edo utzi eskuz berri bat hasi aurretik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Appending a track from a file to another track from the same file is not "
#~ "allowed. This is the case for tracks number %u and %u."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agiri batekik bide bat gehitzea agiri bereko beste bide batera ez dago "
#~ "ahalbideturik. Hau da %u eta %u zenbakiko bideen kasua."
#~ msgid "Ask before overwriting things (files, jobs)"
#~ msgstr "Galdetu gauzak gainidatzi aurretik (agiriak, lanak)"
#~ msgid "Ask the user"
#~ msgstr "galdetu erabiltzaileari"
#~ msgid "Aspect ratio type: %1%%2%"
#~ msgstr "Ikuspegi maila mota: %1%%2%"
#~ msgid "Aspect ratio:"
#~ msgstr "Ikuspegi maila:"
#~ msgid "Attach&ments"
#~ msgstr "&Eranskinak"
#~ msgid "Attached files"
#~ msgstr "Erantsitako agiriak"
#~ msgid "Attachment style:"
#~ msgstr "Eranskinaren estiloa:"
#~ msgid "Audio track %1, %2, %3"
#~ msgstr "Audio bidea %1, %2, %3"
#~ msgid "Audio track %u"
#~ msgstr "Audio bidea %u"
#~ msgid "Auto-set output filename"
#~ msgstr "Berez-ezarri irteera agirizena"
#~ msgid "Available options:"
#~ msgstr "Aukera eskuragarriak:"
#~ msgid "BZ2_bzCompressInit() failed. Result: %1%\n"
#~ msgstr "BZ2_bzCompressInit() hutsegitea. Emaitza: %1%\n"
#~ msgid "BZ2_bzDecompress() failed. Result: %1%\n"
#~ msgstr "BZ2_bzDecompress() hutsegitea. Emaitza: %1%\n"
#~ msgid "Binary (displayed as hex numbers)"
#~ msgstr "Binarioa (hex zenbaki bezala erakutsita)"
#~ msgid "Block duration: %1%.%|2$06d|ms"
#~ msgstr "Bloke iraupena: %1%.%|2$06d|sm"
#~ msgid "Boolean (yes/no, on/off etc)"
#~ msgstr "Boolean (bai/ez, eraginda/etenda, etab.)"
#~ msgid "Brings up the job queue editor"
#~ msgstr "Lan lerro editatzailea irekitzen du"
#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Bilatu"
#~ msgid "Button track %1, %2"
#~ msgstr "Botoi bidea %1, %2"
#~ msgid "Cannot start second muxing job"
#~ msgstr "Ezin da bigarren multiplexaketa lana hasi"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Cannot write track %1% with the CodecID '%2%' to the file '%3%' because "
#~ "track %4% with the CodecID '%5%' is already being written to the same "
#~ "file, and their CodecPrivate data (the USF styles etc) do not match.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezin da %1% bidea '%2%' Kodek ID-arekin idatzi '%3%' agirian zeren %4% "
#~ "bidea '%5%' Kodek ID-arekin jadanik agiri berean idazten ari da, eta bere "
#~ "Kodek-Pribatu datuak (USF estiloak, etab.) ez datoz bat.\n"
#~ msgid "Category is not NUL terminated"
#~ msgstr "Kategoria ez da NUL-en amaitua"
#~ msgid "Causes mkvmerge not to write 'CueDuration' elemenets in the cues."
#~ msgstr "mkvmergek 'CueDuration' osagaiak cue-tan ez idaztea eragiten du."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Causes mkvmerge not to write 'CueRelativePosition' elemenets in the cues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek 'CueRelativePosition' osagaiak cue-tan ez idaztea eragiten du."
#~ msgid "Change mmg's preferences and options"
#~ msgstr "Aldatu mmg-ren hobespenak eta aukerak"
#~ msgid "Chapter Editor"
#~ msgstr "Atal Editatzaileak"
#~ msgid "Chapter Translate ID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Atal Itzulpen ID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "Chapter XYZ"
#~ msgstr "Atalak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Chapter atoms may only be dropped onto other atoms and chapter editions."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal atomoak beste atomo eta atal edizioetan bakarrik kendu daitezke."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Chapter editions may only be dropped onto the root node or other editions."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal edizioak erro elkargunean edo beste edizioetan bakarrik kendu "
#~ "daitezke."
#~ msgid "Chapter editor is not empty"
#~ msgstr "Atal editatzailea ez dago hutsik."
#~ msgid "Chapter files (*.xml)|*.xml|%s"
#~ msgstr "Atal agiriak (*.xml)|*.xml|%s"
#~ msgid "Chapter files (*.xml;*.txt;*.cue)|*.xml;*.txt;*.cue|%s"
#~ msgstr "Atal agiriak (*.xml;*.txt;*.cue)|*.xml;*.txt;*.cue|%s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Chapter files (*.xml;*.txt;*.mka;*.mkv;*.mks;*.mk3d;*.cue)|*.xml;*.txt;*."
#~ "mka;*.mkv;*.mks;*.mk3d;*.cue|%s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal agiriak (*.xml;*.txt;*.mka;*.mkv;*.mks;*.mk3d;*.cue)|*.xml;*.txt;*."
#~ "mka;*.mkv;*.mks;*.mk3d;*.cue|%s"
#~ msgid "Chapter verification error"
#~ msgstr "Atal egiaztapen akatsa"
#~ msgid "Chapter verification succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Atal egiaztapen ongi egin da"
#~ msgid "Chapters (%d entries) from %s"
#~ msgstr "Atalak (%d sarrera) -> %s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Chapters are not allowed in WebM compliant files. No chapters will be "
#~ "written to the destination file.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atalak ez daude ahalbideturik WebM bateragarritasun agirietan. Ez da "
#~ "atalik idatziko helmuga agirian.\n"
#~ msgid "Chapters written."
#~ msgstr "Idatziriko atalak."
#~ msgid "Chapters:"
#~ msgstr "Atalak:"
#~ msgid "Charset:"
#~ msgstr "Hizkikodea:"
#~ msgid "Check online for the latest release"
#~ msgstr "Egiaztatu online azken argitalpena"
#~ msgid "Check online for the latest release."
#~ msgstr "Egiaztatu onlin azken argitalpena."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Check online whether or not a new release of MKVToolNix is available on "
#~ "the home page. Will only check when mmg starts and at most once a day. No "
#~ "information is transmitted to the server."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Egiaztatu online MKVToolNix argitalpen berririk eskuragarri dagoen edo ez "
#~ "webgunean. mmg hasitakoan bakarrik eta eguneko gehienez behin egiaztatuko "
#~ "da. Ez da argibiderik igortzen zerbitzarira."
#~ msgid "Checking for updates online; please wait"
#~ msgstr "Eguneraketak egiaztatzen online; mesedez itxaron"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Checking this option causes the GUI to set that compression to »none« by "
#~ "default for all track types when adding files."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aukera hau gaitzeak EIG-k konpresioa berez »ezer ez« bezala ezartzea "
#~ "eragiten du bide mota guztientzat agiriak gehitzerakoan."
#~ msgid "Choose a chapter file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu atal agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose a tag file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu etiketa agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose a timestamps file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu denbora-kode agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose an attachment file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu eranskin agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose an input file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu sarrera agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose an input file to add"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu gehitzeko sarrera agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose an input file to append"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu eransteko sarrera agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose an output file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu irteera agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Choose the chapter file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu atal agiria"
#~ msgid "Choose the location of the mkvmerge GUI help files"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu mkvmergeren EIG laguntza agirien kokalekua"
#~ msgid "Choose the mkvmerge executable"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu mkvmerge exekutagarria"
#~ msgid "Choose the output directory"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu irteera zuzenbidea"
#~ msgid "Choose the segment info file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu zati argibide agiria"
#~ msgid "Choose the tags file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu etiketa agiria"
#~ msgid "Clear inputs after a successful muxing run"
#~ msgstr "Garbitu sarrerak multiplexaketa ongi burutu ondoren"
#~ msgid "Clear inputs after adding a job to the job queue"
#~ msgstr "Garbitu sarrerak lan bat lan lerrora gehitu ondoren"
#~ msgid "Codec ID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Kodek ID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "Codec delay"
#~ msgstr "Kodekari-atxikitako atzerapena"
#~ msgid "Codec delay: %|1$.3f|ms (%2%ns)"
#~ msgstr "Kodek atzerapena: %|1$.3f|ms (%2%ns)"
#~ msgid "Codec name: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Kodekaren izena: %1%"
#~ msgid "CodecPrivate, length %1%%2%"
#~ msgstr "Kodek-Pribatu, luzera %1%%2%"
#~ msgid "Collapse all entries so that none of their sub-entries will be shown"
#~ msgstr "Bildu sarrera guztiak beren azpi-sarrerak ez erakusteko bezala"
#~ msgid "Colour matrix: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Margo matrizea: %1%"
#~ msgid "Command line copied to clipboard."
#~ msgstr "Agindu lerroa gakora kopiatuta."
#~ msgid "Command line options:"
#~ msgstr "Agindu lerro aukerak:"
#~ msgid "Command line saved."
#~ msgstr "Agindu lerroa gordeta."
#~ msgid "Command line used:"
#~ msgstr "Erabilitako agindu lerroa:"
#~ msgid "Common languages"
#~ msgstr "Hizkuntza arruntak"
#~ msgid "Compiled with libebml %1 + libmatroska %2."
#~ msgstr "libebml %1 + libmatroska %2-rekin bilduta."
#~ msgid "Configuration cleared."
#~ msgstr "Itxurapena garbituta."
#~ msgid "Configuration loaded."
#~ msgstr "Itxurapena gertatuta."
#~ msgid "Copy the command line to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiatu agindu lerroa gakora"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not create a temporary file for mkvmerge's command line option "
#~ "called '%s' (error code %d, %s)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezinezkoa aldibaterako agiria sortzea '%s' deituriko mkvmergeren agindu "
#~ "lerro aukerarentzat (akats kodea %d, %s)."
#~ msgid "Could not create the file '%s'."
#~ msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' agiria sortu."
#~ msgid "Could not create the specified file."
#~ msgstr "Ezin da adierazitako agiria sortu."
#~ msgid "Could not open the clipboard."
#~ msgstr "Ezin izan da gakoa ireki."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open the destination file '%s' for writing. Error code: %d (%s)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezin izan da ireki '%s' helmuga agiria idazteko. Akats kodea: %d (%s)."
#~ msgid "Countr&y:"
#~ msgstr "Herrialdea:"
#~ msgid "Country:"
#~ msgstr "Herrialdea:"
#~ msgid "Create &option file"
#~ msgstr "&Sortu aukera agiria"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Create a WebM compliant file. mkvmerge also turns this on if the output "
#~ "file name's extension is \"webm\". This mode enforces several "
#~ "restrictions. The only allowed codecs are VP8/VP9 video and Vorbis/Opus "
#~ "audio tracks. Neither chapters nor tags are allowed. The DocType header "
#~ "item is changed to \"webm\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sortu WebM bateragarritasun agiri bat. mkvmergek ere eragiten du hau "
#~ "irteera agiri izenaren hedapena \"webm\" bada. Modu honek murrizpen ugari "
#~ "behartzen ditu. Ahalbideturiko kodek bakarrak VP8/VP9 bideoa eta Vorbis/"
#~ "Opus audio bideak dira. Atalak eta etiketak ez daude ahalbideturik. "
#~ "DocType idazburu gaia \"webm\"-ra aldatzen da."
#~ msgid "Create a new chapter file"
#~ msgstr "Sortu atal berri agiri bat"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Create a new one or open an existing one via the »merge« menu, the "
#~ "buttons below or drag & drop one here."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sortu berri bat edo ireki badagoen bat »batu« menuaren bidez, azpiko "
#~ "botoien bidez edo arrastatu eta askatu bat hemen."
#~ msgid "Ctrl+A"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+A"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+1"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+1"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+2"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+2"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+3"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+3"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+4"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+4"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+5"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+5"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+6"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+6"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+7"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+7"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+Alt+8"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+Alt+8"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+E"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+E"
#~ msgid "Ctrl+U"
#~ msgstr "Ktrl+U"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Cue sheet parser: Invalid INDEX number (got %1%, expected %2%) in line "
#~ "%3%,\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cue orri aztertzailea: AURKIBIDE zenbaki baliogabea (lortua %1%, "
#~ "itxarondakoa %2%) %3% lerroan,\n"
#~ msgid "Cue time: %|1$.3f|s"
#~ msgstr "Cue denbora: %|1$.3f|s"
#~ msgid "Current and past jobs:"
#~ msgstr "Oraingo eta lehengo lanak:"
#~ msgid "Current job ID %d:"
#~ msgstr "Oraingo lanaren ID %d:"
#~ msgid "Current job ID 1000:"
#~ msgstr "Oraingo lanaren ID 1000:"
#~ msgid "Custom options:"
#~ msgstr "mmg aukerak"
#~ msgid "D&elete"
#~ msgstr "E&zabatu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "DTS_Header problem: encoded with an incompatible new encoder version\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "DTS_Idazburu arazoa: kodeaturik bateragarria ez den kodeatzaile bertsio "
#~ "berri batekin\n"
#~ msgid "DTS_Header problem: invalid core sampling frequency\n"
#~ msgstr "DTS_Idazburu arazoa: nukleo laginketa maiztasun baliogabea\n"
#~ msgid "DTS_Header problem: invalid frame bytes size\n"
#~ msgstr "DTS_Idazburu arazoa: frame byte neurri baliogabea\n"
#~ msgid "DTS_Header problem: invalid number of blocks in frame\n"
#~ msgstr "DTS_Idazburu arazoa: frame bloke zenbateko baliogabea\n"
#~ msgid "DTS_Header problem: invalid source PCM resolution\n"
#~ msgstr "DTS_Idazburu arazoa: iturburu PCM bereizmen baliogabea\n"
#~ msgid "DTS_Header problem: not enough data to read header\n"
#~ msgstr "DTS_Idazburu arazoa: ez dago nahikoa datu idazburua irakurtzeko\n"
#~ msgid "Date (invalid, value: %1%)"
#~ msgstr "Eguna (baliogabea, balioa: %1%)"
#~ msgid "Date: %1% UTC"
#~ msgstr "Eguna: %1% UTC"
#~ msgid "Debug> "
#~ msgstr "Garbiketa>"
#~ msgid "Default &subtitle charset to set:"
#~ msgstr "Ezar&tzeko berezko azpidatzi hizki-kodea:"
#~ msgid "Default add&itional command line options:"
#~ msgstr "Berezko agindu lerr&o aukera gehigarriak:"
#~ msgid "Default flag"
#~ msgstr "Berezko ikurra: %1%"
#~ msgid "Default info job settings"
#~ msgstr "Berezko argibide lan ezarpenak"
#~ msgid "Default subtitle charset"
#~ msgstr "Berezko azpidatzi hizki-kodea"
#~ msgid "Default track &language to set:"
#~ msgstr "Eza&rtzeko berezko bide hizkuntza:"
#~ msgid "Defaults for new chapter entries:"
#~ msgstr "Atal sarrera berrientzako berezkoak:"
#~ msgid "Defaults for new chapters"
#~ msgstr "Berezkoak atal berrientzat"
#~ msgid "Delay (in &ms):"
#~ msgstr "Atzerapena (sm-tan):"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Delay this track's timestamps by a couple of ms. Can be negative. Works "
#~ "with all track types, but negative delays should not be used with video "
#~ "tracks."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atzeratu bide honen denbora-kodeak sm pare bat. Negatiboa izan daiteke. "
#~ "Bide mota ororekin egiten du lan, baina atzerapen negatiboak ez dira "
#~ "bideo bideekin erabili behar."
#~ msgid "Delay: %|1$.3f|ms"
#~ msgstr "Atzerapena: %|1$.3f|sm"
#~ msgid "Delete the selected jobs from the job queue"
#~ msgstr "Ezabatu hautaturiko lanak lan lerrotik"
#~ msgid "Description already exists"
#~ msgstr "Azalpena jadanik badago"
#~ msgid "Disable additi&onal lossless compression for all track types"
#~ msgstr "Ezgaitu galeragabeko &konpresio gehigarria bide mota guztientzat"
#~ msgid "Disable ani&mations"
#~ msgstr "Ezgaitu &animazioak"
#~ msgid "Disable the selected jobs and set their status to 'done'"
#~ msgstr "Ezgaitu hautaturiko lanak eta ezarri beren egoera 'eginda'"
#~ msgid "Disable »default track« flag for subtitle tracks"
#~ msgstr "Ezgaitu »berezko bideak« ikurra azpidatzi bideentzat"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Disables lacing for all tracks. This will increase the file's size, "
#~ "especially if there are many audio tracks. Use only for testing."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lokarria ezgaitzen du bide guztientzat. Honek agiriaren neurria handituko "
#~ "du, bereziki audio bide asko badaude. Erabili bakarrik azterketarako."
#~ msgid "Display usage information"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi erabilera argibideak"
#~ msgid "Display width/&height:"
#~ msgstr "Erakuspen zabalera/garaiera:"
#~ msgid "Do not start the GUI."
#~ msgstr "Ez abiarazi EIG."
#~ msgid "Do you really want to abort the currently running job?"
#~ msgstr "Egitan nahi duzu orain ekinean dagoen lana uztea?"
#~ msgid "Do you want to abort that job and quit?"
#~ msgstr "Lana utzi eta programa uztea nahi duzu?"
#~ msgid "Drop last entry from imported &Blu-ray playlits if it's near the end"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eror inportatutako Bl&u-ray irakur-zerrendako azken sarrera amaieratik "
#~ "hurbilekoa bada"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Drops the lossless extensions from an audio track and keeps only its "
#~ "lossy core. This only works with DTS tracks."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eror galeragabeko hedapenak audio bide batetik eta heutsi beren galeradun "
#~ "nukleoak bakarrik. Honek DTS bideekin bakarrik egiten du lan."
#~ msgid "Duration: %|1$.3f|ms"
#~ msgstr "Iraupena: %|1$.3f|sm"
#~ msgid "Duration: %|1$.3f|s (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Iraupena: %|1$.3f|s (%2%)"
#~ msgid "E&nable all attached files"
#~ msgstr "Gait&u &erantsitako agiri guztiak"
#~ msgid "E&xit\tCtrl-Q"
#~ msgstr "I&rten\tCtrl-Q"
#~ msgid "EVIL internal bug! (unknown file type). {0}\n"
#~ msgstr "ARRAIOAK barne akatsa! (agiri mota ezezaguna). {0}\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Each chapter and each edition has a unique identifier. This identifier is "
#~ "normally assigned automatically by the programs, but it can be changed "
#~ "manually if it is really needed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal bakoitzak eta bere edizioak ezagutarazle bakarra du. Ezagutarazle "
#~ "hau arrunt berezgaitasunez esleitzen dute programek, baina eskuz aldatu "
#~ "daiteke egitan beharrezkoa bada."
#~ msgid "EbmlVoid (size: %1%)"
#~ msgstr "EbmlVoid (neurria: %1%)"
#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Edizioa"
#~ msgid "Edit additional source file parts"
#~ msgstr "Editatu iturburu agiri zati gehigarriak"
#~ msgid "Edit chapters"
#~ msgstr "Editatu atalak"
#~ msgid "Edit headers"
#~ msgstr "Editatu idazburuak"
#~ msgid "Edit tags"
#~ msgstr "Editatu etiketak"
#~ msgid "EditionEntry %u"
#~ msgstr "Edizio-Sarrera %u"
#~ msgid "Element size"
#~ msgstr "Gaiak"
#~ msgid "Enable splitting..."
#~ msgstr "Gaitu bananketa..."
#~ msgid "Enabled: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Gaituta:%1%"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enables splitting of the output into more than one file. You can split "
#~ "after a given size, after a given amount of time has passed in each file "
#~ "or after a list of timestamps."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irteera bananketa gaitzen du agiri batean baino gehiagotan. Banandu "
#~ "dezakezu emaniko neurri baten ondoren, agiri bakoitzean igarotako denbora "
#~ "kopuru baten ondoren edo denbora-kode zerrenda baten ondoren."
#~ msgid "End:"
#~ msgstr "Amaiera:"
#~ msgid "Ensure the file name is uni&que"
#~ msgstr "Zi&hurtatu agiri izena bakarra dela"
#~ msgid "Error importing file"
#~ msgstr "Akatsa agiria irekitzerakoan"
#~ msgid "Error loading settings"
#~ msgstr "Akatsa ezarpenak gordetzerakoan"
#~ msgid "Error parsing the file"
#~ msgstr "Akatsa agiria aztertzerakoan"
#~ msgid "Error saving the information"
#~ msgstr "Akatsa argibideak gordetzerakoan"
#~ msgid "Error {0}\n"
#~ msgstr "Akatsa {0}\n"
#~ msgid "Error: "
#~ msgstr "Akatsa:"
#~ msgid "Everything went fine."
#~ msgstr "Dena ongi joan da."
#~ msgid "Executable files (*.exe)|*.exe|%s"
#~ msgstr "Agiri exekutagarriak (*.exe)|*.exe|%s"
#~ msgid "Executes the program now as a test run."
#~ msgstr "Programa exekutatzen du orain azterketa ekintza bezala."
#~ msgid "Expand all entries so that their sub-entries will be shown"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hedatu sarrera guztiak beren azpi-sarrerak ikusgarri izango diren bezala."
#~ msgid "Extra options"
#~ msgstr "Gain aukerak"
#~ msgid "Extract"
#~ msgstr "Atera"
#~ msgid "F1"
#~ msgstr "F1"
#~ msgid "FPS:"
#~ msgstr "FS-ko:"
#~ msgid "Field order: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Eremu hurrenkera: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "File %1% has unknown type. Please have a look at the supported file types "
#~ "('mkvmerge --list-types') and contact the author Moritz Bunkus "
#~ "<> if your file type is supported but not recognized "
#~ "properly.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1% agiria mota ezezagunekoa da. Mesedez bata begirada bat sostengaturiko "
#~ "agiri motei (('mkvmerge --list-types') eta jarri harremanetan "
#~ "egilearekin, Moritz Bunkus <> zure agiri mota "
#~ "sostengatua bada baina ez da egoki ezagutua.\n"
#~ msgid "File creation failed"
#~ msgstr "Agiri sortze hutsegitea"
#~ msgid "File data, size: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Agiri datuak, neurria: %1%"
#~ msgid "File has been modified"
#~ msgstr "Agiria aldatu egin da"
#~ msgid "File identification failed for '%s'. Return code: %d"
#~ msgstr "Agiri ezagutarazpen hutsegitea '%s'-rentzat. Erantzun kodea: %d"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "File identification failed. Return code: %d. Errno: %d (%s). Make sure "
#~ "that you've selected a mkvmerge executable in the settings dialog."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezagutarazpen hutsegitea. Erantzun kodea: %d. Akats zebk: %d (%s). "
#~ "Zihurtatu mkvmerge exekutagarri bat hautaturik dizula ezarpen "
#~ "elkarrizketan."
#~ msgid "File is already processed"
#~ msgstr "Agiria jadanik prozesaturik dago"
#~ msgid "File modified"
#~ msgstr "Agiria aldatuta"
#~ msgid "File name: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Agiri izena: %1%"
#~ msgid "File removal not possible"
#~ msgstr "Ezin da agiria kendu"
#~ msgid "File/segment linking"
#~ msgstr "Agiri/zati lotura"
#~ msgid "File/segment title:"
#~ msgstr "Agiri/zati izenburua:"
#~ msgid "Finished job ID %d on %s: status '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%d ID-dun lana amaituta %s: egoera '%s'"
#~ msgid "Finished on"
#~ msgstr "Amaituta"
#~ msgid "Finished processing on %s"
#~ msgstr "%s garapena amaituta"
#~ msgid "Fix bitstream timing information"
#~ msgstr "Zuzendu bitjario denborapen argibideak"
#~ msgid "Forced flag"
#~ msgstr "Ikur behartua: %1%"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Forces the FourCC of the video track to this value. Note that this only "
#~ "works for video tracks that use the AVI compatibility mode or for "
#~ "QuickTime video tracks. This option CANNOT be used to change Matroska's "
#~ "CodecID."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bideoaren FourCC balioa balio honetara behartzen du. Ohartu honek "
#~ "bakarrik lan egiten duela AVI bateragarritasun modua erabiltzen duten "
#~ "bideo bideekin edo Quick Time bideo bideekin. Aukera hau EZIN DA "
#~ "Matroskaren Kodek ID-a aldatzeko erabili."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Forces the NALU size length to a certain number of bytes. This parameter "
#~ "is only available for AVC/H.264 elementary streams read from AVC/H.264 ES "
#~ "files, AVIs or Matroska files created with '--engage "
#~ "allow_avc_in_vwf_mode'. It defaults to 4 bytes, but there are files which "
#~ "do not contain a frame or slice that is bigger than 65535 bytes. For such "
#~ "files you can use this parameter and decrease the size to 2."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Behartzen du NALU neurri luzera byte zenbateko batera. Parametro hau "
#~ "eskuragarria da bakarrik AVC/H.264 ohinarrizko jario irakurketan '--"
#~ "engage allow_avc_in_vwf_mode'-rekin sortutako AVC/H.264 ES, AVI edo "
#~ "Matroska agirietatik. Berez 4 byte dira, baina badaude agiriak ez dutenak "
#~ "frame bat edo mozketa bat 65535 bytes baino handiagoa dena. Agiri "
#~ "hauentzat parametro hau erabili dezakezu eta neurria 2-ra murriztu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Forces the timestamp scale factor to REPLACEME. You have to replace "
#~ "REPLACEME with a value between 1000 and 10000000 or with -1. Normally "
#~ "mkvmerge will use a value of 1000000 which means that timestamps and "
#~ "durations will have a precision of 1ms. For files that will not contain a "
#~ "video track but at least one audio track mkvmerge will automatically "
#~ "choose a timestamp scale factor so that all timestamps and durations have "
#~ "a precision of one sample. This causes bigger overhead but allows precise "
#~ "seeking and extraction. If the magical value -1 is used then mkvmerge "
#~ "will use sample precision even if a video track is present."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Behartzen du denbora-kode neurri ezaugarria REPLACEME-ra. REPLACEME "
#~ "ordeztu behar duzu 1000 eta 10000000 arteko balio batekin edo -1-rekin. "
#~ "Arrunt, mkvmergek 1000000 balioa erabiliko du, honek esanahi du denbora-"
#~ "kodeek eta iraupenek 1 sm-ko zehaztasuna izango dutela. Bideo biderik "
#~ "izango ez duten agirientzat baina gutxienez audio bide bat bai mkvmergek "
#~ "berezgaitasunez hautatuko du denbora-kode neurri ezaugarri bat denbora-"
#~ "kode eta iraupen guztiek lagin baten zehaztasuna izan dezaten. Honek "
#~ "burugaintza handiagoa eragiten du baina bilaketa eta aterapen zehatza "
#~ "ahalbidetzen du. -1 balio magikoa erabiltzen bada mkvmergek lagin "
#~ "zehaztasuna erabiliko du baita bideo bidea badago ere."
#~ msgid "Format specific options"
#~ msgstr "Heuskarri aukera bereiziak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Found group of picture with broken link. You may want use smart reencode "
#~ "before attempting to multiplex it.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irudi multzo bat aurkitu da lotura hautsiarekin. Badaiteke zuk "
#~ "berkodeaketa adimentsu bat erabili nahi izatea hura multiplexatzen saiatu "
#~ "aurretik.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Found one or more B frames without second reference in the first GOP. You "
#~ "may want to fix the MPEG2 video stream or use smart reencode before "
#~ "attempting to multiplex it.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "B frame bat edo gehiago aurkitu dira bigarren xehetasun gabe lehen GOP-"
#~ "ean. Badaiteke MPEG2 bideo jarioa zuzendu edo berkodeaketa adimentsu bat "
#~ "erabili nahi izatea hura multiplexatu aurretik.\n"
#~ msgid "FourCC:"
#~ msgstr "FourCC:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Free-form edit field for user defined options for this track. What you "
#~ "input here is added after all the other options mmg adds so that you "
#~ "could overwrite any of mmg's options for this track. All occurrences of "
#~ "the string \"<TID>\" will be replaced by the track's track ID."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Forma-askeko edizio eremua erabiltzaileak bide honentzako aukerak "
#~ "zehazteko. Hemen sartzen duzuna mmg-k beste aukera guztiak gehitu ondoren "
#~ "gehitzen da, hortaz bide honentzako mmg-ren aukera guztiak gainidazten "
#~ "dituzu. \"<TID>\" katearen gertaera guztiak bidearen bide ID-rekin "
#~ "ordeztuko dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Garbage at the start of audio tracks in AVI files is normally used for "
#~ "delaying that track. mkvmerge normally calculates the delay implied by "
#~ "its presence and offsets all of the track's timestamps by it. This option "
#~ "prevents that behavior."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Audio bideen hasierako zakarrak AVI agirietan arrunt bide hori "
#~ "atzeratzeko erabiltzen dira. mkvmerge-k arrunt atzerapena beren egotearen "
#~ "arabera kalkulatzen du eta bide guztien denbora-kodeak horretara "
#~ "orekatzen ditu. Aukera honek jokabide hori saihesten du."
#~ msgid "General track options"
#~ msgstr "Bidearen aukera orokorrak"
#~ msgid "Global"
#~ msgstr "Orokorra"
#~ msgid "Global tags (%d entries) from %s"
#~ msgstr "Etiketa orokorrak (%d sarrera) --> %s"
#~ msgid "H&eaders"
#~ msgstr "&Idazburuak"
#~ msgid "Header editor ready."
#~ msgstr "Idazburu editatzailea gertu."
#~ msgid "Header editor: %s"
#~ msgstr "Idazburu editatzailea: %s"
#~ msgid "Headers modified"
#~ msgstr "Idazburuak aldatuta"
#~ msgid "Hel&p"
#~ msgstr "Lag&untza"
#~ msgid "Help file not found"
#~ msgstr "Laguntza agiria ez da aurkitu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Help is available in form of tool tips, from the\n"
#~ "'Help' menu or by pressing the 'F1' key."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Laguntza eskuragarri dago tresna buru bezala,\n"
#~ "'Laguntza' menuan edo 'F1' tekla sakatuz."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here you can add more command line options either by\n"
#~ "entering them below or by chosing one from the drop\n"
#~ "down box and pressing the 'add' button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hemen agindu lerro aukera gehiago gehitu ditzakezu,\n"
#~ "bai behean sartuz edo bat hautatuz hedagarri zerrendatik\n"
#~ "eta 'Gehitu' botoia sakatuz."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here you can adjust all the timestamps of the selected chapter and of all "
#~ "its sub-chapters by a specific amount either increasing or decreasing "
#~ "them."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hemen hautaturiko atalaren denbora-kode guztiak eta beren azpi-atal "
#~ "guztiak zehaztu ditzakezu adierazitako zenbateko batera hauek handituz "
#~ "edo gutxituz."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here you can set the default values that mmg will use\n"
#~ "for each chapter that you create. These values can\n"
#~ "then be changed if needed. The default values will be\n"
#~ "saved when you exit mmg."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hemen sortzen duzun atal bakoitzarentzat mmg-k erabiliko dituen berezko "
#~ "balioak ezarri ditzakezu\n"
#~ "Balio hauek aldatu daitezke beharrezkoa bada. Berezko balioak gorde "
#~ "egingo dira mmg-tik irtetzen zarenean."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here you can set the values for the language and the country that you "
#~ "want to apply to all the chapters below and including the currently "
#~ "selected entry."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hemen beheko atal guztiei ezartzea nahi diezun hizkuntza eta herrialde "
#~ "balioak ezarri ditzakezu, orain hautaturiko sarrera barne."
#~ msgid "IVF with VP8 video files"
#~ msgstr "IVF VP8 bideo agiriekin"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If a chapter is marked 'hidden' then the player should not show this "
#~ "chapter entry to the user. Such entries could still be used by the menu "
#~ "system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal bat 'ezkutua' markatuta badago irakurgailuak ez dio atal sarrera hau "
#~ "erakutsi beharko erabiltzaileari. Sarrera hauek oraindik menu sistemak "
#~ "erabili izan daitezke."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If a chapter is not marked 'enabled' then the player should skip the part "
#~ "of the file that this chapter occupies."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal bat 'gaitua' markatuta badago irakurgailuak jauzi egingo du atal "
#~ "honek agirian hartzen duen zatia."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If a chapter or an edition is marked 'hidden' then the player should not "
#~ "show this chapter entry (or all of this edition's entries) to the user. "
#~ "Such entries could still be used by the menu system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal bat edo edizio bat 'ezkutua' markatuta badago irakurgailuak ez dio "
#~ "atal sarrera hau (edo edizio honen sarrera guztiak) erakutsi beharko "
#~ "erabiltzaileari. Sarrera hauek oraindik menu sistemak erabiliak izan "
#~ "daitezke."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If an edition is marked 'ordered' then the chapters can be defined "
#~ "multiple times and the order to play them is enforced."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Edizio bat 'hurrenkeran' markatzen bada atalek denbora anitz zehaztu "
#~ "ditzakete eta beren irakurketa hurrenkera behartua da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If an edition is marked as 'default' then it should be used as the "
#~ "default edition."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Edizio bat 'berezkoa' bezala makatuta badago berezko edizio bezala "
#~ "erabili behar da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If checked mmg make sure the suggested output file name is unique by "
#~ "adding a number (e.g. ' (1)') to the end of the file name. This is only "
#~ "done if the unmodified file name already exists."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatua badago mmg-l iradokituriko irteera agiri izena bakarra dela "
#~ "zihurtatzen du zenbaki bat gehituz (adib. ' (1)') agiri izenaren "
#~ "amaierara. Hau egiten da bakarrik aldatugabeko agiri izena jadanik badago."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If checked mmg will ask for confirmation before overwriting existing "
#~ "files, or before adding a new job if there's an old job whose description "
#~ "matches the new one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatzen bada mmg-ek baieztapena eskatuko du dauden agiriak gainidatzi "
#~ "aurretik, edo lan berri bat gehitu aurretik lan zaharren bat badago berri "
#~ "batekin bat datorren azalpena duena."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If checked mmg will automatically set the output filename if it hasn't "
#~ "been set already. This happens when you add the first file. If unset mmg "
#~ "will not touch the output filename."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatzen bada mmg-ek berezgaitasunez ezarriko du irteera agirizena "
#~ "jadanik ezarria izan ez bada. Hau gertatzen da lehen agiria gehitzen "
#~ "duzunean. Ezartzen ez bada mmg-ek ez du ikutuko irteera agirizena."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If checked mmg will set the 'compression' drop down box to 'none' for all "
#~ "audio and video tracks by default. The user can still change the "
#~ "compression setting afterwards."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatzen bada mmg-ek 'konpresioa' 'ezer ez' ezarriko du berez audio eta "
#~ "bideo bide guztientzat. Erabiltzaileak konpresio ezarpena ondoren aldatu "
#~ "dezake."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If checked mmg will warn if it thinks that you're using it incorrectly. "
#~ "Such warnings are shown at least once even if you turn this feature off."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatzen bada mmg-ek ohartaraziko du oker erabiltzen ari zarela uste "
#~ "badu. Ohartarazpen hauek gutxienez behin erakusten dira baita ezaugarri "
#~ "hau ezgaitzen baduzue ere."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If checked, several short animations used throughout the program as "
#~ "visual clues for the user will be disabled."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatzen bada, programen artean erabiltzaileak ikus clue bezala "
#~ "erabiltzen diren animazio labur ugariak ezgaituak izango dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If disabled the GUI will ask whether you want to add the dropped files, "
#~ "append them or add them as additional parts."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezgaituta badago EIG-k eroritako agiriak gehitzea, eranstea edo zati "
#~ "gehigarri bezala gehitzea nahi dituzun galdetuko dizu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If enabled all subtitle tracks will have their »default track« flag set "
#~ "to »no« when they're added."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gaituta badago azpidatzi bide guztiek beren »berezko bidea« ikurra »ez« "
#~ "bezala ezarrita izango dute gehitzen direnean."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If enabled the GUI will automatically switch to the job output tool "
#~ "whenever you start a job (e.g. by pressing »start muxing«)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gaituta badago EIG berezgaitasunez aldatuko da lan irteera tresnara lan "
#~ "bat hasten duzunean (adib. »hasi multiplexaketa« sakatuz)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If enabled the first tab in the »job output« tool will not be cleared "
#~ "when a new job starts."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gaituta badago »lan irteera« tresnako lehen hegatsa ez da garbituko lan "
#~ "berri bat hasten denean."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If left empty then mmg will set the output file name to be in the same "
#~ "directory as the first file added to this job. Otherwise this directory "
#~ "will be used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hutsik utziz gero mmg-ek irteera agiri izena lan honetara gehitutako "
#~ "lehen agiriaren zuzenbide berean ezarriko du. Bestela zuzenbide hau "
#~ "erabiliko da."
#~ msgid "If nothing is entered the default 'Chapter <NUM:2>' will be used."
#~ msgstr "Ez bada ezer sartzen berezko 'Atala <NUM:2>' erabiliko da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If splitting is a file can be attached either to all files created or "
#~ "only to the first file. Has no effect if no splitting is used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bananketa agiri bat bada erantsi daiteke bai sorturiko agiri guztietara "
#~ "edo lehen agirira bakarrik. Ez du eraginik bananketa ez bada erabiltzen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you encounter problems during playback of files please consider "
#~ "visiting the newly created MKVToolNix troubleshooting advice page:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agirien irakurketan arazoak aurkitzen badituzu, mesedez ikusi sortu "
#~ "berria den MKVToolNix arazo konponketa aholku orrialdea:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you want to know more about the current status then take a look at the "
#~ "following web page:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Oraingo egoerari buruz gehiago jakitea nahi baduzu bota begirada bat "
#~ "hurrengo web orrialdeari:"
#~ msgid "Incompatible mkvmerge version"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge bertsio bateraezina"
#~ msgid "Incompatible track"
#~ msgstr "Bide bateraezina"
#~ msgid "Inconsistent AAC audio packet (length: %1% != len_check %2%)\n"
#~ msgstr "AAC audio pakete beteraezina (luzera: %1% != len_check %2%)\n"
#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Argibideak"
#~ msgid "Info job settings"
#~ msgstr "Argibide lan ezapenak"
#~ msgid "Input"
#~ msgstr "Sarrera"
#~ msgid "Input data error"
#~ msgstr "Sarrera datu okerrak"
#~ msgid "Input files:"
#~ msgstr "Sarrera agiriak:"
#~ msgid "Interface language:"
#~ msgstr "Intefaze hizkuntza:"
#~ msgid "Invalid UID. A UID is simply a number."
#~ msgstr "UID baliogabea. UID bat zenbaki arrunt bat da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid UID. This chapter UID is already in use. The original UID has not "
#~ "been changed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "UID baliogabea. Atal UID hau jadanik erabilia da. Jatorrizko UID-a ez da "
#~ "aldatu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid UID. This edition UID is already in use. The original UID has not "
#~ "been changed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "UID baliogabea. Edizio UID hau jadanik erabilia da. Jatorrizko UID-a ez "
#~ "da aldatu."
#~ msgid "Invalid country selected"
#~ msgstr "Hatutariko herrialdea baliogabea da"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid end frame for '--split' in '--split %1%' (current part: %2%).\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hasiera/amaiera bereizketa baliogabea: '--split' hemen '--split "
#~ "%1%' (oraingo atala: %2%).\n"
#~ msgid "Invalid file name"
#~ msgstr "Agiri izen baliogabea"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid format for a SSA line ('%1%') at timestamp %2%: Too many fields "
#~ "found (%3% instead of 9). This entry will be skipped.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Heuskarri baliogabea SSA lerro batean ('%1%') %2% denbora-kodean: Eremu "
#~ "gehiegi aurkitu dira (%3% 9-ren ordez. Sarrera hau jauzi egingo da.\n"
#~ msgid "Invalid format used for the adjustment."
#~ msgstr "Heuskarri baliogabea erabili da zehaztapenerako."
#~ msgid "Invalid format used for the end time for '%s'. Setting value to 0."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Heuskarri baliogabea erabili da '%s'-rentzako amaiera denboran. Balioa 0-"
#~ "ean ezartzen."
#~ msgid "Invalid format used for the segment UID. Not using the value."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Heuskarri baliogabea erabili da zati UID-rakko. Balioa ez erabiltzen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid format used for the segment edition UID. Not using the value."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Heuskarri baliogabea erabili da zati edizio UID-rako. Balioa ez "
#~ "erabiltzen."
#~ msgid "Invalid format used for the start time for '%s'. Setting value to 0."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Heuskarri baliogabea erabili da '%s'-rentzako hasiera denboran. Balioa 0-"
#~ "ean ezartzen."
#~ msgid "Invalid number of max. split files given."
#~ msgstr "Emaniko geh. agiri banandu zenbatekoa baliogabea da."
#~ msgid "Invalid track ID in '%1% %2%'.\n"
#~ msgstr "Bide ID baliogabea hemen: '%1% %2%'.\n"
#~ msgid "Invalid {0} specified in '--{1} {2}'.\n"
#~ msgstr "{0} baliogabea adierazia: '--{1} {2}'.\n"
#~ msgid "It can also be opened from the 'Help' menu."
#~ msgstr "'Laguntza' menutik ere ireki daiteke."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It has been superseded by the new MKVToolNix GUI which should also be "
#~ "included in the same package."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "MKVToolNix EIG berriak gainditua izan da zeina ere pakete berean "
#~ "barneratu behar da."
#~ msgid "It was written by Moritz Bunkus <>."
#~ msgstr "Moritz Bunkus-ek <> idatzia."
#~ msgid "Job queue management"
#~ msgstr "Lan lerro kudeaketa"
#~ msgid "LZO compression failed. Result: %1%\n"
#~ msgstr "LZO konpresio hutsegitea. Emaitza: %1%\n"
#~ msgid "Language for this track. Select one of the ISO 639-2 language codes."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide honentzako hizkuntza. Hautatu bat ISO 639-2 hizkuntza kodeetatik."
#~ msgid "Language is not NUL terminated"
#~ msgstr "Hizkuntza ez da NULO amaitu"
#~ msgid "Language: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Hizkuntza: %1%"
#~ msgid "Languages"
#~ msgstr "Hizkuntzak"
#~ msgid "Lets you add arbitrary options to the command line"
#~ msgstr "Agindu lerrora norbere aukerak gehitzea ahalbidetzen dizu"
#~ msgid "Load a chapter file (simple/OGM format or XML format)"
#~ msgstr "Gertatu atal agiri bat (arrunta/OGM heuskarria edo XML heuskarria)"
#~ msgid "Load muxing settings from a file"
#~ msgstr "Gertatu multiplexaketa ezarpenak agiri batetik"
#~ msgid "Log files (*.txt)|*.txt|%s"
#~ msgstr "Ohar agiriak (*.txt)|*.txt|%s"
#~ msgid "Log output:"
#~ msgstr "Irteera oharra:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "MIME type for this track. Select one of the pre-defined MIME types or "
#~ "enter one yourself."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "MIME mota bide honentzat. Hautatu aurre-zehazturiko MIME mota batedo "
#~ "sartu zeure bat."
#~ msgid "MIME type:"
#~ msgstr "MIME mota:"
#~ msgid "MKVToolNix is licensed under the GNU GPL v2"
#~ msgstr "MKVToolNix GNU GPL v2 baimenpean dago"
#~ msgid "MKVToolNix option files (old format)"
#~ msgstr "MKVToolNix aukera agiriak (heuskarri zaharra)"
#~ msgid "MP2/MP3"
#~ msgstr "MP2/MP3"
#~ msgid "MP3"
#~ msgstr "MP3"
#~ msgid "MPEG audio files"
#~ msgstr "MPEG audio agiriak"
#~ msgid "MainWindow"
#~ msgstr "Leih&oa"
#~ msgid "Make suggested output file names unique"
#~ msgstr "Egin iradokituriko irteera agiria bakar"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Make this track the default track for its type (audio, video, subtitles). "
#~ "Players should prefer tracks with the default track flag set."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide hau berezko bide egiten du bere motentzat (audioa, bideoa, "
#~ "azpidatziak). Irakurgailuek berezko bide ikurra ezarrita duten bideak "
#~ "hobetsi beharko lituzkete."
#~ msgid "Malformed line? (%1%)\n"
#~ msgstr "Lerro hondatua? (%1%)\n"
#~ msgid "Mark this track as 'forced'. Players must play this track."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide hau 'behartuta' bezala markatzen du. Irakurgailuek bide hau irakurri "
#~ "behar dute."
#~ msgid "Matroska A/V files (*.mka;*.mkv;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mk3d|%s"
#~ msgstr "Matroska A/B agiriak (*.mka;*.mkv;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mk3d|%s"
#~ msgid "Matroska files (%1)"
#~ msgstr "Ireki Matroska agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Matroska files (*.mkv *.mka *.mks *.mk3d);;All files (*.*)"
#~ msgstr "Matroska agiriak (*.mkv *.mka *.mks *.mk3d);;Agiri denak (*.*)"
#~ msgid "Matroska files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mk3d|%s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Matroska agiriak (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d|%s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Matroska files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d|%s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Matroska agiriak (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d)|*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks;*.mk3d|%s"
#~ msgid "Max BlockAddition ID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Geh Bloke-Gehitze ID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "Max content light: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Geh eduki argitasuna: %1%"
#~ msgid "Max frame light: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Geh frame argitasuna: %1%"
#~ msgid "Max luminance: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Geh. argitasuna: %1%"
#~ msgid "Max. number of files:"
#~ msgstr "Geh. agiri zenbatekoa:"
#~ msgid "MaxCache: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Geh.-Katxea: %1%"
#~ msgid "Merge"
#~ msgstr "Batu"
#~ msgid "Merge job"
#~ msgstr "Batze tresna"
#~ msgid "Merge this"
#~ msgstr "Batze tresna"
#~ msgid "Merge tool"
#~ msgstr "Batze tresna"
#~ msgid "Merging application"
#~ msgstr "Multiplexaketa aplikazioa"
#~ msgid "Mi&nimum playlist duration:"
#~ msgstr "Gut&xienezko irakur-zerrenda iraupena:"
#~ msgid "Mime type"
#~ msgstr "Mime mota: %1%"
#~ msgid "Min luminance: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Gutx. argitasuna: %1%"
#~ msgid "MinCache: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Gutx-Katxea: %1%"
#~ msgid "Minimum duration for playlists in seconds:"
#~ msgstr "Irakur-zerrendentzako gutxienezko iraupena segunduetan:"
#~ msgid "Missing file name"
#~ msgstr "Ez dagoen agiriaren izena"
#~ msgid "Missing file name after for the option '--edit-headers'."
#~ msgstr "'--edit-headers' aukeraren ondorengo agiri izena ez dago."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Missing header/comment packets for stream. This file is broken but should "
#~ "be muxed correctly. If not please contact the author Moritz Bunkus "
#~ "<>.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jarioarentzako idazburu/aipamen paketeak ez daude. Agiri hau hautsita "
#~ "dago baina zuzen multiplexatu beharko litzake. Horrela ez bada jarri "
#~ "harremanetan egilearekin, Moritz Bunkus <>.\n"
#~ msgid "Missing input"
#~ msgstr "Ez dagoen sarrera"
#~ msgid "Move the selected jobs down"
#~ msgstr "Mugitu hautaturiko lanak behera"
#~ msgid "Move the selected jobs up"
#~ msgstr "Mugitu hautaturiko lanak gora"
#~ msgid "Mu&x this track:"
#~ msgstr "Multiplexatu bide hau:"
#~ msgid "Multiplexing application: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Multiplexaketa aplikazioa: %1%"
#~ msgid "Mux this"
#~ msgstr "Multiplexatu hau"
#~ msgid "Muxing application"
#~ msgstr "Multiplexaketa aplikazioa"
#~ msgid "Muxing application: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Multiplexaketa aplikazioa: %1%"
#~ msgid "Muxing in progress."
#~ msgstr "Multiplexaketa garatzen."
#~ msgid "NALU si&ze length:"
#~ msgstr "NALU neurri luzera:"
#~ msgid "Name &template:"
#~ msgstr "Izen eredua:"
#~ msgid "Name for this track, e.g. \"director's comments\"."
#~ msgstr "Bide honentzako izena, adib. \"zuzendariaren aipamenak\"."
#~ msgid "Name: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Izena: %1%"
#~ msgid "Ne&xt segment UID:"
#~ msgstr "Hurrengo zatiaren UID-a:"
#~ msgid "New chapters created."
#~ msgstr "Atal berriak sortuta."
#~ msgid "Next filename: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Hurrengo agirizena: %1%"
#~ msgid "Next level 0 element is not a segment but %1%"
#~ msgstr "0 mailako hurrengo gaia ez da zati bat baina %1%"
#~ msgid "Next segment UID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Hurrengo zatiaren UID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "No AC3 header found in first frame; track will be skipped.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ez da AC3 idazbururik aurkitu lehen framean; bidea jauzi egingo da.\n"
#~ msgid "No MIME type has been selected for the attachment '%s'."
#~ msgstr "Ez dago MIME motarik hautatuta '%s' eranskinetik."
#~ msgid "No Matroska file has been opened yet."
#~ msgstr "Ez da agiririk ireki oraindik."
#~ msgid "No chapters found"
#~ msgstr "Ez da atalik aurkitu"
#~ msgid "No chapters in source files or chapter files found to split by.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ez da banantzeko atalik aurkitu iturburu agirietan edo atal agirietan.\n"
#~ msgid "No fields modified"
#~ msgstr "Ez da eremurik aldatu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No file has been loaded yet. You can open a file by selecting\n"
#~ "'Open' from the 'File' menu."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ez da agiririk gertatu oraindik. Agiri bat ireki dezakezu 'Ireki' "
#~ "hautatuz 'Agiria' menutik."
#~ msgid "No file loaded"
#~ msgstr "Ez dago agiririk gertatuta"
#~ msgid "No input files were given. No output will be created.\n"
#~ msgstr "Ez dira sarrera agiriak eman. Ezin da irteerarik sortu.\n"
#~ msgid "No streams to output were found. Aborting.\n"
#~ msgstr "Ez da irteera jariorik aurkitu. Uzten.\n"
#~ msgid "None of the header fields has been modified. Nothing has been saved."
#~ msgstr "Idazburu eremuetako bat ere ez da aldatu. Ez da ezer gordeko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally mkvmerge does not change the timing information (frame/field "
#~ "rate) stored in the video bitstream. With this option that information is "
#~ "adjusted to match the container timing information. The container timing "
#~ "information can come from various sources: from the command line via --"
#~ "default-duration, the source container or derived from the bitstream."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Arrunt mkvmergek ez ditu bideoaren bitjarioan biltegiratutako denborapen "
#~ "argibideak aldatzen (frame/eremu neurria). Aukera honekin argibideak "
#~ "edukiontziaren denborapen argibideekin bat etortzeko zehazten dira. "
#~ "Edukiontziaren denborapen argibideak iturburu anitzetatik etorri "
#~ "daitezke: komando lerroaren bidez --default-duration, iturburu "
#~ "edukiontzitik edo bitjariotik eratorrita. "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally mkvmerge keeps aspect ratio information in MPEG4 video "
#~ "bitstreams and puts the information into the container. This option "
#~ "causes mkvmerge to remove the aspect ratio information from the bitstream."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Arrunt mkvmergek ikuspegi maila argibideei heusten die MPEG4 bideo "
#~ "bitjarioetan eta argibideak edukiontzian jartzen ditu. Aukera honek "
#~ "mkvmergek ikuspegi maila argibideak bitjariotik kentzea eragiten du."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Normally the track property controls are shown on the right side in a "
#~ "scrollable widget."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Arrunt bide ezaugarria aginteak eskuin aldean erakusten dira gailu "
#~ "irristari batean."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Note that the language »Undetermined (und)« is assumed for tracks for "
#~ "which no language is known (e.g. those read from SRT subtitle files)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ohartu »Zehaztugabea (und)« hizkuntza ezaguna ez den hizkuntza duten "
#~ "bideentzat hartzen dela (adib. SRT azpidatzi agirietatik irakurtzean)."
#~ msgid "Notice"
#~ msgstr "Oharra"
#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Ongi"
#~ msgid "One of the chapters does not have a name."
#~ msgstr "Ataletako batek ez du izenik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "One of the options '--attachment-name', '--attachment-description' or '--"
#~ "attachment-mime-type' has been used without a following '--add-"
#~ "attachment' or '--replace-attachment' option.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'--attachment-name', '--attachment-description' edo '--attachment-mime-"
#~ "type' aukeretako bat '--add-attachment' edo '--replace-attachment' aukera "
#~ "gabe erabili da.\n"
#~ msgid "Only enable muxing of tracks with specific languages by default"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gaitu h&izkuntza bereizi bat duten bideen berez multiplexaketa bakarrik "
#~ msgid "Only one output file allowed.\n"
#~ msgstr "Irteera agiri bat bakarrik ahalbidetuta.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Only play lists whose duration are at least this long are considered and "
#~ "offered to the user for selection."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gutxinez luzera hau duten irakur-zerrendak bakarrik hartzen dira kontuan "
#~ "eta erabiltzaileari eskaini hautapenerako."
#~ msgid "Only to the first"
#~ msgstr "Lehenean bakarrik"
#~ msgid "Op&tions\tCtrl-P"
#~ msgstr "&Aukerak\tCtrl-P"
#~ msgid "Open Matroska file"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki Matroska agiria"
#~ msgid "Open a Matroska file"
#~ msgstr "Ireki Matroska agiri bat"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Open a file via the »chapter editor« menu, the buttons below or drag & "
#~ "drop one here."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ireki agiri bat »atal editatzailea« menuaren bidez, azpiko botoien bidez "
#~ "edo arrastatu-eta-askatu bat hemen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Open a file via the »header editor« menu, the button below or drag & drop "
#~ "one here."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ireki agiri bat »idazburu editatzailea« menuaren bidez, azpiko botoien "
#~ "bidez edo arrastatu-eta-askatu bat hemen."
#~ msgid "Open an existing Matroska file"
#~ msgstr "Ireki badagoen Matroska agiri bat"
#~ msgid "Open files in header editor"
#~ msgstr "Ireki agiriak idazburu editatzailean"
#~ msgid "Open folder"
#~ msgstr "&Ireki agiritegia"
#~ msgid "Open track's file in &MediaInfo"
#~ msgid_plural "Open tracks' files in &MediaInfo"
#~ msgstr[0] "Ireki bide agiria &MediaInfon"
#~ msgstr[1] "Ireki bide agiriak &MediaInfon"
#~ msgid "Option file created."
#~ msgstr "Aukera agiria sortuta."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Options meant ONLY for developpers. Do not use them. If something is "
#~ "considered to be an officially supported option then it's NOT in this "
#~ "list!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Garatzileentzako BAKARRIK dira aukera hauek. Ez dira erabili behar. "
#~ "Zerbait aukera ofizialki sostengarria bada EZ dago zerrenda honetan!"
#~ msgid "Order: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Antolakuntza: %1%"
#~ msgid "Output"
#~ msgstr "Irteera"
#~ msgid "Output file"
#~ msgstr "Irteera agiria"
#~ msgid "Output file name"
#~ msgstr "Irteera agiri izena"
#~ msgid "Output file:"
#~ msgstr "Irteera agiria:"
#~ msgid "Output filename"
#~ msgstr "Irteera agirizena"
#~ msgid "Output of the selected jobs:"
#~ msgstr "Hautaturiko lanen irteera:"
#~ msgid "Output:"
#~ msgstr "Irteera:"
#~ msgid "Overwrite existing file(s)?"
#~ msgstr "Gainidatzi dauden agiriak?"
#~ msgid "Overwrite existing file?"
#~ msgstr "Gainidatzi dagoen agiria?"
#~ msgid "Overwrite existing files?"
#~ msgstr "Gainidatzi dauden agiriak?"
#~ msgid "PGS"
#~ msgstr "PGS"
#~ msgid "Pa&rent directory of the first input file"
#~ msgstr "Lehen sarrera agiriaren gaine&ko zuzenbidea"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Packet queue not empty (flushed: %1%). Frames have been lost during "
#~ "remux. %2%\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pakete lerroa ez dago hutsik (orekatuta: %1%). Frameak galdu egin dira "
#~ "bermultiplexaketan. %2%\n"
#~ msgid "Parent directory of the first input file"
#~ msgstr "Lehen sarrera agiriaren gaineko zuzenbidea"
#~ msgid "Parse the file completely and show all elements"
#~ msgstr "Aztertu agiri osorik eta erakutsi gai guztiak"
#~ msgid "Please do not select 'mmg' itself as the 'mkvmerge' executable."
#~ msgstr "Mesedez ez hautatu 'mmg' bera 'mkvmerge' exekutagarri bezala."
#~ msgid "Please enter a description for the new job:"
#~ msgstr "Mesedez sartu lan berriarentzako azalpen bat:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please enter the values for the language and the\n"
#~ "country that you want to apply to all the chapters\n"
#~ "below and including the currently selected entry."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mesedez sartu hizkuntzarentzako balioak eta\n"
#~ "beheko atal denei ezartzea nahi diezun\n"
#~ "herrialdea orain hautaturiko sarrera barne."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please note that this program (mkvmerge GUI) is deprecated and will be "
#~ "removed within one or two releases."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mesedez ohartu programa hau (mkvmerge EIG) zaharkitua dagoela eta kendu "
#~ "egingo dela argitalpen bat edo bi gehiagoren ondoren."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Possible reasons include: the file is not a Matroska file; the file is "
#~ "write-protected; the file is locked by another process; you do not have "
#~ "permission to access the file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hutsegitea agiria idazterakoan. Ohiko arrazoiak dira agiria idaz-aurka "
#~ "babestua egotea, blokeatuta beste prozesuren bategaitik edo ez duzu idaz "
#~ "baimenik xede zuzenbidean."
#~ msgid "Pre&vious segment UID:"
#~ msgstr "Aurreko zatiaren UID-a:"
#~ msgid "Preview warning"
#~ msgstr "Aurreikuspen kontuz oharra"
#~ msgid "Previous file name"
#~ msgstr "Aurreko agiri izena"
#~ msgid "Previous filename: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Aurreko agirizena: %1%"
#~ msgid "Previous segment UID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Aurreko zatiaren UID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "Primary file name:"
#~ msgstr "Lehen agiri izena:"
#~ msgid "Processing 1000/1000"
#~ msgstr "Garatzen 1000/1000"
#~ msgid "Processing job %d/%d"
#~ msgstr "Lana garatzen %d/%d"
#~ msgid "Progress: 100%\n"
#~ msgstr "Garapena: 100%\n"
#~ msgid "Projection type: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Proiekzio mota: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid "PushButton"
#~ msgstr "botoiak"
#~ msgid "Querying mkvmerge's capabilities"
#~ msgstr "Ikusi mkvmergeren gaitasunak"
#~ msgid "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Track %1% has an unknown type.\n"
#~ msgstr "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: %1% bidea mota ezezagunekoa da.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Unknown/unsupported FourCC '%1%' for track %2%.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: FourCC ezezaguna/sostengatugabea '%|1$.4s|' "
#~ "%2% bidearentzat.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Quicktime/MP4 reader: Unknown/unsupported FourCC '%|1$.4s|' for track "
#~ "%2%.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Quicktime/MP4 irakurgailua: FourCC ezezaguna/sostengatugabea '%|1$.4s|' "
#~ "%2% bidearentzat.\n"
#~ msgid "Quit the application"
#~ msgstr "Utzi aplikazioa"
#~ msgid "Quit the header editor"
#~ msgstr "Utzi idazburu editatzailea"
#~ msgid "Quits mkvinfo"
#~ msgstr "mkvinfo uzten du"
#~ msgid "Re-enable the selected jobs"
#~ msgstr "Ber-gaitu hautaturiko lanak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Re-rendering track headers: data_size != 0 not implemented yet. %1%\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ber-aurkezpen bide idazburuak: datu_neurria != 0 oraindik ezarri gabe. "
#~ "%1%\n"
#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Gertu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "RealMedia files may contain HE-AAC / AAC+ / SBR AAC audio. In some cases "
#~ "this can NOT be detected automatically. Therefore you have to specifiy '--"
#~ "aac-is-sbr %1%' manually for this input file if the file actually "
#~ "contains SBR AAC. The file will be muxed in the WRONG way otherwise. Also "
#~ "read mkvmerge's documentation.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "RealMedia agiriek HE-AAC/AAC+/SBR AAC audioa izan dezakete. Batzuetan hau "
#~ "EZ da berezgaitasunez atzematen. Hortaz eskuz adierazi behar duzu'--aac-"
#~ "is-sbr %1%' sarrera agiri honek SBR AAC duen. Bestela agiria modu "
#~ "OKERREAN multiplexatuko da. Irakurri ere mkvmergeren agiritza.\n"
#~ msgid "Reduce to audio core"
#~ msgstr "Murriztu audio nukleora"
#~ msgid "Reference block: -%1%.%|2$06d|ms"
#~ msgstr "Xehetasun blokea: -%1%.%|2$06d|sm"
#~ msgid "Reload the current file without saving"
#~ msgstr "Birgertatu oraingo agiria gorde gabe"
#~ msgid "Remaining time:"
#~ msgstr "Gelditzen den denbora:"
#~ msgid "Remove a&ll"
#~ msgstr "Kendu &denak"
#~ msgid "Remove chapter"
#~ msgstr "Kendu atala"
#~ msgid "Remove job from job queue after run:"
#~ msgstr "Kendu lana lan lerrotik ekin ondoren:"
#~ msgid "Right-click to add and remove attachments"
#~ msgstr "Eskuin-klikatu eranskinak gehitu edo kentzeko"
#~ msgid "Run mkvmerge and start the muxing process"
#~ msgstr "Abiarazi mkvmerge eta hasi multiplexaketa garapena"
#~ msgid "Run the header field editor"
#~ msgstr "Abiarazi idazburu eremu editatzailea"
#~ msgid "S&can directory for other playlists:"
#~ msgstr "&Mihatu zuzenbidea beste irakur-zerrendentzat:"
#~ msgid "S&how the command line"
#~ msgstr "&Erakutsi agindu lerroa"
#~ msgid "S&tart selected"
#~ msgstr "Hasi ha&utapena"
#~ msgid "Sa&ve command line"
#~ msgstr "G&orde agindu lerroa"
#~ msgid "Same directory as the first input file's"
#~ msgstr "Lehen sarrera agiriaren zuzenbide bera"
#~ msgid "Save &as"
#~ msgstr "Gorde &honela"
#~ msgid "Save as default for new jobs"
#~ msgstr "Gorde berezko bezala lan berrientzat"
#~ msgid "Save information as"
#~ msgstr "Gorde argibideak honela"
#~ msgid "Save log"
#~ msgstr "Gorde oharra"
#~ msgid "Save muxing settings to a file"
#~ msgstr "Gorde multiplexaketa ezarpenak agiri batean"
#~ msgid "Save the command line to a file"
#~ msgstr "Gorde agindu lerroa agiri batean"
#~ msgid "Save the command line to an option file that can be read by mkvmerge"
#~ msgstr "Gorde agindu lerroa mkvmergek irakurri dezakeen aukera agiri batean"
#~ msgid "Save the current chapters to a XML file"
#~ msgstr "Gorde oraingo atalak XML agiri batean"
#~ msgid "Save the current chapters to a file with another name"
#~ msgstr "Gorde oraingo atalak agiri batean beste izen batekin"
#~ msgid "Save the header values"
#~ msgstr "Gorde idazburu balioak"
#~ msgid "Scan directory for other playlists:"
#~ msgstr "Mihatu zuzenbidea beste irakur-zerrendentzat:"
#~ msgid "Scanned files"
#~ msgstr "Mihatutako agiriak"
#~ msgid "Scope: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Irismena: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid "Seek ID: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Bilatu ID-a: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid "Seek pre-roll: %|1$.3f|ms (%2%ns)"
#~ msgstr "Bilaketa aurrealdia : %|1$.3f|ms (%2%ns)"
#~ msgid "Segment UID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Zati UID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "Segment file name"
#~ msgstr "Zati agiri izena"
#~ msgid "Segment filename: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Zati agirizena: %1%"
#~ msgid "Segment info file:"
#~ msgstr "Zati argibide agiria:"
#~ msgid "Segment info files (*.xml)|*.xml|%s"
#~ msgstr "Zati argibide agiriak (*.xml)|*.xml|%s"
#~ msgid "Segment tracks"
#~ msgstr "Zati bideak"
#~ msgid "Segment, size %1%"
#~ msgstr "Zatia, neurria %1%"
#~ msgid "Segment, size unknown"
#~ msgstr "Zatia, neurri ezezaguna"
#~ msgid "Select Matroska file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu Matroska agiria"
#~ msgid "Select one of the ISO 639-2 language codes."
#~ msgstr "Hautatu bat ISO 639-2 hizkuntza kodeetatik."
#~ msgid "Select output file"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu irteera agiria"
#~ msgid "Select the file you want to write to"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu idaztea nahi duzun agiria"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Select the languages you want to be shown at the top\n"
#~ "of language drop down boxes."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautatu hizkuntza hedagarriaren goren erakutsi daitezen nahi dituzun "
#~ "hizkuntzak."
#~ msgid "Select values to be applied"
#~ msgstr "Hautatu ezartzeko balioak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Selects for which blocks mkvmerge will produce index entries ( = cue "
#~ "entries). \"default\" is a good choice for almost all situations."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek zein blokentzat sortuko dituen aurkibide sarrerak hautatzen du "
#~ "( = cue sarrerak). \"berezkoa\" hautapen on bat da egoera gehienentzat."
#~ msgid "Set &output file"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri &Irteera agiria"
#~ msgid "Set country to:"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri herrialdea:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set if that track (audio, video or subs) SHOULD\n"
#~ "be used if no language found matches the\n"
#~ "user preference."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezarri bide hau (audioa, bideoa edo azpidatzia) erabili\n"
#~ "BEHAR den erabiltzailearen hobespenetan aurkitutako\n"
#~ "hizkuntzarekin bat ez badator."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set if that track MUST be used during playback.\n"
#~ "There can be many forced track for a kind (audio,\n"
#~ "video or subs). The player should select the one\n"
#~ "whose language matches the user preference or the\n"
#~ "default + forced track."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezarri bide hau irakurketan erabili BEHAR den.\n"
#~ "Beharturiko bide mota (audioa, bideoa edo azpidatzia)\n"
#~ "ugari egon daitezke. Irakurgailuak erabiltzaileak hobetsitakoarekin\n"
#~ "bat datorrena hautatu beharko luke edo berezkoa + behartutako bidea."
#~ msgid "Set language to:"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri hizkuntza:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set the MIME type to use for the following '--add-attachment' or '--"
#~ "replace-attachment' option"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezarri '--add-attachment' edo '--replace-attachment' aukeratan "
#~ "erabiltzeko MIME mota"
#~ msgid "Set the chapter names's &languages:"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri atal izenak eta hizkuntzak:"
#~ msgid "Set the chapter names's co&untries"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri &atal izenen herrialdeak"
#~ msgid "Set the delay input field from the file name"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri sarrera atzerapen eremua agiri izenetik"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set the description to use for the following '--add-attachment' or '--"
#~ "replace-attachment' option"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezarri '--add-attachment' edo '--replace-attachment' aukeratan "
#~ "erabiltzeko azalpena"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Set the name to use for the following '--add-attachment' or '--replace-"
#~ "attachment' option"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ezarri '--add-attachment' edo '--replace-attachment' aukeratan "
#~ "erabiltzeko izena"
#~ msgid "Set values"
#~ msgstr "Ezarri balioak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the compression algorithm to be used for this track. If no option is "
#~ "selected mkvmerge will decide whether or not to compress and which "
#~ "algorithm to use based on the track type. Most track types are not "
#~ "compressed at all. "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide honentzat erabiliko den konpresio algoritmoa ezartzen du. Aukera hau "
#~ "ez badago hautatua mkvmergek erabakiko du konprimitu edo ez eta zer "
#~ "algoritmo erabiliko den bide motan ohinarrituz. Bide mota gehienak ez "
#~ "dira konprimitzen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the cropping parameters. Must be comma-separated list of four "
#~ "numbers for the cropping to be used at the left, top, right and bottom."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mozketa parametroak ezartzen ditu. Kakotxaz banandutako lau zenbakiko "
#~ "zerrenda izan behar da erabiliko den mozketa alderako: ezker, goi, eskuin "
#~ "eta behe."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the default duration or number of frames per second for a track. "
#~ "This can either be a floating point number or a fraction."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide batentzako berezko iraupena edo frame/segunduko zenbatekoa ezartzen "
#~ "du. Hau izan daiteke zenbaki hamarren bat edo zatiki bat."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the display aspect ratio of the track. The format can be either 'a/"
#~ "b' in which case both numbers must be integer (e.g. 16/9) or just a "
#~ "single floating point number 'f' (e.g. 2.35)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bidearen erakuspen ikuspegi maila ezartzen du. Heuskarria izan daiteke 'a/"
#~ "b' eta edonola bietan bi zenbakiak osoak izan behar dute (adib. 16/9) edo "
#~ "zenbaki hamarren bat bakarrik 'h' (adib. 2.35)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the display height of the track. The width must be set as well, or "
#~ "this field will be ignored."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bidearen erakuspen garaiera ezartzen du. Zabalera ere ezarri behar da, "
#~ "edo eremu hau ezikusi egingo da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the display width of the track. The height must be set as well, or "
#~ "this field will be ignored."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bidearen erakuspen zabalera ezartzen du. Garaiera ere ezarri behar da, "
#~ "edo eremu hau ezikusi egingo da."
#~ msgid "Sets the priority that mkvmerge will run with."
#~ msgstr "mkvmergek ekingo duen lehentasuna ezartzen du."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the priority that mkvmerge will run with. Chosing 'lowest' will "
#~ "cause mkvmerge to select a low I/O priority as well."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek ekingo duen lehentasuna ezartzen du. 'apalena' hautatzeak "
#~ "mkvmergeri S/I lehentasun apalena hautatzea eragingo dio."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the segment UIDs to use. This is a comma-separated list of 128-bit "
#~ "segment UIDs in the usual UID form: hex numbers with or without the \"0x"
#~ "\" prefix, with or without spaces, exactly 32 digits.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Each file created contains one segment, and each segment has one segment "
#~ "UID. If more segment UIDs are specified than segments are created then "
#~ "the surplus UIDs are ignored. If fewer UIDs are specified than segments "
#~ "are created then random UIDs will be created for them."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabiltzeko zati UID-ak ezartzen ditu. Hau Kakotxaz bananduriko zerrenda "
#~ "bat da, 128 bit zati UID-ak ohiko UID eran: zenbaki hex. \"0x\" "
#~ "aurrizkiarekin edo gabe, tartearekin edo gabe, zehatz-mehatz 32 zenbaki.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Sorturiko agiri bakoitzak zati bat du, eta zati bakoitzak zati UID bat. "
#~ "Sortu diren zatiak baino zati UID gehiago adierazten badira gain UID-ak "
#~ "ezikusi egiten dira. Sortu diren zatiak baino zati UID gutxiago "
#~ "adierazten badira zorizko UID-ak sortuko dira beraientzat."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sets the stereo mode of the video track to this value. If left empty then "
#~ "the track's original stereo mode will be kept or, if it didn't have one, "
#~ "none will be set at all."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bideo bidearen estereo modua balio honetan ezartzen du. Hutsik badago "
#~ "bidearen jatorrizko estereo moduari heutsiko zaio edo, bat ere ez badago, "
#~ "ez da ezer ezarriko."
#~ msgid "Settings: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Ezarpenak: %1%"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Several options that control the overall output that mkvmerge creates."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek sortzen dituen irteerak modu orokorrean agintzen dituzten "
#~ "aukerak."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Shortened GOP detected. Some frames have been dropped. You may want to "
#~ "fix the MPEG2 video stream before attempting to multiplex it.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Laburtutako GOP atzeman da. Frame batzuk murriztu dira. Badaiteke zuk "
#~ "MPEG2 bideo jarioa zuzendu nahi izatea hura multiplexatu aurretik.\n"
#~ msgid "Show &all elements\tCtrl-A"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi &gai guztiak\tCtrl-A"
#~ msgid "Show about dialog"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi honi buruz elkarrizketa"
#~ msgid "Show buttons for moving list view entries up and down"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erakutsi zerrenda ikuspegiko sarrerak gora eta behera mugitzeko botoiak"
#~ msgid "Show element si&zes\tCtrl-Z"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi gai &neurriak\tCtrl-Z"
#~ msgid "Show job queue"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi lan lerroa"
#~ msgid "Show mmg's debug window"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi mmg-ren garbiketa leihoa"
#~ msgid "Show out&put of all jobs instead of current job only"
#~ msgstr "E&rakutsi lan guztien irteera oraingo lanarena bakarrik ordez"
#~ msgid "Show positions in hexadecimal."
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi kokapena hamaseitarrean."
#~ msgid "Show the command line mmg creates for mkvmerge"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi mmg-k mkvmergerako sortzen duen agindu lerroa"
#~ msgid "Show the guide to mkvmerge GUI"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi mkvmerge EIG gida"
#~ msgid "Show the size of each element including its header"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi gai bakoitzaren idazburu neurria idazburua barne"
#~ msgid "Show the tool selector"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi tresna hautatzailea"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Shows mmg's debug window in which debug messages will appear. This is "
#~ "only useful if you're helping the author debug a problem in mmg."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Garbiketa mezuak agertuko diren mmg-ren garbiketa leihoa erakusten du. "
#~ "Hau erabilgarria da bakarrik egilea mmg-ko arazo bat garbitzen laguntzen "
#~ "ari bazara."
#~ msgid "Signature algorithm: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Sinadura algoritmoa: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid "Signature hash algorithm: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Sinadura hash algoritmoa: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid "Signed integer"
#~ msgstr "Seinudun osoa"
#~ msgid "Simple chapter file format"
#~ msgstr "Atal agiri heuskarri arrunta"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Some header values have been modified. Do you really want to close "
#~ "without saving the file?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Idazburu balio batzuk aldatu egin dira. Egitan nahi duzu istea agiria "
#~ "gorde gabe?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Some header values have been modified. Do you really want to load a new "
#~ "file without saving the current one?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Idazburu balio batzuk aldatu egin dira. Egitan nahi duzu agiri berri bat "
#~ "gertatzea oraingo agiria gorde gabe?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Some header values have been modified. Do you really want to reload "
#~ "without saving the file?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Idazburu balio batzuk aldatu egin dira. Egitan nahi duzu birgertatzea "
#~ "agiria gorde gabe?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Specifies the language of the track in the\n"
#~ "Matroska languages form."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bidearen hizkuntza adierazten du\n"
#~ "Matroskaren hizkuntza galdekizunean."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Specify the possible modifications to the aspect ratio\n"
#~ "(0: free resizing, 1: keep aspect ratio, 2: fixed)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Adierazi ikuspegi mailaren ahalezko aldaketak\n"
#~ "(0: birneurriratze askea, 1: heutsi ikuspegi mailari, 2: zuzenduta)."
#~ msgid "Splitting by size was selected, but no size has been given."
#~ msgstr "Neurri bananketa hautatu da, baina ez da neurririk eman."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Splitting by timestamp/duration was selected, but nothing was entered."
#~ msgstr "Denbora-kode/iraupen bananketa hautatu da, baina ez ezer sartu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Splitting is active, and at least one of the potential output files '%s%s*"
#~ "%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite them?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bananketa eraginda dago, eta gutxienez ahalezko irteera agirietako bat "
#~ "'%s%s*%s' jadanik badago. Gainidaztea nahi d(it)uzu?"
#~ msgid "Sta&rt muxing (run mkvmerge)\tCtrl-R"
#~ msgstr "&Hasi multiplexaketa (abiarazi mkvmerge)\tCtrl-R"
#~ msgid "Start the GUI (and open inname if it was given)."
#~ msgstr "Hasi EIG (eta ireki agiria ematen bada)"
#~ msgid "Start the jobs whose status is 'pending'"
#~ msgstr "Hasi 'egiteke' egoeran dauden lanak"
#~ msgid "Start the selected jobs regardless of their status"
#~ msgstr "Hasi hautaturiko lanak beren egoera axolagabe"
#~ msgid "Start with empty settings"
#~ msgstr "Hasi ezarpen hutsekin"
#~ msgid "Start:"
#~ msgstr "Hasiera:"
#~ msgid "Started on"
#~ msgstr "Hasita"
#~ msgid "Starting job ID %d (%s) on %s"
#~ msgstr "Lana abiatzen ID-a: %d (%s) en %s"
#~ msgid "Status and progress"
#~ msgstr "Egoera eta garapena"
#~ msgid "Stereo mode: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Estereo modua: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Stereo-3D video mode (0: mono, 1: right eye,\n"
#~ "2: left eye, 3: both eyes)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Estereo-3D bideo modua(0: monoa, 1: esk. begia,\n"
#~ "2: ezk. begia, 3: bi begiak)."
#~ msgid "Stop &after the current job finishes"
#~ msgstr "Hasi &oraingo lanak amaitu ondoren"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Stretch this track's timestamps. This entry can have two formats. It is "
#~ "either a positive floating point number, or a fraction like e.g. "
#~ "1200/1253. Works best on video and subtitle tracks."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Luzatu bide honen denbora-kodeak. Sarrera honek bi heuskarri izan "
#~ "ditzake. Zenbaki hamarren positibo bat, edo zatiki bat, adib.1200/1253 "
#~ "bezalakoa. Hobeto lan egiten du bide eta azpidatzi bideetan."
#~ msgid "Subtitle track %1, %2, %3"
#~ msgstr "Azpidatzi bidea %1, %2, %3"
#~ msgid "Subtitle track %u"
#~ msgstr "Azpidatzi bidea %u"
#~ msgid "Tab position in tab widgets:"
#~ msgstr "Hegats kokapena hegats gailuan:"
#~ msgid "Tag file:"
#~ msgstr "Etiketa agiria:"
#~ msgid "Tag files (*.xml)|*.xml|%s"
#~ msgstr "Etiketa agiriak (*.xml)|*.xml|%s"
#~ msgid "Tag files (*.xml;*.txt)|*.xml;*.txt|%s"
#~ msgstr "Etiketa agiriak (*.xml;*.txt)|*.xml;*.txt|%s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Tags are not allowed in WebM compliant files. No tags will be written "
#~ "into any output file.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Etiketak ez daude ahalbideturik WebM bateragarritasun agirietan. Etiketak "
#~ "ez dira idatziko irteera agirietan.\n"
#~ msgid "Tags for track ID %lld (%d entries) from %s"
#~ msgstr "Etiketak bide ID-arentzat %lld (%d sarrerak) %s-tik"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Tells mkvmerge not to create and write the cue data which can be compared "
#~ "to an index in an AVI. Matroska files can be played back without the cue "
#~ "data, but seeking will probably be imprecise and slower. Use this only "
#~ "for testing purposes."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergeri esaten dio ez sortu eta idatzi aldertu daitezkeen cue datuak "
#~ "AVI baten aurkibide batean. Matroska agiriak cue datu gabe irakurri "
#~ "daitezke, baina bilaketa zihurrenik zehazgabeagoa eta astiroagoa izango "
#~ "da. Erabili hau azterketa asmoekin bakarrik."
#~ msgid "Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)"
#~ msgstr "Idazki agiriak (*.txt);;Agiri denak (*.*)"
#~ msgid "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|%s"
#~ msgstr "Idazki agiriak (*.txt)|*.txt|%s"
#~ msgid "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files|*.*"
#~ msgstr "Idazki agiriak (*.txt)|*.txt|Agiri denak|*.*"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The AVC video track is missing the 'CTTS' atom for frame timestamp "
#~ "offsets. However, AVC/H.264 allows frames to have more than the "
#~ "traditional one (for P frames) or two (for B frames) references to other "
#~ "frames. The timestamps for such frames will be out-of-order, and the "
#~ "'CTTS' atom is needed for getting the timestamps right. As it is missing "
#~ "the timestamps for this track might be wrong. You should watch the "
#~ "resulting file and make sure that it looks like you expected it to.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "AVC bideo bideak ez du 'CTTS' atomoa framen denbora-kode orekatarako. "
#~ "Horrela ere, AVC/H.264-k ahalbidetzen ditu ohiko xehetasun frame bat (P "
#~ "frameak) edo bi (B frameak) baino gehiago beste frame batzuetara. Denbora-"
#~ "kodeak frame hauentzat ordenatu-gabeak izango dira, eta 'CTTS' atomoa "
#~ "beharrezkoa da denbora-kodeak zuzen lortzeko. Hau ez dagoenez bide "
#~ "honentzako denbora-kodeak okerrak izan daitezke. Emaitz agiria ikuskatu "
#~ "beharko zenuke eta zihurtatu itxaroten duzun bezala ikusten dela.\n"
#~ msgid "The FPS setting for track nr. %s in file '%s' is invalid."
#~ msgstr "FS-ko ezarpena nr bidearentzat. %s '%s' agirian baliogabea da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The FourCC setting for track nr. %s in file '%s' is not exactly four "
#~ "characters long."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "FourCC ezarpena %s bidearentzat '%s' agirian ez da zehazki lau hizkiko "
#~ "luzerakoa."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The GUI is configured to use the mkvmerge executable from a different "
#~ "version (%1%) than the GUI itself (%2%). This is not supported but will "
#~ "not be prevented either. You should change the mkvmerge executable in the "
#~ "preferences dialog."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabiltzaile Interfaze Grafika, EIG (%2%) beraren ezberdina den mkvmerge "
#~ "exekutagarri bertsio (%1%) batetik erabiltzeko itxuraturik dago. Hau ez "
#~ "dago sostengaturik baina ez da saihestuko ere. mkvmerge exekutagarria "
#~ "aldatu behar duzu hobespenen elkarrizketan."
#~ msgid "The Matroska file is analyzed."
#~ msgstr "Matroska agiria aztertzen..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Matroska file was modified, but the meta seek entry could not be "
#~ "updated. Parent means that players might have a hard time finding parent "
#~ "element. Please use your favorite player to check parent file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Matroska agiria aldatu egin da, baina meta bilatzaile sarrera ezin da "
#~ "eguneratu. Honek esanahi du irakurgailuek denbora gehiago beharko dutela "
#~ "gai hau bilatzeko. Mesedez erabili zure irakurgailu gogokoena agiri hau "
#~ "egiaztatzeko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Matroska file was modified, but the meta seek entry could not be "
#~ "updated. This means that players might have a hard time finding the this "
#~ "element. Please use your favorite player to check this file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Matroska agiria aldatu egin da, baina meta bilatzaile sarrera ezin da "
#~ "eguneratu. Honek esanahi du irakurgailuek denbora gehiago beharko dutela "
#~ "gai hau bilatzeko. Mesedez erabili zure irakurgailu gogokoena agiri hau "
#~ "egiaztatzeko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Matroska file was modified, but the meta seek entry could not be "
#~ "updated. This means that players might have a hard time finding this "
#~ "element. Please use your favorite player to check this file.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "The proper solution is to save these chapters into a XML file and then to "
#~ "remux the file with the chapters included."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Matroska agiria aldatu egin da, baina meta bilatzaile sarrera ezin da "
#~ "eguneratu. Honek esanahi du irakurgailuek denbora gehiago beharko dutela "
#~ "gai hau bilatzeko. Mesedez erabili zure irakurgailu gogokoena agiri hau "
#~ "egiaztatzeko.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Konponbide egokia da atal hauek XML agiri batean gordetzea eta orduan "
#~ "agiria bermultiplexatzea atalak barne dituela."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Vorbis codebooks are different; such tracks cannot be concatenated "
#~ "without reencoding"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vorbis kodeliburuak ezberdinak dira; bide batzuk ezin dira kateaduratu "
#~ "berkodeatu gabe"
#~ msgid "The aspect ratio setting for track nr. %s in file '%s' is invalid."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "nr bidearentzako ikuspegi maila ezarpena. %s '%s' agirian baliogabea da."
#~ msgid "The chapter '%s' is missing its language."
#~ msgstr "'%s' atalak ez du hizkuntza."
#~ msgid "The chapter '%s' is missing the start time."
#~ msgstr "'%s' atalak ez du hasiera denborarik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The chapter editor has been used and contains data. However, no chapter "
#~ "file has been selected on the global page. In mmg, the chapter editor is "
#~ "independant of the muxing process. The chapters present in the editor "
#~ "will NOT be muxed into the output file. Only the various 'save' functions "
#~ "from the chapter editor menu will cause the chapters to be written to the "
#~ "hard disk.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Do you really want to continue muxing?\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Note: This warning can be deactivated in the 'options' dialog. Turn off "
#~ "the 'Warn about usage...' option."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Atal editatzailea erabilia izan da eta datuak ditu. Horrela ere, ez da "
#~ "atal agiririk hautatu orrialde orokorrean. mmg-an, atal editatzailea "
#~ "askea da multiplexaketa garapenarekiko. Editatzailean dauden atalak EZ "
#~ "dira irteera agirian multiplexatuko. Atal editatzaileko 'gorde' eginkizun "
#~ "batzuk bakarrik eragingo dute atalak diska gogorrean idaztaraztea.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Egitan nahi duzu multiplexaketarekin jarraitzea?\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Oharra: Ohar hau 'aukerak' elkarrizketan eten daiteke. Itzali "
#~ "'Erabilpenari buruzko oharrak...' aukera."
#~ msgid "The country '%s' is not a valid ccTLD and cannot be selected."
#~ msgstr "'%s' herrialdea ez da ccTLD baliozko bat eta ezin da hautatu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The current file (number %d) cannot be removed. There are other files -- "
#~ "at least file number %d -- whose tracks are supposed to be appended to "
#~ "tracks from this file. Please remove those files first."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Oraingo agiria (zenbakia: %d) ezin da kendu. Beste agiri batzuk daude -- "
#~ "gutxienez %d zenbakiko agiria -- hauen bideak suposatzen da agiri "
#~ "honetatik erantsiko direla bideetara. Mesedez kendu agiri hauek lehenik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The current version of this GUI is just a preview. It's not an alpha "
#~ "release, and certainly not a beta release. Many features present in the "
#~ "old GUI haven't been implemented yet, and there are many bugs. Its "
#~ "purpose is to give interested users a glimpse of what the new GUI will "
#~ "look and feel like."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "EIG honen oraingo bertsioa aurreikuspen bat besterik ez da. Ez da alfa "
#~ "argitalpen bat, eta egitan ez da beta argitalpen bat. EIG zaharreko "
#~ "ezaugarri askoa oraindik ez dira barneratu, eta akats ugari daude. Bere "
#~ "asmoa interesaturiko erabiltzaileei EIG berriak duen irudi eta "
#~ "sentipenaren aurreikuspen bat ematea da."
#~ msgid "The delay setting for track nr. %s in file '%s' is invalid."
#~ msgstr "nr bidearentzako atzerapen ezarpena. %s '%s' agirian baliogabea da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The difference between tags associated with a track and global tags is "
#~ "explained in mkvmerge's documentation. In short: global tags apply to the "
#~ "complete file while the tags you can add on the 'input' tab apply to only "
#~ "one track."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide batekin elkarturiko etiketen eta etiketa orokorren arteko "
#~ "ezberdintasuna mkvmergeren agiritzan azaltzen da. Laburki: etiketa "
#~ "orokorrak agiri osoari ezartzen zaizkio, aldiz 'sarrera' hegatsean gehitu "
#~ "ditzakezun etiketak bide bakar bati ezartzen zaizkio."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The directory it is located in contains %1% other file with the same "
#~ "extension."
#~ msgid_plural ""
#~ "The directory it is located in contains %1% other files with the same "
#~ "extension."
#~ msgstr[0] ""
#~ "Zuzenbidea luzapen berdina duen beste %1% agiri duen tokian dago."
#~ msgstr[1] ""
#~ "Zuzenbidea luzapen berdina duten beste %1% agiri dituen tokian dago."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The duration after which a new output file is started. The time can be "
#~ "given either in the form HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn or as the number of seconds "
#~ "followed by 's'. You may omit the number of hours 'HH' and the number of "
#~ "nanoseconds 'nnnnnnnnn'. If given then you may use up to nine digits "
#~ "after the decimal point. Examples: 01:00:00 (after one hour) or 1800s "
#~ "(after 1800 seconds)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irteera agiri berri bat iraupen honen ondoren hasten da. Denbora eman "
#~ "daiteke bai OO:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn eran edo segundu zenbateko bat bezala 's' "
#~ "batez jarraiturik. Ordu zenbatekoa 'OO' eta nanosegundu zenbatekoa "
#~ "'nnnnnnnnn' kendu ditzakezu. Bederatzi zenbakira arte erabili ditzakezu "
#~ "hamarren puntuaren ondoren. Adibideak: 01:00:00 (ordubete ondoren) edo "
#~ "1800s (1800 segundu ondoren)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The edition UID to play from the segment linked in the chapter's segment "
#~ "UID. This is simply a number."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Edizio UID-a loturaturiko zatitik irakurtzeko atalen zati UID-an. Hau "
#~ "zenbaki bat besterik ez da."
#~ msgid "The file '%1%' could not be opened for reading (%2%)."
#~ msgstr "%1% agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki (%2%)."
#~ msgid "The file '%1%' could not be opened for reading (%2%).\n"
#~ msgstr "%1% agiria ezin da irakurtzeko ireki (%2%).\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file '%1%' could not be opened for reading command line arguments.\n"
#~ msgstr "%1% agiria ezin da ireki agindu lerro argumentoak irakurtzeko.\n"
#~ msgid "The file '%1%' could not be opened for writing (%2%).\n"
#~ msgstr "%1% agiria ezin da idazteko ireki (%2%).\n"
#~ msgid "The file '%1%' could not be opened for writing (%2%, %3%).\n"
#~ msgstr "%1% ezin da idazteko ireki (%2%, %3%).\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file '%1%' has unknown type. Please have a look at the supported file "
#~ "types ('mkvmerge --list-types') and contact the author Moritz Bunkus "
#~ "<> if your file type is supported but not recognized "
#~ "properly.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1% agiria mota ezezagunekoa da. Mesedez bota begirada bat sostengaturiko "
#~ "agiri motei ('mkvmerge --list-types') eta jarri harremanetan egilearekin, "
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>, zure agiri mota sostengatua bada baina "
#~ "ez bada egoki ezagutzen.\n"
#~ msgid "The file '%1' exists already."
#~ msgstr "'%1' agiria badago jadanik."
#~ msgid "The file '%s' does not exist."
#~ msgstr "'%s' agiria ez dago."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file '%s' is already processed in combination with the file '%s'. It "
#~ "cannot be added a second time."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'%s' agiria jadanik prozesatu da '%s' agiriarekin batera. Ezin da "
#~ "bigarren aldiz gehitu."
#~ msgid "The file does not exist."
#~ msgstr "Agiria ez dago."
#~ msgid "The file does not seem to be a valid mkvmerge GUI settings file."
#~ msgstr "Agiriak ez dirudi mkvmerge EIG ezarpen agiri bat denik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file has been changed by another program since it was read by the "
#~ "header editor. Therefore you have to re-load it. Unfortunately this means "
#~ "that all of your changes will be lost."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agiria beste programaren batek aldatu du idazburu editatzaileak irakurri "
#~ "zuenetik. Hortaz birgertatu beharra duzu. Zorigaitzez honek esanahi du "
#~ "zure aldaketa guztiak galduko direla."
#~ msgid "The file is an unsupported container format (%s)."
#~ msgstr "Agiria sostengatu gabeko edukiontzi heuskarria da (%s)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file you tried to open (%1) is a simple chapter file format. This can "
#~ "only be read but not written. You will have to save the file to a "
#~ "Matroska or an XML chapter file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria (%1) atal agiri heuskarri arrunt bat "
#~ "da. Hau irakurri bakarrik egin daiteke baina ez idatzi. Agiria Matroska "
#~ "edo XML atal agiri batean gorde behar duzu."
#~ msgid "The file you tried to open is not a Matroska file."
#~ msgstr "Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria ez da Matroska agiri bat."
#~ msgid "The file you tried to save to is NOT a Matroska file."
#~ msgstr "Gordetzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria EZ da Matroska agiri bat."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file you tried to save to is a Matroska file. For this to work you "
#~ "have to use the 'Save to Matroska file' menu option."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gordetzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria ez da Matroska agiri bat. Lan "
#~ "honetarako menuko 'Gorde Matroska agirian' aukera erabili behar duzu."
#~ msgid "The file you've added is a playlist."
#~ msgstr "Gehitu duzun agiria irakur-zerrenda bat da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file »%1« has been modified. Do you really want to close? All changes "
#~ "will be lost."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "»%1« agiria aldatu egin da. Egitan nahi duzu istea? Aldaketa guztiak "
#~ "galdu egingo dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file »%1« has been modified. Do you really want to reload it? All "
#~ "changes will be lost."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "»%1« agiria aldatu egin da. Egitan nahi duzu birgertatzea? Aldaketa "
#~ "guztiak galdu egingo dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The first word tells mkvextract what to extract. The second must be the "
#~ "source file. There are few global options that can be used with all "
#~ "modes. All other options depend on the mode."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lehen hitzak mkvextract-eri esaten dio zer atera. Bigarrena iturburu "
#~ "agiria izan behar da. Aukera orokor gutxi batzuk daude modu guztietan "
#~ "erabili daitezkeenak. Beste aukera guztiak moduaren araberakoak dira."
#~ msgid "The following list shows the files that make up this playlist."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hurrengo zerrendak irakur-zerrenda hau osatzen duten agiriak erakusten "
#~ "ditu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The following parts are read after the primary file as if they were all "
#~ "part of one big file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hurrengo zatiak lehen agiriaren ondoren irakurtzen dira, denak agiri "
#~ "handi baten atalak balira bezala."
#~ msgid "The format of the split argument is invalid."
#~ msgstr "Bananketa argumentuaren heuskarria baliogabea da."
#~ msgid "The format of the split size is invalid (size too small)."
#~ msgstr "Bananketa neurriaren heuskarria baliogabea da (neurri txikiegia)"
#~ msgid "The format of the split size is invalid."
#~ msgstr "Bananketa neurriaren heuskarria baliogabea da."
#~ msgid "The format of the split timestamp/duration is invalid."
#~ msgstr "Bananketa denbora-kode/iraupen heuskarria baliogabea da."
#~ msgid "The input file '%s' does not contain any tracks."
#~ msgstr "'%s' sarrera agiriak ez du biderik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The job file could not have been parsed correctly.\n"
#~ "Either it is invalid / damaged, or you've just found\n"
#~ "a bug in mmg. Please report this to the author\n"
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "(Problem occurred in tab_input::load(), #1)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lan agiria ezin da zuzen aztertu.\n"
#~ "Bai baliogabea/hondatua delako, edo akats bat\n"
#~ "aurkitu duzulako mmg. Mesedez jakinarazi egileari:\n"
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "(Akatsa gertatu da: tab_input::load(), #1)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The job file could not have been parsed correctly.\n"
#~ "Either it is invalid / damaged, or you've just found\n"
#~ "a bug in mmg. Please report this to the author\n"
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "(Problem occurred in tab_input::load(), #2)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lan agiria ezin da zuzen aztertu.\n"
#~ "Bai baliogabea/hondatua delako, edo akats bat\n"
#~ "aurkitu duzulako mmg. Mesedez jakinarazi egileari:\n"
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "(Akatsa gertatu da: tab_input::load(), #2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The job file could not have been parsed correctly.\n"
#~ "Either it is invalid / damaged, or you've just found\n"
#~ "a bug in mmg. Please report this to the author\n"
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "(Problem occurred in tab_input::load(), #3)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lan agiria ezin da zuzen aztertu.\n"
#~ "Bai baliogabea/hondatua delako, edo akats bat\n"
#~ "aurkitu duzulako mmg-en. Mesedez jakinarazi egileari:\n"
#~ "Moritz Bunkus <>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "(Akatsa gertatu da: tab_input::load(), #3)"
#~ msgid "The language '%s' is not a valid language and cannot be selected."
#~ msgstr "'%s' hizkuntza ez da baliozko hizkuntza eta ezin da hautatu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The language selected here is used for tracks for which their source file "
#~ "contains no such property."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hemen hautaturiko hizkuntza beren iturburu agiriak ezaugarri hori ez duen "
#~ "bideetan erabiltzen da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The maximum number of files that will be created even if the last file "
#~ "might contain more bytes/time than wanted. Useful e.g. when you want "
#~ "exactly two files. If you leave this empty then there is no limit for the "
#~ "number of files mkvmerge might create."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sortuko diren agiri zenbateko gehiena baita azken agiriak behar baino "
#~ "byte/denbora gehiago badu ere. Erabilgarria adibidez bi agiri berdinak "
#~ "nahi dituzunean. Hau hutsik uzten baduzu ez dago mugarik mkvmergek sortu "
#~ "ditzakeen agiri zenbatekoan."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The maximum number of frames a player\n"
#~ "should be able to cache during playback.\n"
#~ "If set to 0, the reference pseudo-cache system\n"
#~ "is not used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irakurgailu batek irakurketan zehar katxeatu\n"
#~ "dezakeen frame zenbateko gehiena\n"
#~ "0 ezartzen baduzu, xehetasunezko\n"
#~ "sasi-katxe sistema ez da erabiliko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The minimum number of frames a player\n"
#~ "should be able to cache during playback.\n"
#~ "If set to 0, the reference pseudo-cache system\n"
#~ "is not used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irakurgailu batek irakurketan zehar katxeatu\n"
#~ "dezakeen frame zenbateko gutxiena\n"
#~ "0 ezartzen baduzu, xehetasunezko\n"
#~ "sasi-katxe sistema ez da erabiliko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The mkvmerge GUI help file was not found in the path you've selected. "
#~ "Please try again, or abort by pressing the 'abort' button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmerge EIG laguntza agiria ezin da aurkitu hautatu duzun helburuan. "
#~ "Mesedez saiatu berriro, edo utzi 'utzi' botoia sakatuz."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The mkvmerge GUI help file was not found. This indicates that it has "
#~ "never before been opened, or that the installation path has since been "
#~ "changed.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please select the location of the 'mkvmerge-gui.hhp' file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmerge EIG laguntza agiria ez da aurkitu. Honek adierazten du inoiz ez "
#~ "dela lehenago ireki, edo ordutiko ezarpen helburua aldatu egin dela.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Mesedez hautatu 'mkvmerge-gui.hhp' agiriaren kokalekua."
#~ msgid "The name of the application or library used for merging the file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agiria multiplexatzeko erabilitako aplikazioaren edo liburutegiaren izena."
#~ msgid "The name of the application or library used for muxing the file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agiria multiplexatzeko erabilitako aplikazioaren edo liburutegiaren izena."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The name of the output file '%1%' and of one of the input files is the "
#~ "same. This would cause mkvmerge to overwrite one of your input files. "
#~ "This is most likely not what you want.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'%1%' irteera agiriaren eta sarrera agirietako baten izena berdina da. "
#~ "Honek mkvmergek zure sarrera agirietako bat gainidaztea eragingo du. Hau "
#~ "zihurrenik ez da zuk egitea nahi duzuna.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The number of video pixels to remove\n"
#~ "on the bottom of the image."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irudiaren behealdean kentzeko\n"
#~ "bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The number of video pixels to remove\n"
#~ "on the left of the image."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irudiaren ezkerraldean kentzeko\n"
#~ "bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The number of video pixels to remove\n"
#~ "on the top of the image."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irudiaren goialdean kentzeko\n"
#~ "bideo pixel zenbatekoa."
#~ msgid "The output file '%1%' could not be opened for writing: %2%.\n"
#~ msgstr "'%1%' irteera agiria ezin da idazteko ireki (%2%).\n"
#~ msgid "The output file '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
#~ msgstr "'%s' irtera agiria jadanik badago. Gainidaztea nahi duzu?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The output file name is invalid, e.g. it might contain invalid characters "
#~ "like ':'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irteera agiri izena baliogabea da, adib. \":\" bezalako hizki baliogabeak "
#~ "izan ditzake."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The scale to apply on this track to work at normal\n"
#~ "speed in relation with other tracks (mostly used\n"
#~ "to adjust video speed when the audio length differs)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide honetan ezarri beharreko neurria abiadura arruntean\n"
#~ "lan egiteko beste bideekiko (gehienbat erabiltzen da bideo\n"
#~ "abiadura zehazteko audioaren luzera ezberdina denean)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The selected language '%s' for the chapter '%s' is not a valid language "
#~ "code. Please select one of the predefined ones."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hautaturiko '%s' hizkuntza '%s' atalarentzat ez da hizkuntza kode "
#~ "baliozkoa. Mesedez hautatu aurrezehazturikoetako bat."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The size after which a new output file is started. The letters 'G', 'M' "
#~ "and 'K' can be used to indicate giga/mega/kilo bytes respectively. All "
#~ "units are based on 1024 (G = 1024^3, M = 1024^2, K = 1024)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irteera agiri berri bat abiarazi ondorengo neurria. G, M eta K hizkiak "
#~ "erabili daitezke giga/mega/kilo byte adierazteko. Bateko guztiak 1024-n "
#~ "ohinarriturik daude (G= 1024^3, M= 1024^2, k= 1024)."
#~ msgid "The stretch setting for track nr. %s in file '%s' is invalid."
#~ msgstr "'%s' agiriko %s bide zenbakiko luzera ezarpena ez da baliozkoa."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The timestamp v2 file '%1%' contains timestamps that are not ordered. Due "
#~ "to a bug in mkvmerge versions up to and including v1.5.0 this was "
#~ "necessary if the track to which the timestamp file was applied contained "
#~ "B frames. Starting with v1.5.1 mkvmerge now handles this correctly, and "
#~ "the timestamps in the timestamp file must be ordered normally. For "
#~ "example, the frame sequence 'IPBBP...' at 25 FPS requires a timestamp "
#~ "file with the first timestamps being '0', '40', '80', '120' etc and not "
#~ "'0', '120', '40', '80' etc.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "If you really have to specify non-sorted timestamps then use the "
#~ "timestamp format v4. It is identical to format v2 but allows non-sorted "
#~ "timestamps.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'%1%' v2 denbora-kode agiriak ordenatu gabeko denbora-kodeak ditu. "
#~ "mkvmergeren v1.5.0 arteko eta hau barne bertsioetan hau beharrezkoa zen "
#~ "denbora-kodea ezartzen zitzaion bideari B frameak bazituen. mkvmergeren "
#~ "v1.5.1 bertsiotik hasita hau zuzen kudeatzen da, eta denbora-kode agiriko "
#~ "denbora-kodeak arrunt ordenaturik egon behar dira. Adibidez, 25 FS-ko "
#~ "'IPBBP...' frame sekuentzia batek behar du denbora-kode agiri bat non "
#~ "lehen denbora-kodeak hasten diren 0, 40, 80, 120, etab., eta ez 0, 120, "
#~ "40, 80, etab.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Egitan behar baduzu ordenatu gabeko denbora-kodeak adieraztea erabili v4 "
#~ "denbora-kode heuskarria. v2 heuskarriaren berdina da baina ordenatu "
#~ "gabeko denbora-kodeak ahalbidetzen ditu.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The timestamps after which a new output file is started. The timestamps "
#~ "refer to the whole stream and not to each individual output file. The "
#~ "timestamps can be given either in the form HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn or as the "
#~ "number of seconds followed by 's'. You may omit the number of hours 'HH'. "
#~ "You can specify up to nine digits for the number of nanoseconds "
#~ "'nnnnnnnnn' or none at all. If given then you may use up to nine digits "
#~ "after the decimal point. If two or more timestamps are used then you have "
#~ "to separate them with commas. The formats can be mixed, too. Examples: "
#~ "01:00:00,01:30:00 (after one hour and after one hour and thirty minutes) "
#~ "or 1800s,3000s,00:10:00 (after three, five and ten minutes)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Irteera agiri berria denbora-kode honen ondoren hasiko da. Denbora-kodeak "
#~ "jario guztiari dagozkio eta ez irteera agiri bakoitzari. Denbora-kodeak "
#~ "eman daitezke OO:MM:SS:nnnnnnnnn eran edo segundu zenbateko bat bezala "
#~ "'s' batez jarraiturik. Ordu zenbatekoa 'OO' kendu dezakezu. Bederatzi "
#~ "zenbakira arte erabili ditzakezu nagosegunduak 'nnnnnnnnn; adierazteko "
#~ "edo bat ere ez. Emanez gero bederatzi zenbakira arte erabili ditzakezu "
#~ "hamarren puntuaren ondoren. Denbora-kode bi edo gehiago erabiltzen badira "
#~ "kakotxaz banandu behar dituzu. Heuskarriak nahastuak ere izan daitezke. "
#~ "Adibideak: 01:00:00,01:30:0 (ordubete ondoren eta ordu eta hogeita-hamar "
#~ "minutu ondoren) edo 1800s,3000s,00:10:00 (hiru, bost eta hamar minutu "
#~ "ondoren)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The timestamps can be given either in the form HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn or as "
#~ "the number of seconds followed by 's'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Denbora-kodeak eman daitezke honela: OO:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn edo segundu "
#~ "zenbateko bat bezala jarraian 's' jarriz."
#~ msgid "The update information could not be retrieved from %1%.\n"
#~ msgstr "Eguneraketa argibideak ezin dira %1%-tik berreskuratu.\n"
#~ msgid "There were ERRORs."
#~ msgstr "AKATSAK egon dira."
#~ msgid "There were warnings"
#~ msgstr "Kontuz oharrak egon dira."
#~ msgid "There were warnings, or the process was terminated."
#~ msgstr "Kontuz oharrak egon dira, edo garapena amaitu da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This AC3 track contains %1% bytes of non-AC3 data at the beginning. This "
#~ "corresponds to a delay of %2%ms. This delay will be used instead of the "
#~ "non-AC3 data.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "AC3 bide honek %1% byte ditu hasieran ez-AC3 datuak direnak. Honi %2%sm-"
#~ "eko atzerapena dagokio. Atzerapen hau erabiliko da ez-AC3 datuen ordez.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This AC3 track contains %1% bytes of non-AC3 data which were skipped. The "
#~ "audio/video synchronization may have been lost.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "AC3 bide honek %1% byte ditu hasieran ez-AC3 datuak direnak eta jauzi "
#~ "egin dira. Audio/bideo aldiberetzea badaiteke galdu izana.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This MPEG audio track contains %1% bytes of non-MP3 data which were "
#~ "skipped. The audio/video synchronization may have been lost.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "MPEG audio bide honek %1% byte ditu hasieran ez-MP3 datuak direnak eta "
#~ "jauzi egin dira. Audio/bideo aldiberetzea badaiteke galdu izana.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This element is currently present in the file.\n"
#~ "It cannot be removed because it is a\n"
#~ "mandatory header field."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gai hau orain agirian dago.\n"
#~ "Ezin daiteke kendu nahitaezko\n"
#~ "idazburu eremu bat delako."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This element is currently present in the file.\n"
#~ "You can let the header editor remove the element\n"
#~ "from the file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gai hau orain agirian dago.\n"
#~ "Idazburu editatzailearekin\n"
#~ "gaia idazburutik kendu dezakezu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This element is not currently present in the file.\n"
#~ "You can let the header editor add the element\n"
#~ "to the file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gai hau orain ez dago agirian.\n"
#~ "Idazburu editatzailearekin gaia\n"
#~ "agiriaren idazburuan gehitu dezakezu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This file contains at least one frame with a negative timestamp. All "
#~ "timestamps will be adjusted by %1% so that none is negative anymore.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agiri honek gutxienez ken denbora-kodea duen frame bat du. Denbora-kode "
#~ "guztiak %1%-ra zehaztuko dira, hortaz ez da ken gehiago egongo.\n"
#~ msgid "This file could not be opened or parsed."
#~ msgstr "Agiri hau ezin da ireki edo aztertu."
#~ msgid "This file does not contain any chapters."
#~ msgstr "Agiri honek ez du atalik."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This file does not contain valid chapters. Error message from the parser: "
#~ "%1%"
#~ msgstr "Agiri honek ez du baliozko atalik. Akats mezua aztertzailetik: %1%"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This happens when clicking the »abort job« button in a »job output« tab "
#~ "and when quitting the application."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hau »lan irteera« hegatsean »utzi lana« botoia klikatzerakoan eta "
#~ "aplikazioa uzterakoan gertatzen da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This happens when clicking the »abort« button in a »job output« tab and "
#~ "when quitting the application."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hau »lan irteera« hegats batean »utzi« botoia sakatzerakoan eta "
#~ "aplikazioa uzterakoan gertatzen da."
#~ msgid "This is a preview!"
#~ msgstr "Hau aurreikuspen bat da!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This is the name that will be stored in the output file for this "
#~ "attachment. It defaults to the file name of the original file but can be "
#~ "changed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hau da eranskin honentzako irteera agirian biltegiratuko den izena. "
#~ "Berezkoa jatorrizko agiriaren agiri izena da baina aldatu daiteke."
#~ msgid "This list is for informational purposes only and cannot be changed."
#~ msgstr "Zerrenda hau argibide asmoetarako da bakarrik eta ezin da aldatu."
#~ msgid "This message will only shown to you once."
#~ msgstr "Mezu hau behin bakarrik erakutsiko zaizu"
#~ msgid "This only works with (E-)AC-3 audio tracks."
#~ msgstr "Honek DTS audio bideekin bakarrik egiten du lan."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This option needs an additional argument 'n'. Tells mkvmerge to put at "
#~ "most 'n' data blocks into each cluster. If the number is postfixed with "
#~ "'ms' then put at most 'n' milliseconds of data into each cluster. The "
#~ "maximum length for a cluster that mkvmerge accepts is 60000 blocks and "
#~ "32000ms; the minimum length is 100ms. Programs will only be able to seek "
#~ "to clusters, so creating larger clusters may lead to imprecise or slow "
#~ "seeking."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aukera honek 'n' argumeto gehigarria behar du. mkvmergeri esaten dio 'n' "
#~ "datu bloke gehienak kluster bakoitzaren barnean jartzeko. Zenbatekoa 'sm'-"
#~ "rekin atzizkitua bada datu 'n' segundumilaen gehienak kluster bakoitzaren "
#~ "barena jartze ditu. mkvmergek onartzen duen kluster baten gehinezko "
#~ "luzera 60000 bloke eta 32000sm dira; gutxienezko luzera 100sm da. "
#~ "Programak klusterretan bakarrik bilatzeko gauza izango dira, hortaz "
#~ "kluster handiagoak sortzeak bilaketa zehazgabera edo astirora eraman "
#~ "dezake."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This parameter is only effective for AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265 elementary "
#~ "streams read from AVC/H.264/ ES or HEVC/H.265 ES files, AVIs or Matroska "
#~ "files created with '--engage allow_avc_in_vwf_mode'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Parametro hau eraginkorra da bakarrik AVC/H.264 eta HEVC/H.265 jario "
#~ "elementaletarako AVC/H.264/ ES edo HEVC/H.265 ES, AVI edo Matroska "
#~ "agiriak agirietatik irakurtzean honekin sortu badira: '--engage "
#~ "allow_avc_in_vwf_mode'."
#~ msgid "This program is licensed under the GPL v2 (see COPYING)."
#~ msgstr "Programa hau GPL v2 baimenpean dago (ikusi COPYING)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This track contains SBR AAC/HE-AAC/AAC+ data. Only needed for AAC input "
#~ "files, because SBR AAC cannot be detected automatically for these files. "
#~ "Not needed for AAC tracks read from MP4 or Matroska files."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bide honek SBR AAC/HE-AAC/AAC+ datuak ditu. AAC sarrera agirientzako "
#~ "bakarrik behar direnak, zeren SBR AAC ezin da berezgaitasunez atzeman "
#~ "agiri horietatik. Ez da beharrezkoa AAC bideak MP4 edo Matroska "
#~ "agirietatik irakurtzeko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This track is not compatible with the WebM mode and cannot be enabled."
#~ msgstr "Bide hau ez da bateragarria WebM moduarekin eta ezin da gaitu."
#~ msgid "Timestamp files (*.tmc;*.txt)|*.tmc;*.txt|%s"
#~ msgstr "Denbora-kode agiriak (*.tmc;*.txt)|*.tmc;*.txt|%s"
#~ msgid "Timestamp scale denominator: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Denbora-kode neurri izendatzailea: %1%"
#~ msgid "Timestamp scale: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Denbora-kode neurria: %1%"
#~ msgid "Title: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Izenburua: %1%"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Track %1% was compressed with bzlib but mkvmerge has not been compiled "
#~ "with support for bzlib compression.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1% bidea bzlib erabiliz izan da konprimitua baina mkvmerge ez da bildua "
#~ "izan bzlib konpresioa sostengatzeko.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Track %1% was compressed with lzo1x but mkvmerge has not been compiled "
#~ "with support for lzo1x compression.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1% Izo 1x erabiliz izan da konprimitua baina mkvmerge ez da bildua izan "
#~ "Izo1x konpresioa sostengatzeko.\n"
#~ msgid "Track %1%: AAC found, but decoder config data has length %2%.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%1% bidea: AAC aurkitu da, baina dekodeatzaile itxurapen datuek %2% "
#~ "luzera dute.\n"
#~ msgid "Track UID: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Bide UID-a: %1%"
#~ msgid "Track name:"
#~ msgstr "Bide izena:"
#~ msgid "Troubleshooting advice for playback issues"
#~ msgstr "Arazo konponketa aholkuak irakurketa akatsentzat"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "TrueHD audio streams know two frame types: sync frames and non-sync "
#~ "frames. With this switch mkvmerge will put one sync frame and all "
#~ "following non-sync frames into a single Matroska block. Without it each "
#~ "non-sync frame is put into its own Matroska block."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "TrueHD audio jarioek bi frame mota ezautzen dute: aldibereturiko frameak "
#~ "eta ez-aldibereturiko frameak. Aldagailu honekin mkvmergek aldiberetze "
#~ "frame bat eta hurrengo ez-aldibereturiko frame guztiak Matroska bloke "
#~ "bakar batean jarriko ditu. Hau gabe ez-aldibereturiko frame bakoitza bere "
#~ "Matroska blokean jartzen da."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Type of the unit for DisplayWidth/Height\n"
#~ "(0: pixels, 1: centimeters, 2: inches, 3: aspect ratio)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bateko mota Zabalera/Garaiera Erakuspenerako\n"
#~ "(0: pixel, 1: metroehunen, 2: hatzbete, 3: ikuspegi maila)."
#~ msgid "Type: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgstr "Mota: %1% (%2%)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Typical use cases include reading VOBs from a DVD (e.g. VTS_01_1.VOB, "
#~ "VTS_01_2.VOB, VTS_01_3.VOB)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ohiko erabilpenak dira VOB irakurketa DVD batetik (adib. VTS_01_1.VOB, "
#~ "VTS_01_2.VOB, VTS_01_3.VOB)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "UTFstring_to_cstrutf8: Invalid wide character. Please contact "
#~ " if you think that this is not true."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "UTFstring_to_cstrutf8: Zabalera hizki baliogabea. Mesedez jarri "
#~ "harremanetan hau egia ez dela uste baduzu."
#~ msgid "Unknown AAC MPEG-2 profile %1%."
#~ msgstr "AAC MPEG-2 profil ezezaguna %1%."
#~ msgid "Unknown AAC MPEG-4 object type %1%."
#~ msgstr "AAC MPEG-4 objetu mota ezezaguna %1%."
#~ msgid "Unsupported format"
#~ msgstr "Heuskarri sostengu gabea"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use 'segment linking' for the resulting files. For an in-depth "
#~ "explanation of this feature consult the mkvmerge documentation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabili 'zati lotura' emaitz agirientzat. Ezaugarri honen azalpen sakon "
#~ "baterako ikusi mkvmerge agiritza."
#~ msgid "Use a &vertical layout for the \"input\" tab"
#~ msgstr "Erabili &zutikako antolakuntza \"sarrera\" hegatsarentzat"
#~ msgid "Use a vertical layout for the \"input\" tab"
#~ msgstr "Erabili zutikako antolakuntza \"sarrera\" hegatserako"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use fixed values for the elements that change with each file otherwise "
#~ "(muxing date, segment UID, track UIDs etc.). Two files muxed with the "
#~ "same settings and this switch activated will be identical."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabili zuzendutako balioak bestela agiri bakoitzean aldatzen diren "
#~ "gaientzat (multiplexaketa eguna, zati UID-a, bide UID-ak, etab.). Ezarpen "
#~ "berdinekin eta aldagailu hau erangida multiplexaturiko bi agiri berdinak "
#~ "izango dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use the old AAC codec IDs (e.g. 'A_AAC/MPEG4/SBR') instead of the new one "
#~ "('A_AAC')."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabili AAC kodek ID zaharrak (adib., 'A_AAC/MPEG4/SBR') berri baten "
#~ "ordez ('A_AAC')"
#~ msgid "Use the previous output directory"
#~ msgstr "Erabili aurreko irteera zuzenbidea"
#~ msgid "Use this directory:"
#~ msgstr "Erabili zuzenbide hau:"
#~ msgid "User defined options:"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzaileak zehazturiko aukerak:"
#~ msgid "VC1"
#~ msgstr "VC1"
#~ msgid "VC1 elementary streams"
#~ msgstr "VC1 ohinarrizko jarioak"
#~ msgid "VP8"
#~ msgstr "VP8"
#~ msgid "Validates the content of all changeable headers"
#~ msgstr "Balidatzen ditu idazburu aldagarrien eduki guztiak"
#~ msgid "Verify the current chapter entries to see if there are any errors"
#~ msgstr "Egiaztatu uneko atal sarrera akatsen bat dagoen ikusteko"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Video ended with a shortened group of pictures. Some frames have been "
#~ "dropped. You may want to fix the MPEG2 video stream before attempting to "
#~ "multiplex it.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bideoa irudi multzo murriztu batekin amaituta. Frame batzuk kenduta. "
#~ "Badaiteke zuk MPEG2 bideo jarioa zuzendu nahi izatea multiplexatu "
#~ "aurretik.\n"
#~ msgid "Video track %1, %2"
#~ msgstr "Bideo bidea %1, %2"
#~ msgid "Video track %u"
#~ msgstr "Bideo bidea %u"
#~ msgid "Video: chroma siting"
#~ msgstr "Bideoa: margo kokapena"
#~ msgid "View files in playlist"
#~ msgstr "Ikusi agiriak irakur-zerrendan"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "View the output that mkvmerge generated during the muxing process for the "
#~ "selected jobs"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ikusi mkvmergek multiplexaketa garapenean zehar hautaturiko lanentzat "
#~ "sorturiko irteerak"
#~ msgid "Warn about possible incorrect usage of mmg"
#~ msgstr "Jakinarazi mmg-ren ahalezko erabilera okerraz"
#~ msgid "Warn before aborting running &jobs"
#~ msgstr "Ohartarazi ekinean dauden &lanak utzi aurretik"
#~ msgid "Warning: "
#~ msgstr "Kontuz:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When a file is added its name is scanned. If it contains the word 'DELAY' "
#~ "followed by a number then this number is automatically put into the "
#~ "'delay' input field for any audio track found in the file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Agiri bat gehitzen denean bere izena mihatzen da. Honek badu 'ATZERAPENA' "
#~ "hitza zenbaki batez jarraitua zenbaki hau berezgaitasunez jartzen da "
#~ "sarrerako 'atzerapena' eremuan agirian aurkitzen den audio bide "
#~ "ororentzat."
#~ msgid "When dropping files:"
#~ msgstr "Agiriak askatzean:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When the user adds a file containing such a title then the program will "
#~ "copy the title into the »file title« input box if this option is enabled."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabiltzaileak izenburu bat duen agiri bat gehitzen duenean programak "
#~ "izenburua »agiri izenburua« sarrera kutxara kopiatuko du aukera hau "
#~ "gaituta badago."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "With this option enabled they're shown below the track list in a tab "
#~ "widget instead."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aukera hau gaituta badago bide zerrendaren azpian erakusten dira hegats "
#~ "batean ordez."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "With »create new settings« a new set of merge settings will be added."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "»sortu ezarpen berriak«-rekin batze ezarpen agindu berri bat gehituko da."
#~ msgid "With »remove input files« all input files will be removed."
#~ msgstr "»kendu sarrera agiriak«-rekin sarrera agiri guztiak kenduko dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Write durations for all blocks. This will increase file size and does not "
#~ "offer any additional value for players at the moment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Idatzi iraupenak bloke guztientzat. Honek agiriaren neurria handituko du "
#~ "eta ez du balio gehigarririk eskaintzen irakurgailuentzat oraingoz."
#~ msgid "Writing application: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Idazketa aplikazioa: %1%"
#~ msgid "Writing info"
#~ msgstr "Idazketa argibideak"
#~ msgid "Wrong file chosen"
#~ msgstr "Agiri okerra hautatu da"
#~ msgid "Wrong file selected"
#~ msgstr "Agiri okerra hautatuta"
#~ msgid "XML tab files"
#~ msgstr "loturatu agiriak"
#~ msgid "You are already running the latest version."
#~ msgstr "Jadanik azken bertsioa duzu."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can use this function for adjusting the timestamps\n"
#~ "of the selected chapter and all its children by a fixed amount.\n"
#~ "The amount can be positive or negative. The format used can be\n"
#~ "either just a number in which case it is interpreted as the number of "
#~ "seconds,\n"
#~ "it can be followed by the unit like 'ms' or 's' for milliseconds and "
#~ "seconds respectively,\n"
#~ "or it can have the usual HH:MM:SS.mmm or HH:MM:SS format.\n"
#~ "Example: -00:05:23 would let all the chapters begin\n"
#~ "5minutes and 23seconds earlier than now."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eginkizun hau erabili dezakezu denbora-kodeak\n"
#~ "zehazteko hautaturiko ataletan eta azpiataletan.\n"
#~ "Balioa + edo - izan daiteke. Erabilitako heuskarria zenbaki bat\n"
#~ "bakarrik izan daiteke, horrela bada segundu zenbatekotzat ulertuko da,\n"
#~ "jarraitua izan daiteke 'sm' edo 's' bezalakoetaz segundumilaenak eta "
#~ "segunduak\n"
#~ "adierazeko, edo izan daiteke ohiko OO:MM:SS.mmm edo OO:MM:SS heuskarria.\n"
#~ "Adibidea: -00:05:23 atal guztiak 5 minutu eta 23 segundu lehenago hasi "
#~ "ahalko dira."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You have to add at least one source file before you can start merging or "
#~ "add a job to the job queue."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gutxienez iturburu agiri bat gehitu behar duzu batzea hasi edo lan bat "
#~ "lan lerrora gehitu ahal izan aurretik."
#~ msgid "[{0} frame for track {1}, timestamp {2}]"
#~ msgstr "[{0} frame {1} bidearentzat, denbora-kodea {2}]"
#~ msgid "aborted"
#~ msgstr "utzita"
#~ msgid "add"
#~ msgstr "gehitu"
#~ msgid "additional parts"
#~ msgstr "zati gehigarriak"
#~ msgid "always"
#~ msgstr "betik"
#~ msgid "always ask the user"
#~ msgstr "betik galdetu erabiltzaileari"
#~ msgid "always scan for other playlists"
#~ msgstr "betik mihatu beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#~ msgid "append"
#~ msgstr "erantsi"
#~ msgid "built on %1% %2%"
#~ msgstr "eraikia: %1% %2%"
#~ msgid "bzip2 compression failed. Result: %1%\n"
#~ msgstr "bzip2 konpresioa hutsegitea. Emaitza: %1%\n"
#~ msgid "chapters"
#~ msgstr "atalak"
#~ msgid "default"
#~ msgstr "berezkoa"
#~ msgid "disable all"
#~ msgstr "ezgaitu denak"
#~ msgid "done"
#~ msgstr "eginda"
#~ msgid "done/warnings"
#~ msgstr "eginda/oharrak"
#~ msgid "down"
#~ msgstr "jeitsi"
#~ msgid "enable all"
#~ msgstr "gaitu denak"
#~ msgid "enabled"
#~ msgstr "gaituta"
#~ msgid "even if there were warnings"
#~ msgstr "baita kontuz oharrak egonda ere"
#~ msgid "global tags"
#~ msgstr "etiketa orokorrak"
#~ msgid "have an xcptn\n"
#~ msgstr "izan xcptn bat\n"
#~ msgid "hidden"
#~ msgstr "ezkutaturik"
#~ msgid "higher"
#~ msgstr "handia"
#~ msgid "highest"
#~ msgstr "handiena"
#~ msgid "info"
#~ msgstr "argibideak"
#~ msgid "is being estimated"
#~ msgstr "estimatzen ari da"
#~ msgid "job output"
#~ msgstr "lan irteera"
#~ msgid "job queue"
#~ msgstr "lan lerroa"
#~ msgid "left"
#~ msgstr "ezkerrean"
#~ msgid "link files"
#~ msgstr "loturatu agiriak"
#~ msgid "lower"
#~ msgstr "apala"
#~ msgid "lowest"
#~ msgstr "apalena"
#~ msgid "lzo_compressor_c::decompress() not implemented\n"
#~ msgstr "lzo_compressor_c::decompress() ez da gehitu\n"
#~ msgid "lzo_init() failed. Result: %1%\n"
#~ msgstr "lzo_init() hutsegitea. Emaitza: %1%\n"
#~ msgid "lzo_malloc(LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS) failed.\n"
#~ msgstr "lzo_malloc(LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS) hutsegitea.\n"
#~ msgid "matroska_reader: A track is missing its track UID.\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader: Bide batek ez du bere bide UID-a\n"
#~ msgid "matroska_reader: A track is missing its track number.\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader: Bide batek ez du bere bide zenbakia.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "matroska_reader: The CodecID for track %1% is 'A_VORBIS', but there are "
#~ "no header packets present.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "matroska_reader: %1% bidearentzako Kodek ID-a 'A_VORBI' da, baina ez dago "
#~ "idazburu paketerik.\n"
#~ msgid "matroska_reader: The CodecID is missing.\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader: Ez dago kodekaren ID-a.\n"
#~ msgid "matroska_reader: Track type was not found.\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader: Bide mota ez da aurkitu.\n"
#~ msgid "matroska_reader: Vorbis track does not contain valid headers.\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader: Vorbis bideak ez ditu baliozko idazburuak.\n"
#~ msgid "matroska_reader: caught exception\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader: salbuespen bat atzeman da\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "matroska_reader: | + There's more than one track with the UID %1%.\n"
#~ msgstr "matroska_reader:| + Bide bat baino gehiago dago %1% UID-arekin.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "matroska_reader: | + There's more than one track with the number %1%.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "matroska_reader: | + Bide bat baino gehiago dago %1% zenbakiarekin.\n"
#~ msgid "merge"
#~ msgstr "batu"
#~ msgid "merging to file »%1« in directory »%2«"
#~ msgstr "»%1« agirira batzen »%2« zuzenbidean"
#~ msgid "mkdir(%1%) failed; errno = %2% (%3%)"
#~ msgstr "mkdir(%1%) hutsegitea; akats zebk = %2% (%3%)"
#~ msgid "mkvInfo"
#~ msgstr "mkvInfo"
#~ msgid "mkvextract chapters <inname> [options]"
#~ msgstr "mkvextract chapters <agiria> [aukerak]"
#~ msgid "mkvextract cuesheet <inname> [options]"
#~ msgstr "mkvextract cuesheet <agiria> [aukerak]"
#~ msgid "mkvextract tags <inname> [options]"
#~ msgstr "mkvextract tags <agiria> [aukerak]"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge FAILED with a return code of %d. %s"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge HUTSEGITEA %d erantzun kodearekin. %s"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge GUI deprecated"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge EIG zaharkituta"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge GUI error"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge EIG akatsa"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge GUI ready"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge EIG gertu"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge GUI settings (*.mmg)|*.mmg|%s"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge EIG ezarpenak (*.mmg)|*.mmg|%s"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge GUI: error"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge EIG: akatsa"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "mkvmerge can read and use timestamps from an external text file. This "
#~ "feature is a very advanced feature. Almost all users should leave this "
#~ "entry empty."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek ezin du kanpoko idazki agiritik irakurri eta denbora-kodeak "
#~ "erabili. Ezaugarri hau ezaugarri oso aurreratu bat da. Erabiltzaile "
#~ "gehienek sarrera hau hutsik utzi beharko lukete."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "mkvmerge can read cue sheets for audio CDs and automatically convert them "
#~ "to chapters. This option controls how the chapter names are created. The "
#~ "sequence '%p' is replaced by the track's PERFORMER, the sequence '%t' by "
#~ "the track's TITLE, '%n' by the track's number and '%N' by the track's "
#~ "number padded with a leading 0 for track numbers < 10. The rest is copied "
#~ "as is. If nothing is entered then '%p - %t' will be used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmerge̶k CUE orriak irakurri ditzake audio CD-etatik eta berezgaitasunez "
#~ "bihurtuko ditu ataletan. Aukera honek atal izenak nola sortzen diren "
#~ "agintzen du. '%p' sekuentzia bidearen EGILEA-rekin ordezten da, '%t' "
#~ "sekuentziak bidearen IZENBURUA-rekin, '%n' bidearen zenbakiarekin eta "
#~ "'%N' bidearen zenbaki erosotuarekin 0 ezaugarriarekin < 10 bide "
#~ "zenbakientzat. Gainontzekoa den bezala kopiatzen da. Ez bada ezer "
#~ "sartzen, '%p - %t' erabiliko da."
#~ msgid "mkvmerge executable"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge exekutagarria:"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge finished with a return code of %d. %s"
#~ msgstr "mkvmergek %d erantzun koderekin amaitu du. %s"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge has finished"
#~ msgstr "mkvmergek amaitu du"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge is running"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge ekinean dago"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge options"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge aukerak"
#~ msgid "mkvmerge output:"
#~ msgstr "mkvmerge irteera:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "mkvmerge supports two chapter formats: The OGM like text format and the "
#~ "full featured XML format. If the OGM format is used and the file's "
#~ "charset is not recognized correctly then this option can be used to "
#~ "correct that. This option is ignored for XML chapter files."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek bi atal heuskarri sostengatzen du: OGM idazki heuskarri bezala "
#~ "eta XML-a ezaugarri guztiekin. OGM heuskarria erabiltzen bada eta "
#~ "agiriaren hizkikodea ez bada zuzen ezagutzen aukera haur erabili daiteke "
#~ "zuzentzeko. Aukera hau ezikusi egiten da XML atal agirietarako."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "mkvmerge supports two chapter formats: The OGM like text format and the "
#~ "full featured XML format. This option specifies the language to be "
#~ "associated with chapters if the OGM chapter format is used. It is ignored "
#~ "for XML chapter files."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mkvmergek bi atal heuskarri sostengatzen du: OGM idazki heuskarri bezala "
#~ "eta XML-a ezaugarri guztiekin. Aukera honek atalekin elkartzeko hizkuntza "
#~ "adierazten du OGM atal heuskarria erabiltzen bada. Ezikusi egiten da XML "
#~ "atal agiretarako."
#~ msgid "mmg"
#~ msgstr "mmg"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "mmg can scan these files, present the results including duration and "
#~ "number of tracks of each playlist found and let you choose which one to "
#~ "add."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mmg-k agiri hauek mihatu ditzake, aurkitutako irakur-zerrenda bakoitzaren "
#~ "iraupena eta bide zenbatekoa barneratuz emaitzak aurkeztu eta zein "
#~ "gehitzea nahi duzun hautatzea eskainiz."
#~ msgid "mmg debug output"
#~ msgstr "mmg garbiketa irteera"
#~ msgid "mmg options"
#~ msgstr "mmg aukerak"
#~ msgid "mmg will reset to the default list if no entry is selected."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "mmg-k berezko zerrenda berrezarriko du ez bada sarrerarik hautatzen."
#~ msgid "never scan for other playlists"
#~ msgstr "inoiz ez mihatu beste irakur-zerrendentzat"
#~ msgid "no"
#~ msgstr "ez"
#~ msgid "no file loaded"
#~ msgstr "ez dago agiririk gertatuta"
#~ msgid "no splitting"
#~ msgstr "Bananketarik ez"
#~ msgid "none"
#~ msgstr "bat ere ez"
#~ msgid "normal"
#~ msgstr "arrunta"
#~ msgid "off"
#~ msgstr "ez"
#~ msgid "on"
#~ msgstr "bai"
#~ msgid "on_entry_selected: display == nullptr. Should not have happened."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "on_entry_selected: display == nullptr. Hau ez litzake gertatu behar."
#~ msgid "only if the run was successfull"
#~ msgstr "ongi ekin bada bakarrik"
#~ msgid "ordered"
#~ msgstr "hurrenkeran"
#~ msgid "output options"
#~ msgstr "irteera aukerak"
#~ msgid "pending"
#~ msgstr "egiteke"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "pr_generic.cpp/generic_packetizer_c::add_packet(): timestamp < "
#~ "last_timestamp (%1% < %2%). %3%\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pr_generic.cpp/generic_packetizer_c::add_packet(): denbora-kodea < "
#~ "azken_denbora-kodea (%1% < %2%). %3%\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "pr_generic.cpp/generic_reader_c::demuxing_requested(): Invalid track type "
#~ "%1%."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pr_generic.cpp/generic_reader_c::demuxing_requested(): Bide mota "
#~ "baliogabea %1%."
#~ msgid "ready"
#~ msgstr "gertu"
#~ msgid "remove"
#~ msgstr "kendu"
#~ msgid "remove all"
#~ msgstr "kendu denak"
#~ msgid "remove input files"
#~ msgstr "kendu sarrera agiriak"
#~ msgid "set to \"no\""
#~ msgstr "Ezarri \"ez\""
#~ msgid "set to \"yes\""
#~ msgstr "ezarri \"bai\""
#~ msgid "split after duration"
#~ msgstr "banandu iraupen honen ondoren"
#~ msgid "split after frame/field numbers"
#~ msgstr "banandu frame/eremu zenbakien ondoren"
#~ msgid "split after size"
#~ msgstr "banandu neurri honen ondoren"
#~ msgid "split after timestamps"
#~ msgstr "banandu denbora-kodeen ondoren"
#~ msgid "split before chapters"
#~ msgstr "banandu atalen aurretik"
#~ msgid "split by parts"
#~ msgstr "...zatika:"
#~ msgid "split by parts based on frame/field numbers"
#~ msgstr "banandu zatietan frame/eremu zenbakietan ohinarriturik"
#~ msgid "split by parts based on timestamps"
#~ msgstr "banandu denbora-kodeetan ohinarrituriko zatietan"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "spu_extraction_duration: Encountered broken SPU packet (next_off < "
#~ "start_off) at timestamp %1%. This packet might be displayed incorrectly "
#~ "or not at all.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "spu_extraction_duration: SPU pakete hautsi bat aurkitu da (next_off < "
#~ "start_off) %1% denbora-kodean. Pakete hau badaiteke oker edo ez osorik "
#~ "erakustea.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "start >= m->ListSize(). This should not have happened. Please file a bug "
#~ "report. Thanks."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "start >= m->ListSize(). Hau ez litzake gertatu behar. Mesedez agiritu "
#~ "matxura jakinarazpen bat. Mila esker."
#~ msgid "tags"
#~ msgstr "etiketak"
#~ msgid "to all files"
#~ msgstr "Agiri guztientzat"
#~ msgid "to all files output files"
#~ msgstr "Agiri guztientzat"
#~ msgid "to all output files"
#~ msgstr "irteera agiri guztietara"
#~ msgid "toggle all"
#~ msgstr "aldatu denak"
#~ msgid "uncompressed"
#~ msgstr "konprimitugabea"
#~ msgid "up"
#~ msgstr "igo"
#~ msgid "utf8_strlen(): Invalid UTF-8 char. First byte: 0x%|1$02x|"
#~ msgstr "utf8_strlen(): UTF-8 hizkikode baliogabea. Lehen bytea: 0x%|1$02x|"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "verify failed: chapters->CheckMandatory() is false. This should not have "
#~ "happened. Please file a bug report.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "egiaztapen hutsegitea: atalak ->CheckMandatory() faltsua da. Hau ez "
#~ "litzake gertatu behar. Mesedez agiritu matxura jakinarazpen bat.\n"
#~ msgid "wavpack_reader: unknown sample rate!\n"
#~ msgstr "wavpack_reader: lagin neurri ezezaguna!\n"