Moritz Bunkus 5276839f16
BCP 47: use emplace_back for initialization of ISO 639 language list
It's much faster than using the initializer lists. Here's the result
from a micro benchmark I ran:

Running ./bench.g++
Run on (8 X 4500 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x4)
  L2 Unified 256 KiB (x4)
  L3 Unified 8192 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 1.08, 0.72, 0.60
Benchmark                   Time             CPU   Iterations
BM_InitializerList      59667 ns        59625 ns        70526
BM_EmplaceBack          24515 ns        24497 ns       176817
BM_EmplaceBack2         16970 ns        16961 ns       247652
BM_PushBack             52831 ns        52796 ns        79202
BM_PushBack2            52858 ns        52823 ns        79004

The five benchmarks were:

• BM_InitializerList — the old way with initializer lists. Basically
  the same code currently being replaced.

• BM_EmplaceBack — Reserving space & adding each entry with
  g_languages.emplace_back(). A constructor was added to language_t
  struct taking the std::strings as const references (std::string
  const &), assigning them to the member variables normally.

• BM_EmplaceBack2 — Reserving space & adding each entry with
  g_languages.emplace_back(). A constructor was added to language_t
  struct taking the std::strings as rvalue references (std::string &&)
  assigning them to the member variables using std::move().

• BM_PushBack — Reserving space & adding each entry with
  g_languages.push_back(). A constructor was added to language_t
  struct taking the std::strings as const references (std::string
  const &), assigning them to the member variables normally.

• BM_PushBack2 — Reserving space & adding each entry with
  g_languages.push_back(). A constructor was added to language_t
  struct taking the std::strings as rvalue references (std::string &&)
  assigning them to the member variables using std::move().
2021-01-26 14:53:30 +01:00

66 lines
1.8 KiB

def create_iso639_language_list_file
cpp_file_name = "src/common/iso639_language_list.cpp"
iso639_2 = JSON.parse(IO.readlines("/usr/share/iso-codes/json/iso_639-2.json").join(''))
rows = iso639_2["639-2"].
reject { |entry| %r{^qaa}.match(entry["alpha_3"]) }.
map do |entry|
[ entry["name"].to_u8_cpp_string,
(entry["bibliographic"] || entry["alpha_3"]).to_cpp_string,
(entry["alpha_2"] || '').to_cpp_string,
entry["bibliographic"] ? entry["alpha_3"].to_cpp_string : '""s',
'true ',
rows += ("a".."d").map do |letter|
[ %Q{u8"Reserved for local use: qa#{letter}"s},
'true ',
header = <<EOT
mkvmerge -- utility for splicing together matroska files
from component media subtypes
Distributed under the GPL v2
see the file COPYING for details
or visit
ISO 639 language definitions, lookup functions
Written by Moritz Bunkus <>.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: this file is auto-generated by the "dev:iso639_list" rake target.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "common/common_pch.h"
#include "common/iso639.h"
namespace mtx::iso639 {
std::vector<language_t> g_languages;
init() {
footer = <<EOT
} // namespace mtx::iso639
content = header + format_table(rows.sort, :column_suffix => ',', :row_prefix => " g_languages.emplace_back(", :row_suffix => ");").join("\n") + "\n" + footer
runq("write", cpp_file_name) { IO.write("#{$source_dir}/#{cpp_file_name}", content); 0 }