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mkvmerge -- utility for splicing together matroska files
from component media subtypes
Written by Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
Distributed under the GPL
see the file COPYING for details
or visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
\version $Id$
\brief class definition for the generic reader and packetizer
\author Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
#ifndef __PR_GENERIC_H
#define __PR_GENERIC_H
#include "os.h"
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include "KaxBlock.h"
#include "KaxCluster.h"
#include "KaxTracks.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace std;
#define CUES_NONE 0
#define CUES_IFRAMES 1
#define CUES_ALL 2
typedef struct {
int displacement;
double linear;
int64_t id;
} audio_sync_t;
typedef struct {
KaxBlockGroup *group;
KaxBlock *block;
KaxCluster *cluster;
unsigned char *data;
int length, superseeded, duration_mandatory;
int64_t timecode, bref, fref, duration, packet_num;
void *source;
} packet_t;
typedef struct {
int cues;
int64_t id;
} cue_creation_t;
typedef struct {
char *language;
int64_t id;
} language_t;
typedef struct {
// The track ID.
int64_t id;
// Options used by the readers.
char *fname;
bool no_audio, no_video, no_subs;
vector<int64_t> *atracks, *vtracks, *stracks;
// Options used by the packetizers.
unsigned char *private_data;
int private_size;
char fourcc[5];
float aspect_ratio;
vector<audio_sync_t> *audio_syncs; // As given on the command line
audio_sync_t async; // For this very track
vector<cue_creation_t> *cue_creations; // As given on the command line
int cues; // For this very track
vector<int64_t> *default_track_flags; // As given on the command line
bool default_track; // For this very track
vector<language_t> *languages; // As given on the command line
char *language; // For this very track
char *sub_charset;
} track_info_t;
class generic_reader_c;
class generic_packetizer_c {
deque<packet_t *> packet_queue;
generic_reader_c *reader;
bool duplicate_data;
track_info_t *ti;
int64_t free_refs;
KaxTrackEntry *track_entry;
// Header entries. Can be set via set_XXX and will be 'rendered'
// by set_headers().
int hserialno, htrack_type, htrack_min_cache, htrack_max_cache;
int64_t htrack_default_duration;
uint32_t huid;
char *hcodec_id;
unsigned char *hcodec_private;
int hcodec_private_length;
float haudio_sampling_freq;
int haudio_channels, haudio_bit_depth;
int hvideo_pixel_width, hvideo_pixel_height;
generic_packetizer_c(generic_reader_c *nreader, track_info_t *nti)
throw (error_c);
virtual ~generic_packetizer_c();
virtual int read();
virtual void reset();
virtual void duplicate_data_on_add(bool duplicate);
virtual void add_packet(unsigned char *data, int lenth, int64_t timecode,
int64_t duration, int duration_mandatory = 0,
int64_t bref = -1, int64_t fref = -1);
virtual packet_t *get_packet();
virtual int packet_available();
virtual int64_t get_smallest_timecode();
virtual int64_t get_queued_bytes();
virtual void set_free_refs(int64_t nfree_refs);
virtual int64_t get_free_refs();
virtual void set_headers();
virtual int process(unsigned char *data, int size,
int64_t timecode = -1, int64_t length = -1,
int64_t bref = -1, int64_t fref = -1) = 0;
virtual void dump_debug_info() = 0;
virtual void set_cue_creation(int create_cue_data);
virtual int get_cue_creation();
virtual KaxTrackEntry *get_track_entry();
virtual int get_track_num();
virtual int set_uid(uint32_t uid);
virtual void set_track_type(int type);
virtual int get_track_type();
virtual void set_language(char *language);
virtual void set_codec_id(char *id);
virtual void set_codec_private(unsigned char *cp, int length);
virtual void set_track_min_cache(int min_cache);
virtual void set_track_max_cache(int max_cache);
virtual void set_track_default_duration_ns(int64_t default_duration);
virtual void set_audio_sampling_freq(float freq);
virtual void set_audio_channels(int channels);
virtual void set_audio_bit_depth(int bit_depth);
virtual void set_video_pixel_width(int width);
virtual void set_video_pixel_height(int height);
virtual void set_video_aspect_ratio(float ar);
virtual void set_as_default_track(int type);
virtual void force_default_track(int type);
class generic_reader_c {
track_info_t *ti;
generic_reader_c(track_info_t *nti);
virtual ~generic_reader_c();
virtual int read() = 0;
virtual packet_t *get_packet() = 0;
virtual int display_priority() = 0;
virtual void display_progress() = 0;
virtual void set_headers() = 0;
virtual void identify() = 0;
virtual bool demuxing_requested(char type, int64_t id);
track_info_t *duplicate_track_info(track_info_t *src);
void free_track_info(track_info_t *ti);
#endif // __PR_GENERIC_H