Moritz Bunkus c9884c3e77
build system: don't optimize when compiling iso639_language_list.cpp
Even `-O1` causes compilation time & memory usage to skyrocket,
possibly exponentially, with the number of entries to `emplace_back()`
into the vector.

This isn't so bad with the current number of entries (489). In that
case compilation with `-O3` only takes 7.2s.

However, extending the list to cover ISO 639-3 means that the list
will include 7160 entries. With that many entries things are much,
much more severe:

• with `-O1` alone compilation takes 11m 23s already.
• with `-O3` memory usage exceeded 20 GB after six minutes when I had
  to abort due to other running applications getting killed.

Runtime cost is negligible. I ran a micro benchmark. With all 7160
entries and no optimizations (`-O0`) the initialization takes ~1.4
milliseconds for the one-time initialization on startup; with
optimizations (`-O1`) it still took ~570 microseconds.

Part of the implementation of #3007.
2021-02-17 22:18:20 +01:00

66 lines
1.8 KiB

def create_iso639_language_list_file
cpp_file_name = "src/common/iso639_language_list.cpp"
iso639_2 = JSON.parse(IO.readlines("/usr/share/iso-codes/json/iso_639-2.json").join(''))
rows = iso639_2["639-2"].
reject { |entry| %r{^qaa}.match(entry["alpha_3"]) }.
map do |entry|
[ entry["name"].to_u8_cpp_string,
(entry["bibliographic"] || entry["alpha_3"]).to_cpp_string,
(entry["alpha_2"] || '').to_cpp_string,
entry["bibliographic"] ? entry["alpha_3"].to_cpp_string : '""s',
'true ',
rows += ("a".."d").map do |letter|
[ %Q{u8"Reserved for local use: qa#{letter}"s},
'true ',
header = <<EOT
mkvmerge -- utility for splicing together matroska files
from component media subtypes
Distributed under the GPL v2
see the file COPYING for details
or visit
ISO 639 language definitions, lookup functions
Written by Moritz Bunkus <>.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: this file is auto-generated by the "dev:iso639_list" rake target.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "common/iso639_types.h"
using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace mtx::iso639 {
std::vector<language_t> g_languages;
init() {
footer = <<EOT
} // namespace mtx::iso639
content = header + format_table(rows.sort, :column_suffix => ',', :row_prefix => " g_languages.emplace_back(", :row_suffix => ");").join("\n") + "\n" + footer
runq("write", cpp_file_name) { IO.write("#{$source_dir}/#{cpp_file_name}", content); 0 }