import math import uuid from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from typing import Optional, Union, Generator import click from datetime import datetime, timedelta from devine.core.service import Service from devine.core.titles import Titles_T, Title_T, Series, Episode from devine.core.constants import AnyTrack from devine.core.credential import Credential from devine.core.tracks import Chapters, Tracks, Subtitle, Chapter from devine.core.search_result import SearchResult from devine.core.manifests import DASH class CR(Service): """ Service code for Crunchyroll ( \b Author: TPD94 Authorization: Login Robustness: Widevine: L3: 1080p \b Tips: - Use complete title/episode URL or id as input: OR GG5H5XQ7D - Supports series """ @staticmethod @click.command(name="CR", short_help="", help=__doc__) @click.argument("title", type=str) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, **kwargs): return CR(ctx, **kwargs) def __init__(self, ctx, title): # Set the title, what the user inputs # Try parsing if it's a URL try: # Split the URL into parts by "/" parts = title.split("/") # Set the identifier for "series" identifier_index = parts.index("series") + 1 # Extract the series ID self.title = parts[identifier_index] # If just a series ID except: self.title = title # Initialize variable for token self.token = None # Initialize variable for refresh token self.refresh_token = None # Initialize variable for token expiry self.token_expiry = None # Initialize variable for credentials self.credential = None # Initiliaze variable for UUID self.uuid = None # Overriding the constructor super().__init__(ctx) def authenticate(self, cookies: Optional[CookieJar] = None, credential: Optional[Credential] = None) -> None: # Generate a UUID for the session if self.uuid is None: self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Load credential for the whole session if self.credential is None: self.credential = credential # Check if there is no token. if self.token is None: # Assign a variable to the token and send a post request to acquire/refresh auth_response = # Token auth URL url=self.config['endpoints']['auth_url'], # Headers headers={ 'Authorization': 'Basic d2piMV90YThta3Y3X2t4aHF6djc6MnlSWlg0Y0psX28yMzRqa2FNaXRTbXNLUVlGaUpQXzU=', 'ETP-Anonymous-ID': f'{uuid.uuid4()}' }, # Body data={ 'username': f'{credential.username}', 'password': f'{credential.password}', 'grant_type': 'password', 'scope': 'offline_access', 'device_id': self.uuid, 'device_name': 'AOSP on IA Emulator', 'device_type': 'Google AOSP on IA Emulator' } ).json() # Set the token self.token = auth_response['access_token'] # Set the refresh token self.refresh_token = auth_response['refresh_token'] # Set the token expiry time self.token_expiry = ( + timedelta(minutes=4)).timestamp() # Update session headers to have Authorization Bearer token self.session.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.token}'}) # Return the token if called return self.token # Check for token expiry if self.token_expiry: if self.token_expiry < # Assign a variable to the token and send a post request to acquire/refresh auth_response = # Token auth URL url=self.config['endpoints']['auth_url'], # Headers headers={ 'Authorization': 'Basic d2piMV90YThta3Y3X2t4aHF6djc6MnlSWlg0Y0psX28yMzRqa2FNaXRTbXNLUVlGaUpQXzU=', 'ETP-Anonymous-ID': self.uuid }, # Body data={ 'refresh_token': self.refresh_token, 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'scope': 'offline_access', 'device_id': self.uuid, 'device_name': 'AOSP on IA Emulator', 'device_type': 'Google AOSP on IA Emulator' } ).json() # Set the token self.token = auth_response['access_token'] # Set the refresh token self.refresh_token = auth_response['refresh_token'] # Set the token expiry time self.token_expiry = ( + timedelta(minutes=4)).timestamp() # Update session headers to have Authorization Bearer token self.session.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.token}'}) # Return the token if called return self.token # If neither, return token if called from function return self.token def get_titles(self) -> Titles_T: # Create a list for episodes episodes = [] # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Get each season from series metadata for season in self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['series_metadata'].format(title=self.title)).json()['data']: # Get each episode from season metadata for episode in self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['episode_metadata'].format(season=season['id'])).json()['data']: # Append the available episodes episodes.append(Episode( id_=episode['id'], title=episode['season_title'], season=episode['season_number'], number=math.ceil(episode['sequence_number']), name=episode['title'], year=episode['episode_air_date'][:4], language=episode['audio_locale'], service=self.__class__ )) # Return the series return Series(episodes) def get_tracks(self, title: Title_T) -> Tracks: # Initialize a tracks class object tracks = Tracks() # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Get the originally called title title_metadata = self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['video_token'].format( # Add original MPD original_mpd_tracks = DASH.from_url(url=title_metadata['url'], session=self.session).to_tracks(language=title_metadata['audioLocale']) # Add the GUID for track in original_mpd_tracks:['guid'] = # Add the tracks tracks.add(original_mpd_tracks) # Get all the subtitles for subtitle_lang in title_metadata['subtitles']: tracks.add(Subtitle( language=title_metadata['subtitles'][subtitle_lang]['language'], codec=Subtitle.Codec.from_mime(title_metadata['subtitles'][subtitle_lang]['format']), url=title_metadata['subtitles'][subtitle_lang]['url'] )) # Delete the video token self.delete_video_token(, token=title_metadata['token']) # Get other language MPDs for version in title_metadata['versions']: if version['guid'] != other_title_metadata = self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['video_token'].format(id=version['guid'])).json() # Add other language MPD other_mpd_tracks = DASH.from_url(url=other_title_metadata['url'], session=self.session).to_tracks(language=other_title_metadata['audioLocale']) # Add the GUID for track in other_mpd_tracks:['guid'] = version['guid'] # Add the tracks tracks.add(other_mpd_tracks) # Delete the video token self.delete_video_token(title=version['guid'], token=other_title_metadata['token']) # return the tracks return tracks def get_chapters(self, title: Title_T) -> Chapters: # Initalize a Chapters class object chapters = Chapters() # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Get the chapters metadata try: chapters_metadata = self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['chapters_url'].format( try: if chapters_metadata['intro']: chapters.add(Chapter(timestamp=(chapters_metadata['intro']['start']) * 1000, name=chapters_metadata['intro']['type'].capitalize())) except: pass try: if chapters_metadata['credits']: chapters.add(Chapter(timestamp=(chapters_metadata['credits']['start']) * 1000, name=chapters_metadata['credits']['type'].capitalize())) except: pass try: if chapters_metadata['preview']: chapters.add(Chapter(timestamp=(chapters_metadata['preview']['start']) * 1000, name=chapters_metadata['preview']['type'].capitalize())) except: pass except: pass return chapters def get_widevine_license(self, *, challenge: bytes, title: Title_T, track: AnyTrack) -> Optional[Union[bytes, str]]: # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Get a video token video_token = self.get_video_token(['guid']) # Update the headers self.session.headers.update({ 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream', 'x-cr-content-id': f'{["guid"]}', 'x-cr-video-token': f'{video_token}', }) # Get the license license_response =['endpoints']['license_url'], data=challenge).content.decode() # Delete the video token self.delete_video_token(['guid'], token=video_token) # Get the license return license_response def search(self) -> Generator[SearchResult, None, None]: # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Get the search results search_results = self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['search_url'].format(search_keyword=self.title)).json() # Iterate through series responses, create generator for results. for result_type in search_results['data']: if result_type['type'] == 'series': for series_results in result_type['items']: yield SearchResult( id_=series_results['id'], title=series_results['title'], description=series_results['description'] ) # Define function to retrieve video token for crunchyroll. def get_video_token(self, title: str) -> str: # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Get the token video_token = self.session.get(url=self.config['endpoints']['video_token'].format(id=title)).json()['token'] # Return None. return video_token # Define function to delete video token for crunchyroll. def delete_video_token(self, title: str, token: str) -> None: # Check/Call for authorization bearer token self.authenticate(credential=self.credential) # Delete the token self.session.delete( url=self.config['endpoints']['video_token_delete'].format(title_id=title, video_token=token), ) # Return None. return