forked from TPD94/devine
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230 lines
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import base64
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
from typing import Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import click
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.rule import Rule
from devine.core.cacher import Cacher
from devine.core.config import config
from devine.core.console import console
from devine.core.constants import AnyTrack
from devine.core.credential import Credential
from devine.core.titles import Title_T, Titles_T
from devine.core.tracks import Chapters, Tracks
from devine.core.utilities import get_ip_info
class Service(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""The Service Base Class."""
# Abstract class variables
ALIASES: tuple[str, ...] = () # list of aliases for the service; alternatives to the service tag.
GEOFENCE: tuple[str, ...] = () # list of ip regions required to use the service. empty list == no specific region.
def __init__(self, ctx: click.Context):
Rule(f"[rule.text]Service: {self.__class__.__name__}"),
(1, 2)
self.config = ctx.obj.config
self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self.session = self.get_session()
self.cache = Cacher(self.__class__.__name__)
if not ctx.parent or not ctx.parent.params.get("no_proxy"):
if ctx.parent:
proxy = ctx.parent.params["proxy"]
proxy = None
if not proxy:
# don't override the explicit proxy set by the user, even if they may be geoblocked
with console.status("Checking if current region is Geoblocked...", spinner="dots"):
if self.GEOFENCE:
# no explicit proxy, let's get one to GEOFENCE if needed
current_region = get_ip_info(self.session)["country"].lower()
if any(x.lower() == current_region for x in self.GEOFENCE):"Service is not Geoblocked in your region")
requested_proxy = self.GEOFENCE[0] # first is likely main region"Service is Geoblocked in your region, getting a Proxy to {requested_proxy}")
for proxy_provider in ctx.obj.proxy_providers:
proxy = proxy_provider.get_proxy(requested_proxy)
if proxy:"Got Proxy from {proxy_provider.__class__.__name__}")
else:"Service has no Geofence")
if proxy:
self.session.proxies.update({"all": proxy})
proxy_parse = urlparse(proxy)
if proxy_parse.username and proxy_parse.password:
"Proxy-Authorization": base64.b64encode(
# Optional Abstract functions
# The following functions may be implemented by the Service.
# Otherwise, the base service code (if any) of the function will be executed on call.
# The functions will be executed in shown order.
def get_session() -> requests.Session:
Creates a Python-requests Session, adds common headers
from config, cookies, retry handler, and a proxy if available.
:returns: Prepared Python-requests Session
session = requests.Session()
session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504]
# 16 connections is used for byte-ranged downloads
# double it to allow for 16 non-related connections
pool_maxsize=16 * 2,
session.mount("http://", session.adapters["https://"])
return session
def authenticate(self, cookies: Optional[CookieJar] = None, credential: Optional[Credential] = None) -> None:
Authenticate the Service with Cookies and/or Credentials (Email/Username and Password).
This is effectively a login() function. Any API calls or object initializations
needing to be made, should be made here. This will be run before any of the
following abstract functions.
You should avoid storing or using the Credential outside this function.
Make any calls you need for any Cookies, Tokens, or such, then use those.
The Cookie jar should also not be stored outside this function. However, you may load
the Cookie jar into the service session.
if cookies is not None:
if not isinstance(cookies, CookieJar):
raise TypeError(f"Expected cookies to be a {CookieJar}, not {cookies!r}.")
def get_widevine_service_certificate(self, *, challenge: bytes, title: Title_T, track: AnyTrack) \
-> Union[bytes, str]:
Get the Widevine Service Certificate used for Privacy Mode.
:param challenge: The service challenge, providing this to a License endpoint should return the
privacy certificate that the service uses.
:param title: The current `Title` from get_titles that is being executed. This is provided in
case it has data needed to be used, e.g. for a HTTP request.
:param track: The current `Track` needing decryption. Provided for same reason as `title`.
:return: The Service Privacy Certificate as Bytes or a Base64 string. Don't Base64 Encode or
Decode the data, return as is to reduce unnecessary computations.
def get_widevine_license(self, *, challenge: bytes, title: Title_T, track: AnyTrack) -> Optional[Union[bytes, str]]:
Get a Widevine License message by sending a License Request (challenge).
This License message contains the encrypted Content Decryption Keys and will be
read by the Cdm and decrypted.
This is a very important request to get correct. A bad, unexpected, or missing
value in the request can cause your key to be detected and promptly banned,
revoked, disabled, or downgraded.
:param challenge: The license challenge from the Widevine CDM.
:param title: The current `Title` from get_titles that is being executed. This is provided in
case it has data needed to be used, e.g. for a HTTP request.
:param track: The current `Track` needing decryption. Provided for same reason as `title`.
:return: The License response as Bytes or a Base64 string. Don't Base64 Encode or
Decode the data, return as is to reduce unnecessary computations.
# Required Abstract functions
# The following functions *must* be implemented by the Service.
# The functions will be executed in shown order.
def get_titles(self) -> Titles_T:
Get Titles for the provided title ID.
Return a Movies, Series, or Album objects containing Movie, Episode, or Song title objects respectively.
The returned data must be for the given title ID, or a spawn of the title ID.
At least one object is expected to be returned, or it will presume an invalid Title ID was
You can use the `data` dictionary class instance attribute of each Title to store data you may need later on.
This can be useful to store information on each title that will be required like any sub-asset IDs, or such.
def get_tracks(self, title: Title_T) -> Tracks:
Get Track objects of the Title.
Return a Tracks object, which itself can contain Video, Audio, Subtitle or even Chapters.
Tracks.videos,, Tracks.subtitles, and Track.chapters should be a List of Track objects.
Each Track in the Tracks should represent a Video/Audio Stream/Representation/Adaptation or
a Subtitle file.
While one Track should only hold information for one stream/downloadable, try to get as many
unique Track objects per stream type so Stream selection by the root code can give you more
options in terms of Resolution, Bitrate, Codecs, Language, e.t.c.
No decision making or filtering of which Tracks get returned should happen here. It can be
considered an error to filter for e.g. resolution, codec, and such. All filtering based on
arguments will be done by the root code automatically when needed.
Make sure you correctly mark which Tracks are encrypted or not, and by which DRM System
via its `drm` property.
If you are able to obtain the Track's KID (Key ID) as a 32 char (16 bit) HEX string, provide
it to the Track's `kid` variable as it will speed up the decryption process later on. It may
or may not be needed, that depends on the service. Generally if you can provide it, without
downloading any of the Track's stream data, then do.
:param title: The current `Title` from get_titles that is being executed.
:return: Tracks object containing Video, Audio, Subtitles, and Chapters, if available.
def get_chapters(self, title: Title_T) -> Chapters:
Get Chapters for the Title.
title: The current Title from `get_titles` that is being processed.
You must return a Chapters object containing 0 or more Chapter objects.
You do not need to set a Chapter number or sort/order the chapters in any way as
the Chapters class automatically handles all of that for you. If there's no
descriptive name for a Chapter then do not set a name at all.
You must not set Chapter names to "Chapter {n}" or such. If you (or the user)
wants "Chapter {n}" style Chapter names (or similar) then they can use the config
option `chapter_fallback_name`. For example, `"Chapter {i:02}"` for "Chapter 01".
__all__ = ("Service",)