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Download and extracted TPD-Keys

Working CDM


Obtaining VDOCipher decryption keys.

  1. Go to the title you want to decrypt.

  2. Start playing the content you want to decrypt.

  3. Open web devoloper tools (ctrl+shift+c) and click on the console tab.

  4. Refresh the page and play the content again.

  5. find the URL of the page in your adress bar this can be found using devoloper tools (ctrl+shift+c) and clicking on the network tab, then searching for the top most resutlt when refreshing.

6a) Right click on the oldest (will likely be the top most) result, go down to Copy Value and then slect Copy as cURL (POSIX).

This was done on firefox.

6b) Go to curlconverter.com and paste in what you copied.

6c) Copy to clipboard the output (dicts (cookies, headers)), then open DRMHeaders.py in your TPD-keys directory and paste the newly formatted headers, save and exit.

6d) Navigate to your TPD-keys directory via command prompt / terminal.

  1. Run with python tpd-keys.py.

7b) select option 7 for VDOCipher

  1. Right click the oldest (should me the top most) result again and this time select Copy URL, or copy the URL from your browser bar address, and paste this into your command prompt waiting for Enter the URL:.

  2. You should have an output of all the available keys for content.